227 research outputs found

    Gene expression changes during the evolution of the tetrapod limb

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    Major changes in the vertebrate anatomy have preceded the conquest of land by the members of this taxon, and continuous changes in limb shape and use have occurred during the later radiation of tetrapods. While the main, conserved mechanisms of limb development have been discerned over the past century using a combination of classical embryological and molecular methods, only recent advances made it possible to identify and study the regulatory changes that have contributed to the evolution of the tetrapod appendage. These advances include the expansion of the model repertoire from traditional genetic model species to non-conventional ones, a proliferation of predictive mathematical models that describe gene interactions, an explosion in genomic data and the development of high-throughput methodologies. These revolutionary innovations make it possible to identify specific mutations that are behind specific transitions in limb evolution. Also, as we continue to apply them to more and more extant species, we can expect to gain a fine-grained view of this evolutionary transition that has been so consequential for our species as well

    The role of post-transcriptional modifications during development

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    While the existence of post-transcriptional modifications of RNA nucleotides has been known for decades, in most RNA species the exact positions of these modifications and their physiological function have been elusive until recently. Technological advances, such as high-throughput next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods and nanopore-based mapping technologies, have made it possible to map the position of these modifications with single nucleotide accuracy, and genetic screens have uncovered the “writer”, “reader” and “eraser” proteins that help to install, interpret and remove such modifications, respectively. These discoveries led to intensive research programmes with the aim of uncovering the roles of these modifications during diverse biological processes. In this review, we assess novel discoveries related to the role of post-transcriptional modifications during animal development, highlighting how these discoveries can affect multiple aspects of development from fertilization to differentiation in many species

    KözĂ©pkori Ă©s kora Ășjkori Ă©remleletek Somogy megyĂ©ben = Coin hoards in Somogy county dating back to medieval and early modern ages = Mittelalterliche und frĂŒhneuzeitliche MĂŒnzfunde im Komitat Somogy

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    The article gives an insight into the coin hoards of Somogy county from the medieval and early modern ages. Till this time, there was no complex résumé about these artifacts, therefore the aim of this study is to supply this deficiency. We have knowledge of 90 coin hoards in Somogy county, but probably there were many other findings beyond this quantity. The majority of these artifacts are from non-authentic archeological excavations or rather they are not accessible for archeological purposes

    Autophagy in zebrafish

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    From a hitherto underappreciated phenomenon, autophagy has become one of the most intensively studied cellular processes in recent years. Its role in cellular homeostasis, development and disease is supported by a fast growing body of evidence. Surprisingly, only a small fraction of new observations regarding the physiological functions of cellular "self-digestion" comes from zebrafish, one of the most popular vertebrate model organisms. Here we review the existing information about autophagy reporter lines, genetic knock-down assays and small molecular reagents that have been tested in this system. As we argue, some of these tools have to be used carefully due to possible pleiotropic effects. However, when applied rigorously, in combination with novel mutant strains and genome editing techniques, they could also transform zebrafish into an important animal model of autophagy research

    Középkori leletek Nagyberki-Szalacskåról I. = Medieval finds from Nagyberki-Szalacska I.

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    We don’t know much about the medieval history of Szalacska up to this point. We only have some medieval stray finds from here. In the course of excavations of the 1980’s many medieval finds turned up. We can conclude that Szalacska was a built-up area during the 10-17th centuries on the score of research up to this point. The medieval church of the village Szalacska stood on the south part of the prehistoric fortress and we can presume the existence of a medieval fortress also on the site

    KöltƑ LĂĄszlĂł szakirodalmi munkĂĄssĂĄga (1975–2018)

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    Kålyhacsempék és kålyhaszemek a kereki vårból

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    Up to these days, there has only been minor investigation on the grounds of the late castle next to Kereki. During the excavations, a small amount of stove tile fragments was found, but the pieces are, however, rather significant. Most of the stove tiles can be traced back to the time of Sigismund of Luxembourg, but stoves were built here in the second half of the 15th century, and even in the 16th century. Based on the findings, a theoretical reconstruction of the tiled stove from the time of Sigismund is also possible

    10–11. századi sírleletek Zamárdiból = 10th–11th centuries grave finds from Zamárdi

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    Abstract: Mediaeval (Early Árpåd-dynasty period) finds were found at several places in Zamårdi. There were often contradictory information on these in the technical literature and in the repositories. In this paper we try to clarify, where these graves / cemeteries could be located

    Eagle-Shaped Brooch from SzƑlƑsgyörök

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