The Influence of Habitat on Penduculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) Leaf Anatomy in the Field Trials Koška and Vrbanja


U radu je istraživana varijabilnost anatomske građe listova šest hrvatskih populacija hrasta lužnjakau pokusnim nasadima Koška i Vrbanja. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi razlike u anatomskoj građi listova s obzirom na vlažnost pokusnog nasada, kao i vlažnost staništa iz kojega potječu istraživane populacije. Uzorkovani su listovi s pet jedinki iz svake od šest populacija iz oba pokusna nasada. Jedinke rasle na pokusnoj plohi Koška odlikuju se prosječno debljom donjom epidermom, debljim slojem palisadnoga parenhima, manjom masom suhe tvari lista i većom specifičnom lisnom površinom.Ovi rezultati su odraz reakcije u anatomskoj građi lista na sušne uvjete na pokusnoj plohi Koška u odnosu na nešto vlažnije uvjete na pokusnoj plohi Vrbanja. Razlike u anatomskoj građi lista između dva različita tipa staništa s kojega potječu istraživane populacije (greda, niza) su vrlo male, a očituju se u nešto jačoj reakciji na suše uvjete kod jedinki podrijetlom s vlažnijih staništa (niza).This paper examines the variability of the anatomical leaf structure of six Croatian pedunculate oak populations in field trials of Koška and Vrbanja. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in leaf anatomy considering the humidity of the fi eld trials, as well as the humidity of the habitats which from the studied populations originate. The leaves were sampled from five individuals of each of the six populations from both field trials. Specimens grown in the field trialKoška are characterized by average thicker lower epidermis, a thicker layer of palisade parenchyma, a lowerleaf dry matter content mass and larger specific leaf area. These results are a response of the reaction in the leaf anatomy to drought conditions in the fi eld trial Koška compared to some wetter conditions in the field trial Vrbanja. The differences in the anatomical leaf structure between two different habitat types the studied population originate from are very small, and are reflected in somewhat stronger reaction to the drought conditions in individuals originating from the humid habitats

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