84 research outputs found

    Factors Associated to Positive Aspects in Caregiving for People Living with Dementia in Family Caregivers

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    Caring for People with Dementia (PwD) has various negative effects that are detrimental to caregivers. The existence of Positive Aspects of Caregiving (PAC) makes the experience of caring for PwD more positive, valuable and protects caregivers from various negative impacts while caring for PwD. This study aims to explain the factors associated with PAC. These literature reviews were accessed from six databases (Scopus, CINAHL, Science Direct, ProQuest, PubMed, and SAGE Journal), with the keywords factor, positive aspects of caregiving, Dementia/ Alzheimer’s, during January 2021, limited to 2016-2020, and in English. A total of 318 journals were selected using PRISMA, then leaving 16 journals to be analyzed using The Joanna Briggs Institution Checklist. Sixteen journals were analyzed and divided into two themes, factors that affect PAC (n = 9) and factors affected by PAC (n = 7). Factors that affect PAC are caregiver characteristics, care-recipient characteristics, and social support. Factors affected by PAC are caregiving outcomes. Factors that increase PAC are lower education level, good social support, severe BPSD, shorter duration of care, and relationship with care-recipient (except spouse), and gender (male). The mediating factors that increase PAC are unmet needs and reciprocal filial piety. Factors that lower PAC are higher education level, the use of avoidance coping, and older age. We found inconsistencies in caregiver marital status and relationship with care-recipient because the finding still uncertain

    Keefektifan Intervensi Psikologis: Motivational Interviewing Program untuk Meningkatkan Manajemen Diri dan Kontrol Glikemik pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2

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    Pendahuluan: Diabetes Mellitus merupakan masalah kesehatan global yang paling serius, mengancam, berkembang yang mengakibatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas serta meningkatkan biaya perawatan kesehatan terbanyak. Manajemen diri merupakan landasan kontrol diabetes namun beberapa studi menemukan tingkat manajemen diri pasien DM masih rendah yang salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah psikologis pasien. Motivational interviewing (MI) adalah teknik konseling berfokus pada klien yang didesain untuk membantu individu mengeksplorasi dan mengatasi ambivalensi dalam perilaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah literatur, artikel, dan jurnal penelitian yang berkaitan dengan program motivational interviewing dalam meningkatkan self management dan kontrol glikemik pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan metode penelusuran artikel jurnal di database dengan menggunakan kata kunci, kemudian setelah data didapatkan, artikel jurnal penelitian tersebut ditelaah. Hasil: Hasil penelusuran didapatkan 40 artikel dan 8 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria artikel/jurnal yang ditelaah dalam penelitian ini. Kemudian artikel/jurnal tersebut ditelaah desain, sampel, perlakuan, dan hasilnya.(parameter dan hasil). Hasil literature review dari artikel/jurnal menyatakan bahwa motivational interviewing efektif dalam meningkatkan manajemen dan kontrol glikemik pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Kesimpulan: intervensi dengan program motivational interviewing efektif dalam meningkatkan manajemen diri dan kontrol glikemik, beberapa komponen dalam pelaksanaan program perlu dimodifikasi untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih maksimal


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    Klien TB paru yang menjalani pengobatan fase intensif sering kali merasa sedih, bosan, menolak keadaan, tidak berguna dan tidak berdaya, mengeluh dengan perubahan kondisi yang dialami. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengalaman klien TB paru yang menjalani pengobatan fase intensif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Taji Kabupaten Magetan Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif pendekatan fenomenologi dengan metode in-depth interview terhadap 15 partisipan dengan kriteria inklusi klien TB paru berusia ≥16 tahun, klien baru terdiagnosa TB paru, klien sudah menjalani pengobatan TB paru fase intensif selama 1 bulan. Sedangkan kriteria eksklusi klien TB paru yang sedang hamil, TB-HIV, TB-MDR, TB ekstra paru, klien dengan penyakit penyerta seperti diabetes mellitus, hipertensi, skizofrenia, dan penyakit kronis lainnya. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sembilan langkah Colaizzi. Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan sebelas tema yaitu: 1) Perubahan di lingkungan keluarga, 2) Perubahan di lingkungan kerja, 3) Menjaga kegiatan sosial, 4) Efek samping setelah minum obat TB paru, 5) Upaya mencegah penularan TB paru, 6) Upaya mencapai kesembuhan, 7) Jenis dukungan selama pengobatan TB paru, 8) Sumber dukungan selama pengobatan TB paru, 9) Hambatan selama pengobatan TB paru, 10) Upaya mengatasi hambatan selama pengobatan TB paru, 11) Harapan selama pengobatan TB paru. Kesimpulan: Pengalaman klien TB paru selama menjalani pengobatan fase intensif memerlukan berbagai dukungan baik dari diri sendiri dan orang lain seperti keluarga, tetangga, teman, dan petugas kesehatan untuk mengatasi hambatan yang dilalui. Diharapkan bahwa penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar untuk penelitian lebih lanjut tentang promosi kesehatan dan pendampingan berkelanjutan terhadap klien TB paru yang menjalani pengobatan fase intensif dengan melibatkan keluarga dan masyarakat

    Analisis Faktor Penyebab Ide Bunuh Diri pada Remaja: Literatur Review

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    Suicide is cause of death in 15 -29 years age group number second  in 2014. This study aims to explain related to internal and eksternal factors and suicide idea among adolescent. Study literature review was used in this study with sample adolescent age 10 – 19 years conducted three electronic databases (Scopus, Science Direct and ProQuest) which published between January 2015 - September 2020. Analysis of selected journals used prisma check list by assessing a suitable journal. with the aim of review literature topics ranging from title, abstract, background, research methods, research results.  Journal quality was assessed by 3 researchers using critical appraisal checklist from The Joanna Briggs Institute and process selection a literature using The Center for Review and Dissemination. Internal factors cause suicidal ideation are biological, demographics, psychological, deviant behavior, and lifestyle. External factors cause suicidal ideation are negative life experiences, family, economic, friendship, technology and education. We found that peer support, good relationships with classmates and teachers, physical activity, a good diet and positive religious coping were protective factors against suicidal ideation. Internal factors such as history of previous suicide, depression, anxiety and external factors such as adequate food intake, history of suicide in family are variables that have highest potential to cause suicidal ideation.Bunuh diri merupakan penyebab kematian kedua pada kelompok usia 15 - 29 tahun pada tahun 2014. Studi ini menjelaskan faktor internal dan eksternal penyebab ide bunuh diri remaja. Studi literature review  digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan sampel remaja usia 10 – 19 tahun menggunakan tiga database elektronik yaitu Scopus, Science Direct dan ProQuest yang dipublikasikan antara Januari 2015 sampai dengan September 2020. Analisis jurnal yang terpilih menggunakan prisma check list dengan menilai sebuah jurnal yang sesuai dengan tujuan topik literatur review mulai dari judul, abstrak, latar belakang, metode penelitian, hasil penelitian. Kualitas jurnal dinilai 3 orang peneliti menggunakan checklist critical appraisal dari The Joanna Briggs Institute dan proses seleksi literature menggunakan The Centre for Review and Dissemination. Faktor internal penyebab ide bunuh diri adalah biologis, demografi, psikologis, perilaku menyimpang, gaya hidup. Faktor eksternal penyebab ide bunuh diri adalah pengalaman hidup negatif, keluarga, ekonomi, pertemanan, teknologi dan pendidikan. Kami menemukan bahwa dukungan teman, hubungan remaja dengan teman dan guru yang baik, aktivitas fisik, pola makan yang baik dan koping keagamaan yang positif merupakan faktor pelindung dari ide bunuh diri. Faktor internal seperti riwayat bunuh diri sebelumnya, depresi, ansietas dan faktor ekternal  seperti kecukupan makan, riwayat bunuh diri keluarga merupakan variabel yang berpotensi tertinggi menjadi penyebab ide bunuh diri

    Factors Associated to Positive Aspects in Caregiving for People Living with Dementia in Family Caregivers

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    Caring for People with Dementia (PwD) has various negative effects that are detrimental to caregivers. The existence of Positive Aspects of Caregiving (PAC) makes the experience of caring for PwD more positive, valuable and protects caregivers from various negative impacts while caring for PwD. This study aims to explain the factors associated with PAC. These literature reviews were accessed from six databases (Scopus, CINAHL, Science Direct, ProQuest, PubMed, and SAGE Journal), with the keywords factor, positive aspects of caregiving, Dementia/ Alzheimer’s, during January 2021, limited to 2016-2020, and in English. A total of 318 journals were selected using PRISMA, then leaving 16 journals to be analyzed using The Joanna Briggs Institution Checklist. Sixteen journals were analyzed and divided into two themes, factors that affect PAC (n = 9) and factors affected by PAC (n = 7). Factors that affect PAC are caregiver characteristics, care-recipient characteristics, and social support. Factors affected by PAC are caregiving outcomes. Factors that increase PAC are lower education level, good social support, severe BPSD, shorter duration of care, and relationship with carerecipient (except spouse), and gender (male). The mediating factors that increase PAC are unmet needs and reciprocal filial piety. Factors that lower PAC are higher education level, the use of avoidance coping, and older age. We found inconsistencies in caregiver marital status and relationship with care-recipient because the finding still uncertain

    An Effect of Breath Dhikr on the Stress Level of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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    Introduction: Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious chronic disease that can cause a stress condition on patients, such as the symptoms of tuberculosis disease, the long treatment process with a large amount of drugs, daily activity disruption, job loss and death threats. Unresolved stress can lead to irritability, anxiety, negative thinking, despair and helplessness. Some even blame God. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of dhikr breath on the stress levels of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the public health centres of Tanah Kalikedinding Surabaya. Method: A quasi-experimental design method with pre- and post-control groups was used. There was a treatment group and a control group; each group consisted of 16 respondents. The data analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test and the Mann Whitney U test with a significance level of p <0.05. Results: The result of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test showed that the stress level of the treatment group had significance with p=0.000. The control group had no significance; p=0.317. The Mann Whitney U test showed the differences in the stress levels post-intervention with p=0,000. Discussion: Dzikir breath was a positive stimulus that affected the cognator process according to Roy’s adaptation theory in the form of merging dhikr and breath, which is aimed at realizing God. Further research is expected to use cortisol measurements to obtain more accurate results. This should be performed at stress levels in other chronic disease patients. Conclusion: Breath Dzikir is a spiritual therapy that can change stress into eustress (positive stress) and decrease the stress level of pulmonary tuberculosis patients overall. Keywords: Breath Dzikir, Stress, Pulmonary Tuberculosi


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    Introduction: Caring of Patients in isolation wards require different treatments with the other wards. Satisfaction related to nurses caring behavior towards Patients. This research aimed to verify the relationship between nurse caring behaviors with isolation patient's satisfaction at G4 ward of Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Hospital in Gorontalo City. Method: This research used descriptive correlative design with cross sectional approach. Sampling technique used non-probability sampling: Consecutive sampling. The population in this research were all patient isolation in isolation wards. Total sample was 29 respondents. The independent variable was the nurse caring behaviors. The dependent variable was the patient isolation. Data were collected by Parasuraman instruments and caring behavior inventory (CBI). Data were Analyzed by Spearman rho test with a significance level of α <0.05. Result: The results Showed that the nurse caring behaviors in isolation ward has relation with patient satisfaction (p = 0.000) and (r = 0.364). Discussion: The level of the relationship was low in interpretation. Improving patient's satisfaction isolation can be done by improving and maintaining nurse caring behaviors such as maintaining human values and human altruistic, trusting relationships, problem solving in decision making, always provide supportive, corrective and protective, and help meet basic human needs. Further studies should consider the characteristics used by patients in assessing the quality of hospital care. Keywords: nurse caring behavior, patient satisfaction, isolation war


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    Pendahuluan: Klien TB paru yang menjalani pengobatan fase intensif sering kali merasa sedih, bosan, menolak keadaan, tidak berguna dan tidak berdaya, mengeluh dengan perubahan kondisi yang dialami. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengalaman klien TB paru yang menjalani pengobatan fase intensif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Taji Kabupaten Magetan Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif pendekatan fenomenologi dengan metode in-depth interview terhadap 15 partisipan dengan kriteria inklusi klien TB paru berusia ≥16 tahun, klien baru terdiagnosa TB paru, klien sudah menjalani pengobatan TB paru fase intensif selama 1 bulan. Sedangkan kriteria eksklusi klien TB paru yang sedang hamil, TB-HIV, TB-MDR, TB ekstra paru, klien dengan penyakit penyerta seperti diabetes mellitus, hipertensi, skizofrenia, dan penyakit kronis lainnya. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sembilan langkah Colaizzi.Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan sebelas tema yaitu: 1) Perubahan di lingkungan keluarga, 2) Perubahan di lingkungan kerja, 3) Menjaga kegiatan sosial, 4) Efek samping setelah minum obat TB paru, 5) Upaya mencegah penularan TB paru, 6) Upaya mencapai kesembuhan, 7) Jenis dukungan selama pengobatan TB paru, 8) Sumber dukungan selama pengobatan TB paru, 9) Hambatan selama pengobatan TB paru, 10) Upaya mengatasi hambatan selama pengobatan TB paru, 11) Harapan selama pengobatan TB paru.Kesimpulan: Pengalaman klien TB paru selama menjalani pengobatan fase intensif memerlukan berbagai dukungan baik dari diri sendiri dan orang lain seperti keluarga, tetangga, teman, dan petugas kesehatan untuk mengatasi hambatan yang dilalui. Diharapkan bahwa penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar untuk penelitian lebih lanjut tentang promosi kesehatan dan pendampingan berkelanjutan terhadap klien TB paru yang menjalani pengobatan fase intensif dengan melibatkan keluarga dan masyarakat

    Analysis of Factors Related to Behavior Cognition and Effects on Pregnant Women in Maternal and Child Health (Mch) Handbook Utilisation

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    ackground: Mothers’ and childrens’ mortality remains a problem, especially in developing countries. Various policies have been introduced by the government to reduce maternal and infant mortality, one of which is the use of Maternal and Child Health Handbooks (MCH) for pregnant women and mothers with toddlers. This study wants to explore factors related to perceived benefits, perceived bridges, and self-efficacy of pregnant women using MCH Handbooks. Method: This study was a cross-sectional study conducted on pregnant women and mothers with toddlers in health centres in Surabaya. The number of respondents in this study were 114 selected by simple random sampling. Results: There is a significant relationship between age (p = 0.010) and pregnancy history (p = 0.000) with obstacles perceived by respondent in the use of MCH Handbooks. There is a significant relationship between education levels (p = 0.040), pregnancy history (p = 0.001) and number of children (p = 0.002) with self efficacy in the use of MCH Handbooks. There is a significant relationship between income (p = 0.004) and perceived benefits in the use of MCH Handbooks. Conclusion: The factors that are related to the obstacles perceived by mothers in the use of MCH Handbooks are age and pregnancy history. The level of education, the history of pregnancy and the number of children related to the mother’s self-efficacy in using the MCH Handbook and income are related to the benefits perceived in using the MCH Handbook


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    Background: The incidence of Multiple Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis (TB MDR) is still very high. TB MDR treatments requires a long period care that could lead to an impact on TB MDR patients and their families. This study aims to explore the perceived burden of TB MDR patients and their families. Method: Review literature was conducted through a search of four journal databases which later found 8 articles according to the inclusion criteria which were then identified, evaluated and synthesized. Results: The literature review found four major themes related to the perceived burden by TB MDR patients and their family, namely; physical, psychological, social and financial burden. Discussion: various problems arise due to the illness suffered by MDR TB patients and families. Understanding the difficulties and burdens experienced by MDR TB patients and their families is important in order to be able to intervene according to the problems that might arise due to MDR TB disease. Conclusion: The government needs to provide social protection to patients with MDR TB and families. Health professional workers need to add physical and psychological interventions to relieve the burden felt by MDR TB patients and their families. Keywords: Multiple Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis; Perceived burden; Sufferers; family; literature revie
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