153 research outputs found

    On the possible nature of Bp-Ap Stars: an application to HD101065 and HR465

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    We have proposed the new explanation of some magnetic chemically peculiar (MCP) stars anomalies, which is based on assumption that such stars can be the close binary systems with a secondary component being neutron star. Within this hypothesis one can naturally explain the main anomalous features of MCP stars: first of all, an existence of the short-lived radioactive isotopes detected in some stars (like Przybylski's star and HR465), and some others peculiarities (e.g. the behavior of CU Vir in radio range, the phenomenon of the roAp stars).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Some evolutionary aspects of the binary stellar systems containing neutron star

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    The obvious lack of the binary stellar systems that contain neutron stars (NS) is observed at present. Partly it is caused by the fact that it is very difficult to detect neutron star in a binary system if this relativistic component does not manifest itself as a radio pulsar. Among 1879 pulsars that are listed in the ATNF pulsar catalogue, only 141 pulsars are known to be the companions in binary systems. Only 81 objects having median mass estimation of more than 0.2 MM_{\odot} constitute the binary systems with pulsars. Nevertheless, such systems should be much more numerous and their investigation is of the great interest because thier structure and evolution can certainly help in our understanding of many unique properties that are seen in some stars.Comment: Accepted to published in the Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2012, vol. 25/1, p.35-3

    Tunnelling series in terms of perturbation theory for quantum spin systems

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    Considered is quantum tunnelling in anisotropic spin systems in a magnetic field perpendicular to the anisotropy axis. In the domain of small field the problem of calculating tunnelling splitting of energy levels is reduced to constructing the perturbatio n series with degeneracy, the order of degeneracy being proportional to a spin value. Partial summation of this series taking into account ''dangerous terms'' with small denominators is performed and the value of tunnelling splitting is calculated with allowance for the first correction with respect to a magnetic field.Comment: 7 pages, REVTeX 3.

    Some Statistical Picture of Magnetic CP Stars Evolution

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    We discuss some statistical results on the evolution of magnetic CP stars in the framework of the supposition about their binary nature.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Investigation of the Earth Ionosphere using the Radio Emission of Pulsars

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    The investigation of the Earth ionosphere both in a quiet and a disturbed states is still desirable. Despite recent progress in its modeling and in estimating the electron concentration along the line of sight by GPS signals, the impact of the disturbed ionosphere and magnetic field on the wave propagation still remains not sufficiently understood. This is due to lack of information on the polarization of GPS signals, and due to poorly conditioned models of the ionosphere at high altitudes and strong perturbations. In this article we consider a possibility of using the data of pulsar radio emission, along with the traditional GPS system data, for the vertical and oblique sounding of the ionosphere. This approach also allows to monitor parameters of the propagation medium, such as the dispersion measure and the rotation measure using changes of the polarization between pulses. By using a selected pulsar constellation it is possible to increase the number of directions in which parameters of the ionosphere and the magnetic field can be estimated.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Baltic Astronomy, vol.22, 53-65, 201


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    The aim of the work – to highlight the experience of the Odesa National Medical University in the field of simulation medicine.The main body. In January 2014, on the basis of the Odesa National Medical University, the first in Ukraine Educational-Innovation Center of Practical Training of а Doctor was created on the territory of Ukraine, with the most modern equipment, analogues which do not exist in the country. The training uses techniques such as modeling scenarios of different difficulty levels, hybrid simulation, “standardized patient”, etc. The Center coordinates its work with the world’s leading centers of simulation training technology and rightly claims to be a basic status for improving skills, qualifications and retraining of doctors from all regions of Ukraine.Conclusions. The main task of modern secondary, higher and postgraduate medical education is to create conditions for students to develop a wide range of competences and firmly fixed practical skills without risking harm to the patient. Just these goals set forth a simulation medicine, which has been particularly active in recent years.Мета роботи – висвітлити досвід Одеського національного медичного університету в галузі симуляційної медицини.Основна частина. В січні 2014 року на базі Одеського національного медичного університету було створено перший на території України Навчально-інноваційний центр практичної підготовки лікаря, з найсучаснішим обладнанням, аналогів якому не існує в країні. В навчанні використовуються такі методики, як моделювання сценаріїв різного рівня складності, гібридна симуляція, “стандартизований пацієнт” та ін. Центр координує свою роботу з провідними у світі центрами симуляційних технологій навчання і по праву претендує на статус базового для підвищення навичок, кваліфікації та перепідготовки лікарів з усіх регіонів України.Висновки. Основним завданням сучасної середньої, вищої і післядипломної медичної освіти є створення умов для розвитку в учнів широкого спектра компетенцій і міцно закріплених практичних навичок без ризику нанесення шкоди пацієнту. Якраз такі цілі і ставить перед собою симуляційна медицина, яка отримала особливо активний розвиток в останні роки

    Зміни міждиферонної та внутрішньодиферонної гетероморфії тканин шкіри за умов впливу наночастинок срібла розміром 20, 30, 70 нм

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    The study is focused on developing of morphological criteria of biological tissue reactions to metal nanoparticles by detecting changes of tissues heteromorphism interacting with NPs. The study of heteromorphism tissue provides an integrated assessment of functional state of the tissue, allowing objectively evaluate the response of biological tissues in metal nanoparticles. Size-dependent effects of silver nanoparticles were identified, namely depending on the nanoparticles size recovery rate of basement membrane structure differs; the increase of mitotic index of the epidermal basal cells; changes of dermal fibroblasts’s heteromorphism, such as increasing of number of functionally active fibroblasts; and the number of collagen fibers of the dermis. Reactive changes of intradifferon heteromorphism of epidermal basal cells and the dermal fibroblasts was described using quantitative histological methods.Метою дослідження є розробка морфологічних критеріїв оцінки реакцій біологічних тканин на металеві наночастинки методом змін внутрішньо- й міждиферонної гетероморфії тканин, які взаємодіють із наночастинками. Вивчення тканинної гетероморфії забезпечує комплексну оцінку функціо нального стану тканини, дозволяючи об’єктивно оцінити реакцію біологічних тканин при взаємодії з наночастинками металів. За допомогою кількісних гістологічних методик описані реактивні зміни внутрішньодиферонної гетероморфії клітин базального шару епідермісу і фібробластів дерми. Виявлені розмірозалежні ефекти впливу наночастинок срібла

    Detection of decametre-wavelength pulsed radio emission of 40 known pulsars

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    International audienceThe study of pulsars at the lowest radio frequencies observable from the ground (10-30 MHz) is complicated by strong interstellar (dispersion, scattering) and ionospheric (scintillation, refraction) propagation effects, as well as intense Galactic background noise and interference. However, it permits us to measure interstellar plasma parameters (the effects of which increase by a power of two to >4 times the wavelength), the spectrum and the pulse profile at low frequencies more accurately. Up to now, only ˜10 pulsars have been successfully detected at these frequencies. The recent upgrade of the receivers at the Ukrainian T-shaped Radio telescope, second modification (UTR-2) has increased its sensitivity and motivated a new search for pulsed radio emissions. In this work we carried out a survey of known pulsars with declination above -10°, period >0.1 s and dispersion measure (DM) < 30 pc cm-3, i.e. a sample of 74 sources. Our goal was either to detect pulsars not recorded before in the decametre range or to identify factors that prevent their detection. As a result, we have detected the radio emission of 40 pulsars, i.e. 55 per cent of the observed sample. For 30 of them, this was a first detection at these frequencies. Parameters of their average profiles have been calculated, including the intrinsic widening of the pulse (not due to interstellar scattering) with decreasing frequency. Furthermore, two pulsars beyond the selected DM (B0138+59 with DM ≈ 35 pc cm-3 and B0525+21 with DM ≈51 pc cm-3) were also detected. Our results indicate that there is still room to detect new transient and pulsed sources with low-frequency observations


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    ABSTRACT. The obvious lack of the binary stellar systems that contain neutron stars (NS) is observed at present. Partly it is caused by the fact that it is very dicult to detect neutron star in a binary system if this relativistic component does not manifest itself as a radio pulsar. Among 1879 pulsars that are listed in the ATNF pulsar catalogue, only 141 pulsars are known to be the companions in binary systems. Only 81 objects having median mass estimation of more than 0.2 M ⊙ constitute the binary systems with pulsars. Nevertheless, such systems should be much more numerous and their investigation is of the great interest because thier structure and evolution can certainly help in our understanding of many unique properties that are seen in some stars