12 research outputs found
Proizvodnja i percepcija govora
Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana.
Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku.
Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa.Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana.
Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku.
Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa
Proizvodnja i percepcija govora
Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana.
Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku.
Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa.Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana.
Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku.
Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa
Production of Czech consonants r and l in Chinese speakers
Potíže čínských mluvčích při produkci a percepci souhlásek r a l při osvojování si zvukové stránky cizích jazyků jsou všeobecně známy. V této studii je analyzována produkce alveolární vibranty /r/ a laterální aproximanty /l/ u čínských mluvčích v češtině, a to s ohledem na jejich pozici ve slově a hláskovou kombinatoriku. Analyzováno bylo celkem 500 realizací (229 pro r a 271 pro l) s odlišením pozice iniciální před vokálem, intervokalické a finální po vokálu a v souhláskové skupině včetně pozice slabikotvorné. Na základě poslechové analýzy s kontrolou akustických vlastností byla sledována frekvence kanonické výslovnosti a typy odchylek, jako např. aproximanta r, vokalizace l, vypuštění, záměna, přítomnost třepené fonace atd. Kanonická realizace činila 42,8 % pro /r/ a 71,2 % pro /l/. Nejčastější odchylkou ve výslovnosti r byla záměna za l (30 % všech realizací), u l to byla vokalizace (19 %). Zhruba lze říci, že souhlásce r se daří v souhláskových skupinách, na rozdíl od l, pro které je úspěšná pozice iniciální před vokálem a pozice intervokalická.It is generaly known that the production and perception of r and l consonants cause difficulties for Chinese speakers in the acquisition of L2 phonology. In this study, the production of alveolar vibrant / r / and lateral approximant / l / in Chinese speakers in Czech is analyzed, taking into account their position in the word and phonetic combinatorics. A total of 500 realizations (229 for / r / and 271 for / l /) were analyzed, with a distinction between the initial position before a vowel, the intervocalic position, the final position after a vowel and in a consonant group, including the syllabic position. On the basis of listening analysis with control of acoustic properties, the frequency of canonical pronunciation and types of incorrect realizations were monitored, such as approximant [ɹ], l-vocalization, deletion, confusion, presence of creaky voice, etc. The canonical realization was 42.8% for / r / and 71.2% for / l /.
The most common incorrect pronunciation of r was the exchange for l (30% of all realizations), for l it was vocalization (19%). Roughly speaking, the consonant r preserves in consonant groups, in contrast to l, for which the successful position is initial before a vowel, intervocalic and in a consonat cluster before a vowel
Glottalization in Czech speech produced by speakers of Russian and Ukrainian as L1 compared to native Czech speakers
Abstrakt: Ráz nemá v češtině statut hlásky, nicméně může mít nezanedbatelný percepční dopad. Nerozlišuje sice význam slov, ale jeho užití přispívá k větší srozumitelnosti projevu. Je jedním ze zvukových jevů, kterým se může lišit projev rodilého a nerodilého mluvčího; produkce rázu v českých projevech nerodilých mluvčích v porovnání s rodilými mluvčími je předmětem této studie. Materiálem pro výzkum jsou nahrávky čteného textu o délce 216 slov, který obsahuje 29 pozic s potenciálním výskytem rázu, rozdělených do 4 typů. Skupiny respondentů tvoří mluvčí (ženy) s mateřštinou ruštinou (12 osob), ukrajinštinou (9) a češtinou (13).Abstract: Glottal stop does not have the status of a phoneme in Czech, but it can have a significant perceptual impact. Although it does not distinguish the meaning of words, its use contributes to higher intelligibility of speech. It is one of the sound phenomena by which the speech of native and non-native speakers can differ; glottalization in the Czech speech of non-native speakers compared to native ones is the subject of this study. Recordings of the read text with a length of 216 words, which contains 29 positions with the potential occurrence of glottal stop, divided into 4 types, were analysed. The respondents were native speakers (females) of Russian (12 people), Ukrainian (9) and Czech (13)
The degree of foreign accent in the Czech of Polish speakers
Cílem studie je pokusit se nalézt zvukové jevy, které mohou ovlivnit hodnocení míry cizineckého přízvuku u polských mluvčích v češtině. Materiál tvoří vzorky pěti mluvčích mužů s mateřštinou polštinou, z nichž byl sestaven percepční test. Míru cizineckého přízvuku hodnotily dvě skupiny rodilých posluchačů češtiny (z Čech a Ostravska). Na základě výsledků testu a poslechové a akustické analýzy byly určeny jevy, které mohly mít (s různou mírou jistoty) na hodnocení cizineckého přízvuku vliv a které se naopak v hodnocení neodrazily. K cizineckému přízvuku přispívají jak jevy souvislé řeči, tak výslovnost segmentů či jejich kombinatorika.The aim of the study is to try to find sound phenomena that can influence the assessment of the degree of foreign accent among Polish speakers in Czech. The material consists of samples of five native Polish male speakers, from which a perception test was compiled. The degree of foreign accent was assessed by two groups of native Czech speakers (from Bohemia and Ostrava region). Based on the results of the test and perceptual and acoustic analysis, phenomena were determined that could (with varying degrees of certainty) have an influence on the assessment of the foreign accent and which, on the contrary, were not reflected in the assessment. Both the phenomena of prosody, and the pronunciation of segments or their combinatorics contribute to a foreign accent
Differences in the basic pitch relevant to the perceptual distinction of melodemes in English
As in the case of many other languages, the intonation fulfils certain linguistic functions in Czech. It distinguishes conclusive vs. non-conclusive clauses, declarative vs. interrogative clauses and neutral vs. marked usage clauses. In the case of declarative and interrogative clauses, the intonation is the single distinguishing feature. Structures of the basic patterns to express these linguistic functions were standardized and in general accepted, but not enough is known about their particular realizations. In general, these structure types are realized in the final stress unit of the utterance. It has been confirmed that the intonation courses of some functionally diverse contours are similar and there exist overlaps among them. The perceptual differences between contours can be caused only by the size of F0 excursions. Our research focuses on finding minimal distinctions in F0 excursions which are sufficient to distinguish phonologically different types of sentences. Some structure types can be fully realized on the at least three-syllable stress units, that is why these were chosen to be analysed. The research is based both on synthetic speech and natural one. Two sets of synthetic contours, first containg three-syllable stress units and the second the four-syllable ones, that cover the structure...Práce patří do problematiky intonologie češtiny. Jejím cílem je zjištění relevantních rozdílů v průběhu základního tónu, které jsou dostatečné pro percepční rozlišení základních výpovědních kategorií v češtině. Melodie řeči je v češtině funkčně využita. V rámci neutrálních výpovědí odlišuje ukončené a neukončené výpovědi a uvnitř výpovědí ukončených jako jediný prostředek větu oznamovací a otázku zjišťovací. Melodické průběhy některých kadencí jsou si však podobné a u některých variant může v řeči docházet k melodickým přesahům. Tato skutečnost není však v reálné komunikaci zřejmá, jelikož informace zprostředkovaná melodií je doplněna působením dalších, jazykových i nejazykových prostředků. Zvukové vlastnosti, které jsou dostatečné pro percepční rozlišení fonologických typů výpovědí, nejsou ještě uspokojivě prozkoumány. Jsou standardizována základní melodická schémata, chybí však podrobný popis jejich konkrétních realizací. Tato práce představuje uzavřenou etapu výzkumu, o kterém se však předpokládá, že se bude i nadále rozvíjet. Vstupní experiment (Janíková, 1997) zkoumal vybraný soubor melodických typů a zároveň ověřoval možnost použití syntetické řeči k tomuto typu analýzy. Závěry dovolují soudit, že zvolené nasměrování výzkumu přináší užitečná zjištění a je proto vhodné ho rozšířit i na další část...Institute of PhoneticsFonetický ústavFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult
Differences in the basic pitch relevant to the perceptual distinction of melodemes in English
As in the case of many other languages, the intonation fulfils certain linguistic functions in Czech. It distinguishes conclusive vs. non-conclusive clauses, declarative vs. interrogative clauses and neutral vs. marked usage clauses. In the case of declarative and interrogative clauses, the intonation is the single distinguishing feature. Structures of the basic patterns to express these linguistic functions were standardized and in general accepted, but not enough is known about their particular realizations. In general, these structure types are realized in the final stress unit of the utterance. It has been confirmed that the intonation courses of some functionally diverse contours are similar and there exist overlaps among them. The perceptual differences between contours can be caused only by the size of F0 excursions. Our research focuses on finding minimal distinctions in F0 excursions which are sufficient to distinguish phonologically different types of sentences. Some structure types can be fully realized on the at least three-syllable stress units, that is why these were chosen to be analysed. The research is based both on synthetic speech and natural one. Two sets of synthetic contours, first containg three-syllable stress units and the second the four-syllable ones, that cover the structure..
Vowel-Related Glottalization in Czech Read Speech: Russian vs. Native Speaker
Glottalization as a significant irregularity of glottal pulsing fulfils a number of linguistic functions and can occur in various contexts. It can also contribute to a foreign accent. This paper examines the rate of vowel-related glottalization in the speech of Russian speakers who are beginning learners of Czech, comparing their reading of Czech with that of native speakers. In Czech, there is a relatively high frequency of glottalization and, according to research from the last decade, glottalization in Russian is more common than is usually assumed, especially at the boundaries of intonational phrases. The purpose of this study is to determine the similarities and differences in the distribution of glottalization among native and non-native speakers of Czech, and to examine the factors that may influence it. The subjects read a short text containing 14 potential positions where glottalization can occur in the standard pronunciation of native speakers. The resulting 322 tokens were then analysed and rated for glottalization. The analysis was primarily based on perception and covered two main categories of glottalization: the glottal stop and creaky voice. The rate of glottalization in individual speakers ranged from 71.4 to 100.0% (native group) and from 25.0 to 72.7% (non-native group). The differences between native and non-native speakers are significant at the level p 0.05, while the differences between males and females (both within and across the groups) are not significant. Three different positions (the intonational phrase boundary, the position after a non-syllabic preposition, and the word-internal boundary) are discussed in detail.9310