7 research outputs found

    Trapped modes in thin and infinite ladder like domains. Part 1 : existence results

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    International audienceThe present paper deals with the wave propagation in a particular two dimensional structure, obtained from a localized perturbation of a reference periodic medium. This reference medium is a ladder like domain, namely a thin periodic structure (the thickness being characterized by a small parameter ϔ>0\epsilon > 0) whose limit (as ϔ\epsilon tends to 0) is a periodic graph. The localized perturbation consists in changing the geometry of the reference medium by modifying the thickness of one rung of the ladder. Considering the scalar Helmholtz equation with Neumann boundary conditions in this domain, we wonder whether such a geometrical perturbation is able to produce localized eigenmodes. To address this question, we use a standard approach of asymptotic analysis that consists of three main steps. We first find the formal limit of the eigenvalue problem as the ϔ\epsilon tends to 0. In the present case, it corresponds to an eigenvalue problem for a second order differential operator defined along the periodic graph. Then, we proceed to an explicit calculation of the spectrum of the limit operator. Finally, we prove that the spectrum of the initial operator is close to the spectrum of the limit operator. In particular, we prove the existence of localized modes provided that the geometrical perturbation consists in diminishing the width of one rung of the periodic thin structure. Moreover, in that case, it is possible to create as many eigenvalues as one wants, provided that Δ is small enough. Numerical experiments illustrate the theoretical results

    Guides d'ondes ouverts : théorie et calculs numériques.

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    The present work deals with propagation of acoustic waves in periodic media. These media have particularly interesting properties since the spectrum associated with the underlying wave operator in such media has a band-gap structure: there exist intervals of frequences for which monochromatic waves do not propagate. Moreover, by introducing linear defects in this kind of media, one can create guided modes inside the bands of forbidden frequences. In this work we show that it is possible to create such guided modes in the case of particular periodic media of grid type: more precisely, the periodic domain in question is R2 minus an infinite set of rectangular obstacles periodically spaced in two orthogonal directions (the distance between two neighbour obstacles being Δ), which is locally perturbed by diminishing the distance between two columns of obstacles. The results are extended to the 3D case.This work has a theoretical and a numerical aspect. From the theoretical point of view the analysis is based on the fact that, Δ being small, the spectrum of the operator associated with our problem is "close" to the spectrum of a problem posed on a graph which is a geometric limit of the domain as Δ tends to 0. However, for the limit graph the spectrum can be computed explicitly. Then, we study the spectrum of the non-limit operator using asymptotic analysis. Theoretical results are illustrated by numerical computations obtained with a numerical method developed for study of periodic media: this method is based on the reduction of the initial (linear) eigenvalue problem posed in an unbounded domain to a non-linear problem posed in a bounded domain (using the exact Dirichlet- to-Neumann operator).Cette thĂšse porte sur la propagation des ondes acoustiques dans des milieux pĂ©riodiques. Ces milieux ont des propriĂ©tĂ©s remarquables car le spectre associĂ©e Ă  l’opĂ©rateur d’ondes dans ces milieux a une structure de bandes : il existe des plages de frĂ©quences dans lesquelles les ondes monochromatiques ne se propagent pas. Plus intĂ©ressant encore, en introduisant des dĂ©fauts linĂ©iques dans ce type de milieux, on peut crĂ©er des modes guidĂ©s Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de ces bandes de frĂ©quences interdites. Dans ce manuscrit nous montrons qu’il est possible de crĂ©er de tels modes guidĂ©s dans le cas de milieux pĂ©riodiques particuliers de type quadrillage : plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, le domaine pĂ©riodique considĂ©rĂ© est constituĂ© du plan R2 privĂ© d’un ensemble infini d’obstacles rectangulaires rĂ©guliĂšrement espacĂ©s (d’une distance Δ) dans deux directions orthogonales du plan, que l’on perturbe localement en diminuant la distance entre deux colonnes d’obstacles. Les rĂ©sultats sont ensuite Ă©tendus au cas 3D.Ce travail comporte un aspect thĂ©orique et un aspect numĂ©rique. Du point de vue thĂ©o- rique l’analyse repose sur le fait que, comme Δ est petit, le spectre de l’opĂ©rateur associĂ© Ă  notre problĂšme est "proche" du spectre d’un problĂšme posĂ© sur le graphe obtenu comme la limite gĂ©omĂ©trique du domaine quand Δ tend vers 0. Or, pour le graphe limite, il est possible de calculer explicitement le spectre. Ensuite, en utilisant des mĂ©thodes d’analyse asymptotique on Ă©tudie le spectre de l’opĂ©rateur non-limite. On illustre les rĂ©sultats thĂ©o- riques par des rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques obtenus Ă  l’aide d’une mĂ©thode numĂ©rique spĂ©ciale- ment dĂ©diĂ©e aux milieux pĂ©riodiques : cette derniĂšre est basĂ©e sur la rĂ©duction du problĂšme de valeurs propres initial (linĂ©aire) posĂ© dans un domaine non-bornĂ© Ă  un problĂšme non- linĂ©aire posĂ© dans un domaine bornĂ© (en utilisant l’opĂ©rateur de Dirichlet-to-Neumann exact)

    Guides d'ondes périodiques ouverts : Théorie et calcul

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    The present work deals with propagation of acoustic waves in periodic media. Thesemedia have particularly interesting properties since the spectrum associated with theunderlying wave operator in such media has a band-gap structure: there exist intervals offrequences for which monochromatic waves do not propagate. Moreover, by introducinglinear defects in this kind of media, one can create guided modes inside the bands offorbidden frequences. In this work we show that it is possible to create such guidedmodes in the case of particular periodic media of grid type: more precisely, the periodicdomain in question is R2 minus an infinite set of rectangular obstacles periodically spacedin two orthogonal directions (the distance between two neighbour obstacles being "),which is locally perturbed by diminishing the distance between two columns of obstacles.The results are extended to the 3D case.This work has a theoretical and a numerical aspect. From the theoretical point of view theanalysis is based on the fact that, " being small, the spectrum of the operator associatedwith our problem is "close" to the spectrum of a problem posed on a graph which is ageometric limit of the domain as " tends to 0. However, for the limit graph the spectrumcan be computed explicitly. Then, we study the spectrum of the non-limit operatorusing asymptotic analysis. Theoretical results are illustrated by numerical computationsobtained with a numerical method developed for study of periodic media: this method isbased on the reduction of the initial (linear) eigenvalue problem posed in an unboundeddomain to a non-linear problem posed in a bounded domain (using the exact Dirichletto-Neumann operator).Cette thĂšse porte sur la propagation des ondes acoustiques dans des milieux pĂ©riodiques.Ces milieux ont des propriĂ©tĂ©s remarquables car le spectre associĂ©e Ă  l’opĂ©rateur d’ondesdans ces milieux a une structure de bandes : il existe des plages de frĂ©quences danslesquelles les ondes monochromatiques ne se propagent pas. Plus intĂ©ressant encore, enintroduisant des dĂ©fauts linĂ©iques dans ce type de milieux, on peut crĂ©er des modes guidĂ©sĂ  l’intĂ©rieur de ces bandes de frĂ©quences interdites. Dans ce manuscrit nous montrons qu’ilest possible de crĂ©er de tels modes guidĂ©s dans le cas de milieux pĂ©riodiques particuliersde type quadrillage : plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, le domaine pĂ©riodique considĂ©rĂ© est constituĂ© duplan R2 privĂ© d’un ensemble infini d’obstacles rectangulaires rĂ©guliĂšrement espacĂ©s (d’unedistance ") dans deux directions orthogonales du plan, que l’on perturbe localement endiminuant la distance entre deux colonnes d’obstacles. Les rĂ©sultats sont ensuite Ă©tendusau cas 3D.Ce travail comporte un aspect thĂ©orique et un aspect numĂ©rique. Du point de vue thĂ©oriquel’analyse repose sur le fait que, comme " est petit, le spectre de l’opĂ©rateur associĂ© Ă notre problĂšme est "proche" du spectre d’un problĂšme posĂ© sur le graphe obtenu commela limite gĂ©omĂ©trique du domaine quand " tend vers 0. Or, pour le graphe limite, il estpossible de calculer explicitement le spectre. Ensuite, en utilisant des mĂ©thodes d’analyseasymptotique on Ă©tudie le spectre de l’opĂ©rateur non-limite. On illustre les rĂ©sultats thĂ©oriquespar des rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques obtenus Ă  l’aide d’une mĂ©thode numĂ©rique spĂ©cialementdĂ©diĂ©e aux milieux pĂ©riodiques : cette derniĂšre est basĂ©e sur la rĂ©duction du problĂšmede valeurs propres initial (linĂ©aire) posĂ© dans un domaine non-bornĂ© Ă  un problĂšme nonlinĂ©aireposĂ© dans un domaine bornĂ© (en utilisant l’opĂ©rateur de Dirichlet-to-Neumannexact)

    Existence of guided waves due to a lineic perturbation of a 3D periodic medium

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    International audienceIn this note, we exhibit a three dimensional structure that permits to guide waves. This structure is obtained by a geometrical perturbation of a 3D periodic domain that consists of a three dimensional grating of equi-spaced thin pipes oriented along three orthogonal directions. Homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions are imposed on the boundary of the domain. The diameter of the section of the pipes, of order Δ > 0, is supposed to be small. We prove that, for Δ small enough, shrinking the section of one line of the grating by a factor of √ ” (0 < ” < 1) creates guided modes that propagate along the perturbed line. Our result relies on the asymptotic analysis (with respect to Δ) of the spectrum of the Laplace-Neumann operator in this structure. Indeed, as Δ tends to 0, the domain tends to a periodic graph, and the spectrum of the associated limit operator can be computed explicitly

    Trapped modes in thin and infinite ladder like domains. Part 2 : asymptotic analysis and numerical application

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    International audienceWe are interested in a 2D propagation medium obtained from a localized perturbation of a reference homogeneous periodic medium. This reference medium is a " thick graph " , namely a thin structure (the thinness being characterized by a small parameter Δ > 0) whose limit (when Δ tends to 0) is a periodic graph. The perturbation consists in changing only the geometry of the reference medium by modifying the thickness of one of the lines of the reference medium. In the first part of this work, we proved that such a geometrical perturbation is able to produce localized eigenmodes (the propagation model under consideration is the scalar Helmholtz equation with Neumann boundary conditions). This amounts to solving an eigenvalue problem for the Laplace operator in an unbounded domain. We used a standard approach of analysis that consists in (1) find a formal limit of the eigenvalue problem when the small parameter tends to 0, here the formal limit is an eigenvalue problem for a second order differential operator along a graph; (2) proceed to an explicit calculation of the spectrum of the limit operator; (3) deduce the existence of eigenvalues as soon as the thickness of the ladder is small enough. The objective of the present work is to complement the previous one by constructing and justifying a high order asymptotic expansion of these eigenvalues (with respect to the small parameter Δ) using the method of matched asymptotic expansions. In particular, the obtained expansion can be used to compute a numerical approximation of the eigenvalues and of their associated eigenvectors. An algorithm to compute each term of the asymptotic expansion is proposed. Numerical experiments validate the theoretical results

    Trapped modes in thin and infinite ladder like domains: existence and asymptotic analysis

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    We are interested in a 2D propagation medium which is a localized perturbation of a reference homogeneous periodic medium. This reference medium is a "thick graph", namely a thin structure (the thinness being characterized by a small parameter Δ\varepsilon > 0) whose limit (when Δ\varepsilon tends to 0) is a periodic graph. The perturbation consists in changing only the geometry of the reference medium by modifying the thickness of one of the lines of the reference medium. The question we investigate is whether such a geometrical perturbation is able to produce localized eigenmodes. We have investigated this question when the propagation model is the scalar Helmholtz equation with Neumann boundary conditions . This amounts to solving an eigenvalue problem for the Laplace operator in an unbounded domain. We use a standard approach of analysis that consists in (1) find a formal limit of the eigenvalue problem when the small parameter tends to 0, here the formal limit is an eigenvalue problem for a second order differential operator along a graph; (2) proceed to an explicit calculation of the spectrum of the limit operator; (3) deduce the existence of eigenvalues as soon as the thickness of the ladder is small enough and construct an asymptotic expansion of the eigenvalues with respect to the small parameter. Following this approach, we prove the existence of localized modes provided that the geometrical perturbation consists in diminishing the width of one rung. Using the matched asymptotic expansion method, we obtain an asymptotic expansion at any order of the eigenvalues, which can be used for instance to compute a numerical approximations of these eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors


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    Thus, as a result of biochemical screening of 30 taxons of Ericaceae species taking into account 32 parameters in a long-term cycle of observation it has been established the different degree of dependence of variability level of biochemical structure components of fruits of alien crops on genotype and a hydrothermal mode of the period of their maturing has been revealed. The similarity of parameters of genotypic variability of some traits of all investigated Ericaceae species is also revealed: low one – for the general contents in fruits of soluble sugars, flavonols, of potassium, calcium, magnesium and high one – for the contents of anthocyanins, and also the ratio of fractions of pectinaceous substances and bioflavonoids.Specific features of genetic determinacy of the analyzed traits, testifying the greatest degree of its displays of V. corymbosum for total accumulation of soluble sugars and bioflavonoids, flavonols contents, calcium and magnesium and by the lowest degree – for the contents of titratable acids, vitamin C, anthocyanins and values of a sugar-acid index were established. If to mention V. vitis-idaea L., the parameters of general accumulation in fruits of soluble sugars, dry substances and all major mineral elements were characterized by the greatest degree of genetic determinacy, whereas by the least degree – the contents of anthocyanins, catechines and tannins. If to mention V. macrocarpon, the parameters of accumulation in fruits of dry substances, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phenol-carboxylic acids have been noted by the most expressed genetic determinacy, and by the least expressed – the contents of anthocyanins, sucrose and pectinaceous substances in fruits