1,171 research outputs found

    Dickey-Lincoln School Lakes Project Transmission Studies Environmental Impact Statement: Appendix B: Alternative Power Transmission Corridors

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    This report identifies alternative corridors of land within which transmission lines could be routed and details various impacts on the environment which would be associated with introduction of transmission facilities. Many alternative corridor locations were identified (see Figure 1-1). Identification of these alternative transmission corridors was a complex process, since the number of potential corridors capable of connecting the various substations was myriad; the \u27least desirable\u27 potential corridors, i.e., those where transmission facilities might have entailed severest impacts on the environment, had to be eliminated from consideration before alternative corridors could be delineated. Identified alternative corridor locations were subsequently evaluated to determine \u27most desirable\u27 corridors

    Geologic Characterization Report for the Paradox Basin Study Region Utah Study Areas, Volume V, Appendices

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    This study is a part of the U.S. Department of Energy\u27s (DOE) National Waste Terminal Storage Program (NWTS). The scope of DOE\u27s NWTS responsibilities include providing the technology and facilities to isolate high-level radio-active wastes for as long as the wastes represent a hazard. Emplacement of waste packages in mined geologic repositories deep underground in various types of rock formations is one method being evaluated. Using a basic site selection process (Figure 1-1), regions being investigated include portions of the United States that are underlain by tuff, salt domes, granite, basalt, and bedded salt. The latter medium is the subject of this report

    Geotechnical Impact Study. Map Volume

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    Surficial Deposits Legend Maps of Dickey/Lincoln School lakes Transmission - E.I.S.Project, Environmental Assessment of Alternative Routs, Geotechnical Study, United States Department of the Interior

    Dickey-Lincoln School Lakes Project Transmission Studies Environmental Impact Statement: Appendix A

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    The U.S. Departments of the Interior and Energy have conducted system planning, location, and environmental studies for the trans-mission facilities required for the Dickey-Lincoln School Hydroelectric Project. These studies of many alternate routes have resulted in iden-tification of a proposed transmission line route, and an environmental impact statement, as required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. This report, documenting an early phase of the overall studies, was first published by the Department of the Interior in February 1977. It is being republished as Appendix A to the DOE Environmental Impact Statement for the project

    Land Use Impact Study. Map Volume

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    Environmental Assessment of Alternative Routes, Land Use Study, Maps, Existing land us

    Dickey-Lincoln School Lakes Project Transmission Studies Environmental Impact Statement: Appendix I: Visual-Recreation Resources Impact Study

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    The U.S. Departments of the Interior and Energy have conducted system planning, location, and environmental studies for the transmission facilities required for the Dickey-Lincoln School Hydroelectric Project. These studies of many alternate routes have resulted in identification of a proposed transmission line route, and an environmental impact statement as required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. This report, one of several covering various topical areas, is published as an appendix to that statement

    Visual-Recreation Resources Impact Study. Map Volume

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    Environmental Assessment of Alternative Routes, Visual/Recreational Resources Impact Studies, Maps of Recreational Resource

    Ecological Resources Impact Study. Map Volume

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    Environmental Assessment of Alternative Routes, Ecological Resources Impact Study, Maps and Legend land cover type

    Alternative Power Transmission Corridors. Map Volume.

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    Source data for base map taken from US Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U S.G S source maps

    Paradox Area Characterization Summary and Location Recommendation Report

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    Through its National Waste Terminal Storage (NWTS) Program, the Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for providing facilities to permanently dispose of high-level nuclear waste (HLW) in a manner that will ensure public health and safety and that will be environmentally acceptable. The program has placed principal emphasis on developing deep, underground repositories, with efforts targeted toward having the first facility operational between 1999 and 2006. To reach this objective, an extensive program has been developed to find sites that would be suitable for a repository. A draft National Plan for Siting High-Level Radioactive Waste Repositories, recently published by DOE (198lb), describes the ongoing and planned program activities that comprise the process DOE is using for finding sites. This siting process involves a stepwise screening of large portions of the United States, identification and detailed study of potential sites, and selection of one or more of these sites for permanent HLW disposal. All phases of the siting process involve state and public interaction. This report addresses a portion of the siting process. Specifically, it documents the transition from area characterization studies to location characterization studies (both described in Section 2.4.1)
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