58 research outputs found

    SDI in north and south:a full circle yet

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    Design of location-enabled e-government services

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    This document provides guidance on the design of location enabled e-Government services. It is part of the European Union Location Framework (EULF) toolkit that helps Member States to improve the use of location information in the context of e-Government. The document explains what location enabled e-Government services are, and how they can support the many G2G, G2B and G2C process interactions. Examples are given for the different types of e-Government services: information, contact, transaction, participation and data transfer services (Bekkers, 2007a). The document also provides an approach to describe and document e-Government business processes as a starting point for identifying where location enabled e-Government services could add value to the process by using process modelling techniques and standards. Finally, the document explains in detail the organisational and technological aspects related to the design, implementation and evaluation of location enabled e-Government services. A series of recommendations are provided in the form of ‘to-do’s’ and ‘not-to-do’s’. Examples are given throughout the text to illustrate best practices. This document should be read in conjunction with the companion guidance document “EULF Improving the use of location information in e-government processes: methodology and use case”, which provides a methodology and worked example of improving an existing process.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    Assessment of the integration of geographic information in e-government policy in Europe

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    Ponencias, comunicaciones y pósters presentados en el 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place", celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I del 3 al 6 de junio de 2014.The integration of geographic information and services in a broader e-government context can be considered as a necessary condition for realising the full potential of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). In recent years, many European countries have started taking actions and initiatives to integrate geographic information in e-government policy. This paper provides an analysis of these actions and initiatives, focusing on the non-technological aspects, such as the development of strategies, the establishment of coordination structures and the implementation of data policies. The analysis shows that several European countries are aware of the need to integrate geographic information in e-government and are taking different types of actions towards a coordinated and integrated ‘information’ policy. However, in none of the European countries that were examined is geographic information fully integrated in e-government policy, and in some countries the integration of location information in e-government is even not considered as a priority

    European Union Location Framework - Guidelines for public procurement of geospatial technologies

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    These guidelines focus on the procurement of location information products and services, such as the acquisition of new location data to support applications, the acquisition of solutions for using location data and services in e Government processes and products and/or services for making data interoperable and/or accessible. The procurement can take place as part of the development of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), the implementation of the INSPIRE regulation, or any other Directive in which such information and services are important, or within the context of regular activities of spatial data and service providers and users (e.g. Mapping and Cadastre Agencies, Government departments, local public administrations). The guidelines provide recommendations on elements of best practice in procurement in which location information and location enabled services are important, with some practical examples; and describe some concrete sample texts that could be used in invitations to tender when reference is made to location information and location enabled service requirements. The procurement process is also explained as part of a potential future e-procurement platform in which the application and updating of geospatial standards (through change requests) could be integrated as well.JRC.H.6-Digital Earth and Reference Dat

    Improving use of location information in e-government processes: methodology and use case

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    Many e-government public services and underlying processes use location information but the use of this information is not always optimal, inhibiting both efficiency and effectiveness. This report describes a two step methodology for analysing and improving how location information is used in e-government processes, together with an approach for estimating the impact of location enablement on the performance of e-Government processes. The use of the methodology is illustrated by examining an existing use case: the Traffic Safety Monitoring process in Flanders. The process and the current and potential integration of location information are described in detail, as well as the potential improvements, the potential impact of further spatially enabling the process and a series of recommendations. This document is one of a series of guidance documents associated with the European Union Location Framework (EULF) Blueprint. It should be read in conjunction with the companion guidance document “EULF Design of Location-Enabled e-Government Services”JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    The role of Spatial Data Infrastructures in the Digital Government Transformation of Public Administrations

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    Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) play a pivotal role in Digital Government Transformation (DGT) of countries. They constitute one of the main building blocks for effective data sharing and their development in the past years has taught some important lessons to public authorities in terms of collaboration across sectors, centricity of users’ needs as well as usefulness of platforms and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). However, the specific analysis of the role that SDIs play in Digital Government Transformation has not been the object of many studies so far. With practitioners and academics acknowledging more and more the links between these two concepts, there is a need to provide an initial picture of how SDIs have contributed to Digital Government Transformation until now and what could be their role in the future. The present study is a first attempt to examine this relation and develop a methodology for apprehending the role of SDIs in the Digital Transformation of the public sector. It first develops an analytical framework for examining different aspects that can provide an explanation of the relationship between SDIs and DGT and notably institutional aspects, technical aspects and impact aspects. It then tests this framework on twenty-nine countries (all European Member States plus Norway) in order to assess the validity of this instrument for the collection of data as well as for the wider understanding of this topic. From these analytical and data collection efforts, it emerged the strength of the relationship that SDIs and Digital Government Transformation entertain and the variety of ways in which countries have understood and cultivated it. The study also provides an attempt to link the OECD Recommendation on Digital Governments with the SDIs and Digital Transformation experience of the countries in scope. This also helped understanding that SDIs already significantly support Digital Government Transformation, even from the OECD perspective, and that this relationship will only be stronger in the future.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    Assessment of the Conditions for a European Union Location Framework Report EUR

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    The European Union Location Framework (EULF) is a set of good practices and actions to promote more effective and efficient use of location information in e-government services. The EULF is part of the Interoperability Solutions for Public Administrations (ISA) Programme, which supports interoperability solutions, sharing and re-use among European Public Administrations. This report assesses the conditions for an EULF, based on a survey of Member States and an examination of EU policies and work programmes. Five focus areas are being considered initially: policy and strategy alignment, e government integration, standardisation and interoperbility, costs and benefits and committed partnerships. The assessment confirmed their importance in realising and maximising the benefits of location-related information and services. There are various good practices demonstrating that these issues can be addressed and that benefits for governments, citizens and businesses can be delivered. However these good pratices are not universally deployed and there are some significant gaps. The assessment also identified other important issues, including the need for effective leadership and governance, a user-driven approach, an open and balanced data policy, training and awareness raising and appropriately targeted funding. There is, therefore, a need for an EULF, to build on the good practices and interest from Member States and to develop a framework of guidance and actions that will foster interoperable cross-sector and cross-border sharing and use of location information.JRC.H.6-Digital Earth and Reference Dat

    RDF and PIDs for INSPIRE: a missing item in ARE3NA

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    The presentation will outline intermediate results of a study in the context of geospatial data sharing across borders and at European level. The study is aiming to develop a common approach to generating common RDF schemas for representing INSPIRE data and metadata, as well as guidelines for the governance of persistent identifiers (PIDs). These are important elements for enabling the re-use of INSPIRE data in other sectors, in particular in e-government. The results of the study may feed into a proposal for additional encoding rules and guidelines for INSPIRE and will be performed in close collaboration with the INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Group and the ISA Programme’s Spatial Information and Services Working Group.JRC.H.6-Digital Earth and Reference Dat

    Architectures and Standards for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Digital Government: European Union Location Framework Guidelines

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    This document provides an overview of the architecture(s) and standards for Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) and Digital Government. The document describes the different viewpoints according to the Reference Model for Open and Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) which is often used in both the SDI and e-Government worlds: the enterprise viewpoint, the engineering viewpoint, the information viewpoint, the computational viewpoint and the technological viewpoint. The document not only describes these viewpoints with regard to SDI and e-Government implementations, but also how the architecture(s) and standards of SDI and e-Government relate. It indicates which standards and tools can be used and provides examples of implementations in different areas, such as process modelling, metadata, data and services. In addition, the annex provides an overview of the most commonly used standards and technologies for SDI and e-Government.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    A multidisciplinary research framework for analysing the spatial enablement of public sector processes

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    Although Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is a complex concept with many facets, it is widely recognised that SDIs are about facilitating and coordinating spatial information flows. This paper argues that the analysis of spatial information flows should not be separated from the processes in which they are embedded. The paper presents the development of a multidisciplinary research framework to study the spatial enablement of public sector processes, and the application of this research framework in a case study on zoning planning in Flanders (Belgium). The paper demonstrates the applicability of the proposed research framework for enhancing our understanding of factors that may influence the role of spatial information in public sector processes. The identification of these decisive factors may contribute to the further advancement of SDI as an enabling platform