97 research outputs found

    Mid-Term Review of the Lisbon Strategy: Regional and Local Players Need to Step Up Their Involvement

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    [Introduction]. How should regional and local actors in Europe be involved in delivering the revised Lisbon strategy? This is a question of importance not only for the development of good multilevel governance in the European Union but also for the effective implementation of European policies. This report summarises some of the discussion of this question which took place at the International Conference1 on the Lisbon strategy on growth and employment from the regional and local viewpoint. This conference, which brought together around 80 high-level civil servants and practitioners, politicians and academics, was jointly organised by EIPA and the European Centre for the Regions (EIPA-ECR) in April 2005 in Barcelona. The authors have summarised some "Key Messages" which were stated by speakers and participants. These are reproduced at the end of this article

    "The Common Agricultural Policy and the Environmental Challenge – New Tasks for Public Administrations? Summary of Conference Proceedings"

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    [From the Introduction]. The seminar brought together senior officials from the European Commission, academics, researchers and senior experts from national administrations, who shared their views with 40 participants from all the Member States and the Candidate Countries

    Changes in University Club Athletes’ and Non-Athlete Students’ Stress and Perceived Gains Across a Semester

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    To examine the relationship between club rugby participation, collegiate experiences, and perceived gains, 25 rugby players and 25 non-athlete students completed the Student-Athlete Experiences Inventory-Revised, Student-Athlete Gains Inventory, and Perceived Stress Scale at the start and end of a semester. A RM-ANOVA and partial-η2 effect sizes determined if group and time differences were present. We selected variables associated with the post-scores for practical and liberal arts gains with the lasso method. Rugby players engaged in more diverse social interactions (partial-η2 = 0.091) and were more actively involved on campus (partial-η2 = 0.0914) than non-athlete students, but paradoxically had lower practical arts gains (p \u3c 0.0001). All students reported increasing stress levels from start to end of the semester (partial-η2 = 0.109), which contributed to decreasing practical arts gains. Students need help with stress management near semester’s end. Club rugby players should seek support services on campus to improve career preparedness


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    The objective of this research was identify the main theories that compose related studies to Socio-environmental Responsibility analyzing features to explain and/or exercise influence on adoption of Socially Responsible Behaviour (CSR). Research related to CSR has sought to relate this behavior to some theories, which have different assumptions and that try to explain or influence the actions taken, especially in the business area. Through a bibliographic survey, carried out in journals with qualis A1, A2 and B1, were found 67 articles, published in 2018, and among these, 10 theories that served as the basis for analysis. The results showed that, when analyzed under the explanation or influence of the CSR, the Contractual Theory of the Firm, the Agency and the Stakeholders are linked to the management decisions that reflect on the company's relationship with the interested parts. The Institutional and Neoinstitutional Theories approach the elaboration of information that allows the study of social, environmental and political phenomena related to their accounting practice.The Organizational and Decision Theories are linked to the performance of the professional in the business environment as a guarantee of compliance with the rules of conduct considered ethical and of Social and Environmental Responsibility.The Theory of Legitimacy, on the other hand, explains or influences the CSR with regard to maintaining the relationship with society, while the Theory of Disclosure is linked to the decision of whether or not to make public, the socio-environmental information, especially the positive and/or negatives that are explained or influenced by the Externalities Theory.El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar las principales teorías que conforman los estudios relacionados con la Responsabilidad Social y Ambiental mediante el análisis de las características que explican y/o influyen en la adopción de la Conducta SocialMente Responsable (HSC). Investigaciones relacionadas con la RSC han buscado relacionar este comportamiento con algunas teorías, que presentan diferentes premisas y que tratan de explicar o influir en las acciones desarrolladas, especialmente en el área de negocio. A través de un relevamiento bibliográfico, realizado en revistas con los qualis A1, A2 y B1, se encontraron 67 artículos, publicados en 2018 y entre estos, 10 teorías que sirvieron de base para el análisis. Los resultados mostraron que, cuando se analizan bajo el sesgo de la explicación o influencia de la RSC, la Teoría Contractual de la Firma, la Agencia y los grupos de interés están vinculados a decisiones de gestión que reflexionan sobre la relación de la empresa con los grupos de interés. Las Teorías Institucionales y Neoinstitucionales abordan la elaboración de información que permita el estudio de fenómenos sociales, ambientales y políticos relacionados con su práctica contable. Las teorías y decisiones organizacionales están vinculadas al desempeño del profesional en el entorno empresarial como garantía de cumplimiento de las normas de conducta consideradas éticas y de responsabilidad social y ambiental. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar as principais teorias que compõem os estudos relacionados a Responsabilidade Socioambiental analisando as características que explicam e/ou exercem influência na adoção do Comportamento Socialmente Responsável (CSR). As pesquisas relacionadas ao CSR têm buscado relacionar esse comportamento com algumas teorias, as quais apresentam diferentes premissas e que tentam explicar ou influenciam as ações desenvolvidas, principalmente na área de negócios. Por meio de um levantamento bibliográfico, realizado em periódicos com qualis A1, A2 e B1, foram encontrados 67 artigos, publicados no ano de 2018 e dentre estes, 10 teorias que serviram de base para a análise. Os resultados demonstraram que, quando analisadas sob viés da explicação ou influência do CSR, a Teoria Contratual da Firma, da Agência e dos Stakeholders estão vinculadas às decisões de gestão que refletem no relacionamento da empresa com as partes interessadas. As Teorias Institucional e Neoinstitucional abordam a elaboração de informações que possibilitem o estudo dos fenômenos sociais, ambientais e políticos relacionados à sua prática contábil. As Teorias Organizacional e das Decisões estão vinculadas a atuação do profissional no ambiente empresarial como garantia do cumprimento das normas de conduta consideradas éticas e de Responsabilidade Socioambiental. Já a Teoria da Legitimidade explica ou influencia o CSR no que se refere a manutenção do relacionamento com a sociedade, enquanto a Teoria da Divulgação está vinculada à decisão de tornar ou não, públicas, as informações de cunho socioambiental, sobretudo as positivas e/ou negativas que são explicadas ou influenciadas pela Teoria da Externalidades

    CELTIC Initiative Project Madeira: A P2P Approach to Network Management

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    The vision of the Celtic-Initiative project Madeira is to provide novel technologies for a logically meshed Network Management System that facilitates self-management and dynamic behaviour of nodes within networks. These approaches should enable adaptable services and the management of network elements of increasing number, heterogeneity and transience, thereby reducing OPEX. In this paper, we set the scope for investigations within the project and give an outline of our approach. We present a scenario that challenges today’s state of the art in Network Management and upon which we are building our case study for a detailed investigation of feasibility. Finally, we describe a preliminary conceptual system architecture and application data model, and give an insight into the expected final project results

    Hybrid Cars, Green Electricity and Organic Tomatoes – The situation and legal background of ‘Green Procurement’ in the EU

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    For environmentally-minded people, it is always nice to be reminded of Article 6 of the EC Treaty: environmental aspects must be integrated into all different policy areas in the EU. However, at the moment, it seems that ‘greening’ of different policies is not very high on the political agenda. Given the various problems concerning employment, growth and national budgets, environmental standards are being questioned with respect to their impact on other policies, rather than the other way round. Interestingly, this refers to some extent more to the superficialities of political marketing than to real developments in the EU. It is also true that many initiatives on environmental policy integration that were started during the 90s are now reaching the point where they become relevant for many administrations. ‘Green public procurement’ is a case in point. Today, the idea of stimulating eco-innovation by sound purchasing practises is a well established concept. This article will describe the origins of green public procurement, the way it has been established and its present status at EU level and in the Member States