330 research outputs found

    Pencegahan Tindak Prostitusi Berbasis Masyarakat Adat Dalihan Na Tolu

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    It\u27s way before the decree of prostitution and pornography enforced in Indonesia, the Dalihan na Tolu customs had their own regulation in preventing prostitution phenomenon. Dalihan na Tolu consist of 3 elements as it is understood as three poles in traditional burning-stove which cooperating to each other, this is also applied to prostitution prevention. In every prevention of these prostitution practices, they lean on the philosophy of :”Somba mar Mora, Elek mar Anak Boru, Manat-manat mar Kahanggi”. Dalihan na Tolu custom has a principles that one cannot speak careless words or act in imprudent behaviour in front of the public.INTISARIJauh sebelum lahirnya undang-undang tentang prostitusi dan pornografi di Indonesia, ternyata masyarakat adat Dalihan na Tolu telah memiliki aturan tersendiri dalam melakukan pencegahan tindak prostitusi. Masyarakat adat Dalihan na Tolu terdiri dari 3 unsur layaknya seperti tiga tungku yang saling bekerjasama dalam berbagai hal, termasuk dalam pencegahan tindak prostitusi. Dalam setiap pencegahan praktek prostitusi, mereka berpatokan pada filosofi:”Somba mar Mora, Elek mar Anak Boru, Manat-manat mar Kahanggi”. Masyarakat adat Dalihan na Tolu menganut prinsip bahwa seseorang tidak akan sembarangan bicara, apalagi bertindak sembrono di hadapan orang lain, karena masing-masing mengerti tentang hubungan kekerabatan satu dengan lainnya

    A Study of the Impact of Interaction Mechanisms and Population Diversity in Evolutionary Multiagent Systems

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    In the Evolutionary Computation (EC) research community, a major concern is maintaining optimal levels of population diversity. In the Multiagent Systems (MAS) research community, a major concern is implementing effective agent coordination through various interaction mechanisms. These two concerns coincide when one is faced with Evolutionary Multiagent Systems (EMAS). This thesis demonstrates a methodology to study the relationship between interaction mechanisms, population diversity, and performance of an evolving multiagent system in a dynamic, real-time, and asynchronous environment. An open sourced extensible experimentation platform is developed that allows plug-ins for evolutionary models, interaction mechanisms, and genotypical encoding schemes beyond the one used to run experiments. Moreover, the platform is designed to scale arbitrarily large number of parallel experiments in multi-core clustered environments. The main contribution of this thesis is better understanding of the role played by population diversity and interaction mechanisms in the evolution of multiagent systems. First, it is shown, through carefully planned experiments in three different evolutionary models, that both interaction mechanisms and population diversity have a statistically significant impact on performance in a system of evolutionary agents coordinating to achieve a shared goal of completing problems in sequential task domains. Second, it is experimentally verified that, in the sequential task domain, a larger heterogeneous population of limited-capability agents will evolve to perform better than a smaller homogeneous population of full-capability agents, and performance is influenced by the ways in which the agents interact. Finally, two novel trait-based population diversity levels are described and are shown to be effective in their applicability

    Is the Butcher-Oemler effect a function of the cluster redshift ?

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    Using PSPC {\it Rosat} data, we measure x-ray surface brightness profiles, size and luminosity of the Butcher-Oemler (BO) sample of clusters of galaxies. The cluster x-ray size, as measured by the Petrosian r_{\eta=2} radius, does not change with redshift and is independent from x-ray luminosity. On the other hand, the x-ray luminosity increases with redshift. Considering that fair samples show no-evolution, or negative luminosity evolution, we conclude that the BO sample is not formed from the same class of objects observed at different look-back times. This is in conflict with the usual interpretation of the Butcher-Oemler as an evolutionary (or redshift-dependent) effect, based on the assumption that we are comparing the same class of objects at different redshifts. Other trends present in the BO sample reflect selection criteria rather than differences in look-back time, as independently confirmed by the fact that trends loose strength when we enlarge the sample with x-ray selected sample of clusters. The variety of optical sizes and shapes of the clusters in the Butcher-Oemler sample, and the Malmquist-like bias, are the reasons for these selection effects that mimic the trends usually interpreted as changes due to evolution.Comment: ApJ, in press, scheduled on May, 10 issue. 17 pages & 11 figure

    The Evolution of X-ray Clusters of Galaxies

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    Considerable progress has been made over the last decade in the study of the evolutionary trends of the population of galaxy clusters in the Universe. In this review we focus on observations in the X-ray band. X-ray surveys with the ROSAT satellite, supplemented by follow-up studies with ASCA and Beppo-SAX, have allowed an assessment of the evolution of the space density of clusters out to z~1, and the evolution of the physical properties of the intra-cluster medium out to z~0.5. With the advent of Chandra and Newton-XMM, and their unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution, these studies have been extended beyond redshift unity and have revealed the complexity of the thermodynamical structure of clusters. The properties of the intra-cluster gas are significantly affected by non-gravitational processes including star formation and Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) activity. Convincing evidence has emerged for modest evolution of both the bulk of the X-ray cluster population and their thermodynamical properties since redshift unity. Such an observational scenario is consistent with hierarchical models of structure formation in a flat low density universe with Omega_m=0.3 and sigma_8=0.7-0.8 for the normalization of the power spectrum. Basic methodologies for construction of X-ray-selected cluster samples are reviewed and implications of cluster evolution for cosmological models are discussed.Comment: 40 pages, 15 figures. Full resolution figures can be downloaded from http://www.eso.org/~prosati/ARAA

    Non-Baryonic Dark Matter - Observational Evidence and Detection Methods

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    The evidence for the existence of dark matter in the universe is reviewed. A general picture emerges, where both baryonic and non-baryonic dark matter is needed to explain current observations. In particular, a wealth of observational information points to the existence of a non-baryonic component, contributing between around 20 and 40 percent of the critical mass density needed to make the universe geometrically flat on large scales. In addition, an even larger contribution from vacuum energy (or cosmological constant) is indicated by recent observations. To the theoretically favoured particle candidates for non-baryonic dark matter belong axions, supersymmetric particles, and of less importance, massive neutrinos. The theoretical foundation and experimental situation for each of these is reviewed. Direct and indirect methods for detection of supersymmetric dark matter are described in some detail. Present experiments are just reaching the required sensitivity to discover or rule out some of these candidates, and major improvements are planned over the coming years.Comment: Submitted to Reports on Progress in Physics, 59 pages, LaTeX, iopart macro, 14 embedded postscript figure

    Cytomegalovirus Infection of the Colon Presenting as a Mass-Like Lesion

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is responsible for the most common opportunistic infections in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The colon is a common site for these infections in patients positive for human immunodeficiency virus. CMV rarely presents as an intraluminal inflammatory mass in the colon. Here we report the case of a CMV infection presenting as a mass-like lesion in an AIDS patient. The clinical diagnosis of CMV infection is largely based on the characteristic endoscopic appearance. Endoscopic procedures are encouraged early in the course of CMV infection in immunocompromised patients. CMV pseudotumors along with malignancy should be part of the endoscopic evaluation in patients with AIDS

    RXJ 1821.6+6827: a Cool Cluster at z=0.81 from the ROSAT NEP Survey

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    We present an analysis of the properties of the cluster of galaxies RXJ 1821.6+6827, or NEP 5281, at a redshift z=0.816+/-0.001. RXJ 1821.6+6827 was discovered during the optical identification of the X-ray sources in the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) region of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and it is the highest redshift cluster of galaxies of the NEP survey. We have measured spectroscopic redshifts for twenty cluster galaxies using the Keck-I and the Canada-France-Hawai'i (CFH) telescopes. The value for the cluster velocity dispersion is sigma_V=775(+182,-113) km s-1. The cluster was also observed by XMM-Newton. Both the optical and X-ray data are presented in this paper. The cluster has an unabsorbed X-ray flux in the 2-10 keV energy band of F(2-10 keV)=1.24(+0.16,-0.23) x 10-13 erg cm2 s-1 and a K-corrected luminosity in the same band of L(2-10 keV)=6.32(+76,-0.73)x10^44 h_50^-2 erg s-1 (90% confidence level). The cluster X-ray bolometric luminosity is L(BOL,X)=1.35(+0.08,-0.21)x10^45 h_50^-2 erg s-1. The data do not allow fitting both metal abundance and temperature at the same time. The abundance is unconstrained and can vary in the range 0.28-1.42 Z_sun while the best fit X-ray temperature is T=4.7(+1.2,-0.7) keV. This emission weighted X-ray temperature is a little lower, barely within the uncertainties, than the predicted temperature, T=6.34(+0.13,-0.35) keV, from the L_X-T_X relation of local clusters published in the literature. The optically measured velocitydispersion is consistent with the velocity dispersion expected from the sigma_V-T_X relationship. We also examine the point X-ray source RXJ1821.9+6818, or NEP 5330, located to the south east of the cluster which was identified as a QSO at z=1.692+/-0.008 in the ROSAT NEP survey.Comment: 13 pages including 5 postscript figures and 3 tables. Accepted for publication in the A&A main Journal. A postscript version with Fig. 2 can be downloaded from http://www.ira.cnr.it/~gioia/PUB/publications.htm
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