1,140 research outputs found

    Koszul duality for PROPs

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    The notion of PROP models the operations with multiple inputs and multiple outputs, acting on some algebraic structures like the bialgebras or the Lie bialgebras. We prove a Koszul duality theory for PROPs generalizing the one for associative algebras and for operads.Comment: submitted to the C. R. Acad. Sci. Pari

    Algebra + homotopy = operad

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    Analytical study of electrostatic ion beam traps

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    The use of electrostatic ion beam traps require to set many potentials on the electrodes (ten in our case), making the tuning much more difficult than with quadrupole traps. In order to obtain the best trapping conditions, an analytical formula giving the electrostatic potential inside the trap is required. In this paper, we present a general method to calculate the analytical expression of the electrostatic potential in any axisymmetric set of electrodes. We use conformal mapping to simplify the geometry of the boundary. The calculation is then performed in a space of simple geometry. We show that this method, providing excellent accuracy, allows to obtain the potential on the axis as an analytic function of the potentials applied to the electrodes, thus leading to fast, accurate and efficient calculations. We conclude by presenting stability maps depending on the potentials that enabled us to find the good trapping conditions for oxygen 4+ at much higher energies than what has been achieved until now.Comment: 9 page

    Brown's moduli spaces of curves and the gravity operad

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    This paper is built on the following observation: the purity of the mixed Hodge structure on the cohomology of Brown's moduli spaces is essentially equivalent to the freeness of the dihedral operad underlying the gravity operad. We prove these two facts by relying on both the geometric and the algebraic aspects of the problem: the complete geometric description of the cohomology of Brown's moduli spaces and the coradical filtration of cofree cooperads. This gives a conceptual proof of an identity of Bergstr\"om-Brown which expresses the Betti numbers of Brown's moduli spaces via the inversion of a generating series. This also generalizes the Salvatore-Tauraso theorem on the nonsymmetric Lie operad.Comment: 26 pages; corrected Figure

    Deformation theory of representations of prop(erad)s

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    We study the deformation theory of morphisms of properads and props thereby extending to a non-linear framework Quillen's deformation theory for commutative rings. The associated chain complex is endowed with a Lie algebra up to homotopy structure. Its Maurer-Cartan elements correspond to deformed structures, which allows us to give a geometric interpretation of these results. To do so, we endow the category of prop(erad)s with a model category structure. We provide a complete study of models for prop(erad)s. A new effective method to make minimal models explicit, that extends Koszul duality theory, is introduced and the associated notion is called homotopy Koszul. As a corollary, we obtain the (co)homology theories of (al)gebras over a prop(erad) and of homotopy (al)gebras as well. Their underlying chain complex is endowed with a canonical Lie algebra up to homotopy structure in general and a Lie algebra structure only in the Koszul case. In particular, we explicit the deformation complex of morphisms from the properad of associative bialgebras. For any minimal model of this properad, the boundary map of this chain complex is shown to be the one defined by Gerstenhaber and Schack. As a corollary, this paper provides a complete proof of the existence of a Lie algebra up to homotopy structure on the Gerstenhaber-Schack bicomplex associated to the deformations of associative bialgebras.Comment: Version 4 : Statement about the properad of (non-commutative) Frobenius bialgebras fixed in Section 4. [82 pages

    Pre-Lie deformation theory

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    In this paper, we develop the deformation theory controlled by pre-Lie algebras; the main tool is a new integration theory for pre-Lie algebras. The main field of application lies in homotopy algebra structures over a Koszul operad; in this case, we provide a homotopical description of the associated Deligne groupoid. This permits us to give a conceptual proof, with complete formulae, of the Homotopy Transfer Theorem by means of gauge action. We provide a clear explanation of this latter ubiquitous result: there are two gauge elements whose action on the original structure restrict its inputs and respectively its output to the homotopy equivalent space. This implies that a homotopy algebra structure transfers uniformly to a trivial structure on its underlying homology if and only if it is gauge trivial; this is the ultimate generalization of the ddcdd^c-lemma.Comment: Final version. Minor corrections. To appear in the Moscow Mathematical Journa

    De Rham cohomology and homotopy Frobenius manifolds

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    We endow the de Rham cohomology of any Poisson or Jacobi manifold with a natural homotopy Frobenius manifold structure. This result relies on a minimal model theorem for multicomplexes and a new kind of a Hodge degeneration condition.Comment: 11 pages, v2: added some reference

    The minimal model for the Batalin-Vilkovisky operad

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    The purpose of this paper is to explain and to generalize, in a homotopical way, the result of Barannikov-Kontsevich and Manin which states that the underlying homology groups of some Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras carry a Frobenius manifold structure. To this extent, we first make the minimal model for the operad encoding BV-algebras explicit. Then we prove a homotopy transfer theorem for the associated notion of homotopy BV-algebra. The final result provides an extension of the action of the homology of the Deligne-Mumford-Knudsen moduli space of genus 0 curves on the homology of some BV-algebras to an action via higher homotopical operations organized by the cohomology of the open moduli space of genus zero curves. Applications in Poisson geometry and Lie algebra cohomology and to the Mirror Symmetry conjecture are given.Comment: New section added containing applications to Poisson geometry, Lie algebra cohomology and to the Mirror Symmetry conjecture. [36 pages, 4 figures
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