6,073 research outputs found

    Cavaliers, Heroes, and Devils: A Metaphoric Criticism of Dan Gilbert’s Attempt to Dethrone the King of Cleveland

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    This study focuses on the letter written by Dan Gilbert, the owner of the National Basketball Association’s Cleveland Cavaliers, in response to LeBron James’ decision on July 8, 2010, to play for another franchise. Metaphoric criticism is used to examine this artifact to reveal Gilbert’s motives for fabricating this letter. The discovered metaphors include LeBron as villain, LeBron as native son, LeBron as fallen hero/king/god, and ownership as hero. These separate metaphors coalesce to form the ultimate metaphor of LeBron as devil and expose Gilbert’s true feelings of anguish and betrayal after James’ departure. Particular attention is paid to what these metaphors suggest about the role of a professional athlete and the expectations they are required to fulfill

    Electrical resistivity across the tricriticality in itinerant ferromagnet

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    We investigate the discontinuous ferromagnetic phase diagram near tricritical point in UCo 1-x Ru x Al compounds by electrical resistivity measurements. Separation of phases in UCo 0.995 Ru 0.005 Al at ambient pressure and in UCo 0.990 Ru 0.010 Al at pressure of 0.2 GPa and disappearance of ferromagnetism at 0.4 GPa is confirmed. The exponent of temperature dependence of electrical resistivity implies change from Fermi liquid behavior to non-Fermi liquid at 0.2 GPa and reaches minimum at 0.4 GPa. Our results are compared to results obtained on the pure UCoAl and explanation for different exponents is given

    Content Based Photo Search

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    Tato práce se zabývá studiem metod vhodných k vyhledávání fotografií na základě obsahu a následným návrhem a implementací aplikace pro vyhledávání budov. Cílem zmíněné aplikace je vytvořit interaktivního průvodce městem s využitím kombinace webových a klientských technologií (mobilních, desktopových). Podrobněji jsou popsány jednotlivé kroky rozpoznávání. Extrakce klíčových bodů obrazu metodou SURF, vytvoření vizuálního slovníku pomocí algoritmu k-means, váhování slovníku metodou TF-IDF. K popisu obrazových dat je využit postup Bag of Words. V textu jsou dále zmíněny nové trendy v této oblasti a shrnut návrh aplikace a dosažené implementační výsledky.This work deals with methods appropriate to content based photo search, design and implementation of subsequent applications for searching buildings. Purpose of the application is to create an interactive guide to the city using a combination of Web and client technologies (mobile, desktop). There are subscribed in detail the steps of recognition. A key points of the image are extracted by SURF. A visual dictionary is calculated with k-means algorithm. The dictionary is weighted by TF- IDF. To describe the image data is used a Bag of Words method. The text also mentions the new trends in this area and summarizes the application design and implementation results achieved.

    Manufacture of heavy steel castings

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je rešerše na téma výroba masivních ocelových odlitků. Práce obsahuje shrnutí výrobního procesu masivních odlitků a její specifikace. Dané velkými rozměry, vysokou váhou a dlouho dobou tuhnutí odlitku.The aim of this work is background research on a topic of manufacture of heavy steel castings . The work contains a summary of the manufacturing process of heavy casting and its specifications. This is associated with the large size, high weight and a long period of solidification.

    Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací aplikace, která umožňuje rozšířit realitu pomocí mříže jako hrací plochu pro hru. Hra by měla spočívat v pokládání bloků na tuto plochu. Jsou zde rozebrány možnosti rozšířené reality, vysvětleno proč je použita rozšířená realita pomocí markeru. Obsahuje také postup vypracování práce a částečně popisuje důležité skripty.This thesis deals with design and implementation of an application that let’s you expand your reality throught he grid which serve as theplaying surface for the game. The game works on the basis of laying the blocks on this surface. There are analyzed the possibilities of augmented reality, explains why augmented reality is used with a marker. It also contains a description of the work and describes some important scripts.

    Power quality measuring system

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou měření kvality elektrické energie. Budou rozebrány parametry, dle kterých se kvalita hodnotí, dále budou popsány systémy dálkového sběru dat a s nimi spojené technologie přenosu. V dnešní době by se také nemělo zapomínat na zabezpečení přenášených dat. Z tohoto důvodu budou také popsány a testovány nejrůznější druhy kryptografických algoritmů. Budou realizovány kryptografické algoritmy, pomocí kterých je možné zabezpečit datovou komunikaci ze sběrných míst dálkového měření. Kryptografické algoritmy budou realizovány nejprve v simulačním prostředí MATLAB a následně v jazyce C/C++. V poslední části práce je navržen a realizován simulační model sběrné sítě dálkového měření kvality elektrické energie.This thesis deals with the measurement of power quality. The evaluating quality parameters, data collection systems and transfer technologies will be discussed. The various type of cryptographic algorithms are also described. Cryptographic algorithms, which ensure to secure data communications from remote collection points of measurement, will be realized. These cryptographic algorithms will be realized in MATLAB and C/C++. The last part is focus on designed and implemented a simulation model to telemetry the power quality.

    Air filtration methods

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    Bakalářská práce poskytuje přehled o používaných metodách při filtraci průmyslového vzduchu. Práce se skládá z těchto 5 hlavních částí- suché a mokré mechanické odlučovače, elektrické odlučovače, látkové filtry a filtrační materiály.achelor thesis provides an overview of the methods used in industrial air filtration. The work consists of the 5 main parts of dry and wet mechanical separators, electric precipitators, fabric filters and filter media.

    Effects of Airline Industry Growth on Pilot Training

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    The rapid airline growth in recent years sparked debates about global pilot shortage. Interest of talented individuals to join the aviation industry may be affected by unstable remuneration and rising cost of training. This article evaluates pilots supply and demand. The cost of initial pilot training is compared between 2007 and 2017. The airline industry growth in the last decade is described and collated with evolution of labor cost and pilots’ pay. Increasing pilot demand puts pressure on efficiency of training. Current training methods are reviewed. A development of new strategies is suggested in order to meet airline industry needs

    "Tjedan fizike" u knjižnici

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    SREDIŠNJA KNJIÝNICA ZA FIZIKU (SKF) povodom Svjetske godine fizike (World Year of Physics 2005.) u studenom (7. 11. – 12. 11. 2005.) pridružila se zajedničkoj organizaciji u sklopu Tjedna fizike, koje je koordiniralo Hrvatsko fizikalno društvo (HFD). SKF je u svojim prostorima priredila izložbu s ostalim pratećim manifestacijama (predavanjima, prezentacijama, projekcijama filmova, promocijama knjiga, danima otvorenih vrata, organiziranim posjetima uèenika srednjih i osmogodišnjih škola i sl.)

    The Identification and Historic Context of Mining Archaeology of the Wenatchee Mountains within the Alpine Lakes Wilderness

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    A historically important metal mining region within the Alpine Lakes Wilderness of the Wenatchee Mountains was studied employing archival research and systematic pedestrian archaeological survey. The objective of the study was to provide a historical context for hardrock mining activities within the study area and vicinity and document any new historic archaeological sites within the study area. The results serve the scientific, scholarly, and general public by providing both a more complete archaeological record and aid in the formulation of land use policy within the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. Three loci of activity containing a total of 27 features with associated artifacts were identified that date as far back as the mid-1880s. Using a mining landscape approach to identify linkage between features and artifacts separated by time and space, coupled with appropriate interpretation through detailed documentary research, revealed the value ensconced within historical archaeology as a methodology for data collection