551 research outputs found

    Formal Interpretation of a Multi-Agent Society As a Single Agent

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    In this paper the question is addressed to what extent the collective processes in a multi-agent society can be interpreted as single agent processes. This question is answered by formal analysis and simulation. It is shown for an example process how it can be conceptualised, formalised and simulated in two different manners: from a single agent (or cognitive) and from a multi-agent (or social) perspective. Moreover, it is shown how an ontological mapping can be formally defined between the two formalisations, and how this mapping can be extended to a mapping of dynamic properties. Thus it is shown how collective behaviour can be interpreted in a formal manner as single agent behaviour.Collective Intelligence, Simulation, Logical Formalisation, Single Vs. Multi-Agent Behaviour

    Does This Suit Me? Validation of Self-modeling Network Models by Parameter Tuning

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    In this chapter it is discussed how a personalised temporal-causal network model can be obtained that fits well to specific characteristics of a person, and his or her connections and further context. A model is an approximation, but always a form of abstraction of a real-world phenomenon. Its accuracy and correctness mainly depend on the chosen abstracting assumptions and the personal and contextual (network) characteristics defining the model. Depending on the complexity of the model, the number of its characteristics can vary from just a couple to thousands. These network characteristics usually represent specific features or properties of the modelled phenomenon, for example, for modelling human processes personality traits or social interaction properties. No values for such characteristics are given at forehand. From a more general and abstract view, they can be considered parameters of the model. Estimation of such parameters for a given model is a nontrivial task. In this chapter, it is discussed how this can be addressed for temporal-causal network models based on the parameter tuning method of Simulated Annealing and a specific component within the dedicated modeling environment, thereby making use of MATLAB’s built-in optimser Optimtool.</p

    How Do Mental Models Actually Exist in the Brain:On Context-Dependent Neural Correlates of Mental Models

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    Relating a reified adaptive network’s structure to its emerging behaviour for bonding by homophily

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    Where is This Leading Me:Stationary Point and Equilibrium Analysis for Self-Modeling Network Models

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    In this chapter, analysis methods for the dynamics of self-modeling network models in relation to their network structure are presented. In particular, stationary points and equilibria are addressed and related to the network structure. It is shown how such analyses can be used for verification purposes: to verify whether an implemented network model used for simulation is correct with respect to the design description of the network’s structure. An always applicable method is presented first. It is based on substitution of state values from simulations in stationary point or equilibrium equations, which can always be done. In addition, methods are presented that are applicable for certain groups of network models, where the aggregation is specified by combination functions for which equilibrium equations can be solved symbolically. As shown, these methods cover cases of self-model states for adaptation principles such as Hebbian learning for mental networks and Bonding based on homophily for social networks. In addition, such methods are shown to cover cases where the combination functions for aggregation satisfy certain properties such as being monotonically increasing, scalar-free, and normalised. The analysis for this class of functions used for aggregation also takes into account the network’s connectivity in terms of its strongly connected components. This provides a class of functions which includes nonlinear functions but in contrast to often held beliefs, still enables analysis of the emerging network dynamics as well as linear functions do. Within this class, two specific subclasses of nonlinear functions (weighted Euclidean functions and weighted geometric functions) are addressed. Focusing on them in particular, it is illustrated in detail how methods for equilibrium analysis as normally only used for linear functions (based on a symbolic linear equation solver), can be applied to predict the state values in equilibria for such nonlinear cases as well. Finally, it shown how a stratified form of the condensation graph based on a network's strongly connected components can be used in equilibrium analysis.</p

    How Far Do Self-Modeling Networks Reach:Relating Them to Adaptive Dynamical Systems

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    In this chapter, it is addressed by mathematical analysis how network-oriented modeling relates to the dynamical systems perspective on mental processes. It has been mathematically proven that any dynamical system can be modeled as a temporal-causal network model and that any adaptive dynamical system (of any order) can be modeled by a self-modeling network (of the same order).</p

    Controlling Your Mental Models:Using Metacognition to Control Use and Adaptation for Multiple Mental Models

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    Learning processes can be described by adaptive mental (or neural) network models. If metacognition is used to regulate learning, the adaptation of the mental network becomes itself adaptive as well: second-order adaptation. In this chapter, a second-order adaptive mental network model is introduced for metacognitive regulation of learning processes. The focus is on the role of multiple internal mental models, in particular, the case of visualisation to support learning of numerical or symbolic skills. The second-order adaptive network model is illustrated by a case scenario for the role of visualisation to support learning multiplication at the primary school.</p

    A modeling environment for reified temporal-causal network models

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