165 research outputs found

    Citizen Social Lab: A digital platform for human behaviour experimentation within a citizen science framework

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    Cooperation is one of the behavioral traits that define human beings, however we are still trying to understand why humans cooperate. Behavioral experiments have been largely conducted to shed light into the mechanisms behind cooperation and other behavioral traits. However, most of these experiments have been conducted in laboratories with highly controlled experimental protocols but with varied limitations which limits the reproducibility and the generalization of the results obtained. In an attempt to overcome these limitations, some experimental approaches have moved human behavior experimentation from laboratories to public spaces, where behaviors occur naturally, and have opened the participation to the general public within the citizen science framework. Given the open nature of these environments, it is critical to establish the appropriate protocols to maintain the same data quality that one can obtain in the laboratories. Here, we introduce Citizen Social Lab, a software platform designed to be used in the wild using citizen science practices. The platform allows researchers to collect data in a more realistic context while maintaining the scientific rigour, and it is structured in a modular and scalable way so it can also be easily adapted for online or brick-and-mortar experimental laboratories. Following citizen science guidelines, the platform is designed to motivate a more general population into participation, but also to promote engaging and learning of the scientific research process. We also review the main results of the experiments performed using the platform up to now, and the set of games that each experiment includes. Finally, we evaluate some properties of the platform, such as the heterogeneity of the samples of the experiments and their satisfaction level, and the parameters that demonstrate the robustness of the platform and the quality of the data collected.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures and 4 table

    Análisis de los nidos de algunos Megachilidae nidificantes en cavidades preestablecidas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea)

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    Nests o f seven Megachilidae (Rhodanthidiumsticticum, Anthidiumflorentinum, Heriades truncorum,Hoplitis adunca, Metallinella brevicomis, Megachile apicalis, and Megachile rotundata) nesting in preestablished holes were obtained through placement of trap-nests in the field. Analyses of nests provided data on nest architecture (number of cells per nest, materials used for nest construction), structure of provisions (including types o f pollens collected), structure of cocoons and faeces, and parasites and predators. Ovenvintering stages, number of generations per year, and flying seasons for each Osmia species are also given.Mitjançant la col·locació de niadors-trampa al camp s'han obtingut nius de set espècies Megachilidae (Rhodanthidiumsticticum, Anthidiumflorentinum, Heriudes truncorum,Hoplitis adunca, Metallinella brevicomis, Megachile apicalis, i Megachile rotundata) nidificants en cavitats preestablertes. S'inclou una descripcio dels nius obtinguts, aportant dades sobre la seva estructura (nombre de cebles, materials utilitzats per a la construcció dels envans i el tap), aspecte de les provisions i pol·lens recol·lectats, aspecte dels capolls, aspecte i distribució de les femtes, presencia de paràsits i depredadors, època de vol, nombre de generacions per any, i estadi d'hivernació

    Análisis de los nidos de algunas Osmia (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) nidificantes en cavidades preestablecidas

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    Nests of some cavity-nesting Osmia (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Nests of seven Osmia species (0. cornuta, 0 . rufa, O. tricornis, 0. coerulescens, 0. fulviventris, 0. latreillei, and 0 . submicans) nesting in preestablished holes were obtained through placement of trap-nests in the field. Analyses of nests provided data on nest architecture (number of cells per nest, materials used for nest construction), structure of provisions (including types of pollens collected), structure of cocoons and faeces, and parasites and predators. Over-wintering stages, number of generations per year, and flying seasons for each Osmia species are also given.Mitjançant la col·locació de niadors-trampa al camp s'han obtingut nius de set espècies d'Osmia (0. cornuta, 0. rufa, O. tricornis, 0. coerulescens, 0.fulviventris, 0 . latreillei, i 0 . subrnicans) nidificants en cavitats preestablertes. S'inclou una descripció dels nius obtinguts, i s'aporten dades sobre la seva estructura (nombre de cel·les, materials utilitzats per a la construcció del niu), aspecte de les provisions i tipus de pol·lens recol·lectats, aspecte dels capolls, aspecte i distribució de les femtes, presència de paràsits i depredadors, època de vol, nombre de generacions per any, i estadi d'hivernació

    El massís de les Gavarres

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    Citizen Social Lab: a digital platform for human behavior experimentation within a citizen science framework

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    Cooperation is one of the behavioral traits that define human beings, however we are still trying to understand why humans cooperate. Behavioral experiments have been largely conducted to shed light into the mechanisms behind cooperation¿and other behavioral traits. However, most of these experiments have been conducted in laboratories with highly controlled experimental protocols but with limitations in terms of subject pool or decisions' context, which limits the reproducibility and the generalization of the results obtained. In an attempt to overcome these limitations, some experimental approaches have moved human behavior experimentation from laboratories to public spaces, where behaviors occur naturally, and have opened the participation to the general public within the citizen science framework. Given the open nature of these environments, it is critical to establish the appropriate data collection protocols to maintain the same data quality that one can obtain in the laboratories. In this article we introduce Citizen Social Lab, a software platform designed to be used in the wild using citizen science practices. The platform allows researchers to collect data in a more realistic context while maintaining the scientific rigor, and it is structured in a modular and scalable way so it can also be easily adapted for online or brick-and-mortar experimental laboratories. Following citizen science guidelines, the platform is designed to motivate a more general population into participation, but also to promote engaging and learning of the scientific research process. We also review the main results of the experiments performed using the platform up to now, and the set of games that each experiment includes. Finally, we evaluate some properties of the platform, such as the heterogeneity of the samples of the experiments, the satisfaction level of participants, or the technical parameters that demonstrate the robustness of the platform and the quality of the data collected

    Use of a managed solitary bee to pollinate almonds : population sustainability and increased fruit set

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    Osmia spp. are excellent orchard pollinators but evidence that their populations can be sustained in orchard environments and their use results in increased fruit production is scarce. We released an Osmia cornuta population in an almond orchard and measured its population dynamics, as well as visitation rates and fruit set at increasing distances from the nesting stations. Honeybees were 10 times more abundant than O. cornuta. However, the best models relating fruit set and bee visitation included only O. cornuta visitation, which explained 41% and 40% of the initial and final fruit set. Distance from the nesting stations explained 27.7% and 22.1% of the variability in initial and final fruit set. Of the 198 females released, 99 (54.4%) established and produced an average of 9.15 cells. Female population growth was 1.28. By comparing our results with those of previous O. cornuta studies we identify two important populational bottlenecks (female establishment and male-biased progeny sex ratios). Our study demonstrates that even a small population of a highly effective pollinator may have a significant impact on fruit set. Our results are encouraging for the use of Osmia managed populations and for the implementation of measures to promote wild pollinators in agricultural environments