69 research outputs found

    Location of actin, myosin, and microtubular structures during directed locomotion of <i>Dictyostelium amebae</i>

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    During their life cycle, amebae of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum aggregate to form multicellular structures in which differentiation takes place. Aggregation depends upon the release of chemotactic signals of 3',5'-cAMP from aggregation centers. In response to the signals, aggregating amebae elongate, actively more toward the attractive source, and may be easily identified from the other cells because of their polarized appearance. To examine the role of cytoskeletal components during ameboid locomotion, immunofluorescence microscopy with antibodies to actin, myosin, and to a microtubule-associated component was used. In addition, rhodamine- labeled phallotoxin was employed. Actin and myosin display a rather uniform distribution in rounded unstretched cells. In polarized locomoting cells, actin fluorescence (due to both labeled phallotoxin and specific antibody) is prevalently concentrated in the anterior pseudopod while myosin fluorescence appears to be excluded from the pseudopod. Similarly, microtubules in locomoting cells are excluded from the leading pseudopod. The cell nucleus is attached to the microtubule network by way of a nucleus-associated organelle serving as a microtubule-organizing center and seems to be maintained in a rather fixed position by the microtubules. These findings, together with available morphological and biochemical evidences, are consistent with a mechanism in which polymerized actin is moved into the pseudopod through its interaction with myosin at the base of the pseudopod. Microtubules, apparently, do not actively participate in movement but seem to behave as anchorage structures for the nucleus and possibly other cytoplasmic organelles

    Transport of Beads by Several Kinesin Motors

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    The movements of beads pulled by several kinesin-1 (conventional kinesin) motors are studied both theoretically and experimentally. While the velocity is approximately independent of the number of motors pulling the beads, the walking distance or run-length is strongly increased when more motors are involved. Run-length distributions are measured for a wide range of motor concentrations and matched to theoretically calculated distributions using only two global fit parameters. In this way, the maximal number of motors pulling the beads is estimated to vary between two and seven motors for total kinesin concentrations between 0.1 and 2.5 μg/ml or between 0.27 and 6.7 nM. In the same concentration regime, the average number of pulling motors is found to lie between 1.1 and 3.2 motors

    Composition and Hierarchical Organisation of a Spider Silk

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    Albeit silks are fairly well understood on a molecular level, their hierarchical organisation and the full complexity of constituents in the spun fibre remain poorly defined. Here we link morphological defined structural elements in dragline silk of Nephila clavipes to their biochemical composition and physicochemical properties. Five layers of different make-ups could be distinguished. Of these only the two core layers contained the known silk proteins, but all can vitally contribute to the mechanical performance or properties of the silk fibre. Understanding the composite nature of silk and its supra-molecular organisation will open avenues in the production of high performance fibres based on artificially spun silk material

    The Use of Biomaterials in Islet Transplantation

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    Pancreatic islet transplantation is a therapeutic option to replace destroyed β cells in autoimmune diabetes. Islets are transplanted into the liver via the portal vein; however, inflammation, the required immunosuppression, and lack of vasculature decrease early islet viability and function. Therefore, the use of accessory therapy and biomaterials to protect islets and improve islet function has definite therapeutic potential. Here we review the application of niche accessory cells and factors, as well as the use of biomaterials as carriers or capsules, for pancreatic islet transplantation

    GNU Instruction Scheduler: Ailments and Cures in Context of Superscalarity

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    In the past, the GNU C compiler (GCC) has been successfully ported to several superscalar microprocessors. For that purpose, the instruction timing of the target processor usually had been modeled in a straightforward manner. Unfortunately, in our experience, this is likely to lead astray the instruction scheduler. In this paper we describe some of our experiments that revealed such flaws, concerning the DEC Alpha 21064 as well as other superscalar RISC processors. We analyze the circumstances that led to poorly scheduled code, and demonstrate how the machine description supplied for a superscalar processor can be modified to fix some of these problems without hampering the portability of the GCC. On the other hand we show situations for which we do not have a solution within the given framework. I. Introduction T HE GNU C Compiler (GCC) [12] has been designed to combine high portability with the generation of fast executing programs. To render the GCC portable, all machine-dependent..

    Speculation on data dependences

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    Speculation on data dependences

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