118 research outputs found

    Political disaffection and disengagement in Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the extent of political disaffection and disengagement of Serbian citizens from a comparative European perspective, as well as to explore the relationships between two phenomena and determine the effects of several potential predictors (structural inequalities, gender, generational differences, urban environment, political awareness and competences, national and European identification, and political discontent) on different aspects of political disaffection and disengagement. In order to do so, we have used European Social Survey data (9th round, 2018), and singled out four different subdimensions of political disaffection and disengagement: assessment of responsiveness of the political system (external political efficacy), institutional trust, assessment of individual interest in politics and capabilities to engage in political processes (internal political efficacy), and the level of actual political engagement (political participation). The aim of the paper is to shed light on different systemic, structural and conjunctural factors that may contribute to shaping political attitudes and patterns of actions in contemporary Serbia and pose several theoretical and research questions that need further investigation


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    These articles are a result of the bilateral cooperation project ”Assumptions and possibilities of developing innovative models of teaching for accomplishing transparency of university education and for raising competitiveness in national and international knowledge markets”, carried out and financied by the University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Jagodina (Republic of Serbia) and the University of Primorska, Faculty of Education, Koper (Republic of Slovenia), in the period 2017–2019.Modernization of education after 2000 is mainly aimed at standardization in the so-called European cultural space and takes place, in parallel, in different dimensions concerning the organization of education at different levels, financing education and redesigning of immanent internal processes of education by establishing a new curriculum, whose ultimate intent is to provide knowledge to the ”beneficiaries” that will enable them better preparation for performing numerous social roles. An innovative approach to teaching, from basic to higher education, is one of the ways to bring educational practice closer to the demands of a “society of knowledge” – the requirement for an individual to possess specific knowledge, skills and abilities that are in the function of personal and social development. In that sense, it is necessary to realize a kind of symbiosis between institutionalized education and other institutions with educational capacities, such as museums, to achieve better results in the presentation of certain educational contents to different participants’ categories in the educational process in their synergy. This would enable, in addition to the primary effect, a comprehensive and high-quality presentation of educational content, and other effects such as efficiency and equity in education. The subject of this study is a connection between the teaching contents of the course Sustainable Development of the Environment in the study program Teacher at the Faculty of Education in Jagodina with permanent exhibitions of similar contents in museums in Serbia in order to determine the possibility of their connection and joint engagement in presentation and processing of the course curriculum contents. Descriptive-analytical methods were used in this study.Publishe

    Učinak razlike u procjeni osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera na procjenu kvalitete bračnog odnosa: dijadni pristup

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    The main aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mate value assessment and mate value discrepancy on perceived marital quality, using an assessment of personal and partner mate value obtained by both partners. The sample included 442 heterosexual couples that have lived together for at least a year. The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) was used to investigate the effects of personal and partner mate value assessment on the evaluation of marital quality. In addition, two interaction effects were added to the model to examine the effect of mate value discrepancy on perceived marital quality. The APIM model showed significant actor and partner effects of the partner\u27s mate value assessment on the evaluation of both husbands\u27 and wives\u27 marital quality. The model also showed a significant effect of personal mate value assessed by wives on husbands\u27 marital quality assessment. However, the current evidence does not confirm the assumption of a possible combination of partners\u27 mate value promoting marital quality above and beyond the contribution of both partners\u27 mate value.Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti učinke procjene osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera i razlike u spomenutim vrijednostima na procjenu kvalitete bračnog odnosa, koristeći se procjenom osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti dobivene od oba partnera. Uzorak istraživanja obuhvaćao je 442 heteroseksualna para, koji su zajedno živjeli najmanje godinu dana. Model međuovisnosti aktora i partnera (APIM) iskorišten je za istraživanje učinaka procjene osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera na procjenu kvalitete braka. Osim navedenoga, modelu su dodana dva interakcijska učinka, kako bi se istražio učinak razlike u procjeni osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera na procijenjenu kvalitetu braka. APIM model pokazao je značajne aktorske i partnerske učinke procjene supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera na procijenjenu kvalitetu braka obaju supružnika. Model je pokazao i znatan učinak procjene osobne vrijednosti supruge kao partnerice na suprugovu procjenu kvalitete bračnog odnosa. Međutim, model ne potvrđuje pretpostavku o interakcijskom učinku procjene osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera na procjenu kvalitete braka


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    The paper brings out a review of existing, state-of-the-art approaches to designing the geometry of the scaffolds that are used for tissue engineering with a special emphasis on the macro scaffolds aimed for bone tissue recovery. Similar concepts of different authors are organized into groups. The focus of the paper is on determining the existing concepts as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Besides the review of scaffolds' geometry solutions, the analysis of the existing designs points to some serious misconceptions regarding the scaffold role within the (bone) tissue recovery. In the last section of the paper, the main requirements regarding geometry, that is, architecture and corresponding mechanical properties and permeability are reconsidered


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    There is a growing demand for application of personalized bone implants (endoprostheses or macro-scaffolds, and fixators) which conform the anatomy of patient. Hence the need for a CAD procedure that enables fast and sufficiently accurate digital reconstruction of the traumatized bone geometry. Research presented in this paper addresses digital reconstruction of the femoral neck fracture. The results point out that User-Defined (geometric) Feature (UDF) concept is the most convenient to use in digital reconstruction of numerous variants of the same topology, such as in this kind of bone region. UDF, named FemoNeck, is developed to demonstrate capability of the chosen concept. Its geometry, controlled by a dozen of parameters, can be easily shaped according to anatomy of femoral neck region of the specific patient. That kind of CAD procedure should use minimally required set of geometric (anatomical) parameters, which can be easily captured from X-ray or Computed Tomography (CT) images. For the statistical analysis of geometry and UDF development we used CT scans of proximal femur of 24 Caucasian female and male adults. The validation of the proposed method was done by applying it for remodeling four femoral necks of four different proximal femurs and by comparing the geometrical congruency between the raw polygonal models gained directly from CT scan and reconstructed models

    Stil privrženosti i dijadička prilagodba kod žena: medijacijska uloga percipirane učinkovitosti u rješavanju bračnih sukoba

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    In this study, we examined perceived efficacy in solving marital conflicts as a mediator between adult attachment style and dyadic adjustment, while controlling for the effects of duration of marriage. A total of 1921 married women participated in the research. The results suggest that women with high attachment avoidance are more likely to perceive themselves as inefficient in marital conflict resolution and maladjusted to the dyadic relationship, compared to women with high attachment anxiety. Furthermore, the results suggest that perceived efficacy in solving marital conflicts mediates the effects of insecure attachment styles on dyadic adjustment. Finally, there is evidence for a reciprocal causation between efficacy expectations and dyadic adjustment.U ovoj smo studiji ispitali doprinos percipirane učinkovitosti u rješavanju bračnih sukoba kao posrednika u objašnjenju veze između stila privrženosti odraslih i dijadičke prilagodbe, istodobno kontrolirajući učinak duljine braka. U istraživanju je sudjelovala 1921 udana žena. Rezultati sugeriraju da će se žene sklone izbjegavajućoj privrženosti vjerojatno smatrati neučinkovitima u rješavanju bračnih sukoba te slabije prilagođenom partnerskom odnosu u usporedbi sa ženama s visokom anksioznom privrženosti. Nadalje, rezultati sugeriraju da uočena učinkovitost u rješavanju bračnih sukoba posreduje učincima nesigurnih stilova privrženosti na dijadičku prilagodbu. Konačno, možemo pretpostaviti postojanje uzajamne uzročne veze između očekivanja učinkovitosti u rješavanju bračnih sukoba i dijadičke prilagodbe

    Preliminarno ispitivanje sastava masnih kiselina u semenkama šipurka: primena ultrazvučne ekstrakcije

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    Rosehip seeds represent waste material which is obtained duringthe production of jams, marmalades, juices, teas, etc. Two methods were used forthe extraction of fatty acids from rosehip seeds: ultrasound-assisted extractioncombined with organic solvent extraction (UAE/OSCE) and organic solventconventional extraction (OSCE). Different solvent-to-sample ratio was used. Theidentification and quantitation of fatty acids was done by gas chromatography witha flame ionization detector (GC/FID). Applied methods yielded different types offatty acids, with stearic acid and linoleic acid, as the most abundant ones.Semenke šipurka predstavljaju otpadni materijal, bogat uljem, koji nastaje tokom proizvodnje džemova, marmelada, sokova, čajeva itd. Za ekstrakciju masnih kiselina iz semenki šipurka korišćene su dve metode: ultrazvučna ekstrakcija u kombinaciji sa ekstrakcijom organskim rastvaračem (UZE/KEOR)i konvencionalna ekstrakcija organskim rastvaračem (KEOR). Korišćeni su različiti odnosi zapremine rastvarača i mase uzoraka. Identifikacija i kvantifikacija masnih kiselina izvršena je metodom gasne hromatografije sa plameno-jonizujućim detektorom (GC/FID). Primenjenim ekstrakcionim metodama dobijene su različite masne kiseline, od kojih su stearinska i linolna bile najzastupljenije

    Antičke staklene bočice za etarska ulja iz Viminacijuma I –VI V.N.E.

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    The archeological site Viminacium is located on the banks of the Danube near Požarevac, and represents a Roman camp and city founded in the 1st and lasted until the 7th century. It was the largest city of the Roman province of Upper Moesia. Of special significance are the discoveries from the Viminacium city, which had about 40 000 inhabitants. Glass bottles from the 1st century are few and represent the property of the first immigrants from the military and administrative apparatus. During the research of the necropolis in Viminacium, numerous glass vessels were discovered, and toilet bottles represent the most numerous and diverse group, with over eighteen types, different in size, shape of the abdomen and neck. They are made by free blowing and less often by blowing into a mold. The bottles mostly come from the graves of inhumed and cremated deceased, from the period from the end of the 1st to the beginning of the 4th century. The richness of the form, but also the simplicity of the style indicate the serial production that could have originated in Viminacium itself, while the more luxurious examples were part of the Celtic, Galician and Syrian production circles. Chemical analysis of glass bottles from Viminacium determined that the raw material for making glass mostly came from Egypt. The presence of numerous glass bottles for essential oils manifests the historical – political and economic situation, and indicates the degree of urbanization and involvement in ancient civilization.Arheološko nalazište Viminacijum nalazi se na obali Dunava u blizini Požarevca, i predstavlja rimski logor i grad nastao u I i trajao do VII veka. Bio je najveći grad rimske provincije Gornje Mezije. Poseban značaj imaju otkrića iz Viminacijuma grada koji je brojao oko 40 000 stanovnika. Staklene bočice pronađene iz perioda I veka su malobrojne i predstavljaju vlasništvo prvih doseljenika pripadnika vojnog i admistrativnog aparata. Kao recipijensi za držanje etarskih ulja, mirisa i kozmetičkih preparata korišćenih u svakodnevnom životu, ali i tokom pogrebnih rituala. Tokom istraživanja nekropola u Viminacijumu otkrivene su brojne posude od stakla, a toaletne boćice predstavljaju najbrojniju i najraznovrsniju grupu, sa preko osamnaest tipova, različitih prema dimenzijama, obliku trbuha i vrata. Izrađene su slobodnim duvanjem a ređe duvanjem u kalup. Bočice pretežno potiču iz grobova inhumiranih i kremiranih pokojnika, iz perioda od kraja I do početka IV veka, a manji broj iz žrtvenih slojeva nad grobovima. Bogatstvo formi ali i jednostavnost stila ukazuju na serijsku proizvodnju koja je mogla nastati i u samom Viminacijumu, dok su luksuzniji primerci bili deo kelnskog, galskog i sirijskog proizvodnog kruga. Hemijskim analizama staklenih bočica iz Viminacijuma utvrđeno je da je sirovina za izradu stakla uglavnom poticala iz Egipta. Zastupljenost brojnih staklenih bočica za etarska ulja, manifestuje istorijsko-političku i ekonomsku situaciju, i ukazuje na stepen urbanizacije, i uključenosti u antičku civilizaciju. Brojnost i raznovrsnost staklenih bočica otkrivenih na lokalitetu Viminacijum ukazuju na široku upotrebu etarskih ulja i kozmetičkih preparata na prostoru tog grada i njegove okoline.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Usporedba odziva modela pneumatika s detaljnim gaznim slojem i pojednostavljenog modela za analizu kotrljanja pneumatika u stacionarnom stanju

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    This paper deals with the level of detail that is necessary for representation of tread pattern in finite element tire models. Different methods for creation of tire tread mesh are systematized by two different criteria: the most common approaches and the finite element analysis type. Some of the representative approaches found in literature are given in more detail and their advantages and disadvantages discussed. An example from author’s experience, which describes the creation of finite element tire model with detailed tread for steady-state rolling analysis, is presented. The paper also brings a head-to-head comparison of the response of simplified and detailed tread tire models, subjected to a range of finite element analyses, from footprint analysis at static loading conditions to steady-state rolling cornering analysis.Ovaj rad se bavi razinom detalja koja je potrebna za prikaz šare gaznoga sloja u modela pneumatika namjenjenih analizi primjenom metode konačnih elemenata. Različite metode za izradu mreže konačnih elemenata su sistematizirane po dva različita kriterija: najčešćih pristupa i tipa analize primjenom metode konačnih elemenata. Neki od tipičnih pristupa koji se mogu naći u literaturi opisani su u više detalja i navedene su njihove prednosti i nedostaci. U članku je dat primjer iz iskustva autora, koji opisuje stvaranje modela pneumatika s detaljnim gaznim slojem za analizu kotrljanja u stacionarnom stanju. U radu je također prikazana izravna usporedba odziva pojednostavljenog modela pneumatika i modela s detaljnim gaznim slojem, podvrgnutih nizu analiza, od analize kontakta između tla i pneumatika pod statičkim uvjetima opterećenja do skretanja pri kotrljanju u stacionarnom stanju

    Politička kompetencija i konsolidacija kapitalizma u Srbiji: analiza (ne)davanja odgovora na stavove o poželjnom politčkom i ekonomskom poretku

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    The main aim of this paper is to analyse non-responses (“do not know“ and „no answer“ categories) on a wider set of empirical state- ments measuring different attitudes of Serbia’s citizens (towards mar- ket economy, neoliberal economic policies, democracy, ethnic relations, gender roles, morality issues and respecting the law). Following the post-politics (and/or post-democracy) thesis, we assumed that the share of those who have given any answer to the analysed questions will be higher in the case of attitudes related to the issues embedded in the res- pondents’ immediate experiences or to those issues defined as legitimate within the public sphere (such as perceptions of gender roles or ethnic relations) than in the case of attitudes related to abstract concepts of the functioning of political and/or economic systems. The results of the analysis confirmed the hypothesis: the highest share of non-responses was recorded for questions measuring attitudes on democracy and pre- ferred type of economic regulation. The second hypothesis has been formulated following Pierre Bourdieu’s research on the social conditions of political dispositions and class distribution of competences. His research focused on the structurally determined possibility of articulating political opinion by using legitimate political language, based on the self-recognized ability and the feeling of being competent to express this opinion publicly. Taking these insights as starting points, we assumed that probability of giving non-responses would be higher for people with lower social background, those who have lesser degrees of education, and/or who have been systematically excluded from political processes based on their place of residence (residents of vil- lages or small towns) or gender (women). Although a descriptive analy- sis confirmed the second hypothesis, more precise, regression models showed that education (the possession of cultural capital) – and not the class position – is by far the strongest and the most consistent predictor of non-responses when controlling all other factors