410 research outputs found

    Violence against female sex workers in Karnataka state, south India: impact on health, and reductions in violence following an intervention program.

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Violence against female sex workers (FSWs) can impede HIV prevention efforts and contravenes their human rights. We developed a multi-layered violence intervention targeting policy makers, secondary stakeholders (police, lawyers, media), and primary stakeholders (FSWs), as part of wider HIV prevention programming involving >60,000 FSWs in Karnataka state. This study examined if violence against FSWs is associated with reduced condom use and increased STI/HIV risk, and if addressing violence against FSWs within a large-scale HIV prevention program can reduce levels of violence against them. METHODS: FSWs were randomly selected to participate in polling booth surveys (PBS 2006-2008; short behavioural questionnaires administered anonymously) and integrated behavioural-biological assessments (IBBAs 2005-2009; administered face-to-face). RESULTS: 3,852 FSWs participated in the IBBAs and 7,638 FSWs participated in the PBS. Overall, 11.0% of FSWs in the IBBAs and 26.4% of FSWs in the PBS reported being beaten or raped in the past year. FSWs who reported violence in the past year were significantly less likely to report condom use with clients (zero unprotected sex acts in previous month, 55.4% vs. 75.5%, adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 0.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.3 to 0.5, p < 0.001); to have accessed the HIV intervention program (ever contacted by peer educator, 84.9% vs. 89.6%, AOR 0.7, 95% CI 0.4 to 1.0, p = 0.04); or to have ever visited the project sexual health clinic (59.0% vs. 68.1%, AOR 0.7, 95% CI 0.6 to 1.0, p = 0.02); and were significantly more likely to be infected with gonorrhea (5.0% vs. 2.6%, AOR 1.9, 95% CI 1.1 to 3.3, p = 0.02). By the follow-up surveys, significant reductions were seen in the proportions of FSWs reporting violence compared with baseline (IBBA 13.0% vs. 9.0%, AOR 0.7, 95% CI 0.5 to 0.9 p = 0.01; PBS 27.3% vs. 18.9%, crude OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.4 to 0.5, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This program demonstrates that a structural approach to addressing violence can be effectively delivered at scale. Addressing violence against FSWs is important for the success of HIV prevention programs, and for protecting their basic human rights

    Уровень инфицирования вирусом гепатита В беременных женщин в разных географических зонах Республики Молдова

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    Scientific Laboratory of the Virus Hepatities Epidemiology, National Center of Public HealthThe article shows the results of laboratory investigations on markers of HBV of pregnant women from different geographical areas of Moldova. Six hundred and sity-four pregnant women were examined and were found to be positive on HBsAg marker 33 (5.0 ± 0.4%), anti-HBs - 197 (29.7 ± 3.6%) and anti-HBc - 181 (27.3 ± 3.4%). The highest infection index was determined in pregnant women in the South - HBsAg - 10.0 ± 4.6% and 61.8 ± anti-HBc 7.6%. These indices gave rise to the argumentation of including in National Program for combating Hepatitis B, C and D on this project years 2007-2011 and the years 2012-2016 the vaccination of women of childbearing age as potential sources of infection to new infants. В статье показаны результаты лабораторных исследований беременных женщин из различных географических районов Молдовы на маркеры ВГБ. В целом по Республике были исследовны сыворотки от 664 беременных женщин. Оказалось, что положительный маркер HBsAg был у 33 (5,0 ± 0,4%), анти-HBs - 197 (29,7 ± 3,6%) и анти-HBc - 181 (27,3 ± 3,4%). Самый высокий показатель инфекции был определен у беременных женщин с Юга - HBsAg - 10,0 ± 4,6% и 61,8 ± анти-HBc 7,6%. Эти показатели легли в основу аргументов для включения в Национальную программу борьбы против гепатита В, С и D на 2007-2011 годы и Проекта программы на 2012-2016 годы, вакцинации женщин детородного возраста в качестве потенциальных источников инфекции для новорожденных


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    Crystalline Ceramic Lanthanum Zirconium Yttrium barium Calcium Copper oxide(L0.1ZY0.9BCCO)  was prepared by a high-energy ball milling process through mechanically assisted synthesis at a high temperature to acquire the desired homogeneity and phase formation. Inorder to study the optical properties like reflectivity, absorptivity, refractive index, the UV-VIS analysis of the above nonstochiometric sample was carried out. The dispersion of refractive index was analyzed by the Wemple-DiDomenico single-oscillator model.The band gap energy of the sample was elucidated from the Tauc plot. The refractive index n was calculated and  the results obtained are plotted  with the wavelength.Â


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    The nano-sized ceramic superconducting material YSBCO having perovskite structure was prepared according to the chemical formula by the thermo chemical solid state reaction technique using a high-energy ball milling process through mechanically assisted synthesis. It was characterized by XRD, SEM and EDX. Here the authours studied the thermal characterization using TGA, DTA and DSC

    Evolution of epidemical process of acute viral hepatitis B, C and D in the context of realization of National Programs for viral hepatitis B, C and D prevention

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    This scientific article discusses particularities of modern evolution of epidemic process of viral hepatitis B, C and D in the Republic of Moldova. Three national programs for viral hepatitis B, C and D prevention have been implemented in the Republic of Moldova. As a result of the introduction of these programs the morbidity of parenteral viral hepatitis has decreased significantly, but the implementation of all preventive measures is necessary for viral hepatitis diminution. In order to further reduce the incidence of acute viral hepatitis to the indicators registered in most European countries and the incidence of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and primary liver cancer, as well as to improve the epidemiological situation and the health status of the population of the Republic of Moldova and to reduce the economic impact the Ministry of Health together with the National Centre of Health has developed a National Program on the fight against viral hepatitis B, C and D for 2012-2016. The materials and results of the research on the epidemiology of viral hepatitis, conducted over a period of many years by the staff of the laboratory of the National Centre of Public Health, have been used. The epidemiological, analytical and statistical methods have been applied in the study

    Evaluation of immunomodulatory effect of Pacovirin in women vaccinated against hepatitis B

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    National Center of Public Health, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova Center of Public Health, Orhei, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: In the article have been shown the results of the use of the autochthonous vegetal product Pacovirin with antiviral, immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects in women of reproductive age with immune deficiency, vaccinated against hepatitis B, to increase the process of immunogenesis and protective titers of antibodies to hepatitis B. Material and methods: The immune status has been assessed on the basis of the ratio Th indicator Th (CD4ml/Ts (CD8ml). Totaly, the study has included 80 women of reproductive age including 40 in the experimental group and 40 in the control group. To determine the presence of antibodies to the virus of hepatitis B the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been used with the specifics of 99.5% and the sensitivity of 99.8%, manufacturer – the company Bio-Rad, France. Subclasses of T-lymphocytes (Th, CD4 and Ts CD8) have been identified and evaluated through Capcellia test and the method of sockets in the presence of theophylline Results: Overall in the experimental group we achieved an immune response in 95.0 ± 3.4% of the cases and in the control group only 67.5 ± 7.4% of women developed an immune response durable The results of this study may serve in the future as an important element in the change of the strategy of vaccination of persons with immune deficiency, especially the women of childbearing age – with the vaccine against viral hepatitis B, where Pacovirin will serve as a supplement with immunomodulatory effect. These results will be implemented in the course of the new National Program for the struggle against viral hepatitis B, C and D in the period of 2012-2016, approved by Government Decree № 90 dated by 13.02.2012. Conclusions: Vaccination against HBV of women of childbearing age with compromised immune status, with concomitant administration of Pacovirin significantly increases efficiency and minimizes risk to get sick with HBV in the category of women said

    Ultrafast Hole Trapping and Relaxation Dynamics in p-Type CuS Nanodisks

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    CuS nanocrystals are potential materials for developing low-cost solar energy conversion devices. Understanding the underlying dynamics of photoinduced carriers in CuS nanocrystals is essential to improve their performance in these devices. In this work, we investigated the photoinduced hole dynamics in CuS nanodisks (NDs) using the combination of transient optical (OTA) and X-ray (XTA) absorption spectroscopy. OTA results show that the broad transient absorption in the visible region is attributed to the photoinduced hot and trapped holes. The hole trapping process occurs on a subpicosecond time scale, followed by carrier recombination (~100 ps). The nature of the hole trapping sites, revealed by XTA, is characteristic of S or organic ligands on the surface of CuS NDs. These results not only suggest the possibility to control the hole dynamics by tuning the surface chemistry of CuS but also represent the first time observation of hole dynamics in semiconductor nanocrystals using XTA

    Loxosceles gaucho Venom-Induced Acute Kidney Injury – In Vivo and In Vitro Studies

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    Loxosceles (recluse or brown spider) is the most important spider genus causing human envenomation. In Brazil Loxosceles spiders were responsible for approximately 7,000 cases of spider envenomation per year. The brown spider accidents may cause late cutaneous necrosis at the bite site, intravascular hemolysis, rhabdomyolysis, coagulation system changes and acute kidney injury (AKI). Even patients with mild cutaneous lesion may develop severe hemolysis and AKI, which is the main cause of death after these accidents. The mechanisms causing kidney injury are poorly understood. In this manuscript we described a consistent rodent model of Loxosceles gaucho venom-induced AKI and studied some of the possible mechanisms of the renal lesion. The results of this research showed that kidney injury may occur independently of the cutaneous lesion and without changes in the systemic blood pressure. Kidney dysfunction occurred likely due to intra-renal vasoconstriction and rhabdomyolysis, although a direct toxic effect of the venom on the proximal tubules cannot be ruled out

    Immunochip analysis identifies multiple susceptibility loci for systemic sclerosis

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    In this study, 1,833 systemic sclerosis (SSc) cases and 3,466 controls were genotyped with the Immunochip array. Classical alleles, amino acid residues, and SNPs across the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region were imputed and tested. These analyses resulted in a model composed of six polymorphic amino acid positions and seven SNPs that explained the observed significant associations in the region. In addition, a replication step comprising 4,017 SSc cases and 5,935 controls was carried out for several selected non-HLA variants, reaching a total of 5,850 cases and 9,401 controls of European ancestry. Following this strategy, we identified and validated three SSc risk loci, including DNASE1L3 at 3p14, the SCHIP1-IL12A locus at 3q25, and ATG5 at 6q21, as well as a suggested association of the TREH-DDX6 locus at 11q23. The associations of several previously reported SSc risk loci were validated and further refined, and the observed peak of association in PXK was related to DNASE1L3. Our study has increased the number of known genetic associations with SSc, provided further insight into the pleiotropic effects of shared autoimmune risk factors, and highlighted the power of dense mapping for detecting previously overlooked susceptibility loci