19 research outputs found

    Self-evaluated ADHD Symptoms as Risk Adaptation Factors in Elementary School Children

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    Previous studies have shown that students with ADHD symptoms are more likely to have problems in all aspects of adaptation. The aim of this study is to identify ADHD symptoms that predict maladjustment in the general population of students. Hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inattention were examined with respect to academic, social and emotional adjustment. Elementary school students (average age M = 12.72, SD = 1.62) participated in the study (N = 501). The instruments used were: Hyperactivity-Impulsivity-Attention Scale, Croatian version of Self-efficacy questionnaire for children, Emotional competence questionnaire, self-assessment of peer acceptance and school success. Inattention was a significant predictor of problems in all aspects of adaptation, i.e. academic (β = -0.317 ; β = -0.528 ; p < 0.001), social (β = -0.269 ; β = -0.430 ; p < 0.001) and emotional adjustment (β = -0.225 ; β = -0.367 ; p < 0.01). Impulsiveness was only a significant predictor of academic self-efficacy (β = -0.187, p < 0.01), whereas hyperactivity was only significant for emotional competence (β = -0.174, p < 0.05). Since inattention proved to be a dominant problem, it is recommended that experts working with children make an effort to increase attention and concentration as a prevention strategy for adaptation problems of all students

    La presenza di tematiche ecologiche nei manuali della materia “Natura e società” nella Repubblica di Croazia e nella Federazione della Bosnia ed Erzegovina

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    Predmet ovog rada jest ustvrditi zastupljenost tema koje su u funkciji odgoja i obrazovanja za okoliš u udžbenicima predmeta Priroda i društvo od prvog do četvrtog razreda u osnovnim školama Republike Hrvatske i Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine te temeljem toga dati preporuke za izmjene i dopune Nastavnoga plana i programa. Sukladno odredbama Zakona o udžbenicima, za ovo su istraživanje korišteni udžbenici i njima pripadajuća dopunska nastavna sredstva koja su objavljena u Katalogu obveznih udžbenika i pripadajućih dopunskih nastavnih sredstava u Republici Hrvatskoj i Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine. Kvalitetni i dostatni ekološki sadržaji u udžbenicima kao i suvremene strategije poučavanja preduvjet su stjecanju temeljnih prirodoslovnih kompetencija, razvoju odgovornog stava prema prirodi i okolišu, što pridonosi razvijanju potrebe za usklađivanjem čovjekovih potreba s očuvanjem prirode. Učenjem o ekološkim temama učenici razvijaju logičko, stvaralačko i kritičko mišljenje, usvajaju znanja potrebna za očuvanje prirode, izgrađuju se pozitivni stavovi prema uporabi prirodnih bogatstava uz održivi razvoj, čuvajući prirodnu ravnotežu i biološku raznolikost. Rezultati ukazuju na izuzetno slabu zastupljenost ekoloških tema u navedenim udžbenicima. Postojeći sadržaji ne potiču konceptualno razumijevanje i rješavanja problema. Program je neusklađen sa zahtjevima koje suvremeno društvo postavlja pred školu. Programska koncepcija ekoloških sadržaja udžbenika iz Prirode i društva ne prati razvoj matičnih znanosti (biologije, geografi je) i nisu prilagođeni stupnju kognitivnoga razvoja učenika. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju potrebu promjene paradigme u smjeru izrade suvremenog Nastavnog plana i programa s povećanim brojem ekoloških tema sa svrhom uspješnijeg usvajanja znanja i stavova za očuvanje prirode.The aim of this paper is to determine the prevalence of topics in elementary school textbooks aimed at educating fi rst to fourth grade students on environmental issues in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to identify any possible changes that should be made to the curriculum. In accordance with the current Act on textbooks, the resources in this study included the appropriate compulsory schoolbooks as well as any necessary accompanying supplementary resources for students in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. An abundance of varying environmental topics in textbooks along with many diverse teaching strategies are necessary for the acquisition of continual environmental knowledge as well as the development of a responsible attitude towards nature and environmental protection. The study of environmental issues leads to the development of creative, logical and critical thinking skills among students. These skills are necessary for the preservation of nature, as well as maintaining a positive attitude towards the use of natural resources throughout further industrial development in order to help preserve the Earth’s natural balance and biodiversity. However, the results of this study demonstrate a very vague representation of environmental issues in schoolbooks as well as a lack of correlation with other subjects. Furthermore, the few existing topics do not promote the conceptual understanding of environmental issues, do not aim to benefi t environmental problem solving students are expected to have in modern society and are not well adjusted to the level of cognitive development of the students. The results of this study indicate the need for the creation of a new, modern science curriculum in which environmental issues play a more prominent role, with the aim of allowing students to successfully acquire appropriate knowledge and attitudes in regards to environmental protection.Il tema del presente articolo è la presenza delle tematiche legate all’educazione ambientale nei manuali della materia Natura e società dal primo al quarto anno delle scuole elementari delle scuole nella Repubblica di Croazia e nella Federazione bosniaca. Si cercherà, inoltre, di fornire delle proposte per delle modifi che e delle aggiunte ai piani e ai programmi d’insegnamento. In base alla legislazione vigente in materia dei libri di testo, in questa ricerca sono stati presi in esame i manuali e gli altri strumenti ad essi abbinati come da Catalogo dei libri di testo obbligatori e degli strumenti d’insegnamento nei due stati presi in esame. I contenuti ecologici di qualità nei manuali come anche le strategie contemporanee d’insegnamento sono il requisito minimo nell’apprendimento delle competenze di base nel campo delle scienze naturali, nello sviluppo dell’ atteggiamento responsabile nei confronti della natura e dell’ambiente. Ciò contribuisce allo sviluppo del bisogno dell’armonia tra i bisogni dell’uomo e le leggi che preservano la natura. Lo studio dei temi ecologici permette agli alunni di sviluppare la loro opinione critica, creativa e logica, acquisiscono saperi necessari alla convivenza con la natura, costruiscono un atteggiamento positivo verso le risorse naturali, lo sviluppo sostenibile, e la difesadell’equilibrio e la diversità biologiche. I risultati indicano una presenza piuttoso scarsa di tematiche ecologiche nei manuali citati. I contenuti attuali non stimolano la comprensione concettuale e la soluzione dei problemi. Il programma è in disaccordo con le richieste che la società d’oggi pone dinanzi alla scuola. La concezione programmatica dei contenuti ecologici nei manuali di Natura e società non segue lo sviluppo dei settori scientifi ci base (biologia, geografi a) e non è adeguato al livello dello sviluppo cognitivo dell’alunn. I risultati della presente ricerca indicano altresì il bisogno esistente di un cambio di paradigmi nella creazione di un piano e di un programma d’insegnamento contemporanei che prevedono un maggiore numero di ore dedicato ai temi ecologici con lo scopo di un’acquisizione dei saperi più profi cua e dello sviluppo degli atteggiamenti positivi verso la difesa della natura

    Samoprocijenjeni simptomi ADHD-a kao rizični čimbenici prilagodbe u osnovnoj školi

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    Previous studies have shown that students with ADHD symptoms are more likely to have problems in all aspects of adaptation. The aim of this study is to identify ADHD symptoms that predict maladjustment in the general population of students. Hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inattention were examined with respect to academic, social and emotional adjustment. Elementary school students (average age M = 12.72, SD = 1.62) participated in the study (N = 501). The instruments used were: Hyperactivity-Impulsivity-Attention Scale, Croatian version of Self- -efficacy questionnaire for children, Emotional competence questionnaire, self-assessment of peer acceptance and school success. Inattention was a significant predictor of problems in all aspects of adaptation, i.e. academic (β = -0.317; β = -0.528; p < 0.001), social (β = -0.269; β = -0.430; p < 0.001) and emotional adjustment (β = -0.225; β = -0.367; p < 0.01). Impulsiveness was only a significant predictor of academic self-efficacy (β = -0.187, p < 0.01), whereas hyperactivity was only significant for emotional competence (β = -0.174, p < 0.05). Since inattention proved to be a dominant problem, it is recommended that experts working with children make an effort to increase attention and concentration as a prevention strategy for adaptation problems of all students.Prijašnja su istraživanja pokazala kako učenici koji pokazuju simptome ADHD-a ujedno imaju i više problema u svim aspektima prilagodbe. Cilj je istraživanja provjeriti koji simptomi ADHD-a predviđaju probleme u prilagodbi opće populacije učenika. Hiperaktivnost, impulzivnost i nepažanja ispitane su u odnosu na akademsku, socijalnu i emocionalnu prilagodbu. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 501 učenik (prosječne dobi M = 12,72, SD= 1,62). Uzeti su u obzir sljedeći instrumenti: Skala hiperaktivnosti-impulzivnosti-pažnje, Upitnik emocionalne kompetentnosti, Upitnik samoefikasnosti te samoprocjena osjećaja vršnjačke prihvaćenosti i školski uspjeh. Nepažnja se pokazala kao značajan prediktor problema u svim aspektima prilagodbe (akademskoj (β = -0,317; β = -0,528; p < 0,001), socijalnoj (β = -0,269; β = -0,430; p < 0,001) i emocionalnoj prilagodbi (β = -0,225; β = -0,367; p < 0,01)), impulzivnost samo u akademskoj samoefikasnosti (β = -0,187, p < 0,01), a hiperaktivnost samo u emocionalnoj kompetentnosti (β = -0,174, p < 0,05). Budući da se nepažnja pokazala kao dominantan problem, stručnjaci koji rade s djecom trebaju raditi na jačanju pažnje i koncentracije kod svih učenika kao na prevenciji za probleme u prilagodbi

    Darwin’s Theory of Evolution: Workshops “Darwin Today” for Younger Primary School Students

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    Rad donosi prikaz pedagoške radionice »Darwin danas« provedene u sklopu izrade diplomskoga rada na Fakultetu za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku. Cilj radionice bio je jednostavnim i uzrastu prilagođenim zadatcima upoznati učenike četvrtih razreda osnovne škole sa životom i djelom Charlesa Darwina, ali i potaknuti ih na daljnje istraživanje i razmišljanje o prirodnim procesima i postupnom nastanku i razvoju živoga svijeta te ih uvesti u prirodoslovne sadržaje viših razreda osnovne i srednje škole. Pedagoška radionica, koja promiče suradničko učenje, pomaknula je učenje iz okvira tradicionalne nastave, kako oblikom rada tako i temom.The paper presents pedagogical workshops “Darwin Today” which were held for the purpose of writing a graduate thesis at the Faculty of Education in Osijek. The aim of the workshops was to make the fourth grade primary school students familiar with the life and work of Charles Darwin by giving them simple tasks suitable for their age. Additionally, workshops intended to encourage students to further explore and consider natural processes and gradual emergence and development of the living world, and give them an insight into natural sciences which are taught in higher grades of primary and secondary schools. These pedagogical workshops promoted cooperative learning and, because of the chosen topic and methodology, moved out of the framework of traditional teaching

    Utjecaj iskustva operatera, vrste uputa pacijentu i spola pacijenta na intenzitet poslijeoperacijske boli nakon kirurškog odstranjenja donjeg umnjaka

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    The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which the intensity of postoperative pain in the first seven days after lower wisdom tooth extraction is affected by operator experience, patient level of information and patient sex. Postoperative pain intensity after lower wisdom tooth extraction was assessed in 108 patients. Depending on the type of information given to each patient individually, the patients were divided into two groups: test group in which patients were provided with detailed standard written and verbal instructions and control group where patients only received detailed standard written instructions about treatment after surgery. Each of these two groups was divided into three subgroups depending on operator experience. Results of this study showed that the type of information irrespective of being given verbally or not had no effects on postoperative pain intensity, whereas operator experience and patient sex influenced postoperative pain intensity.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj radnog iskustva operatera, informiranosti pacijenta i spola pacijenta na intenzitet poslijeoperacijske boli prvih sedam dana nakon odstranjenja donjeg umnjaka. Provedeno je istraživanje vezano za intenzitet poslijeoperacijske boli nakon odstranjenja donjeg umnjaka kod 108 pacijenata. Ovisno o tipu informacije dane svakom pacijentu posebice pacijenti su podijeljeni u dvije skupine: ispitnu u kojoj su pacijenti dobili detaljan standardni pismeni i usmeni naputak te kontrolnu skupinu u kojoj su dobili samo detaljan standardni pismeni naputak o postupanju nakon operacijskog zahvata. Svaka od ovih dviju skupina ispitanika podijeljena je u tri podskupine ovisno o iskustvu operatera. Rezultati studije su pokazali da na intenzitet poslijeoperacijske boli nije imao utjecaj tip informiranosti pacijenta, dok su iskustvo operatera i spol pacijenta utjecali na intenzitet poslijeoperacijske boli

    The Influence of Habitat on Penduculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) Leaf Anatomy in the Field Trials Koška and Vrbanja

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    U radu je istraživana varijabilnost anatomske građe listova šest hrvatskih populacija hrasta lužnjakau pokusnim nasadima Koška i Vrbanja. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi razlike u anatomskoj građi listova s obzirom na vlažnost pokusnog nasada, kao i vlažnost staništa iz kojega potječu istraživane populacije. Uzorkovani su listovi s pet jedinki iz svake od šest populacija iz oba pokusna nasada. Jedinke rasle na pokusnoj plohi Koška odlikuju se prosječno debljom donjom epidermom, debljim slojem palisadnoga parenhima, manjom masom suhe tvari lista i većom specifičnom lisnom površinom.Ovi rezultati su odraz reakcije u anatomskoj građi lista na sušne uvjete na pokusnoj plohi Koška u odnosu na nešto vlažnije uvjete na pokusnoj plohi Vrbanja. Razlike u anatomskoj građi lista između dva različita tipa staništa s kojega potječu istraživane populacije (greda, niza) su vrlo male, a očituju se u nešto jačoj reakciji na suše uvjete kod jedinki podrijetlom s vlažnijih staništa (niza).This paper examines the variability of the anatomical leaf structure of six Croatian pedunculate oak populations in field trials of Koška and Vrbanja. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in leaf anatomy considering the humidity of the fi eld trials, as well as the humidity of the habitats which from the studied populations originate. The leaves were sampled from five individuals of each of the six populations from both field trials. Specimens grown in the field trialKoška are characterized by average thicker lower epidermis, a thicker layer of palisade parenchyma, a lowerleaf dry matter content mass and larger specific leaf area. These results are a response of the reaction in the leaf anatomy to drought conditions in the fi eld trial Koška compared to some wetter conditions in the field trial Vrbanja. The differences in the anatomical leaf structure between two different habitat types the studied population originate from are very small, and are reflected in somewhat stronger reaction to the drought conditions in individuals originating from the humid habitats

    Control of Pharmaceutical Cocrystal Polymorphism on Various Scales by Mechanochemistry: Transfer from the Laboratory Batch to the Large-Scale Extrusion Processing

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    We demonstrate a controllable mechanochemical synthesis of cocrystal polymorphs of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and nicotinamide (vitamin B3) on different scales and without using bulk solvents. Next to the previously described polymorph of the 1:1 cocrystal, which is one of the first cocrystals approved for human consumption, we report here a new, thermodynamically more stable polymorph detected during in situ synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction monitoring of milling reactions. The new polymorph is currently available exclusively by mechanochemical synthesis, and its crystal structure was determined from synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction data. Laboratory in situ monitoring by Raman spectroscopy provided direct insight into the cocrystals formation and was further used to optimize the manufacturing procedure. Subgram synthesis using a laboratory mixer mill was transferred to the 10 g scale on a planetary ball mill and continuous manufacturing using a twin-screw extruder. Both cocrystal polymorphs perform excellently in tableting, thus alleviating the notoriously poor compactible properties of vitamin C, while the mechanochemical cocrystallization does not harm its antioxidant properties

    The Role and Importance of Quality of Life among Preschool Children as a Prerequisite for a Positively Oriented Upbringing

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the health-related quality of life (QoL) in a sample of healthy preschool children in the Republic of Croatia and comment on whether and how the research results open the preconditions for positive individual scenarios of the future related to positively oriented upbringing. The Pediatric quality of life inventory generic core scales (PedsQLTM) was completed by 230 healthy preschool children (5-6 years old) and their parents as a proxy-report. The data was descriptively analysed first. Reliability was assessed by Cronbach’s alpha. The statistically significant difference between the PedsQLTM scales (physical, emotional, social, kindergarten and psychosocial functioning) for preschool children and their parent’s proxy-report were analysed. The PedsQLTM scale score means for children’s self-report ranged 71.32-76.49, with the total score was 74.53. Score means for their parent’s proxy-report scale ranged 73.59-85.46, with the total score of 80.93. All the self-report and proxy-report scales showed satisfactory reliability with Cronbach’s alpha varying between 0.64 and 0.89. Statistically significant difference between scales in self-report and proxy-report was for physical (t=-7.12, p&lt;0.01), social (t=-6.42, p&lt;0.01) and school functioning (t=-2.62, p&lt;0.01) as well as psychosocial (t=-4.82, p&lt;0.01) and total health (t=-6.85, p&lt;0.01). The Croatian PedsQLTM is valid and reliable generic pediatric health-related QoL measurement that can be recommended for children’s self-reports and their parent’s proxy-reports. The results of the research open a precondition for positive individual scenarios of the future related to positively oriented upbringing