636 research outputs found

    Salinisasi Lahan dan Permasalahannya di Indonesia

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    Abstrak. Salinisasi tanah merupakan proses peningkatan kadar garam mudah larut di dalam tanah sehingga terbentuk lahan salin. Salinitas adalah salah satu cekaman abiotik yang mengakibatkan berkurangnya hasil dan produktivitas tanaman pertanian. Setiap tahun luas lahan sawah yang ditinggalkan petani akibat mengalami salinisasi terus meningkat. Di Indonesia salinitas umumnya terjadi di lahan pertanian dekat pantai, disebabkan karena kenaikan permukaan laut akibat perubahan iklim. Diperkirakan lahan dekat pantai yang rentan mengalami salinitas seluas 12,020 juta ha atau 6,20% dari total daratan Indonesia. Problem salinitas pada pertanian beririgasi sering terkait dengan muka air tanah. Peningkatan kapilaritas dari muka air tanah dangkal akan membawa kembali garam-garam masuk ke daerah perakaran dan menjadi suatu sumber garam berkelanjutan. sedangkan salinitas di lahan rawa pasang surut dipengaruhi oleh pergerakan pasang surut air laut dengan tingkat salinitas yang bervariasi. Tanaman mempunyai kisaran toleransi tertentu terhadap perubahan bahkan cekaman lingkungan untuk selanjutnya dapat beradaptasi, termasuk pada cekaman salinitas. Kondisi biofisik dan kimia lahan sawah terdampak yang tidak menguntungkan tanaman tersebut memerlukan upaya pengelolaan lahan dan sistem budidaya tanaman secara tepat agar dicapai tingkat produksi yang optimal. Abstract. Soil salinization is the process of increasing the soluble salt content in the soil to form a saline soil. Salinity is an abiotic stress that results in reducing yield and productivity of agricultural crops. The area of paddy fields left by farmers as a result of experiencing salinization continues to increase every year. In Indonesia, salinity generally occurs in agricultural land near the coast, caused by sea level rise due to climate change.  It is estimated that land near the coast that is prone to experiencing salinity is 12.020 million ha or 6.20% of the total land area of Indonesia. The problem of salinity in irrigated agriculture is often related to the water table. The increase in capillarity from shallow groundwater levels will bring back salts into the root zone and become a continuous salt source.  Salinity in tidal swamps is influenced by the tidal movement of sea water with varying salinity levels. Plants have a certain tolerance range to the changes and even environmental stress so that they can then adapt, including to salinity stress. The biophysical and chemical conditions of the affected paddy fields that are not beneficial to the plant, requires proper land management and crop cultivation systems in order to achieve optimal production levels

    Annotated Bibliography on AIDS

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    This bibliography was included in the AIDS Symposium held at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law on March 11, 1988 as a helpful reference guide. The Journal would like to thank Edmund Santa Vicca for his ever continuing support in the quest for knowledge

    Energy Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Mitigation in Residential Sector: Comparison between Indonesia and Thailand

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    AbstractThis paper presents energy efficiency improvement and CO2 mitigation in the residential sector between Indonesia and Thailand. The Long-range Energy Alternative Planning (LEAP) model was used to analyze future energy demand and CO2 emissions during 2010-2050. This study applied the Demand Side Management (DSM) options to reduce CO2 emissions in the residential sector by implementing energy efficiency improvements such as efficient lighting, cooking, cooling and entertainment devices. The results indicate that in the business as usual (BAU) scenarios between 2010 and 2050, for Indonesia the energy demand will increase from 18147 ktoe in 2010 to 36044 ktoe in 2050. By adopting these scenarios, energy will be saved by 27.6% of total energy demand in 2050 while cumulative CO2 emission can be reduced by 16% of overall CO2 emissions in 2050. For Thailand, the energy demand will increase from 1879.1 ktoe in 2010 to 3167.8 ktoe in 2050. The energy will be save by 15.5% of total energy demand in 2050 and cumulative CO2 emission can be reduced by 13.36% of overall CO2 emission in 2050

    Mycoplasma suis infection in suckling pigs on a Belgian farm

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    Mycoplasma suis (formerly known as Eperythrozoon suis) is an epicellular bacterium that affects porcine red blood cells. M. suis infections occur worldwide and are associated with weakness and anemia in suckling and weaned pigs, and reproductive disorders in sows. The present field report describes the detection of M. suis in anemic piglets originating from a Belgian farrow-to-finish herd. The herd was experiencing increased piglet mortality (16%) in the farrowing unit and had a high percentage of repeat breeders (22%). A control program using antimicrobials and hygienic and sanitary measures significantly decreased the number of clinically anemic piglets and the mortality rate in the farrowing unit. However, it did not have any significant influence on the reproductive failure of the farm. The lack of a significant effect on reproductive failure was probably due to the circulation of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) on the farm


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    ABSTRAK FORMULASI CAIRAN ANTISEPTIK DENGAN BAHAN DASAR EKSTRAK DAUN MANGKOKAN (Nothopanax scutellarium) UNTUK PROSES PENYEMBUHAN LUKA SAYAT Oleh : VICCA AYU FEBRIYANI Tanaman mangkokan memiliki kandungan yang berupa flavonoid, triterpenoid, polifenol, saponin dan tanin, dimana kandungan ini diduga dapat berpotensi sebagai obat penyembuh luka sayat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antiseptik daun mangkokan dalam proses penyembuhan luka sayat dan untuk mengetahui kadar optimum dari antiseptik daun mangkokan. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen pada hewan mencit. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan 3 pengulangan. Parameter yang digunakan adalah panjang luka, warna luka, terbentuknya keropeng, terlepasnya keropeng dan menutupnya luka. Hasil yang didapatkan antiseptik daun mangkokan 20% produk yang paling berpengaruh dalam proses penyembuhan luka dengan fase proliferasi dan maturasi sebagai fase yang paling cepat. Hal ini dikarenakan antiseptik daun mangkokan 20% memiliki kandungan flavonoid yang berdasarkan penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya flavonoid berperan pada fase proliferasi dan maturasi yaitu dalam meningkatkan vasodilatasi, sintesis kolagen dan meningkatkan kekuatan serat kolagen. Kata kunci : Luka sayat, daun mangkokan, proses penyembuhan luka, fase proliferasi dan maturasi. iii ABSTRACT FORMULATION OF ANTISEPTIC LIQUID WITH DAUMA LEAF EXTRACT (Nothopanax scutellarium) FOR THE PROCESS OF WOUND HEALING By : VICCA AYU FEBRIYANI Mangkokan plants contain flavonoids, triterpenoids, polyphenols, saponins and tannins, where these contents are suspected potential as a wound healing drug. This study aims to determine the effect of mangkokan leaf antiseptic in the wound healing process and to optimum level of mangkokan leaf antiseptic. In this study using experimental methods on mice. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 3 repetitions. The parameters used were wound length, wound color, the formation of a scab, detachment of the scab and closing of the wound. The results obtained were 20% mangkokan leaf antiseptic, the most influential product in the wound healing process with the proliferation and maturation phases being the fastest phases. This is because the 20% mangkokan leaf antiseptic contains flavonoids based on previous studies, flavonoids play a role in the proliferation and maturation phase, namely in increasing vasodilation, collagen synthesis and increasing the strength of collagen fibers. Keywords : Cuts, mangkokan leaves, healing process wound, proliferation and maturation phases