424 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of the magnetization of high-temperature superconductors: 3D finite element method using a single time-step iteration

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    We make progress towards a 3D finite-element model for the magnetization of a high temperature superconductor (HTS): We suggest a method that takes into account demagnetisation effects and flux creep, while it neglects the effects associated with currents that are not perpendicular to the local magnetic induction. We consider samples that are subjected to a uniform magnetic field varying linearly with time. Their magnetization is calculated by means of a weak formulation in the magnetostatic approximation of the Maxwell equations (A-phi formulation). An implicit method is used for the temporal resolution (Backward Euler scheme) and is solved in the open source solver GetDP. Picard iterations are used to deal with the power law conductivity of HTS. The finite element formulation is validated for an HTS tube with large pinning strength through the comparison with results obtained with other well-established methods. We show that carrying the calculations with a single time-step (as opposed to many small time-steps) produce results with excellent accuracy in a drastically reduced simulation time. The numerical method is extended to the study of the trapped magnetization of cylinders that are drilled with different arrays of columnar holes arranged parallel to the cylinder axis

    Use of 2G coated conductors for efficient shielding of DC magnetic fields

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    This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation of the performance of two types of magnetic screens assembled from YBa2Cu3O7-d (YBCO) coated conductors. Since effective screening of the axial DC magnetic field requires the unimpeded flow of an azimuthal persistent current, we demonstrate a configuration of a screening shell made out of standard YBCO coated conductor capable to accomplish that. The screen allows the persistent current to flow in the predominantly azimuthal direction at a temperature of 77 K. The persistent screen, incorporating a single layer of superconducting film, can attenuate an external magnetic field of up to 5 mT by more than an order of magnitude. For comparison purposes, another type of screen which incorporates low critical temperature quasi-persistent joints was also built. The shielding technique we describe here appears to be especially promising for the realization of large scale high-Tc superconducting screens.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Thermodynamics of the \phi^4 theory in tadpole approximation

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    Relying on the Luttinger-Ward theorem we derive a thermodynamically selfconsistent and scale independent approximation of the thermodynamic potential for the scalar Ï•4\phi^4 theory in the tadpole approximation. The resulting thermodynamic potential as a function of the temperature is similar to the one of the recently proposed screened perturbation theory.Comment: 6 pages, including 1 eps figur

    Modification of the trapped field in bulk high-temperature superconductors as a result of the drilling of a pattern of artificial columnar holes

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    The trapped magnetic field is examined in bulk high-temperature superconductors that are artificially drilled along their c-axis. The influence of the hole pattern on the magnetization is studied and compared by means of numerical models and Hall probe mapping techniques. To this aim, we consider two bulk YBCO samples with a rectangular cross-section that are drilled each by six holes arranged either on a rectangular lattice (sample I) or on a centered rectangular lattice (sample II). For the numerical analysis, three different models are considered for calculating the trapped flux: (i), a two-dimensional (2D) Bean model neglecting demagnetizing effects and flux creep, (ii), a 2D finite-element model neglecting demagnetizing effects but incorporating magnetic relaxation in the form of an E-J power law, and, (iii), a 3D finite element analysis that takes into account both the finite height of the sample and flux creep effects. For the experimental analysis, the trapped magnetic flux density is measured above the sample surface by Hall probe mapping performed before and after the drilling process. The maximum trapped flux density in the drilled samples is found to be smaller than that in the plain samples. The smallest magnetization drop is found for sample II, with the centered rectangular lattice. This result is confirmed by the numerical models. In each sample, the relative drops that are calculated independently with the three different models are in good agreement. As observed experimentally, the magnetization drop calculated in the sample II is the smallest one and its relative value is comparable to the measured one. By contrast, the measured magnetization drop in sample (1) is much larger than that predicted by the simulations, most likely because of a change of the microstructure during the drilling process.Comment: Proceedings of EUCAS 09 conferenc

    Strange quark matter: mapping QCD lattice results to finite baryon density by a quasi-particle model

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    A quasi-particle model is presented which describes QCD lattice results for the 0, 2 and 4 quark-flavor equation of state. The results are mapped to finite baryo-chemical potentials. As an application of the model we make a prediction of deconfined matter with appropriate inclusion of strange quarks and consider pure quark stars.Comment: invited talk at Strangeness 2000, Berkeley; prepared version for the proceedings, 5 page

    Bulk high-Tc superconductors with drilled holes: how to arrange the holes to maximize the trapped magnetic flux ?

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    Drilling holes in a bulk high-Tc superconductor enhances the oxygen annealing and the heat exchange with the cooling liquid. However, drilling holes also reduces the amount of magnetic flux that can be trapped in the sample. In this paper, we use the Bean model to study the magnetization and the current line distribution in drilled samples, as a function of the hole positions. A single hole perturbs the critical current flow over an extended region that is bounded by a discontinuity line, where the direction of the current density changes abruptly. We demonstrate that the trapped magnetic flux is maximized if the center of each hole is positioned on one of the discontinuity lines produced by the neighbouring holes. For a cylindrical sample, we construct a polar triangular hole pattern that exploits this principle; in such a lattice, the trapped field is ~20% higher than in a squared lattice, for which the holes do not lie on discontinuity lines. This result indicates that one can simultaneously enhance the oxygen annealing, the heat transfer, and maximize the trapped field

    The QCD Phase Diagram at Nonzero Temperature, Baryon and Isospin Chemical Potentials in Random Matrix Theory

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    We introduce a random matrix model with the symmetries of QCD at finite temperature and chemical potentials for baryon number and isospin. We analyze the phase diagram of this model in the chemical potential plane for different temperatures and quark masses. We find a rich phase structure with five different phases separated by both first and second order lines. The phases are characterized by the pion condensate and the chiral condensate for each of the flavors. In agreement with lattice simulations, we find that in the phase with zero pion condensate the critical temperature depends in the same way on the baryon number chemical potential and on the isospin chemical potential. At nonzero quark mass, we remarkably find that the critical end point at nonzero temperature and baryon chemical potential is split in two by an arbitrarily small isospin chemical potential. As a consequence, there are two crossovers that separate the hadronic phase from the quark-gluon plasma phase at high temperature. Detailed analytical results are obtained at zero temperature and in the chiral limit.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, REVTeX

    Pulsed-field magnetization of drilled bulk high-temperature superconductors: flux front propagation in the volume and on the surface

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    We present a method for characterizing the propagation of the magnetic flux in an artificially drilled bulk high-temperature superconductor (HTS) during a pulsed-field magnetization. As the magnetic pulse penetrates the cylindrical sample, the magnetic flux density is measured simultaneously in 16 holes by means of microcoils that are placed across the median plane, i.e. at an equal distance from the top and bottom surfaces, and close to the surface of the sample. We discuss the time evolution of the magnetic flux density in the holes during a pulse and measure the time taken by the external magnetic flux to reach each hole. Our data show that the flux front moves faster in the median plane than on the surface when penetrating the sample edge; it then proceeds faster along the surface than in the bulk as it penetrates the sample further. Once the pulse is over, the trapped flux density inside the central hole is found to be about twice as large in the median plane than on the surface. This ratio is confirmed by modelling

    Random matrix models for phase diagrams

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    We describe a random matrix approach that can provide generic and readily soluble mean-field descriptions of the phase diagram for a variety of systems ranging from QCD to high-T_c materials. Instead of working from specific models, phase diagrams are constructed by averaging over the ensemble of theories that possesses the relevant symmetries of the problem. Although approximate in nature, this approach has a number of advantages. First, it can be useful in distinguishing generic features from model-dependent details. Second, it can help in understanding the `minimal' number of symmetry constraints required to reproduce specific phase structures. Third, the robustness of predictions can be checked with respect to variations in the detailed description of the interactions. Finally, near critical points, random matrix models bear strong similarities to Ginsburg-Landau theories with the advantage of additional constraints inherited from the symmetries of the underlying interaction. These constraints can be helpful in ruling out certain topologies in the phase diagram. In this Key Issue, we illustrate the basic structure of random matrix models, discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and consider the kinds of system to which they can be applied.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures, uses iopart.sty. Author's postprint versio

    An AC susceptometer for the characterization of large, bulk superconducting samples

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    The main purpose of this work was to design, develop and construct a simple, low-cost AC susceptometer to measure large, bulk superconducting samples (up to 32 mm in diameter) in the temperature range 78-120 K. The design incorporates a double heating system that enables a high heating rate (25 K/hour) while maintaining a small temperature gradient (< 0.2 K) across the sample. The apparatus can be calibrated precisely using a copper coil connected in series with the primary coil. The system has been used successfully to measure the temperature dependence of the AC magnetic properties of entire RE-Ba-Cu-O [(RE)BCO] bulk superconducting domains. A typical AC susceptibility measurement run from 78 K to 95 K takes about 2 hours, with excellent temperature resolution (temperature step ~ 4 mK) around the critical temperature, in particular.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Measurement Science and Technolog
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