12 research outputs found

    Psychosocial Care Service in the Mental Health Provision

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    The approach of health service can be divided into a medical term and psychosocial term that are applied by the mental health professional. The mental heath services help their clients with mental illness by giving a specific treatments particularly from psychological view. The information in this essay were collected from two databases that are CINAHL and Health Science.  It also included the University of Wollongong e-journal database for nursing program.  Based on the internet research, it is imperative that the intervention can be delivered in the form of case management. This paper therefore will discuss the psychosocial care for mentally ill clients in terms of concept, components, interventions and benefit in the practical area. The strategies to develop the treatment more effective are also discussed in depth. Keywords. psychosocial care, medical care, mental health

    Academic Stress Among Nursing Students in Medan

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    Stress occurs when a stressor stimulates an individual's brain and leads to physical and psychological symptoms. Students must deal with some stressors in their studies that cause a high complexity of problems. Furthermore, in some cases, it leads to some academic stress. This study aims to describe the academic stress of the Nursing Students of the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Sumatera Utara. This research is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all undergraduate nursing students, totalling 574 people, with a sample of 85 people using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. All samples are obtained with the Slovin formula and recruited with the sweepstake technique in every class. Data analysis was conducted to determine the frequency distribution of the variables studied. The results showed that there were 35 students without academic stress (41.2%), 47 students with mild academic stress (55.3%), and three students with moderate academic stress (3.5%). Based on the study results, it is recommended that further researchers need to conduct further exploration of student academic stress in qualitative studies

    Nursing Diagnosis and Collaborative Problem among Hospitalized Patients in University of Sumatera Utara Hospital, Medan

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    Background: The research regarding nursing diagnosis and collaboration problems were not very often conducted in Indonesia. Therefore, it is need to establish researches in standardized nursing language. Aims. The aim of this research was identified the nursing diagnosis and problem collaborations among hospitalized patients in University of Sumatera Utara Hospital, Indonesia. Method. This study is a quantitative research with cross-sectional approach. The data collection conducted through the nursing assessment with six steps of diagnostic reasoning method. The sampling technique was total sampling which involved hospitalized patients from March until May 2016; consisting 72 patients in inpatients unit which 19 pediatric patients, 36 adult patients, six maternity patients and 11 intensive care unit patients. The data analysis was frequency distribution from nursing diagnosis and problem collaborations. Result. The result revealed that there were 38 nursing diagnosis and collaborative problems found among pediatric patients, 56 nursing diagnosis and collaborative problems found among adult patients, 47 nursing diagnosis and collaborative problems found among intensive care patients and only eight nursing diagnosis found among maternity patients. The risk for infection was the most common nursing diagnosis among pediatric and maternity patients with thrombocytopenia as the most common collaborative problem found among pediatric patients. Acute pain was the first rank of nursing diagnosis found among adult patients. And, bleeding was the main problem collaboration. The risk for disuse syndrome was the most nursing diagnosis established among patients in intensive care unit, with pneumothorax as the common collaborative problem. Conclusion: It was found that the most common nursing diagnosis found among hospitalized patients was the risk for infection with various collaborative problems. Therefore, it is needs to establish infection precaution in every unit in the future. In fact, the nursing intervention regarding the infection control should be done in every unit

    Fatigue Among Nursing Students During COVID-19 Pandemic in Medan

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    The COVID-19 pandemic requires students to implement an online learning system. However, the online learning method will be effective if it is supported by a systematically stable network. Online learning stimulates several problems related to physical and psychological issues. This study aims to describe nursing students’ fatigue during online learning at the Faculty of Nursing, University of Sumatera Utara. This study is a descriptive study with a sample of 87 respondents, which were taken using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The research instrument used in this study consisted of two parts, namely demographic data and Chalder fatigue instruments. Data collection is conducted through online with google forms link via WhatsApp group. The prospective samples were fill the agreement to participate in the survey and research link was send directly. Data analysis was conducted to determine the frequency distribution of the variables studied. The results showed that the majority of the samples were female (89.7%), aged 20-22 years (69.4%). For the fatigue level, the data showed that most students were in the range of moderate levels of fatigue (52.2%). And, there are 2 students (2.3%) who are in severe fatigue range. Based on the results of this study, it is hoped that it can become basic data for further research that can provide a more in-depth analysis of the fatigue contributed factors among students during online learning with pandemic COVID-19 affect

    Perawatan Postpartum Suku Simalungun: Studi Fenomenologi

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    Masa nifas atau masa postpartum adalah masa sejak bayi dilahirkan hingga plasenta lepas dari rahim, dan ini berlanjut sampai enam minggu berikutnya.  Beberapa budaya dan suku di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa tradisi yang sudah dilakukan secara turun temurun dalam penanganan ibu sebelum dan setelah melahirkan.  Namun, masih belum banyak penelitian yang dilakukan terkait persepsi budaya perawatan ibu nifas pada suku suku di Indonesia termasuk suku Simalungun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi perawatan ibu nifas menurut suku Simalungun di Indonesia. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi fenomenologi dengan teknik in-depth interview. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling terhadap sepuluh partisipan yang dilaksanakan pada bulan April – Juni 2018.  Setiap partisipan diwawancarai dengan pertanyaan terstruktur sekitar 45-60 menit. Transkrip hasil wawancara dibaca berulang ulang untuk menganalisis tema dan sub tema. Analisa data dilakukan dengan thematic analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan enam tema perawatan ibu nifas menurut suku Simalungun, yaitu (1) Pengaturan Fisik Ibu Post Partum, (2) Pantangan Makanan Tertentu (3) Pembatasan Aktivitas (4) Dukungan Keluarga (5) Tradisi Sebelum Kelahiran Bayi (6) Perawatan Setelah Kelahiran Bayi.  Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pengetahuan dan strategi dalam melakukan pelayanan kesehatan terhadap ibu nifas berbasis budaya.  Sehingga kearifan lokal budaya tertentu bisa menjadi salah satu pendekatan kesehatan berbasis komunitas. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai informasi awal dan dapat menjadi sumber pengetahuan pada penelitian berikutnya tentang perawatan ibu nifas dengan berbagai suku di Indonesia

    Hubungan tingkat religiusitas dan tingkat kecemasan mahasiswa keperawatan selama pandemi COVID-19

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    Mahasiswa menunjukkan beberapa gejala psikologis selama Pandemi COVID-19, seperti rasa takut terinfeksi COVID-19 dan kecemasan.  Riset menunjukkan bahwa religiusitas adalah faktor penting yang harus di integrasikan ke dalam intervensi intervensi keperawatan untuk mengurangi risiko faktor kecemasan maupun dampak psikologis lainnya.  Penelitian ini adalah penelitian cross-sectional yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat religiusitas dan tingkat kecemasan mahasiswa selama Pandemi.  Berdasarkan teknik proportional stratified random sampling didapatkan 87 orang mahasiswa keperawatan sebagai sampel penelitian.  Instrumen yang diujikan dalam penelitian ini adalah The Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS) dan kuisioner kecemasan terhadap COVID-19 yang sudah melalui uji validitas dan reliabilitas.  Data dianalisis dengan uji korelasi Pearson untuk analisis hubungan kedua variabel dan menentukan distribusi frekwensi karakteristik sampel yang diteliti.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 90% sampel adalah perempuan, dan tiga diantaranya pernah terinfeksi dengan COVID-19.     Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik untuk mencari hubungan dengan uji Korelasi Pearson menunjukkan hubungan kuat antara religiusitas dan kecemasan terhadap COVID-19. Hasil analisis statistik diperoleh koefisien korelasi -0,404 dengan P 0,00<0,05. Nilai koefisien korelasi menunjukkan terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan, artinya semakin tinggi religiusitas maka semakin rendah kecemasan terhadap COVID-19

    Physical and Mental Health Assessment Among School Age Children in Islamic School, Medan

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    Children are individuals under the age of 18 years with significant physical and mental growth and development. But, in fact, this growth and development cannot be achieved perfectly. Based on the survey results, several factors are the causes of the child's optimal growth and development, such as economic factors, the level of knowledge and education of the mother. If examined, this factor is closely related to family poverty factors. Not only that, the data related to children's mental health is also almost non-existent, so that children not only face problems related to physical problems, but also problems related to psychological disorders. Therefore, it takes an intervention that can be done on children in optimizing physical and mental health. In this case an approach is needed in the form of school-based intervention in organizing a program for examining the physical and mental health of children. Program implementation has been carried out at the Tahfidz Plus Khoiru Ummah School, at the kindergarten level (17 children) and elementary school (30 children, grade 1-5 elementary school) by coordinating with school teachers who are responsible for each class. The first action taken was a physical examination for all kindergarten and elementary school children. Based on the results of the physical examination, there is no abnormality on the child's health scale. Child health problems found only with flu and cough problems. To overcome this, children have been taught related to health promotion in an effort to prevent disease by demonstrating proper hand washing, proper toothbrushing, wound care and diarrhea. For a physical examination of mental health, screening is done by inviting children to talk about their daily lives during a physical examination while identifying other symptoms outside the instrument checklist. There are 2 instruments used in children's mental health screening, namely Early Childhood Screening Assessment which will be used for kindergarten children and instruments for Social, Academic & Emotional Behavior Risk Screener for elementary school children. Based on the results of temporary screening, there was only one elementary school child who needed further treatment and needed more accurate discussion with the class teacher at the next meeting

    Stres dan Kualitas Tidur Caregiver dalam Merawat Pasien Skizofrenia di Poliklinik RSJ Bina Karsa Kota Medan

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    Family caregiver is the primary care provider for family members with spesific illness. It is often the caregiver experiences stress and sleep disturbances during the caregiving process. This research is a descriptive study which aims to analyze the stress and sleep quality of caregivers in caring for schizophrenia patients at the Polyclinic of the Bina Karsa Psychiatric Hospital / RSJ Bina Karsa Kota Medan. The study population was 442 caregiver patients with schizophrenia who accompanied the patient routine control from April to May 2019.  40 samples were involved with purposive sampling technique.  The criteria of caregiver for schizophrenia patients were the family caregiver (father, mother, children, siblings, husband/wife etc.), provide care for 1-4 years, lived in Medan and patients is the recurrent patients. The instruments in this study were a demographic data questionnaire, a DASS 42 (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) questionnaire and an SQQ (Sleep Quality Questionnary) questionnaire. The collected data were then analyzed by descriptive test, Annova test, and Kruskal Walis test. Based on the results of this study, the majority of respondents experienced mild stress 28 people (70%) with an average length of stay of 1 year and 3 months. For the quality of sleep experienced by the caregiver, data was obtained that 24 respondents (60%) experienced poor sleep quality and only 2 respondents (5%) experienced good sleep quality. In 2 respondents who had good sleep quality, the average length of stay was 3 years, 24 respondents had poor sleep quality, the average length of stay was 2 years 5 months, 14 respondents had adequate sleep quality, and the average length of stay was 1 year 10 months. The results of this study can be used as basic data for further assessment of caregivers who are often not a priority in health service policies

    Faktor Motivasi dengan Implementasi Sistem Jenjang Karir Perawat Pelaksana

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between the motivation of implementing nurses with the implementation of the career path system in the RSU. The research design used is a descriptive correlation with a cross-sectional design. Data were analyzed by a chi-square statistical test. The results showed that the p-value in the analysis of the relationship between motivation and the implementation of the career path system for nurses was 0.022. In conclusion, there is a relationship between motivation and implementing the career path system for implementing nurses at RSU. Keywords: Career Path, Motivation, Nurse Practitione

    A scoping review of the health technology procurement decision process in Indonesia

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    Background: There is no doubt technological development in the caring sciences can be an enabler of better outcomes. Technological development and the adoption of new technology can also become a constraint and pose challenges to the current patterns of work and organizational elements. A framework for decision making of when to purchase and incorporate new technology is required. Purpose: This paper aimed to determine what is known of procurement decisions of advanced technology in healthcare generally and particularly in Indonesia. Methods: A scoping review was conducted to ascertain the current understanding of what forms the basis of procurement decisions of health technology generally and particularly in Indonesia. Results: A paucity of peer review literature was identified. There was no identified peer-reviewed literature with a focus on Indonesia. Without a guiding evidence base and agreed decision-making framework, it is likely that there is great variation in practices. Conclusion: In the absence of a solid body of literature to inform practices, two principals to move to a sustainable adoption and integration of advancing and emerging technology into practice in the health care sciences are presented, and provide a scaffold to facilitate navigating what can be tricky waters constituted by enthusiasm and trepidation