9 research outputs found

    Glial activation in white matter following ischemia in the neonatal P7 rat brain

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    This study examines cell death and proliferation in the white matter after neonatal stroke. In post-natal day 7 injured rat, there was a marked reduction in myelin basic protein (MBP) immunostaining mainly corresponding to numerous pyknotic immature oligodendrocytes and TUNEL-positive astrocytes in the ipsilateral external capsule. In contrast, a substantial restoration of MBP, as indicated by the MBP ratio of left-toright, occurred in the cingulum at 48 (1.27 +- 0.12) and 72 (1.30 +- 0.18, p<0.05) hours of recovery as compared to age-matched controls (1.03 +- 0.14). Ki-67 immunostaining revealed a first peak of newly-generated cells in the dorsolateral hippocampal subventricular zone and cingulum at 72 hours after reperfusion. Double immunofluorescence revealed that most of the Ki-67-positive cells were astrocytes at 48 hours and NG2 pre-oligodendrocytes at 72 hours of recovery. Microglia infiltration occurs over several days in the cingulum and a huge quantity of macrophages reached the subcortical white matter where they engulfed immature oligodendrocytes. The overall results suggest that the persistent activation of microglia involves a chronic component of immunoinflammation, which overwhelms repair processes and contributes to cystic growth in the developing brain.Comment: 30 page

    Metabolic trafficking between cells in nervous tissue

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    There is evidence that two pathways of intercellular transfer of molecules between neurons and glial cells are quantitatively predominant in the mammalian brain. The first is the route, still unproven in the brain itself, but compatible with many experimental results, that transfers carbon fuel, starting as glucose in the capillaries, through astrocytes to neurons. This chapter discusses the main arguments in favor of its existence, most of which concern the role of lactate in aerobic metabolism and its possible transfer from astrocytes to neurons. The second pathway is the transfer of glutamate from neurons to astrocytes, and the transfer of glutamine in the opposite direction. For the glutamate-glutamine shuttle, the chapter concentrates on an apparent corollary of it, transfer of ammonium from neurons to astrocytes, which clearly falls within the concept of volume transmission

    Effects of photoreceptor metabolism on interstitial and glial cell pH in bee retina: evidence of a role for NH4+

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    1. Measurements were made with pH microelectrodes in superfused slices of the retina of the honey-bee drone. In the dark, the mean +/- S.E.M. pH values in the three compartments of the tissue were: neurones (photoreceptors), 6.99 +/- 0.04; glial cells (outer pigment cells), 7.31 +/- 0.03; extracellular space, 6.60 +/- 0.03. 2. Stimulation of the photoreceptors with light caused transient pH changes: a decrease in the photoreceptors (pHn) and in the glial cells (pHg), and an increase in the interstitial clefts (pHo). 3. The effects of inhibition and activation of aerobic metabolism showed that part, perhaps all, of the light-induced delta pHo resulted from the increased aerobic metabolism in the photoreceptors. 4. Addition of 2 mM NH4+ to the superfusate produced changes in pHo and pHg of the same sign as and similar amplitude to those caused by light stimulation. Manipulation of transmembrane pH gradients had similar effects on changes in pHo induced by light or by exogenous NH4+. 5. Measurements with NH(4+)-sensitive microelectrodes showed that stimulation of aerobic metabolism in the photoreceptors increased [NH4+]o and also that exogenous NH4+/NH3 was taken up by cells, presumably the glial cells. 6. We conclude that within seconds of an increase in the aerobic metabolism in the photoreceptors, they release an increased amount of NH4+/NH3 which affects pHo and enters glial cells. Other evidence suggests that in drone retina the glial cells supply the neurones with amino acids as substrates of energy metabolism; the present results suggest that fixed nitrogen is returned to the glial cells as NH4+/NH3

    Long-term modulation of glucose utilization by IL-1 alpha and TNF-alpha in astrocytes: Na+ pump activity as a potential target via distinct signaling mechanisms

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    Interleukin-1alpha (IL-1alpha) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) markedly stimulate glucose utilization in primary cultures of mouse cortical astrocytes. The mechanism that gives rise to this effect, which takes place several hours after application of cytokine, has remained unclear. Experiments were conducted to identify the major signaling cascades involved in the metabolic action of cytokine. First, the selective IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) prevents the effect of IL-1alpha on glucose utilization in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas it has no effect on the action of TNF-alpha. Then, using inhibitors of three classical signaling cascades known to be activated by cytokines, it appears that the PI3 kinase is essential for the effect of both IL-1alpha and TNF-alpha, whereas the action of IL-1alpha also requires activation of the MAP kinase pathway. Participation of a phospholipase C-dependent pathway does not appear critical for both IL-1alpha and TNF-alpha. Inhibition of NO synthase by L-NAME did not prevent the metabolic response to both IL-1alpha and TNF-alpha, indicating that nitric oxide is probably not involved. In contrast, the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase inhibitor ouabain prevents the IL-1alpha- and TNF-alpha-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) uptake. When treatment of astrocytes with a cytokine was followed 24 h later by an acute application of glutamate, a synergistic enhancement in glucose utilization was observed. This effect was greatly reduced by ouabain. These data suggest that Na(+) pump activity is a common target for both the long-term metabolic action of cytokines promoted by the activation of distinct signaling pathways and the enhanced metabolic response to glutamate

    Lactate is released and taken up by isolated rabbit vagus nerve during aerobic metabolism

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    To determine if lactate is produced during aerobic metabolism in peripheral nerve, we incubated pieces of rabbit vagus nerve in oxygenated solution containing d-[U-14C]glucose while stimulating electrically. After 30 min, nearly all the radioactivity in metabolites in the nerve was in lactate, glucose 6-phosphate, glutamate, and aspartate. Much lactate was released to the bath: 8.2 pmol (”g dry wt)−1 from the exogenous glucose and 14.2 pmol (”g dry wt)−1 from endogenous substrates. Lactate release was not increased when bath Po2 was decreased, indicating that it did not come from anoxic tissue. When the bath contained [U-14C]lactate at a total concentration of 2.13 mM and 1 mM glucose, 14C was incorporated in CO2 and glutamate. The initial rate of formation of CO2 from bath lactate was more rapid than its formation from bath glucose. The results are most readily explained by the hypothesis that has been proposed for brain tissue in which glial cells supply lactate to neurons

    Astrocytosis in parkinsonism: considering tripartite striatal synapses in physiopathology?

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    International audienceThe current concept of basal ganglia organization and function in physiological and pathophysiological conditions excludes the most numerous cells in the brain, i.e., the astrocytes, present with a ratio of 10:1 neuron. Their role in neurodegenerative condition such as Parkinson's disease (PD) remains to be elucidated. Before embarking into physiological investigations of the yet-to-be-identified "tripartite" synapses in the basal ganglia in general and the striatum in particular, we therefore characterized anatomically the PD-related modifications in astrocytic morphology, the changes in astrocytic network connections and the consequences on the spatial relationship between astrocytic processes and asymmetric synapses in normal and PD-like conditions in experimental and human PD. Our results unravel a dramatic regulation of striatal astrocytosis supporting the hypothesis of a key role in (dys) regulating corticostriatal transmission. Astrocytes and their various properties might thus represent a therapeutic target in PD

    Uptake of locally applied deoxyglucose, glucose and lactate by axons and Schwann cells of rat vagus nerve

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    We asked whether, in a steady state, neurons and glial cells both take up glucose sufficient for their energy requirements, or whether glial cells take up a disproportionate amount and transfer metabolic substrate to neurons. A desheathed rat vagus nerve was held crossways in a laminar flow perfusion chamber and stimulated at 2 Hz. &lt;sup&gt;14&lt;/sup&gt;C-labelled substrate was applied from a micropipette for 5 min over a &lt; 0.6 mm band of the surface of the nerve. After 10-55 min incubation, the nerve was lyophilized and the longitudinal distribution of radioactivity measured. When the weakly metabolizable analogue of glucose, 2-deoxy-[U-&lt;sup&gt;14&lt;/sup&gt;C]D-glucose (&lt;sup&gt;*&lt;/sup&gt;DG), was applied, the profiles of the radioactivity broadened with time, reaching distances several times the mean length of the Schwann cells (0.32 mm; most of the Schwann cells are non-myelinating). The profiles were well fitted by curves calculated for diffusion in a single compartment, the mean diffusion coefficient being 463 ± 34 ÎŒm&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; s&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt; (± S.E.M., &lt;i&gt;n&lt;/i&gt;= 16). Applications of &lt;sup&gt;*&lt;/sup&gt;DG were repeated in the presence of the gap junction blocker, carbenoxolone (100 ÎŒM). The profiles were now narrower and better fitted with two compartments. One compartment had a coefficient not significantly different from that in the absence of the gap junction blocker (axons), the other compartment had a coefficient of 204 ± 24 ÎŒm&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; s&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt;, &lt;i&gt;n&lt;/i&gt; = 4. Addition of the gap junction blocker 18-α-glycyrrhetinic acid, or blocking electrical activity with TTX, also reduced longitudinal diffusion. Ascribing the compartment in which diffusion was reduced by these treatments to non-myelinating Schwann cells, we conclude that 78.0 ± 3.6 % (&lt;i&gt;n&lt;/i&gt; = 9) of the uptake of &lt;sup&gt;*&lt;/sup&gt;DG was into Schwann cells. This suggests that there was transfer of metabolic substrate from Schwann cells to axons. Local application of [&lt;sup&gt;14&lt;/sup&gt;C]glucose or [&lt;sup&gt;14&lt;/sup&gt;C]lactate led to variable labelling along the length of the nerve, but with both substrates narrow peaks were often present at the application site; these were greatly reduced by subsequent treatment with amylase, a glycogen-degrading enzyme