13 research outputs found

    Residential structures of Řivnáč culture

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    Ve své bakalářské práci se zabývám řivnáčskou kulturou, především však odkrytými řivnáčskými objekty, které svým charakteristickým vzhledem a vlastnostmi napovídají, že se jedná o prostory sloužící k obývání. V rámci zkoumaných objektů jsem se v první řadě zaměřila na jejich formální vlastnosti, především však na umístění kůlových jam v prostoru jednotlivých objektů. Na základě rozmístění kůlových jam, jsem vytvořila typologii objektů, která se skládá z šesti skupin, lišících se typem hlavní nosné konstrukce.ObhájenoMy thesis is focused on the Řivnáč culture, and especially on several uncovered Řivnáč features whose characteristic appearance and attributes indicate that they were used for habitational purposes. Within the investigated features, I mainly focused on their formal properties, but primarily on the layout of the post holes inside the individual features. Based on the layout of the post holes, I also developed a typology of the features, consisting of 6 groups, with the main support structure being the biggest difference

    Child gap

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    Evangelikální teologický seminářProtestant Theological FacultyEvangelická teologická fakult

    An archaeological experiment of building and heating a Řivnáč culture house

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    V rámci diplomové práce byl realizován archeologický experiment v podobě rekonstrukce řivnáčské polozemnice. Pozornost byla věnována spotřebě využitého materiálu a celkové technologické obtížnosti stavby. Po dokončení rekonstrukce obytného objektu byla testována jeho výtopnost, s čímž velice úzce souvisí spotřeba paliva a dýmný provoz v polozemnici. V případě jednoho vytápěcího experimentu byly pořízeny snímky z termokamery, která nám poskytla data, jež není možné získat běžnými rtuťovými teploměry.ObhájenoAn experiment in the form of the reconstruction of a Řivnáč pit-house was carried out for the thesis. Attention was paid to the consumption of used After the reconstruction of the residential object, it was heat tested - the rating of which is closely related to fuel consumption and smoke traffic in the pit-house. In the case of one heating experiment, photos were taken by a thermal imager that provided data that could not be obtained by conventional mercury thermometers

    Comparison of the Bearers of Two Forms of Religiozity from a Quantitative Sociological Research Perspective

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    Liberal Arts and Humanities - Qualified Skills ModuleStudium humanitní vzdělanosti - Kvalifikační modulFaculty of HumanitiesFakulta humanitních studi

    Stories of mothers with more children in the context of current population trends

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    This thesis deals with birth rates from the perspective of women with more children. The first part of the work presents the reasons for a decline in birth rates. In the second part we are examining which groups in the current population do not follow these trends. Subsequently an interview was conducted with eight female believers who each have four or more children. Women were asked how many children did they plan to have and which factors had influenced the number of children they actually have. Additionally, the woman were asked how the reasons that influenced the majority of the population in having a lower number of children affected them. From the interviews, four basic factors have arisen that played a role in the fact that these eight mothers have thirty-five children in total. These factors are: the life circumstances of these woman, their faith in God, their values and the possibility of self-realization. The following ethical chapter reflects on two of these factors

    An archaeological experiment of building and heating a Řivnáč culture house

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    V rámci diplomové práce byl realizován archeologický experiment v podobě rekonstrukce řivnáčské polozemnice. Pozornost byla věnována spotřebě využitého materiálu a celkové technologické obtížnosti stavby. Po dokončení rekonstrukce obytného objektu byla testována jeho výtopnost, s čímž velice úzce souvisí spotřeba paliva a dýmný provoz v polozemnici. V případě jednoho vytápěcího experimentu byly pořízeny snímky z termokamery, která nám poskytla data, jež není možné získat běžnými rtuťovými teploměry.ObhájenoAn experiment in the form of the reconstruction of a Řivnáč pit-house was carried out for the thesis. Attention was paid to the consumption of used After the reconstruction of the residential object, it was heat tested - the rating of which is closely related to fuel consumption and smoke traffic in the pit-house. In the case of one heating experiment, photos were taken by a thermal imager that provided data that could not be obtained by conventional mercury thermometers

    The Effect of Prenatal Methamphetamine Exposure on Recognition Memory in Adult Rats

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    The use of methamphetamine (MA) among pregnant women is an increasing world-wide health problem. Prenatal MA exposure may cause changes in foetus but the exact effects have remained unclear. The aim of this study is to present the effect of prenatal MA exposure on recognition memory in adult rats. Adult female Wistar rats were injected daily with D-methamphetamine HCl (MA; 5 mg/kg, s.c.) during the entire gestation period. Control females were treated with saline in the same regime. Adult male offspring was administrated acutely by MA (1 mg/kg i.p.) or saline 30 minutes before beginning of an experiment. For testing recognition memory two tasks were chosen: Novel Object Recognition Test (NORT) and Object Location Test (OLT). Our results demonstrate that prenatally MA-exposed animals were worse in NORT independently on an acute administration of MA in adulthood. Prenatally MA-exposed rats did not deteriorate in OLT, but after acute administration of MA in adulthood, there was significant worsening compared to appropriate control. Prenatally saline-exposed offspring did not deteriorate in any test even after acute administration of MA. Our data suggest that prenatal MA exposure in rats cause impairment in recognition memory in adult offspring, but not in spatial memory. In addition, acute administration of MA to controls did not deteriorate either recognition or spatial memory