69 research outputs found

    Physical Conditioning for Combat Sports: book review

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    Abstract:The present work analyses the book titled ?Physical Conditioning for Combat Sports?, edited by Dr Emerson Franchini and Dr Tomas Herrera-Valenzuela in 2017. The book is divided in six chapters and eight authors are participating. The first chapter, ?Development of the Aerobic Capacity in Fighters?, analyses the current literature in specific training and competition situations. The second chapter, ?Development of the Anaerobic Capacity in Fighters?, describes the responses and needs of fighters in relation to anaerobic power and capacity. The third chapter, ?Maximal Strength Training in Fighters?, studies the different training methods for the specific development of this capacity. The fourth chapter, ?Development of the Muscular Power in Fighters?, details the needs of muscular power according to the different combat sports and during training and competition situations. The fifth chapter titled ?Development of the Strength Endurance in Fighters? describes the general and specific tests for fighters, including suggestions for training core muscles as well as higher and lower extremities. The sixth chapter, ?Flexibility in Combat Sports?, examines the contribution and response of this capacity in fighters from different disciplines. Finally, the extensive research experience of the authors in topics related to martial arts and combat sports together with the exhaustive and comprehensive bibliographic review carried out, give a high scientific and academic value to the book. Therefore, it is suggested to all trainers and practitioners from the different combat sports disciplines, to consult this excellent publication

    Karate Kumite: How to Optimize Performance - Book analysis

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    [ES] En este trabajo se analiza el libro Karate Kumite: How to Optimize Performance, editado en inglés por el Dr. Helmi Chaabane en el año 2015. La obra se estructura en cinco capítulos y participan en ella un total de siete autores. El primer capítulo, “Performance Analysis in Karate”, analiza la estructura temporal del combate. El segundo capítulo, “Physiological Characteristics of Karate Athletes and Karate‐Specific Tasks”, describe el costo y contribución de los sistemas energéticos, la respuesta cardiovascular, del lactato sanguíneo y hormonal frente al combate. El tercer capítulo “Physical Determinants of Karate Kumite” estudia la potencia muscular, fuerza máxima, aceleración, velocidad, tiempo de reacción y flexibilidad del karate. El cuarto capítulo, “Training Load Monitoring”, describe distintos métodos para la monitorización de la carga interna. En el último capítulo, “Physical and Physiological Assessment”, presenta test generales y específicos utilizados en el karate. El amplio currículo investigador de los autores, así como la extensa utilización de literatura actualizada como base del libro, dan como resultado una obra de alto valor científico que, a la vez, puede ser consultada sin restricciones ya que se ha editado en formato digital y en acceso libre. En conclusión, se trata de una obra muy recomendable para entrenadores, practicantes y profesionales relacionados con el karate.[EN] This work reviews the book entitled Karate Kumite: How to Optimize Performance, edited in English by Helmi Chaabane, PhD., in 2015. The book is composed of five chapters and a total of seven authors participate in it. The first chapter, “Performance Analysis in Karate”, analyzes the temporal structure of combat. The second chapter, “Physiological Characteristics of Karate Athletes and Karate‐Specific Tasks” describes the cost and contribution of energy systems, cardiovascular response, blood lactate and hormonal response to combat. The third chapter, “Physical Determinants of Karate Kumite”, analyzes the muscular power, maximum strength, acceleration, speed, reaction time and flexibility of karate. The fourth chapter, “Training Load Monitoring”, describes different methods for monitoring the internal load. Finally the last chapter, “Physical and Physiological Assessment”, presents general and specific tests used in karate. The sound research background of the authors, as well as the extensive use of up to date literature, results in a book of high scientific value. In addition, this is a digital, open‐access book that can be accessed without restriction. In conclusion, this is a highly recommended book for coaches, practitioners and professionals related to karate.[PT] Este trabalho analisa o livro Karate Kumite: How to Optimize Performance, editado em inglês por Helmi Chaabane, em 2015. A obra estrutura‐se em cinco capítulos e nela participam sete autores. O primeiro capítulo, “Performance Analysis in Karate”, analisa a estrutura temporal do combate. O segundo capítulo, “Physiological Characteristics of Karate Athletes and Karate‐Specific Tasks”, descreve o custo e a contribuição dos sistemas energéticos, a resposta cardiovascular, o lactato sanguíneo e hormonal frente ao combate. O terceiro capítulo, “Physical Determinants of Karate Kumite”, estuda a potência muscular, força muscular, aceleração, velocidade, tempo de reação e flexibilidade do karaté. O quarto capítulo, “Training Load Monitoring”, descreve distintos métodos para a monitorização da carga interna. O último capítulo, “Physical and Physiological Assessment”, apresenta testes gerais e específicos utilizados no karaté. O amplo currículo dos investigadores e/ou autores, assim como a extensa utilização da literatura atualizada como base no livro, dão como resultado uma obra de alto valor científico, que pode ser consultada sem restrições, dado que foi editada em formato digital e de livre acesso. Em conclusão, trata‐se de uma obra recomendável para os treinadores, praticantes e profissionais relacionados com o karaté

    Karate Kumite: How to Optimize Performance - Análise do livro

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    This work reviews the book entitled Karate Kumite: How to Optimize Performance, edited in English by Helmi Chaabane, PhD., in 2015. The book is composed of five chapters and a total of seven authors participate in it. The first chapter, “Performance Analysis in Karate”, analyzes the temporal structure of combat. The second chapter, “Physiological Characteristics of Karate Athletes and Karate-Specific Tasks” describes the cost and contribution of energy systems, cardiovascular response, blood lactate and hormonal response to combat. The third chapter, “Physical Determinants of Karate Kumite”, analyzes the muscular power, maximum strength, acceleration, speed, reaction time and flexibility of karate. The fourth chapter, “Training Load Monitoring”, describes different methods for monitoring the internal load. Finally the last chapter, “Physical and Physiological Assessment”, presents general and specific tests used in karate. The sound research background of the authors, as well as the extensive use of up to date literature, results in a book of high scientific value. In addition, this is a digital, open-access book that can be accessed without restriction. In conclusion, this is a highly recommended book for coaches, practitioners and professionals related to karate.En este trabajo se analiza el libro Karate Kumite: How to Optimize Performance, editado en inglés por el Dr. Helmi Chaabane en el año 2015. La obra se estructura en cinco capítulos y participan en ella un total de siete autores. El primer capítulo, “Performance Analysis in Karate”, analiza la estructura temporal del combate. El segundo capítulo, “Physiological Characteristics of Karate Athletes and Karate-Specific Tasks”, describe el costo y contribución de los sistemas energéticos, la respuesta cardiovascular, del lactato sanguíneo y hormonal frente al combate. El tercer capítulo “Physical Determinants of Karate Kumite” estudia la potencia muscular, fuerza máxima, aceleración, velocidad, tiempo de reacción y flexibilidad del karate. El cuarto capítulo, “Training Load Monitoring”, describe distintos métodos para la monitorización de la carga interna. En el último capítulo, “Physical and Physiological Assessment”, presenta test generales y específicos utilizados en el karate. El amplio currículo investigador de los autores, así como la extensa utilización de literatura actualizada como base del libro, dan como resultado una obra de alto valor científico que, a la vez, puede ser consultada sin restricciones ya que se ha editado en formato digital y en acceso libre. En conclusión, se trata de una obra muy recomendable para entrenadores, practicantes y profesionales relacionados con el karate.Este trabalho analisa o livro Karate Kumite: How to Optimize Performance, editado em inglês por Helmi Chaabane, em 2015. A obra estrutura-se em cinco capítulos e nela participam sete autores. O primeiro capítulo, “Performance Analysis in Karate”, analisa a estrutura temporal do combate. O segundo capítulo, “Physiological Characteristics of Karate Athletes and Karate-Specific Tasks”, descreve o custo e a contribuição dos sistemas energéticos, a resposta cardiovascular, o lactato sanguíneo e hormonal frente ao combate. O terceiro capítulo, “Physical Determinants of Karate Kumite”, estuda a potência muscular, força muscular, aceleração, velocidade, tempo de reação e flexibilidade do karaté. O quarto capítulo, “Training Load Monitoring”, descreve distintos métodos para a monitorização da carga interna. O último capítulo, “Physical and Physiological Assessment”, apresenta testes gerais e específicos utilizados no karaté. O amplo currículo dos investigadores e/ou autores, assim como a extensa utilização da literatura atualizada como base no livro, dão como resultado uma obra de alto valor científico, que pode ser consultada sem restrições, dado que foi editada em formato digital e de livre acesso. Em conclusão, trata-se de uma obra recomendável para os treinadores, praticantes e profissionais relacionados com o karaté

    Evolution of Latin American research concerning taekwondo and its impact on sports: bibliometric approach

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    Resumen: La presente investigación tiene por objetivo principal desarrollar un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica iberoamericana relativa al taekwondo publicada en las principales bases de datos hispanohablantes y lusohablantes. La muestra está compuesta por artículos de investigación relativos al taekwondo, extraídos de las bases de datos Dialnet, SciELO y Redalyc, publicados en español o portugués, sin importar la fecha de su publicación. La búsqueda y extracción de información fue realizada en marzo de 2014.Los resultados indican que se han escrito 44 artículos científicos desde 1995 hasta el 2013, de manera irregular en el tiempo. Las áreas más estudiadas corresponden a la psicología, la biomecánica, la medicina del deporte y la fisiología, sumando un 70,5%. Las revistas más utilizadas corresponden a publicaciones que no estudian las artes marciales o deportes de combate como tema principal. Los países que más investigan corresponden a España, Cuba, Brasil y México, que producen más del 80% de lo publicado en Iberoamérica. Por último, los países con mayor productividad parecieran conseguir los mejores resultados en juegos olímpicos, situación que refuerza la idea de que futuros estudios deberían centrar su atención sobre la relación entre investigación y resultados deportivos en taekwondo.Abstract: The aim of the present study was to develop a bibliometric analysis of the Hispanic scientific literature about taekwondo published in the main Spanish and Portuguese-speaking databases. The sample of study was composed by taekwondo-related research articles, retrieved from Dialnet, SciELO and Redalyc databases, written in Spanish or Portuguese without considering their publication date. Information search and retrieval was performed on March 2014. A total of 44 research articles have been written from 1995 to 2013, scattered over this period. Most studied research fields were psychology, biomechanics, sports medicine and physiology (70.5%). The journals publishing these articles were not specialized on martial arts and combat sports. Moreover, Hispanic countries more concerned about taekwondo research are Spain, Cuba, Brazil and Mexico, which are responsible for the publication of more than 80% out of total. Finally, countries with the greatest amount of taekwondo publications seem to obtain the highest results in Olympic Games, so future studies should be focused on the relationship between research and sport results in taekwondo

    High-intensity interval training recommendations for combat sports athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    [ES] La pandemia del COVID-19 ha obligado a los gobiernos decretar cuarentena y aislamiento social en la población con la intención de aplanar la curva de contagio, hechos que han afectado de igual modo la preparación de los atletas. En dicho contexto, hemos desarrollado algunas recomendaciones de entrenamiento intervalado de alta intensidad (HIIT) que podrían ejecutar atletas de deportes de combate olímpicos en sus hogares. Los protocolos HIIT debiesen complementarse con ejercicios de fortalecimiento muscular con el propio peso corporal (similares a los ejercicios técnicos), con la intención de conservar la masa muscular y la condición física de los atletas. Finalmente, situaciones de emergencia requieren planes de contingencia en el deporte.[EN] The COVID-19 pandemic has caused governments to establish quarantine and social distancing for the population in order to decrease the contamination peak, factors that have affected the athletes’ preparation. In this context, we developed some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) recommendations for Olympic combat sports athletes that can be performed at home. The HIIT protocols should be added by body mass-based muscle strengthening exercises (similar to technical exercises), with the goal to preserve athletes’ muscle mass and physical fitness. Finally, emergency situations require contingency plans for sport.[PT] A pandemia de COVID-19 tem obrigado os governos a decretarem quarentena e isolamento social para a população com a intenção de achatar a curva de contágio, ações que têm afetado a preparação de atletas. Neste contexto, desenvolvemos algumas recomendações de treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade (HIIT) que os atletas de esportes de combate olímpicos poderiam executar em seus lares. Os protocolos de HIIT devem ser complementados com exercícios de fortalecimento muscular com a própria massa corporal (similares aos exercícios técnicos), com a intenção de preservar a massa muscular e a condição física dos atletas. Por fim, situações de emergência requerem planos de contingência no esporte

    Bibliometric analysis of taekwondo articles published in the Web of Science (1989–2013)

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    P. 8-21Objetivo: el objetivo del presente estudio fue proporcionar una descripción general de la literatura científica sobre taekwondo indexada en las principales bases de datos de la Web of Science hasta 2013. Método: para ello, se realizó un análisis bibliométrico centrado en la distribución de artículos por año, áreas de investigación, autores, países representados y revistas. Se recuperaron 176 artículos de 1989 a 2013, con un aumento a partir de 2009. Resultados: entre las 38 áreas de investigación observadas, Ciencias del Deporte representó el porcentaje más alto (57,4%), mientras que Pieter resultó el autor más representado (es decir, 15 contribuciones). Corea del Sur, EE. UU. Y Turquía produjeron el 45,5% de los artículos recuperados, mientras que el Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research resultó la publicación que publicó la mayoría de los artículos de taekwondo (es decir, 5,6%). Conclusiones: se proporcionó una descripción general de cómo la inclusión de taekwondo en el programa olímpico, el desarrollo del campo de Ciencias del Deporte y el aumento de la lista de revistas maestras de la Web of Science podrían explicar el importante aumento de la producción científica en taekwondo. A pesar de la considerable cantidad de áreas de investigación, autores, países y revistas involucradas en la investigación de taekwondo, existe una escasez de estudiosos que desarrollen una investigación continua y sólida sobre este arte marcialS

    Effects of Physical Activity Governmental Programs on Health Status in Independent Older Adults: A Systematic Review

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    ABSTRACT: This systematic review analyzes the evidence of the effects of physical activity governmental programs oriented towards the health of independent older adults. Medline, Web of Science, PsycINFO and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection databases were used for data mining and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA-P) recommendations were followed. Five studies (n=2,545 participants) fulfilled the established inclusion criteria. The physical activity programs had beneficial effects on the older adults? quality of life, fall risk, activities of daily living, physical activity levels, nutritional risk, body mass index, arterial pressure, resting heart rate, blood glucose, triglycerides and/or cholesterol, but did not significantly alter their body fat mass percentage. Programs involving diverse physical capacities seem to be more effective for healthy aging. It is recommended that governments start to disseminate the outcomes of these programs within society and the scientific community

    Effects of Physical Activity Governmental Programs on Health Status in Independent Older Adults: A Systematic Review

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    [EN] This systematic review analyzes the evidence ofthe effects ofphysical activity governmental programs oriented toward the health of independent older adults. Medline, Web of Science, PsycINFO, and Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection databases were used for data mining, and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols recommendations were followed. Five studies (n = 2,545 participants) fulfilled the established inclusion criteria. The physical activity programs had beneficial effects on the older adults’ quality of life, fall risk, activities of daily living, physical activity levels, nutritional risk, body mass index, arterial pressure, resting heart rate, blood glucose, triglycerides, and/or cholesterol, but did not significantly alter their body fat mass percentage. Programs involving diverse physical capacities seem to be more effective for healthy aging. It is recommended that governments start to disseminate the outcomes of these programs within society and the scientific community.S

    Comparación de marcadores antropométricos de salud entre mujeres de 60-75 años físicamente activas e inactivas

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    Introduction: the objective of this study was to compare the anthropometric markers of health body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and body fat percentage (BFP) among physically active (PA) and physically inactive (PI) older women. Material and methods: cross-sectional descriptive study with 88 women aged 60-75 years old. The evaluations were carried out in the biomechanics laboratory of the Universidad Santo Tomás (Chile), and  included measurements of body weight, bipedal stature, CC and cutaneous folds. BMI (kg/m2) and percentage of GC were calculated from the skin folds. Results: PA older women presented significantly lower values than IF in the anthropometric health markers evaluated: percentage of CG (p = 0.01), BMI (p = 0.04) and WC (p = 0.03). However, both groups obtained CC and GC values above healthy recommendations. A BMI of 29.76 kg/m2 and 26.8 kg/m2 was obtained for PI and PA, respectively. According to these values, PI were classified as overweight, while PA were classified as normal. When comparing skinfolds, it was observed than PA had values significantly lower than PI in triceps (p=0.03), subscapular (p=0.005) and suprailiac (p=0.001) folds. Conclusions: older women with PA show favorable BMI, WC, and BFP with respect to PI, which could indicate that regular physical activity would be a beneficial element in the health of older adults.Introducción: El propósito de este estudio fue comparar los marcadores antropométricos de salud índice de masa corporal (IMC), circunferencia de cintura (CC) y porcentaje de grasa corporal (GC) entre mujeres mayores físicamente activas (FA) y físicamente inactivas (FI). Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal con 88 mujeres mayores entre 60 y 75 años. Las evaluaciones fueron realizadas en el laboratorio de biomecánica de la Universidad Santo Tomás (Chile) e incluyeron las mediciones de peso corporal, estatura bípeda, CC y pliegues cutáneos. Se calculó IMC (kg/m2) y porcentaje de GC a partir de los pliegues cutáneos.Resultados: Las comparaciones señalan que las mujeres mayores FA presentaron valores significativamente menores que las FI en los marcadores antropométricos de salud evaluados: porcentaje de GC (p= 0,01), IMC (p= 0,04) y CC (p= 0,03). Sin embargo, ambos grupos obtuvieron valores de CC y GC por encima de las recomendaciones saludables. En las FI se obtuvo un IMC de 29,7 kg/m2 y en las FA de 26,8 kg/m2. De acuerdo a estos valores, las FI se clasifican en la categoría de sobrepeso, mientras que las FA en normopeso. Al comparar los pliegues cutáneos se observó que las FA presentaron valores significativamente menores que las FI en pliegues tricipital (p = 0,033), subescapular (p = 0,005) y suprailíaco (p = 0,001). Conclusiones: Las mujeres mayores FA presentan IMC, CC y porcentaje de GC favorables respecto a sus pares FI, lo cual podría indicar que la práctica regular de actividad física sería un elemento beneficioso sobre la salud de los adultos mayores