47 research outputs found

    Past and present controls on bed evolution, sediment distribution, and transport capacities in the RhĂŽne River

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    Un siĂšcle et demi d’intenses modifications humaines ont modifiĂ© drastiquement les capacitĂ©s de transport par charriage dans le RhĂŽne. Une Ă©tude basĂ©e sur le couplage de la modĂ©lisation hydraulique 1D, des Ă©quations de transport par charriage, et une large base de donnĂ©es granulomĂ©triques et bathymĂ©triques a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e afin d’estimer les capacitĂ©s de transport Ă  l’état actuel tout au long du chenal principal du RhĂŽne en France. Nous comparons ces estimations avec celles obtenues pour un rĂ©gime hydraulique non amĂ©nagĂ© et une granulomĂ©trie de lit plus fine. Ces rĂ©sultats apportent une vision gĂ©nĂ©rale sur la variabilitĂ© spatiale des capacitĂ©s de transport par charriage dans le RhĂŽne et une comparaison avec les capacitĂ©s de transport avant les grandes phases d’amĂ©nagement du fleuv

    Past and present controls on bed evolution, sediment distribution, and transport capacities in the RhĂŽne River

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    Un siĂšcle et demi d’intenses modifications humaines ont modifiĂ© drastiquement les capacitĂ©s de transport par charriage dans le RhĂŽne. Une Ă©tude basĂ©e sur le couplage de la modĂ©lisation hydraulique 1D, des Ă©quations de transport par charriage, et une large base de donnĂ©es granulomĂ©triques et bathymĂ©triques a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e afin d’estimer les capacitĂ©s de transport Ă  l’état actuel tout au long du chenal principal du RhĂŽne en France. Nous comparons ces estimations avec celles obtenues pour un rĂ©gime hydraulique non amĂ©nagĂ© et une granulomĂ©trie de lit plus fine. Ces rĂ©sultats apportent une vision gĂ©nĂ©rale sur la variabilitĂ© spatiale des capacitĂ©s de transport par charriage dans le RhĂŽne et une comparaison avec les capacitĂ©s de transport avant les grandes phases d’amĂ©nagement du fleuv

    Contribution of grain sorting to the bedload active layer dynamics

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    During the last 20 years, numerous sediment transport flume experiments have shown that grain sorting generates bed level fluctuations and bedload pulses. In this work, we first propose a new analysis of these experimental data. From this analysis, we derive a model for gravel bed rivers where both local slope and bedload are known to largely fluctuate through space and time, in the socalled 'bedload active layer'. The model considers a maximum slope for local armoring equals to the mean bed slope affected by a coefficient which expresses the difference of mobility of the coarse fraction considered alone or in a mixture, and a minimum local slope for bed erosion equals to the mean bed slope corrected by a coefficient that depends on the armor ratio Ar (ratio of the surface to the sub-surface grains diameter) and the reach-averaged transport rate. The model is then compared with a compilation of scour-fill depths measured in the field. Results suggest that the slope fluctuations in 1D flume experiments are consistent with in-channel bed-level fluctuations associated to scour-fill processes in the active layer, with a maximum scour depth which is slope dependent. For the pulse intensity, we provide a justification to the simplified squared slope equation used to compute solid concentration C = Qs/Q proportionnal to SÂČ (with Qs the solid discharge, Q the water discharge and S the slope), which has often been used in place of standard bedload equations for modelling highly concentrated bedload transport events in mountain streams

    Using UAS optical imagery and SfM photogrammetry to characterize the surface grain size of gravel bars in a braided river (Veneon River, French Alps)

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    International audienceThis paper explores the potential of unmanned aerial system (UAS) optical aerial imagery to characterize grain roughness and size distribution in a braided, gravel-bed river (Veneon River, French Alps). With this aim in view, a Wolman field campaign (19 samples) and five UAS surveys were conducted over the Veneon braided channel during summer 2015. The UAS consisted of a small quadcopter carrying a GoPro camera. Structure from -Motion (SfM) photogrammetry was used to extract dense and accurate three-dimensional point clouds. Roughness descriptors (roughness heights, standard deviation of elevation) were computed from the SfM point clouds and were correlated with the median grain size of the Wolman samples. A strong relationship was found between UAS-SfM-derived grain roughness and Wolman grain size. The procedure employed has potential for the rapid and continuous characterization of grain size distribution in exposed bars of gravel-bed rivers. The workflow described in this paper has been successfully used to produce spatially continuous grain size information on exposed gravel bars and to explore textural changes following flow events. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Experimental bed active-layer survey with active RFID scour chains: Example of two braided rivers (the Drac and the Vénéon) in the French Alps

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    An innovative scour chains device composed of active UHF RFID tags is proposed to survey the bed active layer. This device is tested on three cross-sections deployed along two large Alpine braided rivers: the Drac and the Vénéon. A specific field deployment procedure is developed, using a technique of drilling with a tube and a jack-hammer. After each flood, the device allows recording presence/absence of active tags inside a scour chain column. This provides the maximum scouring depth of the bed at the position of the column, and the topographic resurvey of the channel provides the net fill depth. Results show that bed active layer can reach up to 1.43 m during high flow conditions and remains <0.1 m during low and moderate flows. The main advantage of this technology against traditional scour chains is the rapidity and easiness with which the scouring depth is obtained after a flow event, notably under conditions of massive net deposition after the flow. This technology is therefore particularly suitable for large braided rivers, where traditional scour chains necessitate too much field efforts for their relocation, and can be rapidly lost under deep active layers

    Particle transport in gravel-bed rivers: Revisiting passive tracer data

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    International audienc

    Action I.4 : Modélisation des évolutions morphodynamiques du chenal sur le long terme

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    Un travail de thĂšse (Parrot, 2015 ; co‐encadrĂ© par HervĂ© PiĂ©gay – EVS/UMR 5600 et Michal Tal ‐CEREGE/UMR 7300) soutenu en dĂ©cembre 2015 a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© dans le cadre du programme OSR2. Lesobjectifs de cette thĂšse Ă©taient doubles : i) caractĂ©riser la granulomĂ©trie du lit du RhĂŽne, et ii) analyserquantitativement l’évolution verticale de ce lit Ă  partir des donnĂ©es bathymĂ©triques existantes. Dansle cadre de la thĂšse, 336 Ă©chantillons des sĂ©diments du lit du RhĂŽne ont pu ĂȘtre prĂ©levĂ©s sur le terrainet analysĂ©s, couvrant tout le continuum fluvial. Dans le mĂȘme temps, un travail de compilation deprofils longitudinaux du RhĂŽne (issus des donnĂ©es bathymĂ©triques CNR et de cartes historiques)mesurĂ©s Ă  des dates diffĂ©rentes au cours des 150 derniĂšres annĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©, l’objectif Ă©tantd’analyser l’évolution verticale du lit du fleuve, en rĂ©ponse aux contraintes anthropiques et naturelles(ouvrages hydroĂ©lectriques, digues, Ă©pisodes de forte crue...).Le temps nĂ©cessaire pour produire une analyse fine et complĂšte d’une base de donnĂ©es aussi Ă©tendueet complexe que celle produite par Parrot (2015) est bien supĂ©rieur au temps imparti pourl'accomplissement d’une thĂšse. C’est pourquoi l’analyse menĂ©e au cours de la thĂšse s’est concentrĂ©esur les tendances Ă  l’échelle globale. Le premier objective dans le cadre de l’OSR 4 Ă©tait d’approfondirles analyses effectuĂ©es sur la base de donnĂ©es de Parrot (2015). Ce travail a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadred'un stage de M2, par une Ă©tudiante inscrite dans le Master SET Ă  Aix‐Marseille UniversitĂ© (Amel Ati,fĂ©vrier Ă  juillet 2016, CEREGE UMR 7330). Le deuxiĂšme objective Ă©tait de coupler la base de donnĂ©esde Parrot (2015) avec le modĂšle hydraulique 1D du RhĂŽne dĂ©veloppĂ© par Irstea Lyon. Le but Ă©tait ainside caractĂ©riser d’une façon quantitative le transport actuel par charriage du RhĂŽne. Ce travail a Ă©tĂ©menĂ© par Daniel VĂĄzquez TarrĂ­o, post-doc au CEREGE entre novembre 2016 et dĂ©cembre 2017. Aucunenouvelle donnĂ©e n'a Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©e dans le cadre du stage de M2 ni le postdoc. Ces travaux s’appuientsurtout sur une analyse des donnĂ©es acquises et compilĂ©es pendant la thĂšse d’E. Parrot (2015). La basede donnĂ©es existante est prĂ©sentĂ©e synthĂ©tiquement dans ce rapport.Ce rapport synthĂ©tise les principaux rĂ©sultats de l'analyse menĂ©e dans le cadre du stage de master(Ati) et le postdoc (VĂĄzquez TarrĂ­o)