49 research outputs found
Associação entre doenças crônicas em adultos e redução dos níveis de atividade física
Type of study: Prevalence study. Objective: To describe the occurrence of diseases in hypertensive and/or diabetic patients, users of Basic Health Unit (BHU) and to associate the occurrence of both diseaseswith physical activity. Methods: Cross-sectional study involving 222 patients with hypertension and/ordiabetes mellitus, of both sexes and users of two BHU from Bauru, Brazil. Clinical records of the patientswere analyzed to detect the presence of diseases, body weight and height were measured to determinenutritional status, as well as, a questionnaire assessed the physical activity level. Chi-square test identified associations and the binary logistic regression expressed the magnitude of these associations.Significant was set at p < 0.05. Results: The sample had more women (64%), obese (42.3%) andsedentary persons (78.8%). The most frequent diseases among the patients were hypercholesterolemia(31.5%), arthritis / arthrosis (23.8%) and low back pain (23.8%). There was significant association between leisure physical activity (intensity, weekly practice and prior engagement) and lower occurrence ofmetabolic diseases. Independent of confounders, diabetic and diabetics with hypertension had increasedlikelihood to be sedentary. Conclusion: The results suggest that the onset of hypertension and / ordiabetic co-morbidity is associated with high rates of physical inactivity and, consequently, an increasednumber of co-morbidities.Modelo do estudo: Estudo de prevalência. Objetivo: Descrever a ocorrência das doenças mais frequentes que acometem portadores de hipertensão arterial (HAS) e/ou diabetes mellitus (DM), usuários deUnidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) e associar a ocorrência das duas doenças com o nível de atividadefísica. Métodos: Estudo transversal envolvendo 222 indivíduos portadores de hipertensão arterial e/oudiabetes mellitus, de ambos os sexos e usuários de duas UBS da cidade de Bauru/SP. Foram analisados prontuários clínicos dos pacientes para verificação e constatação da ocorrência de doenças. Pesocorporal e estatura foram aferidos para classificação do estado nutricional e foi aplicado questionáriopara verificar o nível de atividade física. O teste qui-quadrado foi utilizado para analisar existência deassociações e a regressão logística binária expressou a magnitude das mesmas. As comparaçõesforam consideradas significativas quando p < 0,05. Resultados: A amostra teve predominância demulheres (64%), pessoas com obesidade (42,3%) e sedentarismo (78,8%). As doenças de maiorocorrência entre os pacientes hipertensos e diabéticos foram a hipercolesterolemia (31,5%), seguidapela artrite/artrose (23,8%) e lombalgia (23.8%). Houve associação significativa entre indicadores deprática de atividades físicas no lazer (intensidade, tempo semanal de prática e engajamento prévio)com menor ocorrência de doenças metabólicas. Independente de variáveis de confusão, indivíduosdiabéticos e diabéticos com hipertensão tiveram chances aumentados de apresentar comportamentosedentário. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que o acometimento de pacientes hipertensos e/oudiabéticos por comorbidades está associado às altas taxas de inatividade física e, conseqüentemente,ao aumento do número de agravos associados
Associação entre desordens musculoesqueléticas e gastos com cuidado à saúde entre pacientes do Sistema Único de Saúde
Delineamento: transversal. Objetivos: (i) Identificar a ocorrência de desordens musculoesqueléticas, (ii) identificar seus determinantes e (iii) suas relações com gastos com saúde em adultos atendidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 963 adultos, com 50 anos e de ambos os sexos tratados em unidades básicas de saúde. Participantes responderam questionários sobre doenças, condição econômica, desordens musculoesqueléticas, atividade ocupacional, consultas de fisioterapia e compra de medicamentos; peso e estatura foram mensurados para calcular o índice de massa corporal. Custos com saúde foram computados retroagindo 12 meses. Resultados: A prevalência de desordens musculoesqueléticas foi 65%, sendo maior em pacientes com doenças do tecido conjuntivo (OR=4,11 [2,98-5,67]) e pessoas que levantam cargas no trabalho (OR=1,45 [1,27-1,66]). Além disso, a ocorrência de desordens musculoesqueléticas nos ombros, região lombar, joelhos e tornozelos/pés foram relacionados a maiores gastos com medicamentos e consultas médicas. Conclusão: A ocorrência de desordens musculoesqueléticas foi elevada entre estes pacientes, é afetada por sexo e atividade ocupacional e positivamente relacionada com gastos com saúde.Study Design: Cross-sectional. Objectives: (i) To identify the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, (ii) to identify musculoskeletal disorders correlates and (iii) to identify the existence of relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and healthcare expenditures in adults attended to by the public healthcare system. Methods: Crosssectional study involving 963 adults (over 50 years of age and of both sexes) treated in basic healthcare units (BHU). The participants answered questionnaires about self-reported morbidity, economic condition, musculoskeletal symptoms, occupational activity behavior, physical therapy consultation and prescription drugs purchased. Weight and height were obtained for body mass index computation. Healthcare expenditures in the last 12 months were computed. Results: The prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms was 65%. Patients diagnosed with musculoskeletal system/connective tissue diseases (OR= 4.11 [2.98 – 5.67]) and people who needed to lift loads at work (OR= 1.45 [1.27 – 1.66]) presented higher likelihood to report the outcome. Moreover, occurrence of musculoskeletal symptoms in shoulders, low back, knees and ankles/feet were positively related to increased prescription drugs used and medical consultations. Conclusion: There is a high occurrence of musculoskeletal symptoms in Brazilian patients, which is affected by sex and occupational activity, and is positively related to increased healthcare expenditures
Presença de fatores de risco de doenças cardiovasculares e de lesões em praticantes de corrida de rua
This study investigated the anthropometric characteristics and the presence of cardiovascular risk factors (Part 1) as well as occurrence of injuries (Part 2) in road runners. Body mass index, blood pressure (BP), abdominal circumference (AC) and incidence of injuries were evaluated in 94 road runners. Among the participants, 38,5% self-reported as hypertensive, but 41,7% from total had altered BP. Among healthy runners, it was found alterations on BP (42%), AC (9.8%) and 6% presented moderated cardiovascular risk. It was observed that 34% already suffered some injuries and 67.7% derived from training and competition. Age, distance of the running and practice of other activities were associated with presence of injury. The results of the present study allow us to conclude that road runners have a physical condition that facilitates the cardiovascular event during the competition and that contributes to the injuries. Thus it suggests that campaigns need to be done in order to make the runner aware about its health condition.Este estudo descreveu as características antropométricas e presença de fatores de riscos cardiovasculares (Parte1) bem como a ocorrência de lesões (Parte 2) em corredores de rua. Índice de massa corporal, pressão arterial (PA), circunferência abdominal (CA) e presença de lesões foram avaliadas em 94 corredores. Destes, 38,5% eram hipertensos auto-referidos, mas 41,9% estavam com a PA alterada no dia. Dentre os auto-referidos sem problemas de saúde, foram encontradas alterações na PA (42%), na CA (9,8%) e 6% apresentaram risco cardiovascular moderado. Verificou-se que 34% já sofreram lesão, sendo que 67,7% foram derivadas de treinos ou competições. Idade, distância da prova e realização de outras atividades foram associados com a ocorrência de lesão. Os resultados do presente estudo nos permitem concluir que os praticantes de pedestrianismo apresentam uma condição física propícia ao comprometimento cardiovascular durante uma prova e ao surgimento de lesões, sugerindo campanhas de conscientização sobre a condição de saúde neste público
Fragments Intimes d'un Savant Oublié
Explicação do "ser matemático não arbitrário"
Posições sobre a história dos povos semitas.
Atitude perante a história da arte.
Poema de amor à Esposa
Combined association of insufficient physical activity and sleep problems with healthcare costs: a longitudinal study
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The magnitude of economic losses attributed to sleep problems and insufficient physical activity (PA) remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the association between insufficient PA, sleep problems, and direct healthcare costs. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between insufficient physical activity (PA), sleep problems, and direct healthcare costs among adults. DESIGN AND SETTING: Adults aged ≥ 50 years attended by the Brazilian National Health Service were tracked from 2010 to 2014. METHODS: Direct healthcare costs were assessed using medical records and expressed in US 4,765.01. CONCLUSION: The combination of sleep problems and insufficient PA plays an important role in increasing direct healthcare costs in adults. Public health stakeholders, policymakers, and health professionals can use these results to reinforce the need for strategies to improve sleep quality and increase PA, especially in nations that finance their National Health Systems
Sedentary behavior, abdominal obesity and healthcare costs in Brazilian adults with cardiovascular diseases: a cross-sectional study
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Research on the economic burden of sedentary behavior and abdominal obesity on health expenses associated with cardiovascular diseases is scarce. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to verify whether sedentary behavior, isolated and combined with abdominal obesity, influences the medication expenditure among adults with cardiovascular diseases. DESIGN AND SETTING: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the city of President Prudente, State of São Paulo, Brazil in 2018. METHODS: The study included adults with cardiovascular diseases, aged 30-65 years, who were treated by the Brazilian National Health Services. Sedentary behavior was assessed using a questionnaire. Abdominal obesity was defined by waist circumference. Medication expenditures were verified using the medical records of each patient. RESULTS: The study included a total of 307 adults. Individuals classified in the group with risk factor obesity combined (median [IQ] USD 27.17 [59.76]) to sedentary behavior had higher medication expenditures than those belonging to the non-obese with low sedentary behavior group (median [IQ] USD$ 13.51 [31.42]) (P = 0.01). The group with combined obesity and sedentary behavior was 2.4 (95%CI = 1.00; 5.79) times more likely to be hypertensive. CONCLUSION: Abdominal obesity was a determining factor for medication expenses, regardless of sedentary behavior, among adults with cardiovascular diseases