481 research outputs found

    Relay-race deformation mechanism during uniaxial tension of cylindrical samples of carbon steel: using digital image correlation technique

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    The work deals with experimental study of macro localization of plastic yielding occurrences of structural carbon steel, research of singularity of deformation wave processes by complex use of contemporary test equipment and high effective digital image correlation method. Evolution of nonuniform axial strain fields on surface of cylindrical samples during uniaxial tension was registered, time dependences were drawn, and a ‘relay-race’ mechanism of material deformation was found out at the stage of yield plateau forming. Strain concentration ratio was estimated for several material deformation stages

    Methodical approaches to measuring sustainable development of industrial enterprises

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    The article is devoted to the problems of assessment of sustainable development at industrial enterprises with a dynamic scorecard based on growth rates of key performance indicators, arranged in the way allowing the evaluation of the sustainable development process when kept in the long time interval. The relative indicators allow comparing not only the incomparable values but also enterprises of different sizes. In addition the system allows comparing the results of current period to similar data from previous years, as well as to the results of other companies for the same period to determine their rating position or identify balance / imbalance. This system takes into account not only balanced state of environmental, economic and social spheres in particular time but also helps to reflect the positive changes in development process. This method is considered on the example of chemical industry, one of the leading in Russia.peer-reviewe


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    In the modern conditions of tourism development, thermal springs are widely presented as they perform recreational functions. Thermal springs are becoming popular tourist attractions in Russia, while their concentration on Russian territory is rather uneven. In comparison with other countries, where thermal springs play a leading role and represent a dynamically growing recreational and tourist segment, in Russia this segment is still an insignificant part of national tourism. In our research, we studied natural conditions of the territories where thermal springs are located, as well as their quality and convenience for people. We also analyzed the regime of meteorological parameters of the territories of thermal springs located in the Ural Federal District for the period 2015-2017. The analysis of the territory showed that the most comfortable climatic conditions are the characteristic of the southwestern part of the district, which comprises the thermal springs located in the Chelyabinsk region and Sverdlovsk region


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    Раскрыта сущность применения процессного подхода в управлении образовательной организацией, неотъемлемой частью которого является внутренний аудит. Раскрыты способы проведения аудита: аудит сквозных процессов и аудит подразделений. Показаны преимущества и недостатки каждого из рассматриваемых подходовThe essence of application of process approach in management of the educational organization which integral part is internal audit is revealed. The methods of audit are disclosed: audit of end-to-end processes and audit of departments. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the approaches are show

    Особливості освітнього розвитку польського населення Півдня України в 1920-х рр.

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    In the article on the basis of the archived and other sources the process of development of school education of the Polish national minority in the South of Ukraine in 1920s is examined. The historical places of Polish population’s location are outlined in the South region; specially well-educated public authorities,which are the task of organization of educational work among national minorities are described. Reasons and terms of input of new national politics are defined; normatively-legal acts are analysed on the basis of that the new system of education is created. The process of activity organization of educational establishments for the Polish population is shown. The positive and negative aspects of their activity are determined. As a result of the conducted analysis, we concluded, that the Polish population in two ways and ambiguously behaved to the accrued educational establishments. From one side, networking of national schools with Polish studies had an important value for maintenance of their originality and identity, and from other, wide anti-religious propaganda and planting of communist ideology pushed away the Polish population from the Soviet national schools. Moreover, the badly developed network of Polish schools of the high level, weak material and technical base of studies and absence of skilled Polish teachers, influenced negatively on the quality of studies at the national Polish schools.У статті на основі архівних та інших джерел розглядається процес розвитку шкільної освіти польської національної меншини Півдня України в 1920-х рр. Окреслено історичні місця розселення польського населення у Південному регіоні; охарактеризовано спеціально утворені органи державної влади, на які покладалося завдання організації освітньої роботи серед національних меншин. Визначено причини та умови запровадження нової національної політики; проаналізовано нормативно-правові акти на основі яких створено нову систему освіти. Показано процес організації діяльності навчально-виховних закладів освіти для польського населення. Визначено позитивні та негативні аспекти їх діяльності. Внаслідок проведеного аналізу, ми дійшли до висновку, що польське населення двояко і неоднозначно відносилося до новостворених освітніх закладів. З одного боку, створення мережі національних шкіл з польською мовою навчання мало важливе значення для збереження їх самобутності та ідентичності, а з іншого, широка антирелігійна пропаганда та насадження комуністичної ідеології відштовхували польське населення від радянських національних шкіл. Крім того, погано розвинена мережа польських шкіл підвищеного рівня, слабка матеріально-технічна база навчання та відсутність кваліфікованих польськомовних вчителів негативно впливали на якість навчання в національних польських школах

    Study of peculiarities of social network using depending on personal psychological well-being

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    The study of psychological well-being is a really important issue of the modern society and the contemporary science. Many mental disorders and psychosomatic diseases are anteceded by mood decline, experience of ill-being. If the sense of satisfaction is absent, tensions, inconsistency in actions appear and overall functional efficiency decreases. The life style of very many people has undergone dramatic changes over the last 20 years. One of the main reasons for these changes is emergence of the Internet and its special faculty – social networks. It is well known that communications are a necessary structural component of psychological well-being. Emergence of social networks has expanded communicative opportunities to virtual infinity; at the same time, such communications swallow up personal time and efforts. This article makes an attempt to analyze peculiarities of personal behavior in social networks depending on a personal level of psychological well-being. Students of the Kyiv National University (Kyiv, Ukraine) and working youth have been examined with Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-Being and our structured interview. The obtained results show differences in attitudes and behavioral patterns in social networks depending on a person’s level of psychological well-being.KEY WORDS: psychological well-being, patterns of behavior, social network, structured interviewDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/tbb.v74i2.137

    Implementation of Population Algorithms to Minimize Power Losses and Cable Cross-Section in Power Supply System

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    The article dues to the arrangement of the reactive power sources in the power grid to reduce the active power losses in transmission lines and minimize cable cross-sections of the lines. The optimal arrangement is considered from two points of view. In the first case, it is possible to minimize the active power losses only. In the second case, it is possible to change the cross-sections of the supply lines to minimize both the active power losses and the volume of the cable lines. The sum of the financial cost of the active power losses, the capital investment to install the deep reactive power compensation, and cost of the cable volume is introduced as the single optimization criterion. To reduce the losses, the deep compensation of reactive power sources in nodes of the grid are proposed. This optimization problem was solved by the Genetic algorithm and the Particle Swarm optimization algorithm. It was found out that the deep compensation allows minimizing active power losses the cable cross-section. The cost-effectiveness of the suggested method is shown. It was found out that optimal allocation of the reactive power sources allows increasing from 9% to 20% the financial expenses for the enterprise considered

    Contrasting Traditional Learning and Agile Learning

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    The term “agile” came to different areas of our life from software development. It promotes constant communication between the stakeholders of a process in order to identify necessary changers and implement them as soon as possible. The poster discusses how an agile approach to education/learning differs from a traditional approach. With agile learning, it could be much easier to adjust the syllabus to students’ and business’s needs with the help of developed interaction in flat hierarchy classes. Agile educators play the roles of facilitators who evaluate students during the whole year. The results of the poster project gives insights into which approach to prioritize when thinking of a more effective and beneficial strategy for stakeholders to organize an educational process as well as possible obstacles on the way to adopting such a new agile approach

    Regulation of 5-lipoxygenase by caspase-6

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    Das Enzym 5-Lipoxygenase (5-LO) spielt eine essentielle Rolle in der Biosynthese der Leukotriene, bioaktiver Metabolite der Arachidonsäure (AA), die an einer Vielzahl entzündlicher und allergischer Erkrankungen beteiligt sind. Die 5-LO wird bevorzugt in Zellen myeloiden Ursprungs wie Granulozyten, Monozyten oder B-Lymphozyten exprimiert. In die Regulation der zellulären 5-LO-Aktivität in der Epstein-Barr Virus-transformierten B-lymphozytären Zelllinie BL41-E95-A sind Caspasen, Aspartat-spezifische Cysteinproteasen, involviert. Das Passagieren von BL41-E95-A führt zu einer Erhöhung der Proliferationsrate der B-Lymphozyten sowie zu einem deutlichen Verlust der 5-LO-Aktivität, der mit dem Auftreten eines 62 kDa-Spaltproduktes der 5-LO und einer signifikanten Aktivitätserhöhung der Caspase-8 und -6 korreliert. Isolierte humane 5-LO wird durch rekombinante Caspase-6 zwischen Asp170 und Ser171 zu einem 58 kDa-Fragment in vitro gespalten, wobei das Tetrapeptid VEID170 innerhalb der 5-LO als Erkennungsmotiv für den Angriff der Caspase-6 dient. In einigen weiteren untersuchten Zelllinien wie Mono Mac 6 (MM6), RBL-1, PMNL oder HeLa, die nicht den B-Lymphozyten angehören, konnte die 5-LO-Spaltung weder durch das Passagieren von Zellen noch durch die Behandlung mit diversen proapoptotischen Agentien ausgelöst werden. Laut Ergebnissen aus in vitro-Untersuchungen scheinen 5-LO-positive HeLa- bzw. MM6-Zellen einen Faktor zu exprimieren, der die 5-LO direkt oder indirekt vor dem Angriff der Caspase-6 und anschließender Prozessierung schützt. Die in den BL41-E95-A-Zellen beobachtete Aktivierung der Caspasen mit anschließender Prozessierung der 5-LO lässt sich durch zwei Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe supprimieren, das Hyperforin (HP) aus Johanniskraut-Extrakten und das Myrtucommulon (MC) aus Myrte-Blättern. Beide Verbindungen scheinen in B-Lymphozyten zu einer Hemmung der Caspasen-Aktivierung zu führen. Nichtsdestotrotz führt die Behandlung der B-Lymphozyten mit HP bzw. MC zu einem apoptotischen Tod der Zellen. Offensichtlich wird dabei ein (unbekannter) einzigartiger Mechanismus der Apoptose-Induktion ausgelöst. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte zum ersten Mal eine potente Apoptose-induzierende Wirkung des natürlich vorkommenden Myrtucommulons auf Krebszelllinien gezeigt werden. In allen getesteten Krebszelllinien führte Myrtucommulon zum Zelltod, wobei die HL-60-Zellen mit einem IC50-Wert von 3,26 ± 0,51 µM MC am sensitivsten gegenüber MC-Einfluss waren. Zusätzlich konnte in HL-60- und MM6-Zellen nach MC-Behandlung neben einer erhöhten Caspasen-Aktivität und PARP-Spaltung ein signifikanter DNA-Abbau detektiert werden. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist die Tatsache, dass die zytotoxische MC-Wirkung eine bemerkenswerte Selektivität für entartete Zelllinien zu besitzen scheint und gegenüber nicht-transfizierten Zellen minimal ist.5-Lipoxygenase is the key enzyme in the synthesis of leukotriens (LT), bioactive metabolits of the arachidonic acid (AA). 5-LO protein is mainly expressed in myeloid cells, like granulocytes, monocytes, B-lymphocytes. The 5-LO undergoes proteolytic cleavage in the human B-lymphocytic cell line BL41-E95-A to a 62 kDa fragment. The degradation of 5-LO correlates with increased activity of caspase-8 and -6 and can be prevented by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Isolated recombinant human 5-LO is cleaved after the Asp170 incide the recognition motiv IQFD to a cleavage product of 58 kDa. No 5-LO cleavage can be observed in transfected HeLa or in MM6 cells after stimulation with caspase-activating apoptotic stimuli like TNF alpha, cycloheximide or daunorubicin, or in HeLa cells coexpressing 5-LO, caspase-6 and/or caspase-8. In contrast, processing of the typical caspase substrate PARP as well as of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) can be detected in 5-LO positive HeLa cells after stimulation with apoptotic agents. It appears that an unknown factor in 5-LO-positive HeLa and MM6 cells protects 5-LO against proteolysis by caspase-6 whereas other caspase substrates remain unaffected