52 research outputs found

    Thermal Performance of Insulating Cryogenic Pin Spacers

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    Following the proposal to introduce an actively cooled radiation screen (5-10 K) for the LHC machine, the design of the LHC cryostat foresees the need for spacers between the cold mass and the radiati on screen. The thermal impedance of the chosen material should be very high and the shape selected to withstrand the contact stress due to the displacements induced by the coll-down and warm-up transi ent. A cryogenic experiment dedicated to studying the thermal behaviour of several proposed spacers was performed at the cryogenics laboratory of CERN before choosing the one to be used for further i nvestigation on the LHC full-scale Cryostat Thermal Model [1] [2]. This paper describes a quantitative analysis leading to the choice of the spacer

    Backstreaming of Impurity Gas Through a Leak in Pressurized Vessel

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    The presence of a leak in a vessel containing pure gas can induce the contamination by atmospheric gas diffusing into the vessel. In order to avoid this, a gas which has to be kept pure also in presen ce of a leak is usually pressurized, to reduce the flow of contaminating gas through the leak owing to the molecular drag by the outstreaming pure gas. In this paper, a simple model calculation of ba ckstreaming based on the solution of the diffusion + drag equation in cylindrical coordinates is presented. It is shown that both the pressure difference and the dimension of the leak are critical in determining the contaminating flow, a maximum in the backstreaming flow appearing when the drag velocity of the outstreaming gas equals the diffusion velocity

    LHC Days

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    The main scope of this workshop was to address and discuss a number of key topics relative to the current work in the LHC Division, with the aim of improving our understanding of the main issues and identifying lines of further action. An equally important goal was to bring together project engineers who tend to get increasingly busy and specialised, in order to share views and experience

    Thermal Performance of the Supporting System for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Superconducting Magnets

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    The LHC collider will be composed of approximately 1700 main ring superconducting magnets cooled to 1.9 K in pressurised superfluid helium and supported within their cryostats on low heat in-leak column-type supports. The precise positioning of the heavy magnets and the stringent thermal budgets imposed by the machine cryogenic system, require a sound thermo-mechanical design of the support system. Each support is composed of a main tubular thin-walled structure in glass-fibre reinforced epoxy resin, with its top part interfaced to the magnet at 1.9 K and its bottom part mounted onto the cryostat vacuum vessel at 293 K. In order to reduce the conduction heat in-leak at 1.9 K, each support mounts two heat intercepts at intermediate locations on the column, both actively cooled by cryogenic lines carrying helium gas at 4.5-10 K and 50-65 K. The need to assess the thermal performance of the supports has lead to setting up a dedicated test set-up for precision heat load measurements on prototype supports. This paper presents the thermal design of the support system of the LHC arc magnets. The results of the thermal tests of a prototype support made in industry are illustrated and discussed. A mathematical model has been set up and refined by the comparison with test results, with the scope of extrapolating the observed thermal performance to different geometrical and material parameters. Finally, the calculated estimate of the heat load budgets of the support system and their contribution to the total cryogenic budget for an LHC arc are presented

    Measurement on Different MLI Systems Between 77 K and 4 K and their Application in Cryogenic Engineering

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    Precise thermal measurements were done on different types of large surface MLI samples under various boundary conditions. The measurements were focused on the use of MLI for large industrial plants considering quick and simple installation. The results of the measurements aim at optimising MLI parameters, which control the thermal behaviour. Practical recommendations of MLI materials and their installation are given

    Cryogenics for Particle Accelerators and Detectors

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    Cryogenics has become a key ancillary technology of particle accelerators and detectors, contributing to their sustained development over the last fifty years. Conversely, this development has produced new challenges and markets for cryogenics, resulting in a fruitful symbiotic relation which materialized in significant technology transfer and technical progress. This began with the use of liquid hydrogen and deuterium in the targets and bubble chambers of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. It developed more recently with increasing amounts of liquefied noble gases - mainly argon, but also krypton and even today xenon - in calorimeters. In parallel with these applications, the availability of practical type II superconductors from the early 1960s triggered the use of superconductivity in large spectrometer magnets - mostly driven by considerations of energy savings - and the corresponding development of helium cryogenics. It is however the generalized application of superconductivity in particle accelerators - RF acceleration cavities and high-field bending and focusing magnets - which has led to the present expansion of cryogenics, with kilometer-long strings of helium-cooled devices, powerful and efficient refrigerators and superfluid helium used in high tonnage as cooling medium. This situation was well reflected over the last decades by the topical courses of the CERN Accelerator School (CAS). In 1988, CAS and DESY jointly organized the first school on Superconductivity in Particle Accelerators, held at Haus Rissen in Hamburg, where I shared the h. and duty of lecturing on cryogenics with Professor J.L. Olsen of ETH Z rich, while P. Seyfert of CEA Grenoble delivered an evening seminar on superfluidity. This successful school was reiterated in 1995, with cryogenics being addressed by Professor W.F. Vinen of University of Birmingham (superfluidity), as well as J. Schmid (thermodynamics and refrigeration) and myself (superfluid helium technology) of CERN. In the CAS School on Superconductivity and Cryogenics for Particle Accelerators and Detectors held in May 2002 in Erice, Sicily, I am particularly pleased to see a more complete syllabus in cryogenics, most of which is covered by CERN colleagues and published in this report. This is in my view, another sign of the development and vitality of this discipline at CERN, primarily in the LHC division which, by virtue of its mandate and competence, is presently building the largest helium cryogenic system in the world for the Large Hadron Collider and its experiments. I hope this report constitutes a useful source of information and updated reference for our staff dedicated to this formidable endeavour

    A Microcryostat for Refrigeration at 1.8 K

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    A microcryostat has been developed in the Central Cryogenic Laboratory at CERN with the purpose of cooling a prototype beam loss monitor for the LHC, based on bolometry at 1.8 K. Its characteristics a re the very compact volume (some cm3 LHe) ensuring short cooldown-warmup times, and its low heat losses (~ 8 mW). The cryostat can be mounted on top of a small dewar through a rigid straight transfer line for continuous feeding

    A Large-scale Test Facility for Heat Load Measurements down to 1.9 K

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    Laboratory-scale tests aimed at minimizing the thermal loads of the LHC magnet cryostat have gone along with the development of the various mechanical components. For final validation of the industrial design with respect to heat inleaks between large surfaces at different temperatures, a full-scale test cryostat has been constructed. The facility reproduces the same pattern of temperature levels as the LHC dipole cryostat, avoiding the heat inleaks from local components like supports and feedthroughs and carefully minimizing fringe effects due to the truncated geometry of the facility with respect to the LHC cryostats serial layout. Thermal loads to the actively cooled radiation screen, operated between 50 K and 65 K, are measured by enthalpy difference along its length. At 1.9 K, the loads are obtained from the temperature difference across a superfluid helium exchanger. On the beam screen, the electrical power needed to stabilize the temperature at 20 K yields a direct reading of the heat losses. Precise in-situ calibration is achieved by subcooling the thermal screen, thereby zeroing radiative heat loads. Minimizing fringe effects has been rewarded by a high precision measurement, yielding one of the more accurate quantifications to date of an industrial application of MLI. The influence of possible openings in the thermal screen is monitored both at the 1.9 K bath and with a radiation sensitive bolometer

    Measurements of Multi-Layer Insulation at High Boundary Temperature, using a Simple Non-Calorimetric Method

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    In spite of abundant literature, the thermal performance of Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) still deserves dedicated investigation for specific applications, as the achievable insulation strongly depends on installation details. Furthermore, less accurate information is available for warm than for cold boundaries, since errors due to edge effects in small test benches increase strongly with warm boundary temperature. We establish here the thermal performance of MLI between 300 K and 77 K or 4 K, without bringing calorimetric methods into play, through the accurate measurement of a temperature profile. A cylinder in thin copper, wrapped with MLI, is cooled at one extremity while suspended under vacuum inside a sheath at room temperature. For known thermal conductivity and thickness of the tube, the heat flux can be inferred from the temperature profile. In-situ measurement of the thermal conductivity is obtained by applying a know heat flow at the warm extremity of the cylinder. Results, cross-checked with a calibrated heatmeter, compare well with what previously obtained on a large-scale measuring facility

    Thermal Conductivity of Structural Glass/Fibre Epoxy Composite as a Function of Fibre Orientation

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    The LHC, the new superconducting particle accelerator presently under construction at CERN, makes use of some 1200 dipole magnets for orbit bending and 500 quadrupole magnets for focusing/defocusing of the circulating high-energy proton beams. Two or three column-type support posts sustain each cryomagnet. The choice of a convenient material for these supports is critical, because of the required high positioning accuracy of the magnets in their cryostats and stringent thermal budget requirements imposed by the LHC cryogenic system. A glass-fibre/epoxy resin composite has been chosen for its good combination of high stiffness and low thermal conductivity over the 2-293 K temperature range. Plies of long glass-fibres are stacked optimally yielding the best mechanical behaviour. However, heat leaks from the supports are influenced by the thermal characteristics of the composite, which in turn depend on the orientation of the fibres. To study the dependence of the thermal conductivity on fibre's orientation, we performed high precision thermal conductivity measurements of various samples of glass-fibre/epoxy resin composite. The results of the thermal conductivity measurements are compared with integral measurements on support posts for LHC cryomagnets and with mixing models
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