169 research outputs found

    El desconcertante mundo de los grupos “laborales” de empresas y sus nuevas formulaciones jurisprudenciales

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    Con el telón de fondo que supone el Anteproyecto de Código Mercantil, la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 27 de mayo de 2013 ha supuesto un importante cambio en el rumbo doctrinal que, en relación con la determinación de la existencia del grupo de empresas, había venido manteniendo la Sala de lo Social. Dicho pronunciamiento inicia un tímido acercamiento al concepto de grupo manejado por el Derecho Mercantil. No obstante, el panorama que se cierne en el terreno laboral sobre el concepto de grupo es, cuando menos, inquietante. El presente estudio analiza los efectos de dicho cambio interpretativo y hace repaso a algunos extraños y complejos efectos de la consideración de los grupos laborales de empresas, en particular, la iniciación de procedimiento despido colectivo por los denominados “grupos patológicos”

    Work and “platform economy”

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    Care Crosses the River: the 2012 Spanish Labor Reform

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    This article provides a complete overview of the 2012 spanish labor reform. In addition, the author explains the reasons for enacting this law, in particular, the financial framework, the high unemployment rates, the low levels of professional qualification, the persistence in our labor market of high rates of temporary employment and the unique pattern of productivity. This paper reflects on this labor market reform and how it entails a true cultural change in the understanding of labor relations for all protagonists (judges, unions, businesses). Moreover, the article examines the measures of internal and external flexibility and the new kind of contract called employment contract of indefinite duration in support of entrepreneurs which aspires to reduce the labor market segmentation. The main argument of the author is that the 2012 reform produces a new model of labor relations characterized by flexibility and decentralization

    Robotics and Health and safety at work

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    The paper provides an analysis of the main changes due to robotic disruption in the workplace. In particular, the article focuses on the health and safety at work taking account the EU regulatory framework as well as the international technical safety standards. The study carried out by the authors reveals that the legislator is unable to specify the widerange of mechanisms due to the impossibility of keeping up with the pace of creation of new machines (industrial and collaborative robots). Therefore, the ISO standards are a cornerstone in order to understand the prevention duties of all parties (manufacturer, integrator) directly involved in the adoption of safety measures. However, the research identifies some weaknesses and proposes an approach that takes into account not only the technical aspects but also the ergonomic principle and psycho-social aspects

    Reformas laborales en tiempos de digitalización y cambio tecnológico

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    Sobre la indiscutible expansión de la intervención administrativa en las relaciones laborales

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    In recent times we have experienced a strong rise in administrative intervention in the world of labour relations. This study analyses the main lines of trend of this “new type interventionism” that has found its clearest example in the sanctioning arsenal against the flight from Labour Law. However, factors such as registration fever; the renaissance and reinforcement of the forms of control in business restructuring processes or, finally, the use of automated control systems by public authorities present us with a new scenario that deserves our attention.En los últimos tiempos vivimos un fuerte repunte de la intervención administrativa en el mundo de las relaciones laborales. El presente estudio analiza las principales líneas de tendencia de este “intervencionismo de nuevo cuño” que ha encontrado en el arsenal sancionador contra la huida del Derecho del trabajo su ejemplo más claro. No obstante, factores como la fiebre registral; el renacimiento y reforzamiento de las formas de control en los procesos de reestructuración empresarial o, en fin, los usos de los sistemas automatizados de control por las autoridades públicas nos ponen delante un nuevo escenario que merece de nuestra atención

    La guerra en Siria como causa de extincion del contrato de trabajo por fuerza mayor

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    Se comenta la Sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid (Sala de lo Social) de 16 de julio de 2015. En la misma se valora la decisión empresarial extinguir un contrato de un trabajador del Instituto Cervantes en Damasco por causa de fuerza mayor como consecuencia del conflicto bélico en Siria. La sentencia valora la previa decisión empresarial de trasladar temporalmente la actividad a Beirut. El referido pronunciamiento considera que el conflicto bélico admite graduación en su intensidad afectante a una relación como la laboral y que la actuación empresarial gradualista, a través de la movilidad temporal, evidencia el propósito de mantener la relación a favor del trabajador y no con una intención fraudulenta de conseguir una extinción contractual abyecta. El aplazar la extinción contractual hasta el cierre definitivo de la sede pretende modular la eficacia extintiva de la fuerza mayor derivada de la situación de conflicto. Palabras clave: extinción del contrato, fuerza mayor, movilidad del trabajador. Abstract: Below you can find an analysis of the decision taken by the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid (Sala de lo Social) dated 16th July 2015. The Court judges the dismissal of an employee by the Spanish institution Instituto Cervantes based in Damask, due to force majeure derivate from a war conflict at Sire. What is considered is the previous decision taken by the Instituto Cervantes in order to transitory relocate the employee to the Institute’s centre at Beirut. The Court’s decision considers that a war conflict can be levelled according to the intensity and severity when it affects an employment relationship. In the Court’s view, the decision taken by the employer of gradually affecting the contract choosing the relocation as a transitory solution, instead of meaning a fraudulent behaviour aimed to finally terminate the contract, shows the employer’s purpose to keep the contract alive with the final aim of the employee’s protection. The delay in terminating the contract until the definite closing of the head office is aimed to adapt gradually the decision to the force majeure derivate from a war conflict. Keywords: dismissal, force majeure, transitory relocate

    C-mulator. Design and development of an educational web application for teaching C language

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    In the Bachelor's Final Project named C-mulator: Design and development of an educational web application for teaching C language the analysis, design, development and evaluation process of an educational web application is described. C-mulator is a tool created with the aim of helping students understand concepts related to Systems Architecture subject. It is conceived as a Java application that simulates C les generating machine states which change with the code statements. Its main characteristic is the capability of showing the memory condition for each machine state. C-mulator also shows the C code and the output of the program. In order to facilitate the use, this Java application was embedded in a web application. This web application was designed in order to facilitate the use of the C-mulator tool. A Client-Server model with a three tiers architecture has been implemented for this project. After doing a thorough research about the possible technologies that could have been used in the application development, the selected ones were: Apache-Tomcat as the web server, JSON as the client-server communication language, AJAX as the client web technique and MySQL as database management system. As it has been said before, one of the major functionalities of C-mulator are the possibility of simulate C programs in a web based architecture. But C-mulator has other characteristics such as having several C les stored in a database that sorted them by chapter and the administrator capability of releasing chapters for speci c students' groups. C-mulator helps the understanding of medium-level abstract concepts that are related with C programming and the Systems Architecture subject.Ingeniería en Tecnologías de Telecomunicació