422 research outputs found

    CO2 = Global Warming = Climate Change! And What Happens If Everthing Is More Complex? Continuous Climate Changes: Geological, Archaeological, and Astrophysical Points of View

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    [Abstract] The continuous natural climate changes of the last 2,56 million years are discussed, presenting data from different scientific areas such as geology, archaeology, astronomy, etc.[Resumen] Se discuten los continuos cambios climaticos naturales de los últimos 2,56 millones de años, presentando hechos y datos de diferentes area científicas como son la geología, arqueología, astronomía, etc

    Rare and CP-Violating K and B Decays in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity

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    We calculate the most interesting rare and CP-violating K and B decays in the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity. We give a collection of Feynman rules including v^2/f^2 contributions that are presented here for the first time and could turn out to be useful also for applications outside flavour physics. We adopt a model-independent parameterization of rare decays in terms of the gauge independent functions X_i,Y_i,Z_i (i=K,d,s), which is in particular useful for the study of the breaking of the universality between K, B_d and B_s systems through non-MFV interactions. Performing the calculation in the unitary and 't Hooft-Feynman gauge, we find that the final result contains a divergence which signals some sensitivity to the ultraviolet completion of the theory. Including an estimate of this contribution, we calculate the branching ratios for the decays K+π+ννˉK^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu, KLπ0ννˉK_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu, Bs,dμ+μB_{s,d}\to \mu^+\mu^-, BXs,dννˉB\to X_{s,d}\nu\bar\nu, KLπ0+K_L \to\pi^0\ell^+\ell^- and BXs,d+B\to X_{s,d}\ell^+\ell^-, paying particular attention to non-MFV contributions present in the model. Imposing all available constraints we find that the decay rates for Bs,dμ+μB_{s,d} \to \mu^+ \mu^- and BXs,dννˉB \to X_{s,d} \nu \bar \nu can be enhanced by at most 50% and 35% relative to the SM values, while Br(K+π+ννˉ)Br(K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu) and Br(KLπ0ννˉ)Br(K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu) can be both as high as 510105 \cdot 10^{-10}. Significant enhancements of the decay rates KLπ0+K_L \to\pi^0\ell^+\ell^- are also possible. Simultaneously, the CP-asymmetries SψϕS_{\psi \phi} and ASLsA^s_\text{SL} can be enhanced by an order of magnitude, while the electroweak penguin effects in BπKB \to \pi K turn out to be small, in agreement with the recent data.Comment: 65 pages, 19 figures. Note added on omitted term in Z-penguin contribution. For an updated analysis see arXiv:0906.545

    15 years of Competence Nets in Medicine

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    Features legislation in the field of organisation and performance of work at height

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    Статья посвящена рассмотрению проблем законодательства Российской федерации в области охраны труда при работах на высоте. Проведенное исследование нормативной базы позволяет увидеть неточности и недоработки в определениях, которые необходимо пересмотреть. Данная проблема не позволяет однозначно трактовать нормативную базу и применять правила при работах на высоте.The article is devoted to the analysis of the Russian Legislation in the field in the field of labor protection while working at height. The study of the regulatory framework allowed finding out inaccuracies and flaws in the definitions that need to be revised. This problem does not allow understanding the regulatory framework unequivocally and applying it while working at height

    Exploiting Locality of Churn for FIB Aggregation

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    Snapshots of the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) in Internet routers can be compressed (or aggregated) to at least half of their original size, as shown by previous studies. In practice however, the permanent stream of updates to the FIB due to routing updates complicates FIB aggregation: keeping an optimally aggregated FIB in face of these routing updates is algorithmically challenging. A sensible trade-off has to be found between the aggregation gain and the number of changes to the aggregated FIB. This paper is the first to investigate whether the spatial and temporal locality properties of updates to the tree-like FIB data structure can be leveraged by online FIB aggregation. Our contributions include (a) an empirical study of the locality of updates in public Internet routing data, (b) the specification and simulations of our Locality-aware FIB Aggregation algorithm (LFA), and (c) a competitive analysis that sheds light on the performance of online algorithms under worst-case update streams. Our results show that even a simple algorithm like LFA can effectively exploit the locality of FIB churn to keep low the number of updates to the aggregated FIB, as most FIB updates affect only a small number of regions in the FIB

    Redistribution reaction on a six-fold coordinated Sn(IV) atom and reactions towards axially unsymmetric substituted Sn(IV) porphyrins

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    Abstract Investigations of the Kocheshkov redistribution reaction were performed on the six fold coordinated tin(IV) atom using the axially coordinated Sn(IV) meso-tetra-phenylporphyrin system with axially trans di-chloro and trans di-acetylido substituted derivatives. The immobile four dentate porphyrin ligand enables the detailed investigation of these typically complex reaction systems on higher coordinated tin(IV) species. The thermally activated reaction displays an equilibrium. Further on, a series of axial unsymmetrically substituted Sn(IV) porphyrins are selectively synthesized and described