6 research outputs found

    Sugar profile as a tool for the assesment of influence of tetraoxanes on germination and starting growth phase of maize seeds

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    U ovom radu ispitan je uticaj serije 1,2,4,5-tetraoksana na metabolizam klijanja u ranim fazama rasta i razvića kukuruza. Primenom visoko-efikasne jonske hromatografije sa amperometrijskom detekcijom analiziran je sadržaj šećera u korenu i izdanku kukuruza, čija semena su bila potopljena u rastvore tetraoksana koncentracija 1×10-6 M, 1×10-9 M i 1×10-12 M. Sadržaj analiziranih šećera ukazuje na različit odgovor biljke na prisustvo svakog od ispitivanih tetraoksana. Uočeno je da dolazi do povećanja sadržaja gotovo svih šećera u tretiranim uzorcima, u odnosu na kontrolne, a naročito šećera koji povećavaju toleranciju biljke na abiotski stres, kao što su glukoza, saharoza, rafinoza, trehaloza i arabinoza. Za svaki od ispitivanih tetraoksana mogu se definisati optimalne koncentracije koje bi imale najveći uticaj na pravilan rast i razviće kukuruza.The influence of the series of 1,2,4,5-tetraoxanes on metabolism of germination and starting growth phase of maize seeds was examined. Sugar content in shoot and root of seeds immersed in tetraoxane solution of different concentration, 1×10-6 M, 1×10-9 M i 1×10-12 M, were determined by High-Performance Anion-Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection. The content of all analysed sugars revealed different responce of the plant to the presence of each of the tested tetraoxanes. It has been observed a higher content of almost all sugars in the treated samples, compared to control, and especially sugars which increase the tolerance of the plant to abiotic stress, such as glucose, sucrose, raffinose, trehalose and arabinose. The optimal concentration of each tested compound that would have the greatest effect on proper growth and development of maize, could be defined

    To live life after mastectomy : Women's experiences after a mastectomy

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    Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste formen av cancer hoskvinnor i Sverige. Behandling av bröstcancer kan leda till att kvinnan blitvungen att operera bort sitt bröst. Kvinnobröstet har i alla tider varit ensymbol för det absolut feminina. Syfte: Syftetvar att belysa de drabbade kvinnornas upplevelser efter mastektomi. Metod: Studien var en litteraturstudiebaserad på antal kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: I resultatet visades att många kvinnor upplevdeförändring av sin kropp. Genom förlust av bröstet förlorade de kvinnlighet,sexualitet och identitet. De upplevde sina kroppar som stympade vilket leddetill sorg. Relationen till partnern påverkades både positivt och negativtberoende om kvinnorna ansåg sig vara sexuellt accepterade eller inte. Ärretsymboliserade både förlust, rädsla för ny cancer och seger över att ha blivitbotad. Slutsats: Det är viktigt attsjuksköterskan har det hälsofrämjande tänkesättet i mötet med kvinnor som hargenomgått mastektomi, för att hjälpa dem att bearbeta sina upplevelser ochuppmuntra dem att uppnå en hög känsla av sammanhang.Background: Breast cancer is themost common cancer among women in Sweden. Thetreatment of breastcancer may lead to women being forcedto surgery remove her breast. Women’s breasthas always been a symbol of the very feminine. Aim: The aim was to highlight theaffected women's experiences after a mastectomy. Method: The study was a literature review based on qualitative, scientificarticles. Results: The results showed thatmany women experiencechanges in their body.Through the loss ofthe breast, they lost femininity, sexuality and identity.They experienced theirbodies’ mutilated, causing grief. Their relationshipfor their partner was affected, positively or negatively depending on if thewomen considered themselves to besexually accepted or not. The scarsymbolizes both the loss, fear of new cancer and victory to having beencured. Conclusion: It is important that thenurse has the healthpromotion forethought when meeting with women who have undergone a mastectomy.To help themovercome their experiencesand encourage themto achieve a highfeeling of life connection

    Analysis of the influence parameters on the support structure stiffness of large radial-axial bearings

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    © 2019 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. In certain types of crane and earth-moving machinery, such as portal cranes, loaders and excavators, the transfer of loads to crane tracks or the terrain is accomplished by means of undercarriage frames composed of box-like girders. The hypothesis that all four supports of the undercarriage frame do not lie in the horizontal plane is the basis for the formation of a calculation model. This paper analyses the influence of geometric parameters of box-like girders on the magnitude of additional forces at the supports of those frames when one of the supports is raised or lowered relative to the horizontal plane for the size Δ. Theoretical dependences between moments of inertia and stiffness under bending and torsion of those girders were thus established. Obtained relations leads to more concise forms of expressions for influential coefficients in Maxwell-Mohr integrals and simplifies optimization methods in the design of support structures. With experimental verification of the results, the influences of geometric parameters on the stiffness of the support structure are confirmed, and preconditions are created for further analysis of the connection made by large diameter bearings

    The content of toxic and essential elements in trabecular and cortical femoral neck: a correlation with whole blood samples

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    © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Pollution caused by heavy metals affects all forms of life. The aim of the study was to determine the content of toxic (Sr, Ni, Pb, V, Cd, U, Rb, As) and essential (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Se, Mn, Cr, Mo, Co) metals in the bone and whole blood samples, in regard to clinical means of long- and short-term exposure, respectively. For this purpose, the cortical and trabecular parts of femoral neck, as well as the blood samples, were collected to quantify bone-important metals by inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-based techniques. According to principal component analysis (PCA), the most influential metal discriminating blood samples was Cu, while all other quantified elements were present in higher amounts in the bones. Additionally, trabecular bones (TBs) could be characterized by higher content of Mo, Cr, V, Mn, Co, As, and Ni compared to cortical bones (CBs). Linear discrimination analysis (LDA) was successfully applied to distinguish trabecular bone from the cortical bone. Significant correlation between essential Ca and toxic Sr with other elements was found and discussed. This study provides novel data on the effects of metal pollutants on bone health hazards. The results obtained for investigating metals may serve as a baseline for further clinical investigations in the orthopedic fields

    Design and characterization of alcalase-chitosan conjugates as potential biocatalysts

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    In this study, alcalase (protease from Bacillus licheniformis) immobilization by adsorption, enzyme crosslinking and covalent enzyme binding to activated chitosan microbeads were examined. The biocatalysts highest activity was obtained by covalent immobilization of alcalase onto a solid support. The alcalase covalent immobilization onto different types of chitosan beads obtained by inverse emulsion technique and electrostatic extrusion was studied. Parameters examined under different conditions were beads diameter, enzyme loading, enzyme capacity yield, and biocatalyst activity. The highest activity and enzyme loading of 23.6 IU/mg protein and 340.2 mg/g, respectively, were achieved by the enzyme immobilized onto chitosan microbeads obtained by the electrostatic extrusion technique. FT-IR analysis was used to confirm formation of alcalase-chitosan conjugates. The activity of optimally produced alcalase-chitosan microbeads was then verified in the industrially feasible reaction systems of egg white and soy protein hydrolysis. The high degree of hydrolysis of 29.85 +/- 0.967% after 180 min and five successive reuses obtained under real conditions (50 A degrees C, pH 8) verified the covalently bound alcalase to chitosan beads a promising candidate for use in industrial egg white protein hydrolysis process