89 research outputs found

    Augmented Reality in the educational field

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    El objeto principal en el que se centra esta investigación es la de conocer la tecnología de la Realidad Aumentada y sus distintas aplicaciones y posibilidades en el aula de Educación Primaria. Durante el presente artículo se tratará de realizar una definición de Realidad Aumentada, incidiendo en los distintos niveles de la misma y de las posibles aplicaciones y beneficios que nos puede suponer su puesta en práctica en el aula de Educación Primaria.The main objective of this research is to know about the Augmented Reality technology and its different applications and possibilities in the Primary Education classroom. Hence,along the present article we will try to stablish a definition of Augmented Reality by focusing on his different levels. We will also focus on the possible applications this technology has, as well as on the benefits that our implementation has for the Primary Education classroom

    Augmented Reality in the Primary Education Curriculum

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    El objetivo principal de este artículo es conocer la tecnología de la Realidad Aumentada y sus posibles aplicaciones en las distintas áreas del Currículo de Educación Primaria. A través de esta investigación se tratará de realizar una definición lo más exacta posible del término Realidad Aumentada y se pondrá de manifiesto su gran valor como recurso educativo por las características que atesora, centrándonos principalmente en aquellas áreas que presentan mayores dificultades, estos son las de un marcado carácter científico como pueden ser las Matemáticas, las Ciencias de la Naturaleza y las Ciencias Sociales.The main objective of this article is to know the technology of the Augmented Reality and its possible applications in the different areas of the Primary Education Curriculum. Through this research we will try to make a definition as accurate as possible of the term Augmented Reality and it will be revealed its great value as an educational resource due to the characteristics it treasures, focusing mainly on those areas that present the greatest difficulties, these are those of a marked scientific character such as Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

    Contraste de los riesgos valorados para los tipos de tarjetas que han sido utilizadas como medio de pago en el sistema integrado de transporte público

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl sistema integrado de transporte público SITP, es uno de los sistemas más grandes y sofisticados de transporte en Colombia; el ingreso a este se hace mediante tarjetas inteligentes sin contacto entre las cuales se encuentran: tarjeta monedero, cliente frecuente y tullave bajo la licitación de recaudo Bogotá. Debido a diferentes sucesos presentados, vulneración del medio de pago, se realizó una valoración de riesgos por medio de la norma ISO 27005,seguridad de la información de activos, basándose en la identificación de amenazas, vulnerabilidades y riesgos de las tarjetas utilizadas en el sistema.RESUMEN ABSTRACT INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. ESTABLECIMIENTO DEL CONTEXTO 3. IDENTIFICACIÓN DE RIESGOS 4. ESTIMACIÓN DE RIESGOS 5. EVALUACIÓN DE RIESGOS 6. CONCLUSIONES 7. RECOMENDACIONES Y TRABAJOS FUTUROS 8. ANEXOS 9. REFERENCIASPregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    Feasibility of Recharging Electric Vehicles With Photovoltaic Solar Panels

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    AbstractThere are many reasons for the development and the use of renewable energy sources, such as the public awareness in the fight against climate change, energy independence with the security of supply, national competitiveness, technological development and job creation in a sector that has a great future. In this line, and within the proposed electric vehicle sustainability, it is an alternative to achieve a reduction of pollutant emissions and to increase the efficiency of road transport.The article presents a study of the use of electric vehicles from different points of view. It has been compared combustion vehicles with the electric counterparts in terms of power and features appreciated by the user in the automobile market.The purpose of the study was to analyze the feasibility to recharge different electric vehicles by solar photovoltaic modules, so that energy generation would not contribute to any CO2 emissions, when the system would be installed and ready to supply these vehicles. The study also shows a comparative analysis of the cost of purchasing electricity to the distributor compared with the using of a photovoltaic system designed to recharge the vehicle, even it has also been calculated the depreciation.Finally, it has been analyzed comparatively the type of the solar photovoltaic system considered more economically viable for recharging a pure electric vehicle (EV) therefore it has been compared projects on houses and on a parking to recharge several vehicles

    Optimization of sustainability conditions of the multilayer enclosure of "La Casa Solar"

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    The Polytechnic University of Madrid has designed an industrialized prototype of a single family house, to participate in the Solar Decathlon 2007 Contest. The design objective was the complete energy self-sufficiency in the annual cycle, and become a research platform for the optimization of this objective. Inside the research lines for the optimization of the prototype there is the one that studies the sustainable materials of the house. We have studied the enclosures of the SD07 prototype to improve the choice of each material involved. The design of the prototype SD0 7 used materials from renewable sources (vegetable fiber panels, OSB), recyclable materials (cold-formed steel), recycled materials (almond shell panels), and material that can be reusable (rolled steel sections, insulation panels, wood panels, floors). We have carried out a simplified assessment of the sustainable conditions of materials used in multilayer prototype SD07 enclosures. We noted, that overall, the level of sustainability of materials used in the prototype SD07 allows us to improve the characteristics of the sustainable design. We have found the main goal for the development of the sustainability that can incorporate aspects for healthier and more respectful conditions for people and the environment

    Comparativa del comportamiento acústico entre fachadas multicapas ligeras y fachadas tradicionales

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    Los sistemas de fachadas multicapas ligeras presentan características favorables respecto al ahorro en el consumo energético, ya que presentan un excelente comportamiento térmico. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista acústico, en general han sido poco estudiados. Los primeros datos que se tienen es que no suelen alcanzar los valores de aislamiento acústico requeridos en el Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE) en entornos especialmente ruidosos. Por lo tanto, los objetivos principales de esta investigación son obtener sistemas de fachadas multicapas ligeras con un alto grado de aislamiento acústico, que puedan ser empleados en entornos ruidosos. Al mismo tiempo que presenten excelentes características térmicas, sin descuidar aspectos tan importantes como la sostenibilidad de los materiales, la industrialización, los costes, entre otros. En este artículo se explicará el proceso que se ha llevado a cabo para realizar una investigación relacionada con el comportamiento acústico de fachadas multicapas ligeras. Para ello se han empleado los métodos de medida del comportamiento acústico a ruido aéreo e intensimetría sonora. Una vez obtenidos estos resultados se realiza una comparativa entre las fachadas multicapas ligeras y las fachadas tradicionales

    Thermal performance of ligth multi-layered facades

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    Traditional façade systems are at the point where the minimum comfort guarantees have peaked, showing hygrothermic performance deficiencies which result in higher heating consumption, which is why it´s necessary to make improvements in design and building construction, especially in envelopes, for which efficient building enclosures should be used, generating notable benefits. For these reasons, the study of new façade construction systems is essential, particularly light multi-layers, which offer favorable characteristics for energy consumption savings. With this background, the main aim of this study is to generate knowledge to find out to what extent light multi-layered façades are better, determining which façades are the most efficient and guarantee the comfort conditions of a building, contributing in this way to energy consumption savings. To carry out this study, a methodology of analysis shall be used, signifying that in the first phase a theoretical study has been made, analyzing different configurations of the sample façades, to obtain their thermal performance, using two different methods, thermographic and thermal, obtaining in the thermographic study: surface temperatures of the façades, while in the thermal simulation, generating isotherms, heat flows, data on thermal coupling coefficients to calculate the value of the thermal transmittance and surface conditions, among others. Therefore, using this data, the conclusion has been reached that comparing a traditional enclosure to a light multi-layered one of equal thickness, an improvement of 65% can be achieved in the thermal transmittance, which signifies a saving in energy consumption, exceeding the Technical Building Code

    A Physically-Based Model of Heat Pump Water Heaters for Demand Respose Policies: Evaluation and Testing

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    The development of Demand Response in residential segments is basic to develop a practical flexibility of demand, because these segments account for up to 40% of the overall demand. Energy Efficiency is another concern for these segments, but unfortunately present scenarios lack a practical coordination between Efficiency and Demand Response. This paper deals with an important problem in residential Demand Response: the determination of the flexibility and response on the demand-side, in this case through loads which can have a high potential for Demand Response and also a considerable interest for energy savings: Heat Pump Water Heaters. A residential load has been fully monitored (temperature, consumption, water flow) in the laboratory to obtain a Physically-Based Model which allows the evaluation of Demand Response options. Moreover, the model helps the aggregator obtain how the flexibility of demand (power, energy, energy payback or rebound effects) can be modified or limited, and how to deal with these characteristics and limitations to engage customers in Electricity Markets

    Numerical simulations of snowfall events: sensitivity analysis of physical parameterizations

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    Accurate estimation of snowfall episodes several hours or even days in advance is essential to minimize risks to transport and other human activities. Every year, these episodes cause severe traffic problems on the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. In order to analyze the influence of different parameterization schemes, 15 snowfall days were analyzed with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, defining three nested domains with resolutions of 27, 9, and 3 km. We implemented four microphysical parameterizations (WRF Single‐Moment 6‐class scheme, Goddard, Thompson, and Morrison) and two planetary boundary layer schemes (Yonsei University and Mellor‐Yamada‐Janjic), yielding eight distinct combinations. To validate model estimates, a network of 97 precipitation gauges was used, together with dichotomous data of snowfall presence/absence from snowplow requests to the emergency service of Spain and observatories of the Spanish Meteorological Agency. The results indicate that the most accurate setting of WRF for the study area was that using the Thompson microphysical parameterization and Mellor‐Yamada‐Janjic scheme, although the Thompson and Yonsei University combination had greater accuracy in determining the temporal distribution of precipitation over 1 day. Combining the eight deterministic members in an ensemble average improved results considerably. Further, the root mean square difference decreased markedly using a multiple linear regression as postprocessing. In addition, our method was able to provide mean ensemble precipitation and maximum expected precipitation, which can be very useful in the management of water resources. Finally, we developed an application that allows determination of the risk of snowfall above a certain threshold.This paper was supported by the following grants: TEcoAgua, METEORISK PROJECT(RTC‐2014‐1872‐5), Granimetro(CGL2010‐15930) and MINECO(CGL2011‐25327, RTC‐2014‐1872‐5 and ESP2013‐47816‐C4‐4P), and LE220A11‐2 and LE003B009 awarded by the Junta de Castilla and León

    Simulation of atmospheric microbursts using a numerical mesoscale model at high spatiotemporal resolution

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    Atmospheric microbursts are low‐level meteorological events that can produce significant damage on the surface and pose a major risk to aircraft flying close to the ground. Studies and ad hoc numerical models have been developed to understand the origin and dynamics of the microburst; nevertheless, there are few researches of the phenomenon using global and mesoscale models. This is mainly due to the limitations in resolution, as microbursts normally span for less than 4 km and 20 min. In this paper, the Weather esearch and Forecasting model is used at resolutions of 400 m and 3 min to test if it can properly capture the variables and dynamics of high‐reflectivity microbursts. Several microphysics and planetary boundary layer parametrizations are tested to find the best model configuration for the simulation of this kind of episodes. General conditions are evaluated by using thermodynamic diagrams. Surface and vertical wind speed, reflectivity, precipitation, and other variables for each simulated event are compared with observations, and the model's sensitivity to the variables is assessed. The dynamics and evolution of the microburst is evaluated using different plots of a chosen event. The results show that the model is able to reproduce high‐reflectivity microbursts in accordance with observations, although there is a tendency to underestimate the intensity of variables, most markedly on the wind vertical velocity. Regarding the microphysics schemes, the Morrison parametrization performs better than the WRF single‐moment 6‐class scheme. No major differences are found between the Mellor‐Yamada‐Janjic and the Mellor‐Yamada‐Nakanishi‐Niino planetary boundary layer parametrizations.This work is supported by the Interdisciplinary Mathematics Institute of the Complutense University of Madrid and the following research projects: METEORISK (RTC‐2014‐1872‐5), PCIN‐2014‐013‐C07‐04, PCIN‐2016‐080 (UE ERANET Plus NEWA Project), ESP2013‐47816‐C4‐4‐P, CGL2010‐15930, CGL2016‐81828‐REDT, FEI‐EU‐17‐16, and SAFEFLIGHT GL2016‐78702‐C2‐1‐R and CGL2016‐78702‐C2‐2‐R). This research is founded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Enterprise under the framework of the SAFEFLIGHT research project (CGL2016‐78702‐C2‐1‐R and CGL2016‐78702‐C2‐2‐R)