42 research outputs found


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    Faktor Risiko Kanker Serviks di Rumah Sakit Umum Pemerintah Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Cervical cancer is the most Malignant tumor in women in the world particularly in developing countries including Indonesia. In 2007, the number of cervical cancer patients in Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Government General Hospital were 231 cases, declined to 220 in 2008 and further declined to 167 cases in 2009. The aim of this study is to discover the risk of cervicalcancer associated with the use of pads, the use of soap, economic status, and male partners who are not circumcised. The design of this study is a case control. Samples are randomly taken from 213 gynecological patients. Data was collected by interview through the use of a questionnaire. Results of research with analysis of OR showed that the use of low-quality pads (OR = 2,320), the use of soap pH > 4 (OR = 2,360), socioeconomic status (OR = 4,087), and male partners who are not circumcised (OR = 2,092) are the risk factors for cervical cancer


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    Az élelmiszergazdaság külkereskedelme 2011. I-VII. hónap

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    A mezőgazdasági és élelmiszer-ipari termékek kivitelének értéke 3783 millió euró, behozatalé 2418 millió euró, a külkereskedelmi mérleg többlete 1365 millió euró volt 2011 január-júliusi időszakában. Az export, import és az egyenleg egyaránt 22%-kal emelkedett 2010 azonos időszakához képest

    Implementasi Program Pengembangan Desa Pesisir Tangguh (PDPT) Dalam Upaya Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir (Studi Di Desa Tambakrejo, Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan, Kabupaten Malang)

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    : The Implementation of Program Pengembangan Desa Pesisir Tangguh (PDPT) for the Development of Coastal Region (Study at Desa Tambakrejo, Sumbermaning Wetan, Malang). Indonesia is a country of the sea that accouns compared to the land. However this high potential sector is inversely related to the condition of coastal communities.These communities live below proverty line and remain in scarcity. The government attempts to resolve this coastal problem with Program Pengembangan Desa Pesisir Tangguh (PDPT) to 38 area. Malang is one of the district that appointed for this program by Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Indonesia. Persuant to the results of data analysis, the conclusion is elucidated as follows. The implementation of Program Pengembangan Desa Pesisir Tangguh in Tambakrejo, Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan, Kabupaten Malang show that three focuses of this program are well executed whereas two other focuses are not implemented. The implemented fostering activity is concerning with resources, environment/infrastructure, and disaster alert. The unimplemented fostering activity include those related with human and business. It is than recommended that the implementation of program must be consistent with the reliable fund, there shall be cooperation and coordination with the related parties to resolve the regulation and there must be an improvement in the monitoring and evaluation program