1,801 research outputs found

    New concepts and techniques for the development of high-efficiency concentrating photovoltaic modules

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    El interés por los sistemas fotovoltaicos de concentración (CPV) ha resurgido en los últimos años amparado por el desarrollo de células multiunión de muy alta eficiencia basadas en semiconductores de los grupos III-V. Estas células han permitido obtener módulos de concentración con eficiencias que prácticamente duplican las del panel plano y que llegan al 35% en los módulos récord. Esta tesis está dedicada al diseño y la implementación experimental de nuevos conceptos que permitan obtener módulos CPV que no sólo alcancen una eficiencia alta en condiciones estándar sino que, además, sean lo suficientemente tolerantes a errores de montaje, seguimiento, temperatura y variaciones espectrales para que la energía que producen a lo largo del año sea máxima. Una de las primeras cuestiones que se abordan es el diseño de elementos ópticos secundarios para sistemas cuyo primario es una lente de Fresnel y que permiten, para una concentración fija, aumentar el ángulo de aceptancia y la tolerancia del sistema. Varios secundarios reflexivos y refractivos han sido diseñados y analizados mediante trazado de rayos. En particular, utilizando óptica anidólica y basándose en el diseño de una sola etapa conocido como ‘concentrador dieléctrico que funciona por reflexión total interna‘, se ha diseñado, fabricado y caracterizado un secundario con salida cuadrada que, usado junto con una lente de Fresnel, permite alcanzar simultáneamente una elevada eficiencia, concentración y aceptancia. Además, se ha propuesto y prototipado un método alternativo de fabricación para otro de los secundarios, denominado domo, consistente en el sobremoldeo de silicona sobre células solares. Una de las características que impregna todo el trabajo realizado en esta tesis es la aproximación holística en el diseño de módulos CPV, es decir, se ha prestado especial atención al diseño conjunto de la célula y la óptica para garantizar que el sistema total alcance la mayor eficiencia posible. En este sentido muchos sistemas ópticos desarrollados en esta tesis han sido diseñados, caracterizados y optimizados teniendo en cuenta que el ajuste de corriente entre las distintas subcélulas que comprenden la célula multiunión bajo el concentrador sea muy próximo a uno. La capa antirreflectante sobre la célula funciona, en cierto modo, como interfaz entre la óptica y la célula, por lo que se ha diseñado un método de optimización de capas antirreflectantes que considera no sólo el amplio rango de longitudes de onda para el que las células multiunión son sensibles sino también la distribución angular de intensidad sobre la célula creada por la óptica de concentración. Además, la cuestión de la falta de uniformidad también se ha abordado mediante la comparación de las distribuciones espectrales y espaciales de irradiancia que crean diferentes ópticas (simuladas mediante trazado de rayos y fotografiadas) y las pérdidas de eficiencia que experimentan las células iluminadas por dichas ópticas de concentración medidas experimentalmente. El efecto de la temperatura en la óptica de concentración también ha sido objeto de estudio de esta tesis. En particular, mediante simulaciones de elementos finitos se han dado los primeros pasos para el análisis de las deformaciones que sufren los dientes de las lentes de Fresnel híbridas (vidrio-silicona), así como el cambio de índice de refracción con la temperatura y la influencia de ambos efectos sobre el funcionamiento de los sistemas. Se ha implementado un modelo que tiene por objeto considerar las variaciones ambientales, principalmente temperatura y contenido espectral de la radiación directa, así como las sensibilidades térmica y espectral de los sistemas CPV, con el fin de maximizar la energía producida por un módulo de concentración a lo largo de un año en un emplazamiento determinado. Los capítulos 5 y 6 de este libro están dedicados al diseño, fabricación y caracterización de un nuevo concepto de módulo fotovoltaico denominado FluidReflex y basado en una única etapa reflexiva con dieléctrico fluido. En este nuevo concepto la presencia del fluido aporta algunas ventajas significativas como son: un aumento del producto concentración por aceptancia (CAP, en sus siglas en inglés) alcanzable al rodear la célula con un medio cuyo índice de refracción es mayor que uno, una mejora de la eficiencia óptica al disminuir las pérdidas por reflexión de Fresnel en varias interfaces, una mejora de la disipación térmica ya que el calor que se concentra junto a la célula se trasmite por convección natural y conducción en el fluido y un aislamiento eléctrico mejorado. Mediante la construcción y medida de varios prototipos de unidad elemental se ha demostrado que no existe ninguna razón fundamental que impida la implementación práctica del concepto teórico alcanzando una elevada eficiencia. Se ha realizado un análisis de fluidos candidatos probando la existencia de al menos dos de ellos que cumplen todos los requisitos (en particular el de estabilidad bajo condiciones de luz concentrada) para formar parte del sistema de concentración FluidReflex. Por ´ultimo, se han diseñado, fabricado y caracterizado varios prototipos preindustriales de módulos FluidReflex para lo cual ha sido necesario optimizar el proceso de fabricación de la óptica multicavidad a fin de mantener el buen comportamiento óptico obtenido en la fabricación de la unidad elemental. Los distintos prototipos han sido medidos, tanto en el laboratorio como bajo el sol real, analizando el ajuste de corriente de la célula iluminada por el concentrador FluidReflex bajo diferentes distribuciones espectrales de la radiación incidente así como el excelente comportamiento térmico del módulo. ABSTRACT A renewed interest in concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems has emerged in recent years encouraged by the development of high-efficiency multijunction solar cells based in IIIV semiconductors that have led to CPV module efficiencies which practically double that of flat panel PV and which reach 35% for record modules. This thesis is devoted to the design and experimental implementation of new concepts for obtaining CPV modules that not only achieve high efficiency under standard conditions but also have such a wide tolerance to assembly errors, tracking, temperature and spectral variations, that the energy generated by them throughout the year is maximized. One of the first addressed issues is the design of secondary optical elements whose primary optics is a Fresnel lens and which, for a fixed concentration, allow an increased acceptance angle and tolerance of the system. Several reflective and refractive secondaries have been designed and analyzed using ray tracing. In particular, using nonimaging optics and based on the single-stage design known as ‘dielectric totally internally reflecting concentrator’, a secondary with square output has been designed, fabricated and characterized. Used together with a Fresnel lens, the secondary can simultaneously achieve high efficiency, concentration and acceptance. Furthermore, an alternative method has been proposed and prototyped for the fabrication of the secondary named dome. The optics is manufactured by direct overmolding of silicone over the solar cells. One characteristic that permeates all the work done in this thesis is the holistic approach in the design of CPV modules, meaning that special attention has been paid to the joint design of the solar cell and the optics to ensure that the total system achieves the highest attainable efficiency. In this regard, many optical systems developed in the thesis have been designed, characterized and optimized considering that the current matching among the subcells within the multijunction solar cell beneath the optics must be close to one. Antireflective coating over the cell acts, somehow, as an interface between the optics and the cell. Consequently, a method has been designed to optimize antireflective coatings that takes into account not only the broad wavelength range that multijunction solar cells are sensitive to but also the angular intensity distribution created by the concentrating optics. In addition, the issue of non-uniformity has also been addressed by comparing the spectral and spatial distributions of irradiance created by different optics (simulated by ray tracing and photographed) and the efficiency losses experienced by cells illuminated by those concentrating optics experimentally determined. The effect of temperature on the concentrating optics has also been studied in this thesis. In particular, finite element simulations have been use to analyze the deformations experienced by the facets of hybrid (silicon-glass) Fresnel lenses, the change of refractive index with temperature and the influence of both effects on the system performance. A model has been implemented which take into consideration atmospheric variations, mainly temperature and spectral content of the direct normal irradiance, as well as thermal and spectral sensitivities of systems, with the aim of maximizing the energy harvested by a CPV module throughout the year in a particular location. Chapters 5 and 6 of this book are devoted to the design, fabrication, and characterization of a new concentrator concept named FluidReflex and based on a single-stage reflective optics with fluid dielectric. In this new concept, the presence of the fluid provides some significant advantages such as: an increased concentration acceptance angle product (CAP) achievable by surrounding the cell with a medium whose refractive index is greater than one, an improvement of the optical efficiency by reducing losses due to Fresnel reflection at several interfaces, an improvement in heat dissipation as the heat concentrated near the cell is transmitted by natural convection and conduction in the fluid, and an improved electrical insulation. By fabricating and characterizing several elementary-unit prototypes it was shown that there is no fundamental reason that prevents the practical implementation of this theoretical concept reaching high efficiency. Several fluid candidates were investigated proving the existence of at least to fluids that meet all the requirements (including the stability under concentrated light) to become part of the FluidReflex concentrator. Finally, several pre-industrial FluidReflex module prototypes have been designed and fabricated. An optimization process for the manufacturing of the multicavity optics was necessary to attain such an optics quality as the one achieved by the single unit. The module prototypes have been measured, both indoors and outdoors, analyzing the current matching of the solar cells beneath the concentrator for different spectral distribution of the incident irradiance. Additionally, the module showed an excellent thermal performance

    On the analytical approach for modeling photovoltaic systems behavior

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    The 1-diode/2-resistors electric circuit equivalent to a photovoltaic system is analyzed. The equations at particular points of the I–V curve are studied considering the maximum number of terms. The maximum power point as a boundary condition is given special attention. A new analytical method is developed based on a reduced amount of information, consisting in the normal manufacturer data. Results indicate that this new method is faster than numerical methods and has similar (or better) accuracy than other existing methods, numerical or analytical

    Synthesis of megadalton stereoregular ring-substituted poly(phenylacetylene)s by a rhodium(<scp>i</scp>) catalyst with a N-functionalized hemilabile phosphine ligand

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    The cationic compound [Rh(nbd){κ2P,N-Ph2P(CH2)3NMe2}][BF4] efficiently catalyzes the polymerization of a series of ring-substituted phenylacetylene derivatives, R-C6H4–C[triple bond, length as m-dash]CH with groups of different electronic and steric properties at the para (R = F, CF3, Me, Bu, tBu, OMe, OBu) and meta (R = OMe) positions to give highly stereoregular ring-substituted poly(phenylacetylene)s with a cis-transoidal configuration of very high molar mass and moderate dispersities. The polymers have been characterized by size exclusion chromatography (SEC-MALS), NMR, DSC and TGA. The polymerization of phenylacetylene and 1-ethynyl-3-methoxybenzene gives megadalton poly(phenylacetylene)s, while the polymerization of 1-ethynyl-4-methoxybenzene and 1-(tert-butyl)-4-ethynylbenzene gives ultra-high molecular weight poly(phenylacetylene)s with Mn of 1.70 × 106 and 2.72 × 106, respectively. The electronic effect of the substituent strongly influences the catalytic activity. Phenylacetylene derivatives with an electron-withdrawing substituent in para position polymerize faster than those with an electron-donating substituent

    TIC, Robótica y Pensamiento Computacional como recurso educativo. Robótica para la inclusión.

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    El trabajo final de grado investiga el uso de la robótica como recurso educativo en educación infantil y en alumnos diagnosticados con TDAH. Se destaca que en la sociedad actual, las habilidades relacionadas con las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) son fundamentales para el futuro personal y laboral de los estudiantes. La robótica se presenta como un recurso pedagógico que puede implementarse desde la etapa de Educación Infantil, ofreciendo a los alumnos una nueva forma de abordar las tareas diarias según sus intereses, especialmente motivando a aquellos con poco interés en las actividades académicas tradicionales. Además, se menciona la conexión entre la robótica y el currículo oficial, no solo para desarrollar contenidos y estándares de aprendizaje, sino también para abordar competencias. La propuesta educativa consiste en realizar actividades de robótica educativa y pensamiento computacional en un aula con estudiantes desde segundo de infantil hasta sexto de primaria, con el objetivo de observar cómo la robótica afecta a cada caso particular.<br /

    A novel achromatic Fresnel lens for high concentrating photovoltaic systems

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    In this paper we present a novel manufacturing method to produce achromatic Fresnel lenses for photovoltaic application. These achromatic lenses are capable of reaching a concentration factor three times higher than that attained by a conventional Silicone-on-Glass (SOG) Fresnel lens. The manufacturing method presented to fabricate the achromatic lens, which we refer to as Achromatic Doublet on Glass (ADG) Fresnel lens, is simple, cost-effective and highly scalable. A comprehensive ray-tracing analysis and its comparison with experimental results is presented in this work

    Cost-free feed-in tariffs for renewable energy deployment in Spain

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    Feed-in-tariff (FIT) schemes have been widely employed to promote renewable energy deployment. While FITs may be perceived by consumers as an extra cost, renewable energies cause a noticeable price reduction in wholesale electricity markets. We analyse both effects for the case of the Spanish electricity market during 2010. In particular, we examine the level of FITs that makes savings and extra costs to be similar on an hourly basis. Results are obtained for a wide range of renewable generation scenarios. It is found that FITs with null extra costs for consumers are in the range of 50–80 €/MWh. Some of the side-effects of a high penetration of renewable energy in the market are analysed in detail and discussed

    Future journalists’ fight against disinformation: analysis of university training offers and challenges in the Spanish context

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    Disinformation has become a global problem affecting mass media, governments and citizens globally. Besides the loss of trust in the media and its weakening influence, exposure to all manner of messages on social media in recent years has paved the way for disinformation, which has become a considerable challenge for journalism. According to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, Spain is one of the countries most concerned about this phenomenon (Edelman, 2022). However, is this concern shared by Spanish journalist associations? What training initiatives are being carried out for future journalists to counter the spread of disinformation? How should fact-checking be taught in university? This study aims to answer these questions by using a dual methodology. First, a review and analysis were undertaken on the different training initiatives for bachelor’s and university-specific master’s degree students. Then, 15 in-depth interviews were conducted with experts, including fact-checkers, experienced journalists and representatives of sectoral associations, to ascertain their views on fact-checking and disinformation. The main results show that Spanish universities offer few training fact-checking-related initiatives, particularly at bachelor’s degree level, although more and more university-specific degrees and master’s degrees on this topic are becoming available. Furthermore, most interviewees view specialised training for the next generation of journalists as a key factor for fighting disinformation, and they provide guidelines to achieve this

    Consumer attitude towards the repair and the second-hand purchase of small consumer electronics

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    Comunicación presentada en el 21st International Congress on Project Management and Engineering CIDIP 2017(Cádiz, 12th - 14th July 2017).This study present the results from a survey aimed to identify current habits and practices towards the repair and second-hand purchase of small consumer electronics which are commonly used in households. To this end, a survey was designed and conducted with a representative sample size of 400 individuals through telephone interviews for the following categories: MP3/MP4, video camera, photo camera, mobile phone, tablet, e-book, laptop, external hard drive, navigator-GPS, radio/radio alarm clock. Aspects evaluated were related to the identification of the most frequent equipments in households and their use, and consumer habits about their replacement, repair or second-hand purchase. The obtained answers were statistically analyzed.Este estudio presenta los resultados obtenidos de una encuesta diseñada para identificar los actuales hábitos de los consumidores hacia la reparación y compra de segunda mano de pequeños aparatos de electrónica de consumo habituales en los hogares. Para ello, se diseñó y pasó una encuesta a un tamaño de muestra representativo de 400 individuos, a través de entrevistas telefónicas realizadas sobre las siguientes categorías: MP3/MP4, cámara de vídeo, cámara de fotos, teléfono móvil, tableta, e-book, ordenador portátil, disco duro externo, navegador-GPS y radio/radio despertador. Se analizaron aspectos relativos a la identificación de los equipos más frecuentes en los hogares y su uso, y los hábitos de los consumidores hacia su reemplazo, reparación o compra de segunda mano. Las respuestas obtenidas se analizaron estadísticamente

    Experimental analysis of a photovoltaic concentrator based on a single reflective stage immersed in an optical fluid

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    This article reviews all the experimental tests carried out to analyze the performance of a FluidReflex photovoltaic concentrator. This novel concentrator concept consists of a single reflective stage immersed in an optical fluid. The presence of the fluid entails significant advantages. It not only allows a high system optical efficiency and increases the attainable concentration but also enhances the heat dissipation from the cell. In addition, the electrical insulation is improved, and the problem of water vapor condensation inside the module is avoided. A complete characterization is addressed in this paper. Among the experimental results, a measured optical efficiency of 83.5% for a concentration of 1035× stands ou

    Assessment of the optical efficiency of a primary lens to be used in a CPV system

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    This article summarizes experimental methods to evaluate the performance and to assess the efficiency of a lens that will be used as primary optics in a concentrating photovoltaic system comprising multijunction solar cells. The methods are classified into two groups: those intended to quantify the transmission losses and those that estimate the size and shape of the light spot. In addition, the optical efficiency definition is reviewed and a systematic procedure to evaluate it is proposed