57 research outputs found

    Crianza, competencia parental y su relación con el desarrollo de los hijos

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    Este artículo-comentario tiene el objetivo de analizar investigaciones recientes relacionadas con los estilos de crianza, que el artículo-objetivo ha desarrollado en el punto 2. La población participante del artículo-objetivo se encuentra en la preadolescencia y adolescencia temprana, por ello he introducido el tema describiendo la etapa educativa que cursan los chicos y chicas (10-15 años, M = 12.90, DE = 1.76) y algunas características de esta etapa del ciclo vital. A continuación me he centrado en la crianza por su peso en la predicción de la conducta prosocial, tal como queda reflejado en el artículoobjetivo. Dentro de la crianza he ampliado la información teórica y he analizado la importancia de la función reflexiva y de la competencia emocional de los padres a la hora de adoptar una actitud de escucha activa y de búsqueda del conocimiento del hijo e hija. Todo ello con la finalidad de aportar un soporte teórico más amplio de cara a establecer programas de intervención. Palabras clave: crianza, desarrollo de los hijos, competencia parental, reflexividad, apoyo. Parental competence and development of children Abstract This article aims to analyze recent research on parenting styles developed by the target article in section 2. The participant population in the target article is in preadolescence and early adolescence. Therefore I have introduced the topic by describing the educational level of the boys and girls (10-15 years, M = 12.90, SD = 1.76) Then I focused in the raising, due to its weight in predicting prosocial behavior. In parenting I have extended the theoretical information and I have discussed the importance of reflective functioning and emotional competence of parents in adopting an attitude of active listening and seeking knowledge of the son and daughter. All with the aim of providing a broader theoretical support in order to establish intervention programs. Key words: Parenting, adolescent adjustment, parenting competence, reflexivity, supportive role

    Linking female entrepreneurs' motivation to business survival.

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    Analysis of entrepreneurs' motives in the framework of organizational behavior theory is a popular research area regarding female entrepreneurship. This study analyzes women entrepreneurs' motives (propensity for risk, finding a work-life balance, desire to develop business skills, need to seek self-employment, and desire to earn more than in paid employment) to achieve survival of their businesses through crisp set qualitative comparative analysis (csQCA). Analysis yields the following results: 1) women whose motive is to pursuit a better work-life balance are less likely to success; and 2) women whose motive is risk-taking are more likely to success

    What to avoid to succeed as an entrepreneur

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    Entrepreneurship is a driver of economic growth and development. This study highlights the importance of entrepreneurship in emerging countries and examines entrepreneurs' characteristics in these countries. In particular, the study explains what entrepreneurs should avoid to succeed in Latin America. An empirical study analyzes factors that relate to businesses and entrepreneurs in El Salvador, one of the Latin American countries with the lowest rates of business success. In the study, business factors consist of the use of formal and informal advisory services and the degree of innovation. Variables that relate to the entrepreneur are educational attainment and the demographic variables sex and age. Results from analysis of 2012 GEM data using csQCA methodology show that degree of innovation, professional advisory services, and educational attainment play key roles in business success

    Parenting: Psychometric analysis of two studies in Spanish population

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    Los estilos de crianza van marcando el ritmo y la calidad de las relaciones entre padres e hijos, así como las prácticas de crianza. Este trabajo analiza los resultados de los análisis factoriales exploratorio y confirmatorio del cuestionario Child Reports of Parental Behavior Inventory (CRPBI; Schaefer, 1965) realizado en dos estudios en población española. El estudio contempla la tipología y estilos de crianza, teniendo presente a ambos progenitores de forma diferenciada. En el primer estudio han participado 762 adolescentes de 12-17 años (M=13,69 y DT= 1,40; 52,7% varones). En el segundo estudio han participado 824 niños y niñas de 8-11 años (M=9,28 y DT= 1,34; 47,8% varones). Los resultados de los análisis factoriales exploratorio y confirmatorio muestran un modelo de cuatro factores referidos a Apoyo y comunicación, Control psicológico negativo, Permisividad y Negligencia, tanto para la madre como para el padre. Los índices de ajuste se sitúan dentro de los límites establecidos para considerar que se trata de un cuestionario adecuado para evaluar los estilos de crianza en la infancia y adolescencia en población española.Parenting styles set the pace and quality of parent-child relationships and parenting practices. This empirical research consisted of three studies based on the Child Reports of Parental Behavior Inventory (CRPBI; Schaefer, 1965) and was conducted in Spain. The analysis checks the typology and styles of parenting, bearing in mind both parents in a differentiated way. The first study involved 762 adolescents of 12-17 years (mean age=13.69 y SD= 1.40; 52.7% boys). A total of 824 children of 8-11 years participated in the second study (mean age=9.28 y SD= 1.34; 47.8% boys). The results of the exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses show a four-factor model: Support and communications, Negative psychological control, Permissiveness, and Negligence, for both the mother and the father, which determine parenting from the children’s perception. The fit indexes are within the established limits to consider this an appropriate questionnaire to assess parenting styles in childhood and adolescence in Spanish populations

    What to avoid to succeed as an entrepreneur

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    [ES] El emprendimiento es motor del crecimiento económico y del desarrollo. En esta investigación se resalta la importancia del emprendimiento en los países emergentes, detallando algunas de las particularidades de los emprendedores de este tipo de regiones. En particular, se observa qué no ha de hacer un emprendedor cuyo objetivo es tener éxito en Latinoamérica. Para ello, se analizan los efectos del asesoramiento formal e informal, del nivel educativo del emprendedor, del grado de innovación de la empresa creada y de variables demográficas como el género y la edad del emprendedor sobre el fracaso empresarial para el caso de El Salvador, uno de los países latinoamericanos con menor índice de éxito empresarial. Mediante el uso de la base de datos del GEM 2012 y de la metodología csQCA, se observa que tanto la innovación como el asesoramiento de profesionales y la educación juegan un papel esencial en el éxito de la empresa.[EN] Entrepreneurship is a driver of economic growth and development. This paper highlights the importance of entrepreneurship in emerging countries and examines characteristics of entrepreneurs in this type of region. In particular, the paper explains what entrepreneurs should strive to avoid if they wish to succeed in Latin America. To do so, an empirical study analyzes the effects of factors that relate to businesses and entrepreneurs in El Salvador, one of the Latin American countries with the lowest rates of business success. In the study, business factors consist of the use of formal and informal advisory services, and degree of innovation. Variables that relate to the entrepreneur are educational attainment, and the demographic variables gender and age. Results from analysis of 2012 GEM data using csQCA methodology show that degree of innovation, advisory services of professionals, and educational attainment play key roles in business success.Mas-Tur, A.; Pinazo-Dallenbach, P.; Tur-Porcar, AM.; Sánchez-Masferrer, M. (2015). What to avoid to succeed as an entrepreneur. Journal of Business Research. 68(11):2279-2284. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.06.01122792284681

    Substance Use in Early and Middle Adolescence. The Role of Academic Efficacy and Parenting

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    This study examines (i) the relationships between substance use and parenting style and between substance use and perceived academic self-efficacy in early and middle adolescence, (ii) the importance of these factors in predicting adolescent substance use, and (iii) the role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between parenting styles and adolescent substance use. The sample comprised 762 adolescents (53% boys) aged 12 to 16 years (M = 13.66, SD = 1.34). The sample was selected using probabilistic cluster sampling according to type of school (secondary, public vs. semiprivate) and school location in different areas of the city of Valencia (Spain). This approach accounted for different social strata of families. The results show that substance use and parents' neglect are greater in middle adolescence than in early adolescence. Support and family communication and perceived academic self-efficacy are lower. Substance use is positively related to parents' neglect, psychological control, and rejection. The relationships between neglect and psychological control and substance use are moderated by academic self-efficacy, and the relationship between psychological control and substance use is mediated by academic self-efficacy

    Sexism in adolescence: parenting styles, division of housework, prosocial behaviour and aggressive behavior

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    The aim of this study was to identify which factors were the best predictors of sexist attitudes. To achieve this aim, two groups of variables were analysed. The first group consisted of variables relating to parenting styles and the division of housework. The second group consisted of personal factors related to prosocial behaviour and physical and verbal aggression. The sample was made up of 732 adolescents aged 12-14 from Valencia (Spain). The analysis was conducted separately for boys and girls. Correlation analyses and multiple linear regression analyses were conducted on each subsample. The results show that the division of housework and parenting styles were related to sexist attitudes. This connection was especially strong for the division of housework according to traditional gender roles, which was found to lead to hostile and benevolent sexist attitudes. The results also showed that prosocial and aggressive behaviours were correlated with sexist attitudes. The results varied by gender. The findings of this research have implications for the prevention of sexist attitudes

    A Bibliometric history of the Journal of Psychology between 1936 and 2015

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    The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied is a leading international journal in psychology dating back to 1935. This study examines its publications since its creation utilizing a bibliometric analysis. The primary objective is to provide a complete overview of the key factors affecting the journal. This analysis includes such key issues as the publication and citation structure of the journal, its most cited articles, and the leading authors, institutions, and countries referenced in the journal. The work uses the Scopus database to classify the bibliographic material. Additionally, the analysis provides a graphical mapping of the bibliographic data by using visualization of similarities viewer software. This software uses several bibliometric techniques including co-citation, bibliographic coupling and cooccurrence of keywords. The Journal of Psychology is strongly connected to most of the current leading journals in psychology, and currently has a 5-year impact factor of 1.77 (Thomson Reuters, 2015 Journal Citation Reports)

    Psicología familiar: relaciones familiares y desarrollo de los hijos/as

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    La familia es la institución donde más han influido los cambios acontecidos en la esfera pública en todas sus dimensiones, desde el número de miembros que la constituyen hasta los roles y funciones de cada uno de ellos. La familia puede ser entendida como un todo organizado e interdependiente, que permite al individuo alcanzar un comportamiento autónomo en una sociedad y cultura. Podemos decir que la familia constituye el primer contexto de socialización. En ella se desarrollan los lazos afectivos, los sentimientos de pertenencia, la calidad de las interacciones entre los diferentes miembros y hasta la forma de entender las relaciones con los demás en la vida adulta. De este modo, se habrá de tener en cuenta la estructura y la función familiar, contemplando los diferentes tipos de familia existentes en la sociedad actual, como nucleares, monoparentales, adoptivas, homoparentales reconstituidas o compuestas. De la misma forma, es necesario analizar los elementos básicos en la crianza, como el afecto, la comunicación y el control. La manera de entender estos conceptos dará lugar a diferentes estilos y prácticas de crianza, que tendrán sus efectos en el desarrollo de los hijos. Para ello presenta algunos cuestionarios de evaluación de las relaciones en el seno familiar. El capítulo analiza los principales modelos de crianza, así como los resultados de la investigación empírica en el desarrollo de los hijos/as. Termina con los principios y unas recomendaciones para fomentar unas relaciones paterno-materno-filiales que estimulen un desarrollo integral y equilibrado de los hijos/as