306 research outputs found

    Studio-based learning in a first year engineering curriculum: Exploring students' learning experiences and reflections using the rich picture method

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    © 2019 IEEE. We have described engineering students in their first year participating in a 'studio' based experience. We used a rich picture method imbedded in research interviews to explore student's attitudes to, and understandings of their studio experience. Our findings demonstrate that this research method produces an enriched understanding of and deep insights into student experiences in the studio

    Beyond convergence rates: Exact recovery with Tikhonov regularization with sparsity constraints

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    The Tikhonov regularization of linear ill-posed problems with an â„“1\ell^1 penalty is considered. We recall results for linear convergence rates and results on exact recovery of the support. Moreover, we derive conditions for exact support recovery which are especially applicable in the case of ill-posed problems, where other conditions, e.g. based on the so-called coherence or the restricted isometry property are usually not applicable. The obtained results also show that the regularized solutions do not only converge in the â„“1\ell^1-norm but also in the vector space â„“0\ell^0 (when considered as the strict inductive limit of the spaces Rn\R^n as nn tends to infinity). Additionally, the relations between different conditions for exact support recovery and linear convergence rates are investigated. With an imaging example from digital holography the applicability of the obtained results is illustrated, i.e. that one may check a priori if the experimental setup guarantees exact recovery with Tikhonov regularization with sparsity constraints


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the strength and features of a possibly existent ankle-hip transverse plane coupling during the stance of walking. Fifteen healthy volunteers walked on a 10m walkway in their natural speed using sandals. Kinematic data were obtained with a 3-dimensional motion analysis system. Calculation of the cross-correlation (r=-0.78) indicated a strong ankle-hip coupling, with ankle external rotation (foot pronation) coupled with hip internal rotation, and ankle internal rotation (foot supination) coupled with hip external rotation. Vector coding technique (Φ=41.01°) showed that ankle and hip joints present similar displacement magnitudes. The results agree with suggestions of ankle-hip transverse plane interdependency and an important kinetic energy transmission between the shank and thigh in this plane of movement


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    This study investigates the effects of simulating forefoot varism increases on lower extremity kinematics during the stance phase. Sixteen volunteers walked on a walkway in three conditions: wearing flat sandals; wearing a 5º and a 10º laterally wedged sandal. Data were obtained with a 3-D motion analysis system. The variables analyzed were: subtalar eversion/inversion; shank internal/external rotation; knee internal/external rotation; hip internal/external rotation. The simulations of 5º and 10º increases in forefoot varism increased subtalar pronation (P≤.007) and the simulation of 10º increased internal rotation of the shank in relation to the pelvis and of the hip (P=.001). The results suggest that forefoot varism can lead to kinematic patterns related to the occurrence of overuse injuries

    Optimal Convergence Rates for Tikhonov Regularization in Besov Scales

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    In this paper we deal with linear inverse problems and convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization. We consider regularization in a scale of Banach spaces, namely the scale of Besov spaces. We show that regularization in Banach scales differs from regularization in Hilbert scales in the sense that it is possible that stronger source conditions may lead to weaker convergence rates and vive versa. Moreover, we present optimal source conditions for regularization in Besov scales

    Zebrafish: A See-Through Host and a Fluorescent Toolbox to Probe Host–Pathogen Interaction

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    In many ways, the zebrafish represents a hybrid between mouse and invertebrate infection models. Powerful forwardgenetic tools that have made invertebrates justifiably famous are not only relatively accessible in the zebrafish, but have been exploited to yield new insights into human infectious diseases, including leprosy and tuberculosis [1]. Transgenic technologies have enabled detailed, non-invasive in vivo visualization of macrophages and neutrophils in pitched battle with bacteria and fungi [2,3]. Reverse genetics with morpholinos, vivo-morpholinos, and zinc-finger nucleases (but unfortunately not homologous recombination, which for the moment remains out of reach in this organism) enable examination of the roles of specific genes during infection. Flexible genetic systems such as Gal4-UAS and Cre-Lox permit tissue-specific transformation and ablation ([3]; Figure 1)

    Benchmark datasets for 3D MALDI- and DESI-imaging mass spectrometry

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    BACKGROUND: Three-dimensional (3D) imaging mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical chemistry technique for the 3D molecular analysis of a tissue specimen, entire organ, or microbial colonies on an agar plate. 3D-imaging MS has unique advantages over existing 3D imaging techniques, offers novel perspectives for understanding the spatial organization of biological processes, and has growing potential to be introduced into routine use in both biology and medicine. Owing to the sheer quantity of data generated, the visualization, analysis, and interpretation of 3D imaging MS data remain a significant challenge. Bioinformatics research in this field is hampered by the lack of publicly available benchmark datasets needed to evaluate and compare algorithms. FINDINGS: High-quality 3D imaging MS datasets from different biological systems at several labs were acquired, supplied with overview images and scripts demonstrating how to read them, and deposited into MetaboLights, an open repository for metabolomics data. 3D imaging MS data were collected from five samples using two types of 3D imaging MS. 3D matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging (MALDI) MS data were collected from murine pancreas, murine kidney, human oral squamous cell carcinoma, and interacting microbial colonies cultured in Petri dishes. 3D desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) imaging MS data were collected from a human colorectal adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSIONS: With the aim to stimulate computational research in the field of computational 3D imaging MS, selected high-quality 3D imaging MS datasets are provided that could be used by algorithm developers as benchmark datasets

    Clinical decision-making: midwifery students' recognition of, and response to, post partum haemorrhage in the simulation environment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This paper reports the findings of a study of how midwifery students responded to a simulated post partum haemorrhage (PPH). Internationally, 25% of maternal deaths are attributed to severe haemorrhage. Although this figure is far higher in developing countries, the risk to maternal wellbeing and child health problem means that all midwives need to remain vigilant and respond appropriately to early signs of maternal deterioration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Simulation using a patient actress enabled the research team to investigate the way in which 35 midwifery students made decisions in a dynamic high fidelity PPH scenario. The actress wore a birthing suit that simulated blood loss and a flaccid uterus on palpation. The scenario provided low levels of uncertainty and high levels of relevant information. The student's response to the scenario was videoed. Immediately after, they were invited to review the video, reflect on their performance and give a commentary as to what affected their decisions. The data were analysed using Dimensional Analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The students' clinical management of the situation varied considerably. Students struggled to prioritise their actions where more than one response was required to a clinical cue and did not necessarily use mnemonics as heuristic devices to guide their actions. Driven by a response to single cues they also showed a reluctance to formulate a diagnosis based on inductive and deductive reasoning cycles. This meant they did not necessarily introduce new hypothetical ideas against which they might refute or confirm a diagnosis and thereby eliminate fixation error.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The students response demonstrated that a number of clinical skills require updating on a regular basis including: fundal massage technique, the use of emergency standing order drugs, communication and delegation of tasks to others in an emergency and working independently until help arrives. Heuristic devices helped the students to evaluate their interventions to illuminate what else could be done whilst they awaited the emergency team. They did not necessarily serve to prompt the students' or help them plan care prospectively. The limitations of the study are critically explored along with the pedagogic implications for initial training and continuing professional development.</p
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