55 research outputs found

    Involvement of N6 and N3 polyunsaturated faty acids on the lipidic profile in central nervous system of the animals of experience

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    Introduction: N-3 and N-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids has many involvements in activities within or entering in regulating various physiological processes and in certain pathologies. Among systemic physiological effects in which they are involved we mention the central nervous system development and recall of the retina, regulating plasma lipid levels, cardiovascular and immune system functions, regulating the activity of insulin.Material and methods: The experiment there were used 60 male Wistar rats , weight 180 ± 20 grams, procured from the animal farm of the Department of Pathophysiology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr.T. Popa”, Ia?i.Male Wistar rats were divided into two study groups: normal control animals (M) and test animals.Test group was further divided into three groups - each group being composed of 15 animals.Administration of the substances was made for 36 weeks (nine months), after which the animals were evaluated and subsequently sacrificed.Results: Following statistical analysis, we determined the following:• Averages of AGP n3 were significantly higher in groups 2 (p <0.001) and 3 (p <0.001) compared with group 4 • Averages ratio n6: n3 in nerve cell membrane were significantly lower in groups 2 (p <0.001) and 3 (p <0.001) compared with group 4 Discussions: Our experiment demonstrates that increased amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the membranes of nerve cells which can justify the positive evolution of animals in assessing the performance of concomitant behavioral tests.Conclusions: This study brings new light on the importance of the existence of a balance between PUFA intake and daily diet

    Modele de remodelare ventriculară stângă la copiii cu sindrom metabolic

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    Department of Pediatrics, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of Moldova, Department of Endocrinology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, R. of Moldova, Department of Morpho-functional Sciences Pathophysiology, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, RomaniaIntroduction. Pathological left ventricular (LV) remodeling in children with metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with a significant increase in cardiometabolic risk. However, data regarding the prevalence of LV remodeling patterns in children with MS are limited. Material and methods. An observational analytical cohort study was conducted on 145 children. The diagnosis of MS was established according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria. We analyzed the echocardiography, as well as clinical and paraclinical data. Participants were distributed, depending on LV mass index and relative wall thickness into four LV geometric patterns as recommended by American and European Society of Echocardiography: normal geometry, concentric left ventricular remodeling (cLVR), concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (cLVH), and eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy (eLVH). Results. The pathological remodeling patterns were distributed as follows: 62.1% (n=90) participants showed a normal LV geometry pattern, 27.6% (n=40) – cLVH, 5.5% (n=8) – cLVR and 4.8% (n=7) – eLVH. In terms of presence/absence of MS, 54.7% (n=29) participants from the research group showed a normal LV geometry pattern, 32.1% (n=17) – cLVH, 5.7% (n=3) – cLVR and 7.5% (n=4) – eLVH, whereas 66.3% (n=61) participants from the control group presented normal LV geometric appearance, 25% (n=23) – cLVH, 5.4% (n=5) – cLVR and 3.3% (n=3) – eLVR (χ2=0.52; p>0.05). Conclusions. Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy was the commonest LV geometric pattern among the subjects with metabolic syndrome. Concentric left ventricular remodeling and eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy were rare among the study population.Introducere. Remodelarea patologică a ventriculului stâng (VS) la copiii cu sindrom metabolic (SM) este asociată cu o creștere semnificativă a riscului cardiometabolic. Cu toate acestea, date privind prevalența paternelor de remodelare ale VS la copiii cu SM sunt limitate. Material și metode. Studiu analitic, observațional, de cohortă. Au fost incluși 145 de copii. Diagnosticul de SM a fost stabilit conform criteriilor Federației Internaționale de Diabet (FID). Am analizat datele clinice, paraclinice și ecocardiografice. Participanții au fost stratificați în patru tipare geometrice, folosind indicele de masă a VS și grosimea relativă a PPVS, așa cum recomandă Societatea Americană și Europeană de Ecocardiografie: geometrie normală VS, remodelare concentrică VS (RC VS), hipertrofie concentrică VS (HC VS) și hipertrofie excentrică VS (HE VS). Rezultate. Tipurile de remodelare patologică s-au repartizat în felul următor: 62.1% (n=90) participanți au prezentat aspect geometric normal al VS, la 27,6% (n=40) dintre ei s-a înregistrat HC VS, la 5,5% (n=8) participanți s-a atestat RC VS, iar 4,8% (n=7) din acest lot au prezentat HE VS. În funcție de prezența/absența SM, în lotul de bază, 54,7% (n=29) participanți au prezentat aspect geometric normal, la 32,1% (n=17) a fost înregistrată HC VS, 5.7% subiecți (n=3) au manifestat RC VS, iar 7,5% (n=4) au prezentat HE VS, iar în lotul de control – la 66,3% (n=61) participanți s-a atestat aspect geometric normal al VS, 25% (n=23) au prezentat HC VS, în 5,4% (n=5) cazuri s-a determinat RC VS, iar 3,3% (n=3) participanți au prezentat HE VS (χ2=0,52; p>0,05). Concluzii. Hipertrofia concentrică VS a fost cel mai frecvent model geometric al VS în rândul subiecților cu sindrom metabolic, iar remodelarea concentrică VS și hipertrofia excentrică VS au fost rar depistate în rândul populației din studiu

    Subcutaneous Adipose Stem Cells in Obesity: The Impact of Bariatric Surgery

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    Adipocyte expansion, which involves adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs), is a critical process with implications in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance associated with obesity. Impaired subcutaneous adipogenesis leads to dysfunctional, hypertrophic adipocytes, chronic low-grade inflammation, and peripheric insulin resistance. Alternatively, it has also been proposed that the preservation of the functionality of subcutaneous adipocyte precursors could contribute to some obese individuals remaining metabolically healthy. Very few studies evaluated the changes in the adipogenic differentiation for human subcutaneous ASCs following bariatric surgery. Weight loss after bariatric surgery involves extensive remodeling of adipose tissue, comprising the hyperplasia-hypertrophy balance. Subcutaneous ASCs may be implicated in the variations of bariatric outcomes, through a different restoration in their proliferative and adipogenic potential. Weight loss induced by bariatric surgery correlates to the subcutaneous ASC functions and could explain the variability of metabolic improvement. Limited research data are available to the present and these data support the importance of diagnosis of subcutaneous ASCs functions as predictors of metabolic improvement after bariatric surgery


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    A fost studiat procesul de electroflotare a poluanților din sisteme model ce au în compoziția lor substanțe auxiliare textile și coloranți, dar care diferă prin natura lor.În rezultatul cercetărilor ştiinţifice s-a constatat că efectul înlăturării amestecului de coloranţi şi substanţe auxiliare din sistemele studiate depinde de dimensiunile şi sarcina particulelor de coloranţi care, la rândul lor, sunt dispersate şi stabilizate de substanţele auxiliare textile. Astfel, s-a stabilit că efectul de înlăturare a amestecului de colorant roșu direct RD cu substanţele auxiliare este mai mare decât efectul de înlăturare a amestecului de colorant portocaliu activ PA în prezența acelorași substanţe auxiliare (95,0-99,0% și, respectiv, de 74,0-82,0%). Ca urmare, sistemele care conţin colorant roșu direct RD şi substanţe auxiliare se pot epura prin combinarea proceselor de electroflotare şi adsorbţie pe cărbune activ, iar soluţiile care conţin colorant portocaliu activ PA şi substanţe auxiliare se pot epura prin combinarea metodelor de electroflotare, oxidare catalitică şi adsorbţie pe cărbune activ.REMOVING TEXTILE DYES AND AUXILIARIES BY ELECTROFLOTATION IN THE FIRST STAGEThe main purpose of the paper was to study the simulation systems which contain textile auxiliaries and dyes, which differ in their nature.As a result of the scientific research it was found that the removal effect of the mixture of dyes and auxiliary sub­stances depends on the dimensions and the charge of the dyestuff particles which at their disposal are dispersed and stabilized by the auxiliaries. Thus, it was established that the effect of removing the mixture which contains direct DR dye and textile auxiliaries is greater than the effect of removing the reactive mixture with RO dye in the presence of the same auxiliary substances (95,0-99,0% and 74,0 to 82,0%). Therefore, systems containing the direct dye DR and auxiliary substances can be treated by combining electroflotation and adsorption on activated carbon, and solutions containing RO dyestuff and auxiliary substances can be treated by combining electroflotation, catalytic oxidation and adsorption on activated carbon.</p

    Leucemie acută promielocitară secundară dezvoltată după tratamentul limfomului non-Hodgkin, studiu de caz și review al literaturii

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    Background. Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is an acute myeloid leukemia (AML) that accounts approximately 10-15% of AML cases. APL usually appears as an de novo finding. The occurrence of secondary APL(sAPL) after chemotherapy(PChT) is rare, and the development of sAPL after an NHL is casuistic. Objective of the study. Description of a case of sAPL after NHL therapy. Material and Methods. The morphological blocks of lymph node biopsy, CBC and bone marrow aspiration (bma) were investigated. Results. Male B, 34 years old, hospitalized in a critical condition in the hematological center with Diffuse large B cell lymphoma, stage IV B, X (Ann-Arbor). With the purpose of induction, PChT cures were performed: R-CHOP, R-CHOEP, CVP, obtaining partial remission. 25 months after the onset of NHL, the patient experienced: anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis associated with peripheral blastosis. For restadialization an bma was performed, which reveals 95% of promyelocytetype blasts. sAPL was confirmed, induction PChT was initiated, still the result proved no efficacy. The death occurred early in induction, which corresponds with literature data. Conclusion. sAPL after NHL therapy are rare nosological entities in clinical practice, which are associated with the negative effect of treatment with anthracyclines or tenoposide derivatives, results in unfavorable prognosis and high mortality. Introducere. Leucemia acută promielocitară (LAP) e o leucemie acută mieloidă (LAM) ce însumează aproximativ 10-15% din cazurile de LAM. LAP, de obicei, survine de novo. Apariția LAP secundare (LAPs) după tratamentul chimioterapic (PChT) are loc rar, iar dezvoltarea LAPs după un LNH este cazuistic. Scopul lucrării. Descrierea unui caz de LAPs secundar unui LNH. Material și Metode. Au fost investigate blocurile morfologice ale biopsiei ganglionului limfatic, hemograma și aspiratul medular (a.m.). Rezultate. Bărbat B, 34 ani a fost spitalizat în stare foarte gravă în cadrul centrului hematologic cu diagnosticul de LNH difuz cu celula mare B, stadiu IV B,X (Ann-Arbor). Cu scop de inducere au fost efectuate cure de PChT de tip: R-CHOP, R-CHOEP, CVP cu obținerea remisiunii parțiale. La 25 de luni după debutul LNH, pacientul subit dezvoltă: anemie, trombocitopenie, leucocitoză asociată cu blastoză periferică. Pentru restadializare se efectuează a.m., care relevă 95% de blaști de tip promielocite. S-a confirmat LAPs, s-a inițiat PChT de inducere, fără eficacitate. Decesul a survenit, precoce, în inducere, ceea ce corespunde cu datele literaturii. Concluzii. LAP secundare LNH sunt entități nozologice rarisime în practica clinică, ce pot fi asociate efectului negativ al tratamentului cu antracicline sau derivați de tenoposid cu un prognostic nefavorabil și o mortalitate înaltă

    Secondary acute promyelocytic leukemia developed after treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Clinical case and review of literature

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    Disciplina de hematologie, Departament Medicină Internă, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Centrul Hematologic, IMSP Institutul Oncologic, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu” 21-23 octombrie 2020Rezumat. Introducere. Leucemia acută promielocitară reprezintă o leucemie acută mieloidă ce însumează aproximativ 10 % din cazurile de leucemii acute mieloide. Leucemia acută promielocitară, de obicei, survine de novo. Apariția leucemiilor acute promielocitare secundare, după tratamentul chimioterapic are loc rar, iar dezvoltarea leucemiilor acute promielocitare secundare dezvoltate după un limfom non-Hodgkin este rarisimă. Scopul lucrării este descrierea unui caz de leucemie acută promielocitară secundară unui limfom non-Hodgkin. Prezentare de caz. Bărbat B, 34 ani a fost spitalizat în stare foarte gravă în cadrul Centrului Hematologic al IMSP Institutul Oncologic, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, cu diagnosticul de limfom non-Hodgkin difuz cu celula mare B, stadiu IV B, X (Ann-Arbor). Cu scop de inducere au fost efectuate 15 cure de tratament citostatic (12 cure de inducere a remisiunii, 3 de menținere) cu obținerea remisiunii parțiale. La 25 luni după debutul LNH, pacientul dezvoltă subit: anemie, trombocitopenie și leucocitoză asociată cu blastoză periferică. Pentru restadializare se efectuează aspiratul medular, care relevă 95% de blaști de tip promielocite. S-a confirmat Leucemie acută promielocitară secundară, și a fost inițiate cure de polichimioterapie de inducere a remisiunii, fără eficacitate. Decesul a survenit, precoce, la etapa de inducere, ceea ce corespunde cu datele literaturii. Concluzii. Leucemiile acute promielocitare secundare limfoamelor non-Hodgkin sunt entități nozologice rarisime în practica clinică, ce pot fi asociate efectului negativ al tratamentului cu derivați de tenoposid cu un prognostic nefavorabil și o mortalitate înaltă.Abstract. Background. Acute promyelocytic leukemia is an acute myeloid leukemia that accounts approximately 10% of acute myeloid leukemia cases. Acute promyelocytic leukemias usually appears as a de novo finding. The occurrence of secondary acute promyelocytic leukemias after chemotherapy is rare, and the development of secondary acute promyelocytic leukemias after an non-Hodgkin lymphoma is casuistic. The objective of the study is to describe a case of secondary acute promyelocytic leukemia developed after non-Hodgkin lymphoma therapy. Clinical case. Male B, 34 years old, hospitalized in a critical condition in the Hematological Center of the Institute of Oncology, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, with diffuse large B cell lymphoma, stage IV B, X (Ann-Arbor). With the purpose of remission induction, 15 cycles of chemotherapy were performed( 12 cycles of remission induction, 3 cycles of mentainence therapy) obtaining a partial remission. 25 months after the onset of the non-Hodgkin lymphoma, the patient experienced: anemia, thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis associated with peripheral blastosis. For restadialization a bone marrow aspiration was performed, which reveals 95% of promyelocyte-type blasts. Secondary acute promyelocytic leukemia was confirmed, remission induction chemotherapy was initiated, but, still the result proved no efficacy. The death occurred early in induction, which corresponds with literature data. Conclusion. Secondary acute promyelocytic leukemias developed after non-Hodgkin lymphomas therapies are rare nosological entities in clinical practice, which are associated with the negative effect of treatment with anthracyclines or tenoposide derivatives, resulting in unfavorable prognosis and high mortality

    Physician-patient relationship in rare diseases: an ethical approach

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    Rare diseases are a special category of pathology recognized as such relatively recently, starting about 30 years ago in the USA and around the year 2000 in Europe. Rare diseases are clinically and therapeutically heterogeneous, being characterized by a number of common aspects that have a negative impact on patients’ evolution and quality of life, such as: delayed diagnosis, limited scientific knowledge about some of them, lack of treatment or limited availability of treatment. At the same time, information campaigns on rare diseases are limited, and the number of association of patients that promote their interests and rights is also reduced. The quality of physician- patient relationship is particularly important in the management of rare diseases, non-medical aspects, especially the ethical and moral aspects, being often more relevant to patients than the medical aspects. The ethical framework for the analysis of rare diseases encompasses a number of particular aspects, generated on the one hand by the need to properly approach patients suffering from rare diseases in the context of rising expectations for the medical system, and on the other hand, the pro-profit behavior of the pharma companies. This paper analyzes the particular ethical issues identified in the clinical approach on rare diseases, with a focus on the particularities of the physician-patient relationship in this context

    Bullying and Cyberbullying Victimization and Associated Factors among Adolescents in Six European Countries

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    Bullying and cyberbullying victimization are significant factors that threaten adolescent development and mental health. Our study aimed to analyze how socioeconomic characteristics and personal experiences of violence are associated with adolescents’ experiences of bullying and cyberbullying victimization. The study participants were 1146 students, 698 females and 448 males, aged between 13 and 16 years old, from secondary schools in Spain, Italy, Romania, Portugal, Poland and the UK. Data was collected through an online questionnaire. Prevalence ratios (PR) were calculated using Poisson regression with robust variance. In total, 37.2% of girls and 35.0% of boys reported being victims of bullying and or cyberbullying. The likelihood of bullying and or cyberbullying victimization was higher when adolescents had experienced physical and or sexual abuse before the age of 15, had witnessed domestic violence against their mother or had been victims of intimate partner violence. Perceived social support from teachers and classmates and higher self-esteem were associated with a lower likelihood of becoming a victim of bullying and or cyberbullying, but an association between experience of any other form of violence and the greater possibility of becoming a victim of bullying and or cyberbullying persisted even when self-esteem and social support were included in the model. Protecting adolescents from bullying and or cyberbullying means preventing all exposure to violent experiences in childhood and adolescence. Not having such experiences seems to be the most relevant protective factor.The project “Lights, Camera and Action against Dating Violence” (Ligts4Violence) was funded by the European Commission Directorate-General Justice and Consumers Rights, Equality and Citizen Violence Against Women Program 2016 for the period 2017–2019 to promote healthy dating relationship assets among secondary school students from different European countries, under grant agreement No. 776905. It was also co-supported by the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health of Spain for its aid to the Gender-based Violence and Youth Research Program

    Effect of the Lights4Violence intervention on the sexism of adolescents in European countries

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    Background: Sexism results in a number of attitudes and behaviors that contribute to gender inequalities in social structure and interpersonal relationships. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Lights4Violence, an intervention program based on promoting health assets to reduce sexist attitudes in young European people. Methods: We carried out a quasi-experimental study in a non-probabilistic population of 1146 students, aged 12–17 years. The dependent variables were the difference in the wave 1 and wave 2 values in the subscales of the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory: benevolent sexism (BS) and hostile sexism (HS). The effect of the intervention was evaluated through linear regression analyses stratified by sex. The models were adjusted by baseline subscales scores, socio-demographic and psychological variables. Results: In girls, we observed a decrease in BS in the intervention group compared to the control group (β = − 0.101; p = 0.006). In the wave2,, BS decreased more in the intervention group compared to the control group in girls with mothers with a low level of education (β = − 0.338; p = 0.001), with a high level of social support (β = − 0.251; p < 0.001), with greater capacity for conflict resolution (β = − 0.201; p < 0.001) and lower levels of aggressiveness (β = − 0.232, p < 0.001). In boys, the mean levels of HS and BH decreased in wave 2 in both the control and intervention groups. The changes observed after the wave 2 were the same in the control group and in the intervention group. No significant differences were identified between both groups. Conclusions: The implementation of the Lights4Violence was associated with a significant reduction in BS in girls, which highlights the potential of interventions aimed at supporting the personal competencies and social support. It is necessary to reinforce the inclusion of educational contents that promote reflection among boys about the role of gender and the meaning of the attributes of masculinity. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov : NCT03411564. Unique Protocol ID: 776905. Date registered: 26-01-2018.The project “Lights, Camera and Action against Dating Violence” (Ligts4Violence) was funded by the European Commission Directorate-General Justice and Consumers Rights, Equality and Citizen Violence Against Women Program 2016 for the period 2017–2019 to promote healthy dating relationship assets among secondary school students from different European countries, under grant agreement No. 776905. It was also co-supported by the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health of Spain for its aid to the Gender-based Violence and Youth Research Program