739 research outputs found

    A utilização dos jogos e dos materiais manipuláveis estruturados enquanto promotores do sucesso na aprendizagem da Matemática, na Educação Pré-Escolar e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 28 de Abril de 2017, Universidade dos Açores.O presente relatório de estágio, inserido no Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB), tem como tema integrador “A utilização dos jogos e dos Materiais Manipuláveis Estruturados enquanto promotores do sucesso na aprendizagem da Matemática, na Educação Pré-Escolar e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico”. Neste relatório apresentamos um enquadramento teórico que sustenta o tema escolhido, tomando-se em consideração diversos autores e os documentos curriculares da Educação Pré-Escolar e do 1.º CEB. Nestes documentos defende-se que a prática pedagógica do docente deve privilegiar a utilização de recursos pedagógicos que favoreçam o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Tendo em consideração a perspetiva anterior, foram criadas e dinamizadas um conjunto de atividades diversificadas no contexto dos Estágios Pedagógicos I e II, desenvolvidos, respetivamente, na Educação Pré-Escolar e no Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. As tarefas produzidas tiveram em consideração o tema deste relatório e são descritas de forma crítica e reflexiva, constatando-se que, de um modo global, as estratégias pedagógicas desenvolvidas foram promotoras de aprendizagens significativas para os alunos, captando a sua atenção pelo ensino. Realizámos também uma investigação com o intuito de conhecer a opinião que os docentes e encarregados de educação da Educação Pré-Escolar e do Ensino do 1.º CEB têm sobre a utilização dos jogos e dos Materiais Manipuláveis Estruturados (M.M.E.) no ensino aprendizagem da Matemática. O estudo foi realizado com um conjunto de 62 pessoas (51 encarregados de Educação e 11 docentes), averiguando-se que todos os docentes inquiridos consideraram que tanto os jogos como os M.M.E. contribuem para o sucesso escolar, justificando que estes estimulam/facilitam os processos de aprendizagem e permitem a aquisição de aprendizagens/competências de forma lúdica. No que diz respeito aos encarregados de educação, 88,2% mencionaram que os jogos contribuem para o sucesso escolar e 52,9% referiram que os M.M.E. são benéficos para o processo de ensino aprendizagem, argumentando que estes suportes pedagógicos exercitam a memória, o raciocínio, a concentração e/ou a comunicação do seu educando.ABSTRACT: This internship report, introduced in the Pre School and Primary Schools Education Master’s degree has as theme “The use of games and Structured Manipulative Materials as promoters of the success in learning Maths in Pre School and Primary School.” This report presents a theoretical structure which supports the chosen theme, taking into account several authors and the curricular documents related to Pre School and Primary School Education. These documents say that the teacher’s pedagogic practices should favour the use of pedagogical resources that help the teaching and learning process. Considering the previous perspective, several diversified activities were created and put to practices inserted in the Internship I and II and developed in the Pre School and Primary School Education. The developed tasks were related to the theme of the present report and are described in a reflective and critical way. In a global manner the pedagogical strategies that were developed promoted significant student learning captivating their attention. An investigation was also carried out with the purpose of gathering the teachers and the parents’ opinion about the use of games and Structured Manipulative Materials in the teaching of Maths. The survey was carried out with 62 people (51 parents and 11 teachers) and all the teachers considered that not only the games, but also the Structured Manipulative Materials contribute to the success in school and they say that stimulates and facilitates the teaching process and allows for the acquisition of skills and learning in a recreational way. Concerning the parents, 88,2% mentioned that the games contribute to the learning success and 52,9% mentioned that the Structured Manipulative Materials benefit the teaching process and referred that these pedagogical aids help exercising memory, thinking, concentration and/or the communication with their children

    From Digital Natives to Zoom Graduates? Student Experiences with Distance Learning during Lockdown in Portugal

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    Public health measures adopted due to the COVID-19 pandemic made emergency remote learning the designated higher education delivery model under lockdowns, causing several transformations in the sector. Based on an online survey of 1009 students aged between 16 and 24 years old during 2021, this article examines the perceptions and experiences of distance education of a cohort dealing with the second lockdown in Portugal. It explores how young people perceived their student lives during the lockdown. More specifically, the study focuses on higher education experience, from learning conditions to pedagogical quality; expectations regarding academic life; and main concerns about academic (and professional) futures due to the lockdown’s effects. The results show that while some students adapted well to remote teaching, stressing its advantages in terms of time management and convenience, the majority disliked it because they had greater difficulty in following classes, not due to material and technical limitations, but rather for lack of socialisation and peer support. We discuss the value of a hidden curriculum for student engagementinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    o dilema da necessidade (ou não) da sua revelação

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    The market for "third-party funding" ("TPF") - or the financing of disputes by third parties - is now increasingly evident in the field of international arbitration, in light of the excessive cost associated with the use of this alternative dispute resolution mechanism. In this scenario where parties intending to resort to international arbitration are constrained by the high costs they will have to bear, along with the inevitable characterization as a profit-making tool for funders, TPF may also be conceived as a mechanism to promote access to justice. However, the arbitral tribunal and the counterparty’s state of as to the existence of a TPF agreement may raise a number of issues of significant importance regarding the arbitral proceedings, notably as to the arbitrators’ impartiality and as to the need for ordering security for costs. The expansion of the TPF phenomenon in the international arena and the widespread recognition of the adversities that may result from the non-disclosure of a financing agreement of this nature provide the proper outlook for the controversial debate on whether a duty of disclosure of resource to TPF, to the arbitral tribunal and the counterparty, should be implemented. The answer to the question raised naturally requires a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages associated with a possible duty to disclose TPF agreements in international arbitration. The reflection on the need for a duty of disclosure of this nature will not be limited, in this Dissertation, to its pros and cons. Alongside with this comparative analysis, it is essential to consider the extent that the possible duty of disclosure should assume, how this duty may be implemented, and the current rules already implemented in this area.O mercado para o fenómeno do “third-party funding” (“TPF”) – ou do financiamento de litígios por terceiros –, assume, atualmente, uma expressão cada vez mais evidente no domínio da arbitragem internacional, à luz da excessiva onerosidade associada ao recurso a este mecanismo de resolução alternativa de litígios. Num cenário em que as partes que tencionam recorrer à arbitragem internacional se encontram constrangidas pelos elevados custos que terão de suportar, a par da inevitável caracterização como um instrumento de obtenção de lucro por parte das entidades financiadoras (“funders”), o TPF pode, igualmente, ser concebido como um mecanismo destinado a promover o acesso à justiça. Contudo, o estado de obscurantismo do tribunal arbitral e da contraparte quanto à existência de um contrato de TPF pode suscitar variadas questões de significativa importância no processo arbitral, mormente, quanto à imparcialidade dos árbitros e quanto à necessidade de prestação de uma caução para custos (ou “security for costs”). A expansão do fenómeno de TPF no cenário internacional e o generalizado reconhecimento das adversidades que poderão resultar da ausência de revelação de um acordo de financiamento desta natureza propiciam o panorama adequado ao controvertido debate sobre a necessidade, ou não, de implementação de um dever de revelação do recurso ao TPF, ao tribunal arbitral e à contraparte. A resposta à questão formulada impõe, naturalmente, uma análise comparativa das vantagens e das desvantagens associadas a um eventual dever de revelação dos acordos de TPF na arbitragem internacional. A reflexão sobre a necessidade de um dever de revelação desta natureza não se circunscreverá, na presente Dissertação, aos seus prós e contras. Afigura-se impreterível, a par com esta análise comparativa, a ponderação da extensão que o eventual dever de revelação deve assumir, o modo como este dever poderá ser implementado e uma apreciação das atuais regras já implementadas neste domínio

    The evaluation of municipal tourist tax awareness: the case of the city of Porto

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    Purpose – Evaluation of the municipal tourist tax awareness by tourists visiting the city of Porto, in order to test their knowledge and assessment about it and estimate the consequences on the city’s level of competitiveness, as a tourism destination. Design – This paper integrates the main literature review by using microdata, considering 2.139 answers, which were collected through direct interviews to tourists. Methodology – We use a logit and a generalized linear models. Findings – A little more than half of the tourists have already been aware of the tourist tax, depending on their sociodemographic characteristics, and almost 70,7% classifies the tax as “acceptable”. Two key variables stand out: level of education and nationality of the tourist. The tax is competitive and to guarantee the destination attractiveness it is highlighted that, if the revenue is invested to benefit tourism, providing improved quality services, the demand from the tourists whose profile was already identified, will not possibly be affected. Originality of the research – This study fulfils two gaps: i) the evaluation of the tourists’ awareness regarding the tax application and its assessment, according to their sociodemographic characteristics; and ii) the analysis of the destination’s level of competitiveness.B913-0565-0908 | Elvira Vieirainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Purpose – Evaluation of the municipal tourist tax awareness by tourists visiting the city of Porto, in order to test their knowledge and assessment about it and estimate the consequences on the city’s level of competitiveness, as a tourism destination. Design – This paper integrates the main literature review by using microdata, considering 2.139 answers, which were collected through direct interviews to tourists. Methodology – We use a logit and a generalized linear models. Findings – A little more than half of the tourists have already been aware of the tourist tax, depending on their sociodemographic characteristics, and almost 70,7% classifies the tax as “acceptable”. Two key variables stand out: level of education and nationality of the tourist. The tax is competitive and to guarantee the destination attractiveness it is highlighted that, if the revenue is invested to benefit tourism, providing improved quality services, the demand from the tourists whose profile was already identified, will not possibly be affected. Originality of the research – This study fulfils two gaps: i) the evaluation of the tourists’ awareness regarding the tax application and its assessment, according to their sociodemographic characteristics; and ii) the analysis of the destination’s level of competitiveness

    Including and excluding. Schools’ reputations: students, families and choices

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    Schools are key institutions in shaping inclusion and exclusion processes impacting on individual identity and social mobility. If the promise of widening participation in education has brought educational opportunities for almost all, it is not true that those educational opportunities are the same. Increasingly, the quality of education matters more as a mark of distinction, and choosing a school that brings success has replaced the quest for access in the new educational markets. Attending a certain school can lead to good grades, instil appropriate values, allow entrance to or maintenance of desired social circles and foster life projects envisioned by many families. School choice (and, in particular, upper secondary school choice) is a decision based on several factors. Rational criteria, such as geographical proximity and affordability, are certainly weighty family concerns. Subjective aspects, however, such as school leadership, safety and tailored educational projects, also carry increasing value among families of all backgrounds. While choosing a school is currently a decision more in the hands of families, given the Portuguese demographic downturn and the excessive school supply, policies driven by territorialisation and evaluation have led schools to target specific audiences and to develop distinctive profiles that help parents recognise a school as a perfect match.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O perfil do enoturista da Quinta da Gaivosa

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    Orientação: Jorge Remondes de Sousa, António Pedro CostaO enoturismo adquiriu uma importância crescente para as regiões vitivinícolas de todo o mundo, enquanto setor turístico que promove o crescimento local e regional. Contudo, o enoturismo ainda não está claramente desenvolvido e uma das causas apontadas consiste na falta de investigação sobre o comportamento e características do visitante da quinta vinícola. A presente investigação tem como principais objetivos a determinação do perfil sociodemográfico e psicográfico, bem o levantamento das motivações dos visitantes que se deslocam à Quinta da Gaivosa, uma quinta inserida na Região Demarcada do Douro. Para alcançar os objetivos indicados, construiu-se um instrumento de recolha de dados, tendo em vista a obtenção de dados sociodemográficos sobre enoturista, bem como os seus hábitos, comportamentos, preferências, motivações, satisfação e comportamento futuro. O questionário realizado foi aplicado aos turistas que se deslocavam à Quinta da Gaivosa, tendo sido obtida uma amostra de 75 respondentes, através do procedimento de amostragem não probabilística por conveniência. Deste modo os resultados deste estudo só se aplicam a esta amostra, não sendo possível generalizar este estudo para além da amostra em questão. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que os enoturistas são maioritamente do sexo masculino, residentes em Portugal, com uma faixa de idade intermédia, trabalhadores por conta de outrem, com elevados rendimentos mensais, bem como um nível de habilitações académicas alto. São turistas consumidores regulares de vinho, com um conhecimento intermédio, que normalmente visitam quintas vinícolas duas a três vezes por ano e as suas principais motivações para a prática do enoturismo são: provar vinhos, aprender mais sobre vinhos e processo de produção e visitar caves/adegas. Os enoturistas inquiridos visitaram a Quinta da Gaivosa acompanhados pela família, tendo sido motivados a visitar a quinta em estudo, pela prova de vinhos e para aumentar o conhecimento sobre vinhos.Wine tourism has become increasingly important for wine-growing regions around the world as a tourism sector that promotes local and regional growth. However, enotourism is still not clearly developed and one of the causes pointed out is the lack of research on the behavior and characteristics of the visitor of the winery. The present research has as main objectives the determination of the sociodemographic and psychographic profile, as well as the motivation of the visitors who go to Quinta da Gaivosa, a winery inserted in the Douro Demarcated Region. In order to achieve the stated objectives, a data collection instrument was constructed, aiming at obtaining socio-demographic data on enotourist, as well as his habits, behaviors, preferences, motivations, satisfaction and future behavior. The questionnaire was applied to the tourists who traveled to Quinta da Gaivosa, and a sample of 75 respondents was obtained through a non-probabilistic sampling procedure for convenience. Thus, the results of this study only apply to this sample, and it is not possible to generalize this study beyond the sample in question. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that the enotourists are predominantly males, living in Portugal, with an intermediate age range, employed workers, with high monthly income, as well as a high level of academic qualifications. They are regular consumers of wine, with intermediate knowledge, who usually visit vineyards two to three times a year and their main motivations for enotourism are: to taste wines, to learn more about wines and the production process and to visit cellars / wineries. The enotourist who visited Quinta da Gaivosa is accompanied by the family and was motivated to visit the farm under study, for wine tasting and to increase knowledge about wines