50 research outputs found

    The Golden Age of the Green Ecosystem: A Color-Blind Perspective on Repositories

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    "Free to All": Library Publishing and the Challenge of Open Access

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    There is a significant and important responsibility as libraries move into the role of publishing to retain our heritage of “access for all.” Connecting and collaborating with colleagues in the publishing industry is essential, but should come with the understanding that the library as an organization is access-prone. This article discusses the complexities of navigating that relationship, and calls for libraries and publishers to embrace and respect the position from which we begin. Finally, the article forecasts several possible characteristics of what “publishing” might look like if libraries press the principle of access in this growing area

    Public Scholarship in Practice and Philosophy

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    This piece offers several threads that bind an ideal together: there are practical actions to increase the public-ness of scholarship, increasingly compelling reasons to adopt an outward-orientation, as well as many challenges to performing public scholarship in higher education. We propose that a more public scholarly practice can be sought through the dissemination of research products, the processes by which research and scholarship are conducted, opening pedagogy beyond the classroom, developing soft skills as a public intellectual, and increasing visibility with/in communities

    JLSC Board Editorial 2018

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    The current scholarly communication landscape is populated by a variety of actors and powered by an ever-increasing array of complementary and competitive systems for the production, publication, and distribution of scholarship. Recent years have also seen increasing numbers of proposals to recast these systems in ways that better align with the needs and values of the academy and its scholars. In this editorial, members of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication consider the present environment and contemplate the future of academy-owned and -supported scholarly communication, as well as the role of libraries in that future

    Join us on the Dark (Social) Side?

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    In Brief: In The Library with the Lead Pipe is reviewing the needs and requirements of our website and digital profile. We would like to develop our branding, and based on reader comments in our recent survey, refresh the Lead Pipe’s infrastructure as a digital publication. Applications for an intern are now being accepted. Early [...

    Open Scholarship Policies and Technologies: The European Research Library as a Model for Advancing Global Scholarly Communication

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    Compiled materials and projects from the Fulbright-Schuman research fellowship I conducted in the winter of 2018-2019

    What Is Digital Humanities and What’s it Doing in the Library?

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     tl;dr – Libraries and digital humanities have the same goals. Stop asking if the library has a role, or what it is, and start getting involved in digital projects that are already happening. Advocate for new expanded roles and responsibilities to be able to do this. Become producers/creators in collaboration with scholars rather than servants [...

    The Digital Public Library of America: Details, the Librarian Response and the Future.

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    In brief: The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) launched last week. This article attempts to tease out the librarian response to DPLA and explore what it means for the future of the library in popular imagination, as well as in our field. I describe the what, who, and how of DPLA and ask, after [...