80 research outputs found

    Mutaciones y tensiones de la escuela contemporánea: miradas críticas

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    A fines de la década de los años 70 del siglo XX, se percibieron los primeros síntomas de las mudanzas a las que fue sometida la escuela de la modernidad. Estas variaciones fueron usadas como pretexto para exponer un profundo cambio que la época develada, la educación de masas, explosión demográfica, entre otras. La reforma estatal más importante, omnipresente, amplia y extendida de todas las épocas es la vinculación a la escuela de las dificultades propias de la economía, el Estado y las organizaciones. En los últimos treinta años se han configurado las subjetividades más complejas presentes en la historia de la escuela, donde el más crudo de los individualismos colonizó este espacio. Las anteriores mutaciones parecieran pertenecer al género de obviedades que no es preciso explicar, pues “los cambios son porque están”. De ahí que se requiera, desde miradas históricas y pedagógicas, comprender la génesis de estos cambios que determinaron el formato de la escuela contemporánea. Desde miradas genealógicas arqueológicas para futuras revisiones, este documento dará algunas pistas sobre el giro de la escuela dentro del consenso transcultural adherido a la educación de masas y sobre la creación de un dispositivo de control social del mundo escolar a través de las disciplinas escolares.Palabras clave: escuela, cambios, historia, crítica.AbstractIn the late 70s of the twentieth century, the first signs of the changes to which the School of modernity was brought under are perceived. These variations were used as a pretext to expose an existing deep change that stood out above others: education to the masses. The most important, pervasive, widespread and extensive state reform of all ages is the link to the school of the own difficulties of the economy, the State and organizations. In the last thirty years, the most complex subjectivities present in the history of the school have been set up, the crudest model of individualism colonized this space. The previous mutations seem to belong to the genre of truism that is not necessary to explain: “The changes are because they are”. Hence, it is required from historical and pedagogical understanding the genesis of these changes that determined the format of the contemporary school. From archaeological genealogical looks for future reviews, this document will give some clues about the shift of the school in the transcultural consensus adhered to the education to the masses, and the creation of a device for social control of the school system through school subjects.Keywords: school, changes, history, criticism


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    Methods are introduced for analysing the shape and orientation of planar fibres from greyscale images of fibrous systems. The sequence of image processing techniques needed for segmentation of fibres is described. The identified fibres were interpreted as deformed line segments for which two shape and two orientation parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method. The methods introduced are shown to perform quite well for simulated systems of deformed line segments with known properties. They were applied to TEM images of carbon nanotubes embedded in polycarbonate

    Recycling of 3D Printable Thermoplastic Cellulose-Composite

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    3D printing enables sustainable product innovations through novel design, reduced use of materials, and local manufacturing. Sustainable 3D printing can further be realized using recyclable materials. Cellulose is an abundantly available renewable material. Modified celluloses, such as thermoplastic cellulose esters, are widely used in injection molding applications. The aim of this research was to study the properties of a cellulose-based composite (cellulose acetate propionate (CAP) polymer matrix with 20 wt. % microcellulose) in injection molding and granular extrusion-based 3D printing processes over multiple recycles. The impact of the processing methods on the composite’s properties were investigated. Both injection molded and 3D printed samples were ground with plastic grinding mill to particle sizes below 3 mm after each preparation stage and reused as such in the next process cycle. Morphology, mechanical and thermal properties, and material degradation were analyzed. The thermoplastic cellulose-based compound was found to be directly recyclable for both processes without the need for any additional compounding steps. The polymer matrix was able to withstand at least seven processing cycles without degradation. However, microcellulose was found to be more sensitive to thermal stress. The mechanical and thermal properties of the cellulose-based composites remained close to initial levels throughout

    Effects of diet-induced obesity and voluntary wheel running on the microstructure of the murine distal femur

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    Background. Obesity and osteoporosis, two possibly related conditions, are rapidly expanding health concerns in modern society. Both of them are associated with sedentary life style and nutrition. To investigate the effects of diet-induced obesity and voluntary physical activity we used high resolution micro-computed tomography (μCT) together with peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) to examine the microstructure of the distal femoral metaphysis in mice. Methods. Forty 7-week-old male C57BL/6J mice were assigned to 4 groups: control (C), control + running (CR), high-fat diet (HF), and high-fat diet + running (HFR). After a 21-week intervention, all the mice were sacrificed and the left femur dissected for pQCT and μCT measurements. Results. The mice fed the high-fat diet showed a significant weight gain (over 70% for HF and 60% for HFR), with increased epididymal fat pad mass and impaired insulin sensitivity. These obese mice had significantly higher trabecular connectivity density, volume, number, thickness, area and mass, and smaller trabecular separation. At the whole bone level, they had larger bone circumference and cross-sectional area and higher density-weighted maximal, minimal, and polar moments of inertia. Voluntary wheel running decreased all the cortical bone parameters, but increased the trabecular mineral density, and decreased the pattern factor and structure model index towards a more plate-like structure. Conclusions. The results suggest that in mice the femur adapts to obesity by improving bone strength both at the whole bone and micro-structural level. Adaptation to running exercise manifests itself in increased trabecular density and improved 3D structure, but in a limited overall bone growthpeerReviewe

    Twin GEM-TPC prototype (HGB4) beam test at GSI – a tracking detector for the Super-FRS

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    The GEM-TPC detector will be part of the standard Super-FRS detection system, as tracker detectors at several focal diagnostic stations along the separator and its three branches.Non peer reviewe

    Twin GEM-TPC prototype (HGB4) beam test at GSI and Jyväskylä : a development for the Super-FRS at FAIR

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    The FAIR facility is an international accelerator centre for research with ion and antiproton beams. It is being built at Darmstadt, Germany as an extension to the current GSI research institute. One major part of the facility will be the Super-FRS[2] separator, which will be include in phase one of the project construction. The NUSTAR experiments will benefit from the Super-FRS, which will deliver an unprecedented range of radioactive ion beams (RIB). These experiments will use beams of different energies and characteristics in three different branches; the high-energy which utilizes the RIB at relativistic energies 300-1500 MeV/u as created in the production process, the low-energy branch aims to use beams in the range of 0-150 MeV/u whereas the ring branch will cool and store beams in the NESR ring. The main tasks for the Super-FRS beam diagnostics chambers will be for the set up and adjustment of the separator as well as to provide tracking and event-by-event particle identification. The Helsinki Institute of Physics, and the Detector Laboratory and Experimental Electronics at GSI are in a joint R&D of a GEM-TPC detector which could satisfy the requirements of such tracking detectors, in terms of tracking efficiency, space resolution, count rate capability and momenta resolution. The current prototype, which is the generation four of this type, is two GEM-TPCs in twin configuration inside the same vessel. This means that one of the GEM-TPC is flipped on the middle plane w.r.t. the other one. This chamber was tested at Jyväskylä accelerator with protons projectiles and at GSI with Uranium, fragments and Carbon beams during this year 2016.Peer reviewe

    Tietomallipohjainen infrarakentaminen Varsinais-Suomessa

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    Rakennusprojekteissa kulkee paljon tietoa rakentamisen eri vaiheissa ja eri osapuolien välillä. Tiedonhallinta on varsinkin isoilla rakennuskohteilla tärkeä osa hankkeiden onnistumisessa. Tietomalli on digitaalinen tietosisältö, jonka avulla voidaan tehostaa tiedon havainnollisuutta, jäsentelyä ja käytettävyyttä. Malleilla voidaan tehdä suunnitteluvaiheessa erilaisia analyysejä, joilla pyritään parempaan lopputulokseen esimerkiksi kustannusten, laadun ja rakennettavuuden osalta. Laadukkaampi suunnittelu vähentää myös rakentamisen aikana syntyvien ongelmien ja virheiden määrää. Infrarakentamisen tietomalleja kutsutaan inframalleiksi, joita voidaan käyttää työkoneiden koneohjausjärjestelmien kanssa tietomallipohjaiseen infrarakentamiseen. Koneohjausta käytettäessä ei ole tarvetta käyttää mittapaaluja työmaan merkintään, koska työkoneenkuljettaja näkee koneohjausjärjestelmän näytöltä rakentamiseen tarvittavat asiat digitaalisesta mallista. Menetelmä tuo infrarakentamiseen tehokkuutta, joustavuutta ja tasaisempaa laatua. Turun Kiinteistöliikelaitos on siirtymässä vaiheittain tietomallipohjaiseen toimintatapaan, jolloin syntyi tarve tietää Varsinais-Suomen infraurakoitsijoiden valmiudesta kyseiseen menetelmään. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää tietomallipohjaisen rakentamisen edellytyksiä sekä maanrakennusurakoitsijoiden valmiuksia, kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä tietomallirakentamiseen liittyen. Kyselyn ja haastatteluiden kohteeksi valikoitui paikalliset pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset. Selvityksessä kävi ilmi koneohjauksen käytön vähäisyys ja kokemattomuus urakoitsijoiden keskuudessa, sillä tiedossa oli vain muutamia tietomallipohjaisesti toimivia yrityksiä. Urakoitsijat kertoivat koneohjauksen tuovan huomattavaa taloudellista ja laadullista etua. Perinteisellä rakennustavalla toimivat yritykset näkivät ongelmia toimintatavan käyttöönotossa, investointikustannuksissa, mallipohjaisessa suunnittelussa ja koulutustarjonnan puutteessa. Osa ongelmista on jo aiemminkin tunnistettu, ja eri osapuolet ovat lähteneet hakemaan pulmiin ratkaisuja. Toimintatavan käyttöönottamiseksi vaaditaan toimenpiteitä kuitenkin myös paikallisella tasolla.There is a lot of information flowing between various personnel on several phases of construction project. Successful construction sites, especially large ones, are significantly based on information management. Information model is a digital data content which is able to improve visualization, structure and usability of information. Models enable different types of analysis in design phase which have impact on cost, quality and practicability of construction. The amount of complications and defections in construction work will also be decreased by better design quality. Information models of infrastructure construction are called infrastructure information models, which can be used for model-based construction with machine control systems. Machine control systems show all information needed for model-based construction, which ceases the need for survey stakes at construction sites. Machine controlled construction method produces more efficient and flexible output along with more consistent quality. Property Management Division of the City of Turku is phasing in model-based operation method during the next few years. Implementation of the new system involves a study of model-based infrastructure construction in Southwestern Finland, which indicates the abilities of local small and medium-sized contractors in the field of model-based infrastructure construction. Purpose of the thesis was to report the requirements of model-based construction along with experiences and points of view contractors had concerning model-based construction method. The results of this thesis showed that machine control was utilized only by few contractors in the area. Contractors who had used model-based construction method reported significant advantages in economy and quality, which were achieved by machine controlled construction. Conventionally operating companies saw problems in implementation of the method, required investment costs, quality of model-based design and lack of education provision. Part of these problems are already taken care of, but the others will also require actions on local level in order to put the model-based operation method into practice