6 research outputs found

    A Terceira República: Estado e Sociedade no Período Constitucional de 2010 a 2020

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    This article aims to analyze the political and social paradigm defined by the CRA, highlight its strengths, the advances in relation to previous republics, as well as its weaknesses, propose some measures to consolidate it and face the perspectives. KEYWORDS: Constitution. Fundamental rights. Executive. Legislative. Judiciary.O presente artigo visa analisar o paradigma político e social definido pela CRA, salientar as suas forças, os avanços em relação às repúblicas precedentes, bem como suas fraquezas, propor algumas medidas para consolidá-lo e encarar as perspectivas. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Constituição. Direitos fundamentais. Executivo. Legislativo. Judiciário

    Um desafio em busca de uma nova perspectiva global contra-hegemónica no campo da saúde

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    Começo por cumprimentar as autoridades académicas, religiosas e políticas, bem como os estudantes e demais convidados aqui presentes. Agradeço o convite da professora, colega e amiga Doutora Fátima Viegas para vir aqui assumir tamanha responsabilidade junto deste selecto público, nesta casa do saber, a nossa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais (FCS) da Universidade Agostinho Neto (UAN) e ao seu Decano, meu colega e amigo Professor Víctor Kajibanga. Apresentar um livro é sempre um desafio, porquan..

    Courts under Construction in Angola: What can they do for the Poor?

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    This paper is about the role that may be envisioned for the courts in Angola with respect to the poor. Looking at the period from 1992 – 2004, it analyses the factors that are necessary for getting social rights litigation successfully through the courts – and what kind of impediments that exist. In spite of rather wide constitutional guarantees of a large number of social, economic and cultural rights, Angola is a highly unequal society where discrimination has been rampant in many spheres of social, political and economic life. Yet, the state has not been challenged with upholding these constitutional guarantees. This paper tries to identify some of the conditions necessary for such cases to be introduced to courts and to be effectively ruled upon by judges. What obstacles would a poor litigant, whose rights had not been respected, be faced with? Would the case be likely to be brought to court – and if it were, would it be favourably received? The paper’s tentative conclusion is that the failure to implement social and economic rights in Angola is not primarily due to constitutional limitations, but rather due to the lack of resources among the poor as well as to lack of human and technical resources within the justice system itself

    Fundos Sociais: um “colírio” no combate à pobreza? um estudo de caso do Fundo de Apoio Social no Município de Viana – Angola

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    A Terceira República: Estado e Sociedade no Período Constitucional de 2010 a 2020

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    This article aims to analyze the political and social paradigm defined by the CRA, highlight its strengths, the advances in relation to previous republics, as well as its weaknesses, propose some measures to consolidate it and face the perspectives. KEYWORDS: Constitution. Fundamental rights. Executive. Legislative. Judiciary.O presente artigo visa analisar o paradigma político e social definido pela CRA, salientar as suas forças, os avanços em relação às repúblicas precedentes, bem como suas fraquezas, propor algumas medidas para consolidá-lo e encarar as perspectivas. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Constituição. Direitos fundamentais. Executivo. Legislativo. Judiciário