630 research outputs found

    Global noise studies for CMS Tracker upgrade

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    7 páginas, 6 figuras.-- Trabajo presentado al "Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics 2010 (TWEPP-10)" celebrado en Alemania.-- Open Access.-- et al.The characterization of the noise emissions of DC-DC converters at system level is critical to optimize the design of the detector and define rules for the integration strategy. This paper presents the impedance effects on the noise emissions of DC-DC converters at system level. Conducted and radiated noise emissions at the input and at the output from DC-DC converters have been simulated for different types of power network and FEE impedances. System aspects as granularity, stray capacitances of the system and different working conditions of the DC-DC converters are presented too. This study has been carried out using simulation models of noise emissions of DC-DC converters in the real scenario. The results of these studies show important recommendations and criteria to be applied to integrate the DC-DC converters and decrease the system noise level.C.R. wants to thank to US DOE, under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515, for the support of this work.Peer reviewe

    Mineralogical and isotopic characterization of graphite deposits from the Anatectic Complex of Toledo, central Spain

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    Graphite is found dispersed in high-grade metapelitic rocks of the Anatectic Complex of Toledo (ACT) and was mined during the mid twentieth century in places where it has been concentrated (Guadamur and la Puebla de Montalbán mines). Some samples from these mines show variable but significant alteration intensity, reaching very low-T hydrothermal (supergene) conditions for some samples from the waste heap of the Guadamur site (<100 °C and 1 kbar). Micro-Raman and XRD data indicate that all the studied ACT graphite is of high crystallinity irrespective of the degree of hydrothermal alteration. Chemical differences were obtained for graphite δ13C composition. ACT granulitic graphite shows δ13CPDB values in the range of −20.5 to −27.8 ‰, indicating a biogenic origin. Interaction of graphite with hydrothermal fluids does not modify isotopic compositions even in the most transformed samples from mining sites. The different isotopic signatures of graphite from the mining sites reflect its contrasted primary carbon source. The high crystallinity of studied graphite makes this area of central Spain suitable for graphitic exploration and its potential exploitation, due to the low carbon content required for its viability and its strategic applications in advanced technologies, such as graphene synthesis.This work is included in the objectives of, and supported by, the CGL2012-32822 project of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain and the 910492-UCM group.Peer reviewe

    Fundamentos del derecho constitucional contemporáneo

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    Fundamentos del derecho constitucional contemporáneo no es un libro de interés exclusivamente para abogados y estudiantes de Derecho. Es también, una obra de cultura general con un importante contenido histórico. Está dividido en tres partes: la primera es sobre la historia del constitucionalismo con sus comienzos en Inglaterra y a partir de allí presenta las diferencias entre el modelo norteamericano y el modelo francés; la segunda, se ocupa de las características que tiene el tipo de constitución que surgió en Europa después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, dentro del cual está inserta con su fuerza normativa la constitución colombiana, y la tercera, del Estado contemporáneo, en donde distingue las diferencias esenciales entre el Estado de Derecho y el Estado social de Derecho, concretándolas en el Estado colombiano. El libro presenta en forma sistemática y coherente una perspectiva del constitucionalismo actual a partir de sus orígenes históricos. De manera clara y didáctica analiza los diferentes temas que tienen que ver con el Estado, la Constitución y la democracia, siempre en relación con la realidad colombiana. Los métodos de interpretación y el rol que juega la Corte Constitucional como máximo intérprete de la constitución son aspectos cruciales de la problemática jurídica colombiana que el autor aborda con especial atención. A lo largo del libro, Iván Vila Casado insiste en destacar que la característica toral de la Constitución de 1991 es su carácter normativo, la eficacia jurídica de todas sus cláusulas, a diferencia de lo que sucedía con la anterior; identifica el concepto moderno de constitución y su interdependencia con la realidad socio política, lo que ha conducido a lo que el autor llama la juridificación del poder político, enmarcado todo ello dentro de lo que se ha dado en llamar el neoconstitucionalismo

    Basic Principles in Microvascular Anastomosis and Free Tissue Transfer

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    Free tissue transfer pursues the best functional and aesthetic results in reconstructive surgery. As these techniques completely maximise the donor tissues’ disposability, these treatments have become a first-line option in many situations. When the donor site is taken form the same patient, these surgeries are often referred to as autotransplants. Free tissue transfer sustains in microvascular anastomosis, which are defined by a vessel lumen diameter inferior to 3 mm. Particular attention to some details is important in these techniques, as, for example, to preclude any damage to the vessel walls or any leakage in the microvascular anastomosis. But the success of these techniques does not only depend on an adequate vascular suture, but also on a constellation of details that must be taken into account. These go from the availability of a trained team, to the ergonomics of the surgeon, through the scrupulous cleanliness of the surgical field

    Metaverso y educación: el caso pionero de Minecraft en el aprendizaje inmersivo digital

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    The metaverse is presented as a possible new technological iteration for the Internet. The generation of virtual universes in which the physical and the digital converge raises the question of how education will be addressed in these new systems. We find, however, pioneering exercises such as Minecraft: Education Edition. This platform is a version based on the popular sandbox video game, which was originally created by a community of teachers. The aim of this research is to analyze and describe the idiosyncratic characteristics of Minecraft as an educational platform, framing it as one of the pioneering exercises in the metaverse. To this end, we have employed a methodology that combines Multimodal Discourse Analysis with Grounded Theory and the Constant Comparative Method. As conclusions, we observe how the Minecraft Education platform reinforces from its approach pre-existing aspects from the physical world, resizing them to adapt them to its connected digital environment. These are key elements such as the identity of the participants, their ability to act within the system, creativity through lessons as a guide to the educational objectives and the community as the backbone of the process. At the same time, it presents differential components, such as the use of avatars, the transition from textual literacy to multimodal literacy, game mechanics that boost creativity or transhuman capabilities that defy physical space-time. All in all, the platform is designed for teachers, parents and managers, to whom it offers a series of benefits. Therefore, the pedagogical action will depend on their judgment and execution, especially through the elaboration of lessons and worlds, the management of the sessions and their interaction in community environments. It is their responsibility to ensure that the educational experience is truly empowering or, on the contrary, that it ends up being governed by reproductive criteria linked to symbolic violence.El metaverso se presenta como una posible nueva iteración tecnológica para Internet. La generación de universos virtuales en los que convergen lo físico y lo digital pone sobre la mesa la cuestión de cómo se afrontará la educación en estos nuevos sistemas. Encontramos, no obstante, ejercicios pioneros como Minecraft: Education Edition. Esta plataforma es una versión basada en el popular videojuego sandbox, que fue creada originalmente por una comunidad de profesores. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y describir las características idiosincráticas de Minecraft como plataforma educativa, enmarcándola como uno de los ejercicios pioneros en el metaverso. Para ello, se ha empleado una metodología que combina el Análisis del Discurso Multimodal con la Grounded Theory y el Constant Comparative Method. Como conclusiones, se determina que la plataforma Minecraft Education refuerza desde su planteamiento cuestiones pre-existentes en el mundo físico, redimensionándolas para adaptarlas a su entorno digital conectado. Son claves como la identidad de los participantes, la agencia, la creatividad, con las lecciones como guía de los objetivos educativos, y la comunidad como vertebradora del proceso. Al mismo tiempo, presenta componentes diferenciales digitales, como el uso de avatares, la transición de la lectoescritura textual a la alfabetización en entornos multimodales, las mecánicas que impulsan la creatividad o las capacidades transhumanas que desafían el espacio-tiempo físico. Con todo, la plataforma está diseñada para profesores, padres y gestores, a los que ofrece una serie de prebendas. Por tanto, la acción pedagógica dependerá de su criterio y ejecución, especialmente a través de la elaboración de lecciones y mundos, la gestión de las sesiones, y la interacción en los entornos comunitarios. Queda bajo su responsabilidad que la experiencia educativa sea verdaderamente empoderadora o, por el contrario, esta se acabe rigiendo por criterios reproductivos y vinculados a la violencia simbólica.Research financed through the Margarita Salas Grant from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain and the Next Generation EU program. This work is endorsed by the I+D+i project (2019-2021), entitled “Youtubers and instagramers: Media competence in emerging prosumers” with code RTI2018-093303-B-I00, financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and for the I+D+i project (2020-2022), entitled “Instagramers and youtubers for the transmedia empowerment of Andalusian citizens. The media competence of the instatubers”, with code P18-RT-756, financed by the Junta de Andalucía, in the 2018 call (Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan, 2020) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This work has been partially funded by the grant CIPROM/2021/17 of the Prometeo program of the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana

    Metaverse and education: the pioneering case of Minecraft in immersive digital learning

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    The metaverse is presented as a possible new technological iteration for the Internet. The generation of virtual universes in which the physical and the digital converge raises the question of how education will be addressed in these new systems. We find, however, pioneering exercises such as Minecraft: Education Edition. This platform is a version based on the popular sandbox video game, which was originally created by a community of teachers. The aim of this research is to analyze and describe the idiosyncratic characteristics of Minecraft as an educational platform, framing it as one of the pioneering exercises in the metaverse. To this end, we have employed a methodology that combines Multimodal Discourse Analysis with Grounded Theory and the Constant Comparative Method. As conclusions, we observe how the Minecraft Education platform reinforces from its approach pre-existing aspects from the physical world, resizing them to adapt them to its connected digital environment. These are key elements such as the identity of the participants, their ability to act within the system, creativity through lessons as a guide to the educational objectives and the community as the backbone of the process. At the same time, it presents differential components, such as the use of avatars, the transition from textual literacy to multimodal literacy, game mechanics that boost creativity or transhuman capabilities that defy physical space-time. All in all, the platform is designed for teachers, parents and managers, to whom it offers a series of benefits. Therefore, the pedagogical action will depend on their judgment and execution, especially through the elaboration of lessons and worlds, the management of the sessions and their interaction in community environments. It is their responsibility to ensure that the educational experience is truly empowering or, on the contrary, that it ends up being governed by reproductive criteria linked to symbolic violence

    A survey on the use of mice, pigs, dogs and monkeys as animal models in biomedical research in Spain

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    [EN] Background The use of animals in biomedical science remains controversial. An individual's level of concern is generally influenced by their culture, previous or current experience with animals, and the specific animal species in question. In this study we aimed to explore what people in Spain who had never or who no longer worked with laboratory animals thought of the use of mice, pigs, dogs and monkeys for biomedical research purposes. We also aimed to determine whether or not people currently involved in biomedical research with the aforementioned species felt their work was justified. Results The study comprised a total of 807 participants (never worked = 285, used to work = 56, currently working = 466), almost two thirds of whom were women. Our results revealed that the phylogenetic scale is an important factor in people's opinions of the use of certain species in research. The percentage of people who were against the use of dogs or monkeys was higher than that of those who were against the use of mice or pigs. The main reasons given for having stopped working with laboratory animals were change of professional career and change in research project. Participants who were currently working with animals believed that their work was justified, but said they did not talk about it with people outside their immediate social circle. Conclusions Our findings suggest that there is a difference in moral status between monkeys and mice, as well as between companion animals (dogs) and farm animals (pigs). Our results support the idea that working with laboratory animals is a sensitive issue in Spain.The research of G.A. is supported by Grants from University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU)-Psicobiologia PPGI19/14

    Working with laboratory rodents in Spain: a survey on welfare and wellbeing

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    [EN] Background: Replacement, reduction and refinement, the 3R principles, provide a framework to minimize the use and suffering of animals in science. In this context, we aimed to determine the actual perception that individuals working with laboratory rodents in biomedical research have on animal welfare and on their interaction with the animals, as well as how they perceive its impact on their social relations. To this end, we designed an anonymous on-line survey for people working with rodents, at three responsibility levels, in Spain. Results: Of the 356 participants, 239 were women (67 %); 263 were researchers (74%), and 93 animal facility staff (26%), of which 55 were caretakers/technicians (15 %), and 38 welfare officer/veterinarians (11 %). Animal facility staff indicated environmental enrichment to be a universal practice. About half of the participants reported that, in their opinion, animals suffer “little to none” or “minor” stress and pain. Animal caretakers/technicians and researchers perceived higher levels of stress and pain than welfare officers/veterinarians. Participants judged decapitation the most unpleasant method to kill rodents, whereas anaesthetic overdose was the least one. A sizable proportion − 21% of animal caretakers/technicians and 11.4% of researchers - stated that they were never given the choice not to euthanize the rodents they work with. Overall, women reported higher interactions with animals than men. Nevertheless, we could detect a significant correlation between time spent with the animals and interaction scores. Notably, 80% of animal facility staff and 92% of researchers rarely talked about their work with laboratory rodents with people outside their inner social circle. Conclusions: Overall, the participants showed high awareness and sensitivity to rodent wellbeing; animal facility staff reported a similar perception on welfare questions, independently of their category, while researchers, who spent less time with the animals, showed less awareness and manifested lower human-animal interaction and less social support. Regarding the perception on social acceptance of laboratory animal work, all groups were cautious and rarely talked about their job, suggesting that it is considered a sensitive issue in Spain.The research of G.A. is supported by grants from University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU) - Psicobiologia PPGI19/14 and GIU18/103

    Metaverso y educación: el caso pionero de Minecraft en el aprendizaje inmersivo digital

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    The metaverse is presented as a possible new technological iteration for the Internet. The generation of virtual universes in which the physical and the digital converge raises the question of how education will be addressed in these new systems. We find, however, pioneering exercises such as Minecraft: Education Edition. This platform is a version based on the popular sandbox video game, which was originally created by a community of teachers. The aim of this research is to analyze and describe the idiosyncratic characteristics of Minecraft as an educational platform, framing it as one of the pioneering exercises in the metaverse. To this end, we have employed a methodology that combines Multimodal Discourse Analysis with Grounded Theory and the Constant Comparative Method. As conclusions, we observe how the Minecraft Education platform reinforces from its approach pre-existing aspects from the physical world, resizing them to adapt them to its connected digital environment. These are key elements such as the identity of the participants, their ability to act within the system, creativity through lessons as a guide to the educational objectives and the community as the backbone of the process. At the same time, it presents differential components, such as the use of avatars, the transition from textual literacy to multimodal literacy, game mechanics that boost creativity or transhuman capabilities that defy physical space-time. All in all, the platform is designed for teachers, parents and managers, to whom it offers a series of benefits. Therefore, the pedagogical action will depend on their judgment and execution, especially through the elaboration of lessons and worlds, the management of the sessions and their interaction in community environments. It is their responsibility to ensure that the educational experience is truly empowering or, on the contrary, that it ends up being governed by reproductive criteria linked to symbolic violence.El metaverso se presenta como una posible nueva iteración tecnológica para Internet. La generación de universos virtuales en los que convergen lo físico y lo digital pone sobre la mesa la cuestión de cómo se afrontará la educación en estos nuevos sistemas. Encontramos, no obstante, ejercicios pioneros como Minecraft: Education Edition. Esta plataforma es una versión basada en el popular videojuego sandbox, que fue creada originalmente por una comunidad de profesores. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y describir las características idiosincráticas de Minecraft como plataforma educativa, enmarcándola como uno de los ejercicios pioneros en el metaverso. Para ello, se ha empleado una metodología que combina el Análisis del Discurso Multimodal con la Grounded Theory y el Constant Comparative Method. Como conclusiones, se determina que la plataforma Minecraft Education refuerza desde su planteamiento cuestiones pre-existentes en el mundo físico, redimensionándolas para adaptarlas a su entorno digital conectado. Son claves como la identidad de los participantes, la agencia, la creatividad, con las lecciones como guía de los objetivos educativos, y la comunidad como vertebradora del proceso. Al mismo tiempo, presenta componentes diferenciales digitales, como el uso de avatares, la transición de la lectoescritura textual a la alfabetización en entornos multimodales, las mecánicas que impulsan la creatividad o las capacidades transhumanas que desafían el espacio-tiempo físico. Con todo, la plataforma está diseñada para profesores, padres y gestores, a los que ofrece una serie de prebendas. Por tanto, la acción pedagógica dependerá de su criterio y ejecución, especialmente a través de la elaboración de lecciones y mundos, la gestión de las sesiones, y la interacción en los entornos comunitarios. Queda bajo su responsabilidad que la experiencia educativa sea verdaderamente empoderadora o, por el contrario, esta se acabe rigiendo por criterios reproductivos y vinculados a la violencia simbólica.Research financed through the Margarita Salas Grant from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain and the Next Generation EU program. This work is endorsed by the I+D+i project (2019-2021), entitled “Youtubers and instagramers: Media competence in emerging prosumers” with code RTI2018-093303-B-I00, financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and for the I+D+i project (2020-2022), entitled “Instagramers and youtubers for the transmedia empowerment of Andalusian citizens. The media competence of the instatubers”, with code P18-RT-756, financed by the Junta de Andalucía, in the 2018 call (Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan, 2020) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This work has been partially funded by the grant CIPROM/2021/17 of the Prometeo program of the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana