14,471 research outputs found

    Experimental phase functions of mm-sized cosmic dust grains

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    We present experimental phase functions of three types of millimeter-sized dust grains consisting of enstatite, quartz and volcanic material from Mount Etna, respectively. The three grains present similar sizes but different absorbing properties. The measurements are performed at 527 nm covering the scattering angle range from 3 to 170 degrees. The measured phase functions show two well defined regions i) soft forward peaks and ii) a continuous increase with the scattering angle at side- and back-scattering regions. This behavior at side- and back-scattering regions are in agreement with the observed phase functions for the Fomalhaut and HR 4796A dust rings. Further computations and measurements (including polarization) for millimeter sized-grains are needed to draw some conclusions about the fluffy or compact structure of the dust grains

    Complete plastome sequences from Bertholletia excelsa and 23 related species yield informative markers for Lecythidaceae

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144266/1/aps31151_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144266/2/aps31151.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144266/3/aps31151-sup-0001-AppendixS1.pd

    Efficient plot-based floristic assessment of tropical forests

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    The tropical flora remains chronically understudied and the lack of floristic understanding hampers ecological research and its application for large-scale conservation planning. Given scarce resources and the scale of the challenge there is a need to maximize the efficiency of both sampling strategies and sampling units, yet there is little information on the relative efficiency of different approaches to floristic assessment in tropical forests. This paper is the first attempt to address this gap. We repeatedly sampled forests in two regions of Amazonia using the two most widely used plot-based protocols of floristic sampling, and compared their performance in terms of the quantity of floristic knowledge and ecological insight gained scaled to the field effort required. Specifically, the methods are assessed first in terms of the number of person-days required to complete each sample (‘effort’), secondly by the total gain in the quantity of floristic information that each unit of effort provides (‘crude inventory efficiency’), and thirdly in terms of the floristic information gained as a proportion of the target species pool (‘proportional inventory efficiency’). Finally, we compare the methods in terms of their efficiency in identifying different ecological patterns within the data (‘ecological efficiency’) while controlling for effort. There are large and consistent differences in the performance of the two methods. The disparity is maintained even after accounting for regional and site-level variation in forest species richness, tree density and the number of field assistants. We interpret our results in the context of selecting the appropriate method for particular research purposes

    Star Formation in the Field and Clusters of NGC 5253

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    We investigate the star formation history of both the bright star clusters and the diffuse `field star' population in the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 5253 using STIS longslit ultraviolet spectroscopy. Our slit covers a physical area of 370 x 1.6 pc and includes 8 apparent clusters and several inter-cluster regions of diffuse light which we take to be the field. The diffuse light spectrum lacks the strong O-star wind features which are clearly visible in spectra of the brightest clusters. This discrepancy provides compelling evidence that the diffuse light is not reflected light from nearby clusters, but originates in a UV-bright field star population, and it raises the issue of whether the star formation process may be operating differently in the field than in clusters. We compare our spectra to STARBURST99 evolutionary synthesis models which incorporate a new low metallicity atlas of O-star spectra. We favor a scenario which accounts for the paucity of O-stars in the field without requiring the field to have a different IMF than the clusters: stellar clusters form continuously and then dissolve on ~10 Myr timescales and disperse their remaining stars into the field. We consider the probable contribution of an O-star deficient field population to the spatially unresolved spectra of high redshift galaxies. (Abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    An Axiomatic Setup for Algorithmic Homological Algebra and an Alternative Approach to Localization

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    In this paper we develop an axiomatic setup for algorithmic homological algebra of Abelian categories. This is done by exhibiting all existential quantifiers entering the definition of an Abelian category, which for the sake of computability need to be turned into constructive ones. We do this explicitly for the often-studied example Abelian category of finitely presented modules over a so-called computable ring RR, i.e., a ring with an explicit algorithm to solve one-sided (in)homogeneous linear systems over RR. For a finitely generated maximal ideal m\mathfrak{m} in a commutative ring RR we show how solving (in)homogeneous linear systems over RmR_{\mathfrak{m}} can be reduced to solving associated systems over RR. Hence, the computability of RR implies that of RmR_{\mathfrak{m}}. As a corollary we obtain the computability of the category of finitely presented RmR_{\mathfrak{m}}-modules as an Abelian category, without the need of a Mora-like algorithm. The reduction also yields, as a by-product, a complexity estimation for the ideal membership problem over local polynomial rings. Finally, in the case of localized polynomial rings we demonstrate the computational advantage of our homologically motivated alternative approach in comparison to an existing implementation of Mora's algorithm.Comment: Fixed a typo in the proof of Lemma 4.3 spotted by Sebastian Posu

    Experimental Investigation of Ice Accretion Effects on a Swept Wing

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    An experimental investigation was conducted to study the effects of 2-, 5-, 10-, and 22.5-min ice accretions on the aerodynamic performance of a swept finite wing. The ice shapes tested included castings of ice accretions obtained from icing tests at the NASA Glenn Icing Research Tunnel (IRT) and simulated ice shapes obtained with the LEWICE 2.0 ice accretion code. The conditions used for the icing tests were selected to provide five glaze ice shapes with complete and incomplete scallop features and a small rime ice shape. The LEWICE ice shapes were defined for the same conditions as those used in the icing tests. All aerodynamic performance tests were conducted in the 7- x 10-ft Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Facility at Wichita State University. Six component force and moment measurements, aileron hinge moments, and surface pressures were obtained for a Reynolds number of 1.8 million based on mean aerodynamic chord and aileron deflections in the range of -15o to 20o. Tests were performed with the clean wing, six IRT ice shape castings, seven smooth LEWICE ice shapes, and seven rough LEWICE ice shapes. Roughness for the LEWICE ice shapes was simulated with 36-size grit. The experiments conducted showed that the glaze ice castings reduced the maximum lift coefficient of the clean wing by 11.5% to 93.6%, while the 5-min rime ice casting increased maximum lift by 3.4%. Minimum iced wing drag was 133% to 3533% greater with respect to the clean case. The drag of the iced wing near the clean wing stall angle of attack was 17% to 104% higher than that of the clean case. In general, the aileron remained effective in changing the lift of the clean and iced wings for all angles of attack and aileron deflections tested. Aileron hinge moments for the iced wing cases remained within the maximum and minimum limits defined by the clean wing hinge moments. Tests conducted with the LEWICE ice shapes showed that in general the trends in aerodynamic performance degradation of the wing with the simulated ice shapes were similar to those obtained with the IRT ice shape castings. However, in most cases, the ice castings resulted in greater aerodynamic performance losses than those obtained with the LEWICE ice shapes. For the majority of the LEWICE ice shapes, the addition of 36-size grit roughness to the smooth ice shapes increased aerodynamic performance losses

    Factorizing the time evolution operator

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    There is a widespread belief in the quantum physical community, and in textbooks used to teach Quantum Mechanics, that it is a difficult task to apply the time evolution operator Exp{-itH/h} on an initial wave function. That is to say, because the hamiltonian operator generally is the sum of two operators, then it is a difficult task to apply the time evolution operator on an initial wave function f(x,0), for it implies to apply terms operators like (a+b)^n. A possible solution of this problem is to factorize the time evolution operator and then apply successively the individual exponential operator on the initial wave function. However, the exponential operator does not directly factorize, i. e. Exp{a+b} is not equal to Exp{a}Exp{b}. In this work we present a useful procedure for factorizing the time evolution operator when the argument of the exponential is a sum of two operators, which obey specific commutation relations. Then, we apply the exponential operator as an evolution operator for the case of elementary unidimensional potentials, like the particle subject to a constant force and the harmonic oscillator. Also, we argue about an apparent paradox concerning the time evolution operator and non-spreading wave packets addressed previously in the literature.Comment: 24 pages; added references; one figure change

    Nudges and other moral technologies in the context of power: Assigning and accepting responsibility

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    Strawson argues that we should understand moral responsibility in terms of our practices of holding responsible and taking responsibility. The former covers what is commonly referred to as backward-looking responsibility , while the latter covers what is commonly referred to as forward-looking responsibility . We consider new technologies and interventions that facilitate assignment of responsibility. Assigning responsibility is best understood as the second- or third-personal analogue of taking responsibility. It establishes forward-looking responsibility. But unlike taking responsibility, it establishes forward-looking responsibility in someone else. When such assignments are accepted, they function in such a way that those to whom responsibility has been assigned face the same obligations and are susceptible to the same reactive attitudes as someone who takes responsibility. One family of interventions interests us in particular: nudges. We contend that many instances of nudging tacitly assign responsibility to nudgees for actions, values, and relationships that they might not otherwise have taken responsibility for. To the extent that nudgees tacitly accept such assignments, they become responsible for upholding norms that would otherwise have fallen under the purview of other actors. While this may be empowering in some cases, it can also function in such a way that it burdens people with more responsibility that they can (reasonably be expected to) manage

    Disconnect within Agriculture and Ecosystem Climate Effects, Adaptations and Policy

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    Frequently, agriculture and ecosystems (AE) are seen as separate entities, causing entity specific solutions in response to threats. Anthropogenic climate change simultaneously stresses both agriculture and ecosystems along with their interactions. Induced increasing surface temperatures [1], altered precipitation [2], drought intensification [3], altered ground and surface water quantity/quality [4,5], and diminished soil moisture [6] force adaptations for AE, but these adaptations fail to be efficient when interdependencies are not considered. Additional adaptations will be necessary, as future projections anticipate even greater climate change [1]

    Pecuária de precisão: pesquisas em saúde e comportamento alimentar.

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