741 research outputs found

    Joint Densities of Correlation Coefficients for Samples from Multivariate Standard Normal Distribution

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62H10.We consider the joint distribution of the correlation coefficients for samples from multivariate standard normal distribution. Some marginal densities are obtained. Independence and conditional independence between sets of sample correlation coefficients are established

    Change management in tourism companies through changing employee attitudes

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    The present study explores the process of negative attitudes toward organizational changes in tourism companies. The aim of this paper is to reveal the opportunities for changing employee attitudes from negative to positive ones in order to improve the success of the change management in tourism companies. We presume that through positive leadership and soft skills negative job attitudes can be transformed into positive ones and help the changing processes. On this ground, the need of organizational changes is revealed. Outshaped are the main characteristics and the psychological aspects of organizational changes in tourism companies and why their neglecting appears to be the main reason for changes failure. Positive leadership and soft skills are suggested as successful approach to negative job attitudes transformation into positive ones aiming to guarantee the success of organizational changes in tourism companies

    Properties of the Bellman Gamma Distribution

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62H10.The Bellman gamma distribution is a matrix variate distribution, which is a generalization of the Wishart distribution. In practice it arises as a distribution of the empirical normal covariance matrix for samples with monotone missing data. The exact distributions of determinants and quotient of determinants of some submatrices of Bellman gamma distributed random matrices are obtained. The method, considered in this paper, gives the possibility to derive the distribution of products and quotient of products of principal minors of a Bellman gamma matrix, and in particular, of a Wishart matrix

    Marginal Densities of the Wishart Distribution

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    2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62H10.We consider marginal densities obtained by elimination of non-diagonal elements of a positive definite random matrix with an arbitrary distribution. For a p Ă— p random matrix W such a marginal density is presented by a graph with p vertices. For every non-diagonal element of W, included in the density we draw in the graph an undirected edge between the corresponding vertices. By giving an equivalent definition of decomposable graphs we show that the bounds of the integration with respect to every excluded element of W can be exactly obtained if and only if the corresponding graph is decomposable. The author gives in an explicit form some of the marginal densities of an arbitrary Wishart distribution


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    It is a fact that today digital media, global social networks and web-based technologies have encountered place in the life of every human. It can not be denied that this phenomena is observed even more frequently regarding the learning process. The practice of instructing German language to the students from the carreer of "International Relations" at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and the teaching experience showhow the electronic forms of education create new possibilities and turn into additionqal incentives to motivate students, to conduct teaching process more effectively and to achieve even higher results in the foreign language education

    Test for Independence of the Variables with Missing Elements in One and the Same Column of the Empirical Correlation Matrix

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62H15, 62H12.We consider variables with joint multivariate normal distribution and suppose that the sample correlation matrix has missing elements, located in one and the same column. Under these assumptions we derive the maximum likelihood ratio test for independence of the variables. We obtain also the maximum likelihood estimations for the missing values

    Best practices as opportunities for leadership soft skills improvement in human resource management in Bulgarian tourism organizations: The Four Season hotels example

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    Contemporary leadership requires flexibility and adaptability because of the constant changes in the business environment. The purpose of this study is to discuss best practice example in leadership soft skills for managing human resources in Four Season Hotels, and the opportunities for their implementation in Bulgarian tourism organizations.  First, the new leadership approaches and a new understanding of the leadership were outlined. Second, pointed out was the essence of the soft skills concept and its close relation to organizational leadership. The characteristics of human resource management in tourism organizations were described. Four Seasons Hotels good practice example was discussed, reffering the leadership soft skills application in successful tourism companies. Best practice implementation in Bulgarian tourism companies was suggested


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    Founded in 1983 as a small family owned yogurt firm, Stonyfield Farm became a $96.8 million company in 2002 with over 4% of the yogurt market in U.S. and the largest producer of organic yogurt nationwide. Despite its impressive growth, the company has held to its founding mission to support small family-run dairies in New England, provide a healthful, productive and enjoyable workplace for all employees, and serves as a model to show that environmentally and socially responsible businesses can also be profitable. This case study analyzes the drivers and incentives for environmental and social decision-making that have driven the company on the way to sustainability. It demonstrates that even small companies with limited resources can achieve business success while following sustainability principles

    Students' internship and the higher education in tourism in support of the regional businesses: methodology

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    The goal of this paper is to highlight the problems and opportunities for integrating university graduates in the tourism industry through their practical internship, and to propose a methodology for measuring its effectiveness. The research brings out the most common problems and peculiarities, in twelve countries, in the practical training of tourism students: overtime without payment; lack of supervision and control of the students’ performance; insufficient on-boarding; lack of on-the-job training; students become subject to dark leadership and are directly discriminated against or denied full rights to work and fair pay; gap between too high job expectations and reality; The curricula does not always meet the needs of the tourism practice. Based on the analysis of the students’ internship in the specialty "Tourism" at the University of Economics - Varna, a new methodology for measuring its effectiveness is proposed

    Practical use of registered veterinary medicinal products in Macedonia in identifying the risk of developing of antimicrobial resistance

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    The use of antimicrobial agents is the key risk factor for the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance. It is therefore generally recognized that data on the usage of antimicrobial agents in food-producing animals are essential for identifying and quantifying the risk of developing and spreading of antimicrobial resistance in the food-chain. According to the WHO guidelines, the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical system for the classification of veterinary medicines (ATC-vet) is widely recognized as a classification tool. The aim of this work is to analyze the list of registered veterinary medicinal products in R. Macedonia and to evaluate the quality and practical use of this list according to the ATC-vet classification in order to identify the risk of developing and spreading of antimicrobial resistance
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