1,305 research outputs found

    SCHEMA Recombination of a Fungal Cellulase Uncovers a Single Mutation That Contributes Markedly to Stability

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    A quantitative linear model accurately (R^2 = 0.88) describes the thermostabilities of 54 characterized members of a family of fungal cellobiohydrolase class II (CBH II) cellulase chimeras made by SCHEMA recombination of three fungal enzymes, demonstrating that the contributions of SCHEMA sequence blocks to stability are predominantly additive. Thirty-one of 31 predicted thermostable CBH II chimeras have thermal inactivation temperatures higher than the most thermostable parent CBH II, from Humicola insolens, and the model predicts that hundreds more CBH II chimeras share this superior thermostability. Eight of eight thermostable chimeras assayed hydrolyze the solid cellulosic substrate Avicel at temperatures at least 5 °C above the most stable parent, and seven of these showed superior activity in 16-h Avicel hydrolysis assays. The sequence-stability model identified a single block of sequence that adds 8.5 °C to chimera thermostability. Mutating individual residues in this block identified the C313S substitution as responsible for the entire thermostabilizing effect. Introducing this mutation into the two recombination parent CBH IIs not featuring it (Hypocrea jecorina and H. insolens) decreased inactivation, increased maximum Avicel hydrolysis temperature, and improved long time hydrolysis performance. This mutation also stabilized and improved Avicel hydrolysis by Phanerochaete chrysosporium CBH II, which is only 55–56% identical to recombination parent CBH IIs. Furthermore, the C313S mutation increased total H. jecorina CBH II activity secreted by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae expression host more than 10-fold. Our results show that SCHEMA structure-guided recombination enables quantitative prediction of cellulase chimera thermostability and efficient identification of stabilizing mutations

    Integrated assessment of oyster reef ecosystem services: Macrofauna utilization of restored oyster reefs

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    Within the Harris Creek Oyster Sanctuary in the Maryland portion of Chesapeake Bay, we evaluated relationships between basic oyster reef characteristics and the abundance and biomass of macrofauna. The eight sites selected for these studies included five restored oyster reef sites and three sites suitable for restoration that had not been restored. These sites encompassed a range of oyster biomass density and were spread throughout the sanctuary area. At each site one month prior to each of four sampling periods, divers filled four wire mesh baskets (0.1m2 surface area x 15 cm depth) with material from the site and embedded them so that the surface was flush with the surrounding substratum. In spring, early summer, late summer and fall of 2015, divers collected baskets and returned them to the laboratory where all macrofauna ≥1 mm were collected from each sample and their identity, abundance and biomass were determined. In addition to the abundance and biomass of oysters, we also assessed the amount of surface as the volume of live oysters along with that of any oyster shells whose surface was at least 50% oxic based on coloration (i.e. black shell was presumed to have been buried below the surface in anoxic conditions). Positive relationships were identified for all three reef characteristics and the three major macrofaunal groups examined. In the majority of seasons, the relationship between both biomass and abundance of the hooked mussel, Ischadium recurvum, as a power function of oyster tissue biomass density, oyster abundance per square meter and surface shell volume. The relationship between oyster reef characteristics and the biomass and abundance of the mud crab, Eurypanopeus depressus, and of the naked goby, Gobiosoma bosc, were always positive but were more variable than that for I. recurvum. These data demonstrate that relationships can be found between oyster reef characteristics and macrofauna abundance and biomass. They further demonstrate that, in many cases, simple measures of reef characteristics such as oyster abundance and shell volume can provide predictions of macrofauna abundance and biomass that are comparable to more labor intensive measures such as oyster tissue biomass

    Revision of the African cichlid fish genus Ctenochromis (Teleostei, Cichliformes), including a description of the new genus Shuja from Lake Tanganyika and the new species Ctenochromis scatebra from northern Tanzania

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    Molecular phylogenetic evidence clearly resolves the African cichlid fish genus Ctenochromis, as defined by Greenwood (1979), as paraphyletic. Here, we redefine the genus Ctenochromis and assign Ctenochromis horei, a member of the Tropheini from Lake Tanganyika, to a new genus Shuja gen. nov. We restrict Ctenochromis to Ctenochromis pectoralis and Ctenochromis scatebra sp. nov., both of which are endemic to the Pangani River catchment in northern Tanzania, and are resolved as sister taxa in a phylogenetic analysis using genome-wide data. Ctenochromis pectoralis is the type species of the genus and described from specimens collected near Korogwe, Tanzania. The species was declared extinct in a 2016 IUCN Red List Assessment. We confirm the continued presence of a population of C. pectoralis within the Ruvu tributary linking Lake Jipe to Nyumba ya Mungu Reservoir. The new taxon Ctenochromis scatebra sp. nov. is described from Chemka Springs, and recognised on the basis of differences from C. pectoralis in tooth and jaw morphology

    Supernova Limits on the Cosmic Equation of State

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    We use Type Ia supernovae studied by the High-Z Supernova Search Team to constrain the properties of an energy component which may have contributed to accelerating the cosmic expansion. We find that for a flat geometry the equation of state parameter for the unknown component, alpha_x=P_x/rho_x, must be less than -0.55 (95% confidence) for any value of Omega_m and is further limited to alpha_x<-0.60 (95%) if Omega_m is assumed to be greater than 0.1 . These values are inconsistent with the unknown component being topological defects such as domain walls, strings, or textures. The supernova data are consistent with a cosmological constant (alpha_x=-1) or a scalar field which has had, on average, an equation of state parameter similar to the cosmological constant value of -1 over the redshift range of z=1 to the present. Supernova and cosmic microwave background observations give complementary constraints on the densities of matter and the unknown component. If only matter and vacuum energy are considered, then the current combined data sets provide direct evidence for a spatially flat Universe with Omega_tot=Omega_m+Omega_Lambda = 0.94 +/- 0.26 (1-sigma).Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 3 figure

    Lateral line system diversification during the early stages of ecological speciation in cichlid fish

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    Background: The mechanosensory lateral line system is an important sensory modality in fishes, informing multiple behaviours related to survival including finding food and navigating in dark environments. Given its ecological importance, we may expect lateral line morphology to be under disruptive selection early in the ecological speciation process. Here we quantify the lateral line system morphology of two ecomorphs of the cichlid fish Astatotilapia calliptera in crater Lake Masoko that have diverged from common ancestry within the past 1,000 years. Results: Based on geometric morphometric analyses of CT scans, we show that the zooplanktivorous benthic ecomorph that dominates the deeper waters of the lake has large cranial lateral line canal pores, relative to those of the nearshore invertebrate-feeding littoral ecomorph found in the shallower waters. In contrast, fluorescence imaging revealed no evidence for divergence between ecomorphs in the number of either superficial or canal neuromasts. We illustrate the magnitude of the variation we observe in Lake Masoko A. calliptera in the context of the neighbouring Lake Malawi mega-radiation that comprises over 700 species. Conclusions: These results provide the first evidence of divergence in this often-overlooked sensory modality in the early stages of ecological speciation, suggesting that it may have a role in the broader adaptive radiation process

    Karyomapping for simultaneous genomic evaluation and aneuploidy screening of preimplantation bovine embryos: The first live-born calves

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    In cattle breeding, the development of genomic selection strategies based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) interrogation has led to improved rates of genetic gain. Additionally, the application of genomic selection to in-vitro produced (IVP) embryos is expected to bring further benefits thanks to the ability to test a greater number of individuals before establishing a pregnancy and to ensure only carriers of desirable traits are born. However, aneuploidy, a leading cause of developmental arrest, is known to be common in IVP embryos. Karyomapping is a comprehensive screening test based on SNP typing that can be used for simultaneous genomic selection and aneuploidy detection, offering the potential to maximize pregnancy rates. Moreover, Karyomapping can be used to characterize the frequency and parental origin of aneuploidy in bovine IVP embryos, which have remained underexplored to date. Here, we report the use of Karyomapping to characterize the frequency and parental origin of aneuploidy in IVP bovine embryos in order to establish an estimate of total aneuploidy rates in each parental germline. We report an estimate of genome wide recombination rate in cattle and demonstrate, for the first time, a proof of principle for the application of Karyomapping to cattle breeding, with the birth of five calves after screening. This combined genomic selection and aneuploidy screening approach was highly reliable, with calves showing 98% concordance with their respective embryo biopsies for SNP typing and 100% concordance with their respective biopsies for aneuploidy screening. This approach has the potential to simultaneously improve pregnancy rates following embryo transfer and the rate of genetic gain in cattle breeding, and is applicable to basic research to investigate meiosis and aneuploidy

    Integrating gross morphology and bone histology to assess skeletal maturity in early dinosauromorphs: new insights from Dromomeron (Archosauria: Dinosauromorpha)

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    Understanding growth patterns is central to properly interpreting paleobiological signals in tetrapods, but assessing skeletal maturity in some extinct clades may be difficult when growth patterns are poorly constrained by a lack of ontogenetic series. To overcome this difficulty in assessing the maturity of extinct archosaurian reptiles—crocodylians, birds and their extinct relatives—many studies employ bone histology to observe indicators of the developmental stage reached by a given individual. However, the relationship between gross morphological and histological indicators of maturity has not been examined in most archosaurian groups. In this study, we examined the gross morphology of a hypothesized growth series of Dromomeron romeri femora (96.6–144.4 mm long), the first series of a non-dinosauriform dinosauromorph available for such a study. We also histologically sampled several individuals in this growth series. Previous studies reported that D. romeri lacks well-developed rugose muscle scars that appear during ontogeny in closely related dinosauromorph taxa, so integrating gross morphology and histological signal is needed to determine reliable maturity indicators for early bird-line archosaurs. We found that, although there are small, linear scars indicating muscle attachment sites across the femur, the only rugose muscle scar that appears during ontogeny is the attachment of the M. caudofemoralis longus, and only in the largest-sampled individual. This individual is also the only femur with histological indicators that asymptotic size had been reached, although smaller individuals possess some signal of decreasing growth rates (e.g., decreasing vascular density). The overall femoral bone histology of D. romeri is similar to that of other early bird-line archosaurs (e.g., woven-bone tissue, moderately to well-vascularized, longitudinal vascular canals). All these data indicate that the lack of well-developed femoral scars is autapomorphic for this species, not simply an indication of skeletal immaturity. We found no evidence of the high intraspecific variation present in early dinosaurs and other dinosauriforms, but a limited sample size of other early bird-line archosaur growth series make this tentative. The evolutionary history and phylogenetic signal of gross morphological features must be considered when assessing maturity in extinct archosaurs and their close relatives, and in some groups corroboration with bone histology or with better-known morphological characters is necessary

    EBV T-cell immunotherapy generated by peptide selection has enhanced effector functionality compared to LCL stimulation

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    Adoptive immunotherapy with Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)-specific T cells is an effective treatment for relapsed or refractory EBV-induced post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) with overall survival rates of up to 69%. EBV-specific T cells have been conventionally made by repeated stimulation with EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL), which act as antigen-presenting cells. However, this process is expensive, takes many months, and has practical risks associated with live virus. We have developed a peptide-based, virus-free, serum-free closed system to manufacture a bank of virus-specific T cells (VST) for clinical use. We compared these with standard LCL-derived VST using comprehensive characterization and potency assays to determine differences that might influence clinical benefits. Multi-parameter flow cytometry revealed that peptide-derived VST had an expanded central memory population and less exhaustion marker expression than LCL-derived VST. A quantitative HLA-matched allogeneic cytotoxicity assay demonstrated similar specific killing of EBV-infected targets, though peptide-derived EBV T cells had a significantly higher expression of antiviral cytokines and degranulation markers after antigen recall. High-throughput T cell receptor-beta (TCRβ) sequencing demonstrated oligoclonal repertoires, with more matches to known EBV-binding complementary determining region 3 (CDR3) sequences in peptide-derived EBV T cells. Peptide-derived products showed broader and enhanced specificities to EBV nuclear antigens (EBNAs) in both CD8 and CD4 compartments, which may improve the targeting of highly expressed latency antigens in PTLD. Importantly, peptide-based isolation and expansion allows rapid manufacture and significantly increased product yield over conventional LCL-based approaches.</p
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