5,105 research outputs found

    Enhanced product functionality with life cycle units

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugĂ€nglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Cycle economy is not only ecologically reasonable but also a chance for new business. Selling utilization instead of selling products is advantageous once additional costs for information processing and logistics are less than costs for underutilized capacity. A competitive provider offers product functionality in quality, time and location as required by the user. Lifetime component monitoring is conditional for this performance. Modern microelectronic technology enables the acquisition of component deterioration with sensorial devices, information processing and storing with microcontrollers and initiating appropriate actions such as maintenance. The architecture of a microsystem called the life cycle unit (LCU) for product and component monitoring is introduced and specified. Product examples illustrate some application areas.DFG, SFB 281, Demontagefabriken zur RĂŒckgewinnung von Ressourcen in Produkt- und MaterialkreislĂ€ufe

    The Quest for Understanding in Relativistic Quantum Physics

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    We discuss the status and some perspectives of relativistic quantum physics.Comment: Invited contribution to the Special Issue 2000 of the Journal of Mathematical Physics, 38 pages, typos corrected and references added, as to appear in JM

    Haff disease: from the Baltic Sea to the U.S. shore.

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    Haff disease, identified in Europe in 1924, is unexplained rhabdomyolysis in a person who ate fish in the 24 hours before onset of illness. We describe a series of six U.S. patients from 1997 and report new epidemiologic and etiologic aspects. Although Haff disease is traditionally an epidemic foodborne illness, these six cases occurred in two clusters and as one sporadic case

    De problematiek van de kasgrondteelten: Mogelijke oplossingen aangedragen door ondernemers met substraatbedden in het bijzonder

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    De kasgrond glastuinbouw ziet zich geconfronteerd met stijgende kosten en een afname van de hoeveelheid toegelaten gewasbeschermingsmiddelen. Het middelenpakket tegen schadelijke bodemschimmels en aaltjes wordt mogelijk verkleind (Spruit e.a. 2008). Op dit moment is grondstomen nog een optie, maar door de sterk toenemende energie- en arbeidskosten wordt grondstomen steeds duurder. In voorgaande gesprekken met ondernemers en betrokkenen blijkt dat een teeltsysteem dat relatief goedkoop, en gemakkelijk in de praktijk is in te passen, de voorkeur heeft. Doelstelling van dit project is daarom het in kaart brengen van problemen met mogelijke oplossingen ten aanzien van bodemproblematiek in kasgrondteelten

    Haben sich reise­assoziierte FÀlle von LegionÀrskrankheit wirklich wÀhrend der Reise infiziert?

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    Die LegionĂ€rskrankheit ist eine gemĂ€ĂŸ IfSG meldepflichtige Pneumonie, die durch Bakterien der Gattung Legionella ausgelöst wird. Die LetalitĂ€t der LegionĂ€rskrankheit liegt bei etwa 5 %. Legionellen sind weit verbreitete Umweltkeime und kommen typischerweise in OberflĂ€chengewĂ€ssern, im Grundwasser sowie in Biofilmen oder anderen feuchten Biotopen vor, wo sie in der Regel keine grĂ¶ĂŸeren Probleme verursachen. Eine potenzielle Gefahrenquelle fĂŒr den Menschen sind jedoch in technischen Wassersystemen siedelnde Legionellen, die sich bei einer Wassertemperatur zwischen 25° – 45° C stark vermehren können. Reiseassoziierte FĂ€lle von LegionĂ€rskrankheit machen etwa 20% aller gemĂ€ĂŸ IfSG gemeldeten LegionĂ€rskrankheitsfĂ€lle in Deutschland aus. Um ReiseunterkĂŒnfte, die eine potenzielle Infektionsquelle darstellen, auch auf internationaler Ebene frĂŒhzeitig erkennen zu können, beteiligt sich Deutschland zusammen mit anderen europĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern an ELDSNet (European Legionnaires’ Disease Surveillance Network). Im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 23/2023 werden die Daten aus 8 Jahren ELDSNet-Teilnahme prĂ€sentiert und ihr Potenzial fĂŒr die SekundĂ€rprĂ€vention der LegionĂ€rskrankheit diskutiert

    The split property for locally covariant quantum field theories in curved spacetime

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    The split property expresses the way in which local regions of spacetime define subsystems of a quantum field theory. It is known to hold for general theories in Minkowski space under the hypothesis of nuclearity. Here, the split property is discussed for general locally covariant quantum field theories in arbitrary globally hyperbolic curved spacetimes, using a spacetime deformation argument to transport the split property from one spacetime to another. It is also shown how states obeying both the split and (partial) Reeh–Schlieder properties can be constructed, providing standard split inclusions of certain local von Neumann algebras. Sufficient conditions are given for the theory to admit such states in ultrastatic spacetimes, from which the general case follows. A number of consequences are described, including the existence of local generators for global gauge transformations, and the classification of certain local von Neumann algebras. Similar arguments are applied to the distal split property and circumstances are exhibited under which distal splitting implies the full split property

    Thermodynamics of a d-wave Superconductor Near a Surface

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    We study the properties of an anisotropically paired superconductor in the presence of a specularly reflecting surface. The bulk stable phase of the superconducting order parameter is taken to have dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry. Contributions by order parameter components of different symmetries vanish in the bulk, but may enter in the vicinity of a wall. We calculate the self-consistent order parameter and surface free energy within the quasiclassical formulation of superconductivity. We discuss, in particular, the dependence of these quantities on the degree of order parameter mixing and the surface to lattice orientation. Knowledge of the thermodynamically stable order parameter near a surface is a necessary precondition for calculating measurable surface properties which we present in a companion paper.Comment: 12 pages of revtex text with 12 compressed and encoded figures. To appear in J. Low Temp. Phys., December, 199

    The split property for quantum field theories in flat and curved spacetimes

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    The split property expresses a strong form of independence of spacelike separated regions in algebraic quantum field theory. In Minkowski spacetime, it can be proved under hypotheses of nuclearity. An expository account is given of nuclearity and the split property, and connections are drawn to the theory of quantum energy inequalities. In addition, a recent proof of the split property for quantum field theory in curved spacetimes is outlined, emphasising the essential ideas
