220 research outputs found

    Employment of an Informal Educational Mathematical Facility to Lower Math Anxiety and Improve Teacher and Student Attitudes Towards Understanding Mathematics

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    Students do not pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) because of a lack of ability, but rather a lack of positive experiences with mathematics. Research has concluded that attitudes in math directly influence success in mathematics. As many as 75% of high school graduates in the United States suffer from mild to severe forms of math anxiety. The improvement of student achievement in mathematics in the United States lags behind that of many other nations in the world. Efforts to improve student achievement in mathematics have focused on developing effective teachers and teaching practices, creating state and national standards, and raising test scores. Advances in neuroscience and understanding how the brain learns mathematics are often not reflected in current instructional practices, and being ―bad at math‖ is not viewed as a problem by American society. As a response to the current state of mathematics in the United States, the researcher created an informal educational center to provide positive mathematical experiences that demonstrate how math works. The Metamo4ic Math Center opened in 2007. This study investigated the effectiveness of a two-hour field trip visit to the Math Center on 114 elementary students, six teachers, and 42 preservice teachers. A Math Anxiety Scale - Revised (MAS-R) and knowledge concept map were administered to treatment and control groups pre-visit, post-visit, and post-post visit. Interviews were conducted pre and post visit. In addition, an independent evaluator observed each field trip visit. The results of the study indicated that the Math Center does significantly lessen anxiety and reduce negative attitudes toward mathematics in elementary students and iii their teachers. Although pre-service teachers demonstrated a lessening in anxiety, the decrease was not significant, and the results demonstrated that the pre-service teachers in both the treatment and control groups had anxiety levels significantly higher than the student and in-service teacher groups. This study led the researcher to conclude that a ―Cycle of Anxiety‖ is contagious and continually perpetuated through the current instruction of mathematics. This study indicated that efforts to improve math achievement void of addressing negative attitudes and math anxiety might not be successful

    Socioeconomic Status and Medical Care Expenditures in Medicare Managed Care

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    This study examined the effects of education, income, and wealth on medical care expenditures in two Medicare managed care plans. The study also sought to elucidate the pathways through which socioeconomic status (SES) affects expenditures, including preferences for health and medical care and ability to navigate the managed care system. We modeled the effect of SES on medical care expenditures using Generalized Linear Models, estimating separate models for each component of medical expenditures: inpatient, outpatient, physician, and other expenditures. We found that education, income, and wealth all affected medical care expenditures, although the effects of these variables differed across expenditure categories. Moreover, the effects of these SES variables were much smaller than the effects found in earlier studies of fee-for-service Medicare. The pathway variables also were associated with expenditures. Accounting for the pathways through which SES affects expenditures narrowed the effect of SES on expenditures; however, the change in the estimates was very small. Thus, although our measures of preferences and ability to navigate the system were associated with expenditures, they did not account for an appreciable share of the impact of SES on expenditures.

    Characterisation of Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome in French Bulldogs Using Whole-Body Barometric Plethysmography.

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    Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) is an important health and welfare problem in several popular dog breeds. Whole-body barometric plethysmography (WBBP) is a non-invasive method that allows safe and repeated quantitative measurements of respiratory cycles on unsedated dogs. Here respiratory flow traces in French bulldogs from the pet population were characterised using WBBP, and a computational application was developed to recognise affected animals. Eighty-nine French bulldogs and twenty non-brachycephalic controls underwent WBBP testing. A respiratory functional grading system was used on each dog based on respiratory signs (i.e. respiratory noise, effort, etc.) before and after exercise. For development of an objective BOAS classifier, functional Grades 0 and I were considered to have insignificant clinical signs (termed here BOAS-) and Grades II and III to have significant signs (termed here BOAS+). A comparison between owner-perception of BOAS and functional grading revealed that 60 % of owners failed to recognise BOAS in dogs that graded BOAS+ in this study.WBBP flow traces were found to be significantly different between non-brachycephalic controls and Grade 0 French bulldogs; BOAS- and BOAS+ French bulldogs. A classifier was developed using quadratic discriminant analysis of the respiratory parameters to distinguish BOAS- and BOAS + French bulldogs, and a BOAS Index was calculated for each dog. A cut-off value of the BOAS Index was selected based on a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the classifier on the training group (n=69) were 0.97, 0.93, 0.95, and 0.97, respectively. The classifier was validated using a test group of French bulldogs (n=20) with an accuracy of 0.95. WBBP offers objective screening for the diagnosis of BOAS in French Bulldogs. The technique may be applied to other brachycephalic breeds affected by BOAS, and possibly to other respiratory disease in dogs.Funding was provided by (1) The Kennel Club Charitable Trust (KCCT), Grant no.: RG 71960, http://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/our-reso​urces/kennel-club-charitable-trust/, to DRS JFL; and (2) Cambridge Overseas Trust (Taiwan Cambridge Scholarship), https://www.cambridgetrust.org/about/cam​bridge-overseas-trust/, to NCL.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0130741

    Exceptional longevity and potential determinants of successful ageing in a cohort of 39 Labrador retrievers: results of a prospective longitudinal study.

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to describe the longevity and causes of mortality in 39 (12 males, 27 females) pedigree adult neutered Labrador retrievers with a median age of 6.5 years at the start of the study and kept under similar housing and management conditions. Body condition score was maintained between two and four on a 5-point scale by varying food allowances quarterly. The impact of change in body weight (BW) and body composition on longevity was analysed using linear mixed models with random slopes and intercepts. RESULTS: On 31 July 2014, 10 years after study start, dogs were classified into three lifespan groups: 13 (33 %) Expected (≥9 to ≤12.9 years), 15 (39 %) Long (≥13 to ≤15.5 years) and 11 (28 %) Exceptional (≥15.6 years) with five still alive. Gender and age at neutering were not associated with longevity (P ≥ 0.06). BW increased similarly for all lifespan groups up to age 9, thereafter, from 9 to 13 years, Exceptional dogs gained and Long-lifespan dogs lost weight (P = 0.007). Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometer scans revealed that absolute fat mass increase was slower to age 13 for Long compared with Expected lifespan dogs (P = 0.003) whilst all groups lost a similar amount of absolute lean mass (P > 0.05). Percent fat increase and percent lean loss were slower, whilst the change in fat:lean was smaller, in both the Exceptional and Long lifespan compared with Expected dogs to age 13 (P ≤ 0.02). Total bone mineral density was significantly lower for Expected compared to Exceptional and Long lifespan dogs (P < 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that life-long maintenance of lean body mass and attenuated accumulation of body fat were key factors in achieving a longer lifespan. The results suggest that a combination of a high quality plane of nutrition with appropriate husbandry and healthcare are important in obtaining a greater than expected proportion of Labrador retrievers living well beyond that of the expected breed lifespan: 89.7 % (95 % CI 74.8-96.7 %) dogs were alive at 12 years of age and 28.2 % (95 % CI 15.6-45.1 %) reaching an exceptional lifespan of ≥15.6 years.The authors wish to thank all the former P&G Research & Development team involved for their assistance in this study since its inception over 10 years ago. The authors also wish to acknowledge the role of P&G for their financial support of this study and Spectrum Brands for supporting the analysis and preparation of this manuscript.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from BioMed Central via http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13028-016-0206-

    Evidence of longer life; a cohort of 39 labrador retrievers.

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    A panel of veterinary and academic experts reviewed current available evidence on age at death for Labrador and reached a consensus that their average/typical lifespan was 12 years of age (Adams and others, 2016). A prospective cohort study that described the longevity of 39 pedigree adult neutered Labradors, showed that 89.7% lived to meet/exceed this typical lifespan. The study showed that maintenance of lean body mass and reduced accumulation of body fat were associated with attaining a longer than average lifespan whilst gender and age at neutering were not associated with longevity (Adams and others 2016)

    Nonalcoholic and Alcoholic Beverage Intakes by Adults across 5 Upper-Middle- and High-Income Countries.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite considerable public health interest in sugary drink consumption, there has been little comparison of intake across countries. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to compare the consumption frequency and amounts of commonly consumed beverages among adults in 5 upper-middle- and high-income countries, and examine differences in consumption between population subgroups. METHODS: Adults aged 18-65 y completed online surveys in December 2017 in Australia (n = 3264), Canada (n = 2745), Mexico (n = 3152), the United Kingdom (n = 3221), and the USA (n = 4015) as part of the International Food Policy Study. The frequency of consuming beverages from 22 categories in the past 7 d was estimated using the Beverage Frequency Questionnaire. Regression models were used to examine differences in the likelihood of any consumption and in the amounts consumed of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), sugary drinks (SSBs and 100% juice), diet, and alcoholic beverages between countries and across sociodemographic subgroups. RESULTS: The prevalence of reported SSB consumption in the past 7 d ranged from 47% (United Kingdom) to 81% (Mexico), and that of sugary drinks ranged from 62% (United Kingdom) to 87% (Mexico). Rates of consumption of diet drinks ranged from 26% (Mexico) to 37% (United Kingdom), whereas alcoholic drink consumption rates ranged from 45% (USA) to 52% (Canada). Respondents in Mexico were more likely to consume SSBs and sugary drinks, and in greater amounts, than those in other countries. Respondents in the United Kingdom were more likely to consume diet drinks than those in Australia, Canada, and Mexico, and greater amounts of diet drinks were consumed in the United Kingdom and the USA. Across countries, younger respondents and males were more likely to consume greater amounts of SSBs and sugary drinks. CONCLUSIONS: Most adult respondents across all countries consumed SSBs and sugary drinks, with greater consumption in Mexico and the USA. Consumption varied greatly across countries, but patterns of association among subpopulations were relatively similar.The first two waves of the International Food Policy Study were funded by a population health intervention research operating grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Additional support was provided by a CIHR – Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) Applied Public Health Chair held by David Hammond. JA receives funding from the Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), a UKCRC Public Health Research Centre of Excellence. Funding from the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Economic and Social Research Council, Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research, and the Wellcome Trust, under the auspices of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration, is gratefully acknowledged. GS is supported by a Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellowship (102035) from the National Heart Foundation of Australia. He is also a researcher within National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Centres for Research Excellence entitled Reducing Salt Intake Using Food Policy Interventions (APP1117300) and a Centre of Research Excellence in Food Retail Environments for Health (RE-FRESH) (APP1152968) (Australia). He has also received other funding from the NHMRC, Australian Research Council (ARC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Data described in the manuscript, code book, and analytic code will be made available upon request pending application and approval by DH

    Strawberry cultivars vary in productivity, sugars and phytonutrient content when grown in a greenhouse during the winter

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    In many areas of the US, fresh locally grown berries are not available during the winter. With this in mind, a research study comprised of three experiments was conducted focused on cultivar selection for berry yield, number, sweetness and phytonutrient content. Using a capillary mat system with under bench heating within a double-layer polyethylene greenhouse, strawberries were grown in the Great Plains Region of the US during the winter. During experiment 1, 12 cultivars were grown; berries were weighed, counted and analyzed for sugars and phytonutrients. “Albion” plants produced a high number/mass of berries, had relatively high sugar content but a lower level of phytonutrients when compared to other cultivars. Sugar and phytonutrients concentrations overlapped across cultivars and thus, one cultivar could not be statistically singled out as best. As all cultivars flowered and fruited, two additional 8-month-long experiments were conducted. It took only 7 weeks from potting of dormant crowns for most cultivars to produce fruit. Certain cultivars fruited more successfully during certain months than others, but this was not associated with response time. For example,” “Albion”, “Chandler”, “Darselect”, “Evie-2” and “Seascape” plants consistently produced fruit October to early January while “AC Wendy”, “Cavendish”, “Honeoye” and “Strawberry Festival” plants mainly produced berries in March/April. Summed over experiment 2, “Albion”, “ Cavendish”, “Chandler”, “ Evie-2”, “Portola” and “Seascape” plants produced the greatest mass of berries. “AC Wendy” and “Darselect” berries contained some of the highest levels of sugars while berries from “Chandler”, “Darselect”, “Evie-2”, “Seascape” and “Strawberry Festival” had some of the highest phytonutrient values. In the third experiment, of the 8 selected cultivars, “Evie-2”, “Evie−2+” and “Portola” plants had the highest total yield and average berry mass/plant. “Seascape” and” Chandler” plants were second in total production. Glucose, fructose and sucrose levels varied across cultivars with “Chandler” and “Seascape” berries possessing the lowest level of total sugars. Phytonutrient values varied among cultivars with some having better flavonoids (“Seascape”), phenols (“Seascape” and “Chandler”) and ant oxidant capacity (“Seascape”, “Evie-2” and “Cavendish”). Measurement of soluble solids concentration varied by week among the cultivars with “Seascape”, “Seascape+”, and “Albion” berries possessing higher levels than other cultivars such as “Cavendish”. Overall, under these winter greenhouse conditions using capillary mat fertigation and an under-bench heat delivery system, strawberries were successfully produced for the off-season market

    RAB-Like 2 Has an Essential Role in Male Fertility, Sperm Intra-Flagellar Transport, and Tail Assembly

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    A significant percentage of young men are infertile and, for the majority, the underlying cause remains unknown. Male infertility is, however, frequently associated with defective sperm motility, wherein the sperm tail is a modified flagella/cilia. Conversely, a greater understanding of essential mechanisms involved in tail formation may offer contraceptive opportunities, or more broadly, therapeutic strategies for global cilia defects. Here we have identified Rab-like 2 (RABL2) as an essential requirement for sperm tail assembly and function. RABL2 is a member of a poorly characterized clade of the RAS GTPase superfamily. RABL2 is highly enriched within developing male germ cells, where it localizes to the mid-piece of the sperm tail. Lesser amounts of Rabl2 mRNA were observed in other tissues containing motile cilia. Using a co-immunoprecipitation approach and RABL2 affinity columns followed by immunochemistry, we demonstrated that within developing haploid germ cells RABL2 interacts with intra-flagella transport (IFT) proteins and delivers a specific set of effector (cargo) proteins, including key members of the glycolytic pathway, to the sperm tail. RABL2 binding to effector proteins is regulated by GTP. Perturbed RABL2 function, as exemplified by the Mot mouse line that contains a mutation in a critical protein-protein interaction domain, results in male sterility characterized by reduced sperm output, and sperm with aberrant motility and short tails. Our data demonstrate a novel function for the RABL protein family, an essential role for RABL2 in male fertility and a previously uncharacterised mechanism for protein delivery to the flagellum.This work was supported by grants from the NHMRC to MKO (#606445) and CJO, the Australian Research Council (MKO, RJA, and CJO), the New South Wales Cancer Council (CJO), Cancer Institute New South Wales (CJO), Banque Nationale de Paris-Paribas Australia and New Zealand (CJO), RT Hall Trust (CJO), and the National Breast Cancer Foundation (CJO). JCYL is the recipient of a NHMRC PhD scholarship. MKO and CJO are the recipients of NHMRC Senior Research Fellowships (#545805 and #481310). CCG is the recipient an NHMRC Australia Fellowship. JCW is the recipient of an Australian Research Council Federation Fellowship. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript