85 research outputs found


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    O Centro-Oeste é dominado pelo bioma Cerrado, no qual possui diversas espécies frutíferas nativas, dentre elas, a cagaiteira. A cagaiteira cujo fruto é a cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica DC.) pertence à família das Mirtáceas, seus frutos são ligeiramente ácidos de cor amarelo-clara. Na maioria dos vegetais, os compostos fenólicos constituem os antioxidantes mais abundantes1, desempenhando papel importante nos processos de inibição do risco das doenças cardiovasculares e atuando sobre o estresse oxidativo2. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar o teor de compostos fenólicos presentes na cagaita, através dos extratos etéreo, etanólico e aquoso. Os frutos foram coletados no município de Abadia-GO, e as análises foram realizadas na Faculdade de Farmácia/UFG. O teor de compostos fenólicos, nos três extratos foram determinados em espectrofotômetro, a 750 nm, utilizando o reagente Folin-Ciocalteau, segundo Waterhouse (2002). A quantificação foi baseada no estabelecimento da curva padrão de ácido gálico (EAG), na faixa de 5 a 50 mg.L-1. Os resultados foram expressos em mg de (EAG)/100g de amostra. Nos três extratos foram avaliados os teores de compostos fenólicos na cagaita verde (colhida 10 dias após antese) e na cagaita madura (37 dias após antese). No extrato étereo a quantidade de compostos fenólicos aumentou 11,398 mg de (EAG)/100g de amostra do fruto verde para o maduro. Já nos extratos etanólico e aquoso, os compostos fenólicos tiveram redução de 17,934 e 14,204 mg de (EAG)/100g de amostra, porém o extrato etanólico extraiu a maior quantidade de compostos fenólicos, 382,178 mg de (EAG)/100g de amostra. Conclui-se que a cagaita apresenta satisfatória quantidade de compostos fenólicos quando o fruto ainda está verde, visto que o extrato etanólico extraiu maior quantidade deste composto com o fruto colhido com 10 dias


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    Introdução e objetivos: Eugenia dysenterica DC. (Myrtaceae), popularmente conhecida como cagaita, é uma frutífera nativa do cerrado. Seus frutos podem ser consumidos in natura ou processados. A polpa de cagaita apresenta elevada concentração de ácidos linoleico e linolênico, vitamina C e compostos antioxidantes. Os métodos in vitro de avaliação da capacidade antioxidante tornaram-se importante ferramenta pela crescente busca por novos antioxidantes naturais, com aplicação nas indústrias de alimentos, cosméticos, farmacêuticase na prática clínica¹. Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar a atividade antioxidante in vitro do fruto de cagaita madura por meio de três diferentes extratos: aquoso, etéreo e etanólico. Metodologia: A atividade antioxidante foi determinada pelo método do DPPH (2,2 difenil-1-picrilhidrazil), segundo Brand-Williamset al. (1995)² com modificações de Borguini (2006)³. A leitura foi realizada no comprimento de onda à 517 nm e os resultados foram expressos em % de descoloração do DPPH. Resultados e discussão: O processo de extração, utilizando solventes com diferentes polaridades, possibilitou a extração de substâncias antioxidantes em quantidades variadas. Observou-se que o extrato aquoso exibiu maior potencial de antioxidante, com valor médio de 27,07±0,73% de descoloração do DPPH, quando comparados aos extratos etéreo (23,43±0,87) e etanólico (14,75±2,73). Segundo Pellegrini et al. (2007)4 e Melo et al. (2008)5, a solubilidade, em determinado solvente, é característica peculiar do fitoquímico, o que justifica a inexistência de um procedimento universal de extração em função da diversidade estrutural e sensibilidade dos compostos antioxidantes às condições de extração. Conclusão: Por meio dos resultados apresentados, pode-se concluir que a cagaita madura possui substâncias com capacidade antioxidante eficaz como fruto do cerrado e maior extração no extrato aquoso


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    Introdução e objetivos: A mangabeira pertence à família Apocynaceae, gênero Hancornia e à espécie Hancornia speciosa. Seu fruto apresenta ótimo aroma e sabor, destacando-se pelos elevados teores de compostos com propriedades antioxidantes. Antioxidantes podem ser definidos como substâncias que em baixas concentrações, quando comparados a um substrato oxidável, atrasam ou inibem a oxidação desse substrato de maneira eficaz (2). Assim, objetivou-se realizar a determinação da atividade antioxidante in vitro da polpa in natura de mangaba. Metodologia: A atividade antioxidante in vitro foi determinada utilizando-se o radical DPPH (2,2-difenil-1- picril-hidrazil), seguindo a metodologia proposta por (1) modificado por (5) sendo a leitura da absorbância realizada a 515nm, após incubação por 30 minutos. Resultados e discussões: A análise da atividade antioxidante in vitro da polpa in natura de mangaba revelou um teor de EC50 de 2067,38 g/g de DPPH ± 73,28, demonstrando alta atividade antioxidante, o que segundo Lima3, pode ser influenciado pela ação sinérgica entre os constituintes de diferentes frações, sendo os compostos fenólicos e a vitamina C, os componentes mais importantes. Ainda segundo (4), avaliando a atividade antioxidante de sete frutos, incluindo a mangaba, pelo método do DPPH, observou que a mangaba ocupou o terceiro lugar com valores superior ao encontrado neste trabalho, apresentando menor atividade somente do que o caju-amarelo e a acerola, essas diferenças podem ser decorrentes das condições edafoclimáticas dos frutos. Conclusões: O potencial antioxidante in vitro da polpa in natura de mangaba demonstrou-se elevado, confirmando a importância do consumo de frutas frescas, não somente pelas características sensoriais agradáveis, mas também, por serem fontes de compostos bioativos importantes à dieta

    Clathrin- and Dynamin-Independent Endocytosis of FGFR3 – Implications for Signalling

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    Endocytosis of tyrosine kinase receptors can influence both the duration and the specificity of the signal emitted. We have investigated the mechanisms of internalization of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) and compared it to that of FGFR1 which is internalized predominantly through clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Interestingly, we observed that FGFR3 was internalized at a slower rate than FGFR1 indicating that it may use a different endocytic mechanism than FGFR1. Indeed, after depletion of cells for clathrin, internalization of FGFR3 was only partly inhibited while endocytosis of FGFR1 was almost completely abolished. Similarly, expression of dominant negative mutants of dynamin resulted in partial inhibition of the endocytosis of FGFR3 whereas internalization of FGFR1 was blocked. Interfering with proposed regulators of clathrin-independent endocytosis such as Arf6, flotillin 1 and 2 and Cdc42 did not affect the endocytosis of FGFR1 or FGFR3. Furthermore, depletion of clathrin decreased the degradation of FGFR1 resulting in sustained signalling. In the case of FGFR3, both the degradation and the signalling were only slightly affected by clathrin depletion. The data indicate that clathrin-mediated endocytosis is required for efficient internalization and downregulation of FGFR1 while FGFR3, however, is internalized by both clathrin-dependent and clathrin-independent mechanisms

    Post‐diagnosis dietary factors, supplement use and colorectal cancer prognosis: A Global Cancer Update Programme ( CUP Global) systematic literature review and meta‐analysis

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    The role of diet in colorectal cancer prognosis is not well understood and specific lifestyle recommendations are lacking. We searched for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and longitudinal observational studies on post‐diagnosis dietary factors, supplement use and colorectal cancer survival outcomes in PubMed and Embase from inception until 28th February 2022. Random‐effects dose–response meta‐analyses were conducted when at least three studies had sufficient information. The evidence was interpreted and graded by the CUP Global independent Expert Committee on Cancer Survivorship and Expert Panel. Five RCTs and 35 observational studies were included (30,242 cases, over 8700 all‐cause and 2100 colorectal cancer deaths, 3700 progression, recurrence, or disease‐free events). Meta‐analyses, including 3–10 observational studies each, were conducted for: whole grains, nuts/peanuts, red and processed meat, dairy products, sugary drinks, artificially sweetened beverages, coffee, alcohol, dietary glycaemic load/index, insulin load/index, marine omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, supplemental calcium, circulating 25‐hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) and all‐cause mortality; for alcohol, supplemental calcium, circulating 25(OH)D and colorectal cancer‐specific mortality; and for circulating 25(OH)D and recurrence/disease‐free survival. The overall evidence was graded as ‘limited’. The inverse associations between healthy dietary and/or lifestyle patterns (including diets that comprised plant‐based foods), whole grains, total, caffeinated, or decaffeinated coffee and all‐cause mortality and the positive associations between unhealthy dietary patterns, sugary drinks and all‐cause mortality provided ‘limited—suggestive’ evidence. All other exposure‐outcome associations provided ‘limited—no conclusion’ evidence. Additional, well‐conducted cohort studies and carefully designed RCTs are needed to develop specific lifestyle recommendations for colorectal cancer survivors

    Post-diagnosis physical activity and sedentary behaviour and colorectal cancer prognosis: A Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global) systematic literature review and meta-analysis

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    Low physical activity and high sedentary behaviour have been clearly linked with colorectal cancer development, yet data on their potential role in colorectal cancer survival is limited. Better characterisation of these relationships is needed for the development of post-diagnosis physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidance for colorectal cancer survivors. We searched PubMed and Embase through 28 February 2022 for studies assessing post-diagnosis physical activity, and/or sedentary behaviour in relation to all-cause and cause-specific mortality and recurrence after colorectal cancer diagnosis. Total and recreational physical activity were assessed overall and by frequency, duration, intensity, and volume using categorical, linear, and non-linear dose-response random-effects meta-analyses. The Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global) independent Expert Committee on Cancer Survivorship and Expert Panel interpreted and graded the likelihood of causality. We identified 16 observational studies on 82,220 non-overlapping patients from six countries. Physical activity was consistently inversely associated with colorectal cancer morbidity and mortality outcomes, with 13%-60% estimated reductions in risk. Sedentary behaviour was positively associated with all-cause mortality. The evidence had methodological limitations including potential confounding, selection bias and reverse causation, coupled with a limited number of studies for most associations. The CUP Global Expert panel concluded limited-suggestive evidence for recreational physical activity with all-cause mortality and cancer recurrence. Total physical activity and its specific domains and dimensions, and sedentary behaviour were all graded as limited-no conclusion for all outcomes. Future research should focus on randomised trials, while observational studies should obtain objective and repeated physical activity measures and better adjustment for confounders

    Post-diagnosis adiposity and colorectal cancer prognosis: A Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global) systematic literature review and meta-analysis

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    The adiposity influence on colorectal cancer prognosis remains poorly characterised. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis on post-diagnosis adiposity measures (body mass index [BMI], waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, weight) or their changes and colorectal cancer outcomes. PubMed and Embase were searched through 28 February 2022. Random-effects meta-analyses were conducted when at least three studies had sufficient information. The quality of evidence was interpreted and graded by the Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global) independent Expert Committee on Cancer Survivorship and Expert Panel. We reviewed 124 observational studies (85 publications). Meta-analyses were possible for BMI and all-cause mortality, colorectal cancer-specific mortality, and cancer recurrence/disease-free survival. Non-linear meta-analysis indicated a reverse J-shaped association between BMI and colorectal cancer outcomes (nadir at BMI 28 kg/m 2). The highest risk, relative to the nadir, was observed at both ends of the BMI distribution (18 and 38 kg/m 2), namely 60% and 23% higher risk for all-cause mortality; 95% and 26% for colorectal cancer-specific mortality; and 37% and 24% for cancer recurrence/disease-free survival, respectively. The higher risk with low BMI was attenuated in secondary analyses of RCTs (compared to cohort studies), among studies with longer follow-up, and in women suggesting potential methodological limitations and/or altered physiological state. Descriptively synthesised studies on other adiposity-outcome associations of interest were limited in number and methodological quality. All the associations were graded as limited (likelihood of causality: no conclusion) due to potential methodological limitations (reverse causation, confounding, selection bias). Additional well-designed observational studies and interventional trials are needed to provide further clarification

    Malaria vector research and control in Haiti: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Haiti has a set a target of eliminating malaria by 2020. However, information on malaria vector research in Haiti is not well known. This paper presents results from a systematic review of the literature on malaria vector research, bionomics and control in Haiti. METHODS: A systematic search of literature published in French, Spanish and English languages was conducted in 2015 using Pubmed (MEDLINE), Google Scholar, EMBASE, JSTOR WHOLIS and Web of Science databases as well other grey literature sources such as USAID, and PAHO. The following search terms were used: malaria, Haiti, Anopheles, and vector control. RESULTS: A total of 132 references were identified with 40 high quality references deemed relevant and included in this review. Six references dealt with mosquito distribution, seven with larval mosquito ecology, 16 with adult mosquito ecology, three with entomological indicators of malaria transmission, eight with insecticide resistance, one with sero-epidemiology and 16 with vector control. In the last 15 years (2000–2015), there have only been four published papers and three-scientific meeting abstracts on entomology for malaria in Haiti. Overall, the general literature on malaria vector research in Haiti is limited and dated. DISCUSSION: Entomological information generated from past studies in Haiti will contribute to the development of strategies to achieve malaria elimination on Hispaniola. However it is of paramount importance that malaria vector research in Haiti is updated to inform decision-making for vector control strategies in support of malaria elimination