49 research outputs found

    The dicode workbench: A flexible framework for the integration of information and web services

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    Aiming to address requirements concerning integration of services in the context of ?big data?, this paper presents an innovative approach that (i) ensures a flexible, adaptable and scalable information and computation infrastructure, and (ii) exploits the competences of stakeholders and information workers to meaningfully confront information management issues such as information characterization, classification and interpretation, thus incorporating the underlying collective intelligence. Our approach pays much attention to the issues of usability and ease-of-use, not requiring any particular programming expertise from the end users. We report on a series of technical issues concerning the desired flexibility of the proposed integration framework and we provide related recommendations to developers of such solutions. Evaluation results are also discussed

    41P. Practical Lessons Learned while Developing Web 2.0 Collaboration Services for Communities of Practice

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    Although a plethora of Web 2.0 applications exist today, there is little literature reporting on experiences, concrete recommendations or best practices when developing such applications. The scarcity of such records makes it difficult for developers to determine how best to support the practices of communities with the use of Web 2.0 technologies. In this paper, we report on eight practical lessons learned while developing Web 2.0 collaboration services for Communities of Practice in the framework of a three years long European research project on Technology Enhanced Learning. The main objective of this project was to investigate how Web 2.0 technologies could impact the communication and collaboration needs of Communities of Practice interacting online and, conversely, how new interaction needs could impact Web 2.0 technology. The above lessons are presented in a way that could aid people engaged in various phases of the development of Web-based collaboration support services

    On a meaningful integration of web services in data-intensive biomedical environments: The DICODE approach

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    This paper reports on an innovative approach that aims to reduce information management costs in data-intensive and cognitively-complex biomedical environments. Recognizing the importance of prominent high-performance computing paradigms and large data processing technologies as well as collaboration support systems to remedy data-intensive issues, it adopts a hybrid approach by building on the synergy of these technologies. The proposed approach provides innovative Web-based workbenches that integrate and orchestrate a set of interoperable services that reduce the data-intensiveness and complexity overload at critical decision points to a manageable level, thus permitting stakeholders to be more productive and concentrate on creative activities

    CoPe_it! - Supporting collaboration, enhancing learning

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    CoPe_it! is an innovative web-based tool that complies with collaborative practices to provide members of communities with the appropriate means to manage individual and collective knowledge, and collaborate towards the solution of diverse issues. In this article, we demonstrate its applicability in tackling data-intensive collaboration settings, which are characterized by big volumes of complex and interrelated data obtained from diverse sources, and knowledge expressed by diverse participants. We focus on issues related to the representation of such settings and the proposed approach towards making it easier for participants to follow the evolution of a collaboration, comprehend it in its entirety, and meaningfully aggregate data in order to resolve the issue under consideration

    CryoAblation of Atrial Fibrillation: New Technique/ New expectations

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    A 53-year-old gentleman with frequent episodes of idiopathic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) who had failed rhythm control with two antiarrhythmic drugs was initially submitted to an ablation procedure during which pulmonary vein (PV) isolation was performed with use of a cryothermic balloon in September 2012. After a 3-month blanking period, he remained free of symptoms for over a year. However, over the last one month he has had frequent arrhythmia recurrences with almost weekly episodes. He returned for a repeat ablation procedure... (excerpt

    Description of six scenarios and of the results of six validated trials

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    Description of six scenarios and of the results of six validated trialsThis deliverable aims at presenting and analysing the processes of elaboration and validation of the PALETTE scenarios. After having defined these two processes and situated them into the PALETTE methodology, the scenarios are presented. For each scenario, the specific methodology of elaboration and validation is described with a special focus on the participation of the concerned Communities of Pratcice (CoPs). Then the results of the validation are presented as well as the reports of their technical feasability and the usability of PALETTE services from a user perspective. Finally we reflect on and we discuss about the whole process of validation of the scenarios and we describe the next steps towards the development of the scenarios and their trilas with the CoPs

    Criteria for Social Applications

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    Structuring primitives in the Callimachus component-based open hypermedia system

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    Driven by the philosophy of the 'primacy of structure over data', Component-Based Open Hypermedia Systems (CB-OHS) present an open set of structure servers providing structural abstractions of different hypermedia domains. To address the emergent requirements and to facilitate the development of structure servers, structure should be handled as a first class entity. We propose patterns for structure, called templates, that define the structural model upon which structure servers operate. We present how structure servers are developed and operate in the Callimachus CB-OHS. Development of structure servers within Callimachus is based on the explicit specification of structure with the use of an atomic structural primitive called the structural element. Explicit structure specification eases the development of structure servers in CB-OHS, making such development less error prone and providing the basis for tailoring domain specific abstractions

    AI-Assisted Programming Tasks Using Code Embeddings and Transformers

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    This review article provides an in-depth analysis of the growing field of AI-assisted programming tasks, specifically focusing on the use of code embeddings and transformers. With the increasing complexity and scale of software development, traditional programming methods are becoming more time-consuming and error-prone. As a result, researchers have turned to the application of artificial intelligence to assist with various programming tasks, including code completion, bug detection, and code summarization. The utilization of artificial intelligence for programming tasks has garnered significant attention in recent times, with numerous approaches adopting code embeddings or transformer technologies as their foundation. While these technologies are popular in this field today, a rigorous discussion, analysis, and comparison of their abilities to cover AI-assisted programming tasks is still lacking. This article discusses the role of code embeddings and transformers in enhancing the performance of AI-assisted programming tasks, highlighting their capabilities, limitations, and future potential in an attempt to outline a future roadmap for these specific technologies