2,035 research outputs found

    Electron Transport Chain Is Biochemically Linked to Pilus Assembly Required for Polymicrobial Interactions and Biofilm Formation in the Gram-Positive Actinobacterium Actinomyces oris.

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    The Gram-positive actinobacteria Actinomyces spp. are key colonizers in the development of oral biofilms due to the inherent ability of Actinomyces to adhere to receptor polysaccharides on the surface of oral streptococci and host cells. This receptor-dependent bacterial interaction, or coaggregation, requires a unique sortase-catalyzed pilus consisting of the pilus shaft FimA and the coaggregation factor CafA forming the pilus tip. While the essential role of the sortase machine SrtC2 in pilus assembly, biofilm formation, and coaggregation has been established, little is known about trans-acting factors contributing to these processes. We report here a large-scale Tn5 transposon screen for mutants defective in Actinomyces oris coaggregation with Streptococcus oralis We obtained 33 independent clones, 13 of which completely failed to aggregate with S. oralis, and the remainder of which exhibited a range of phenotypes from severely to weakly defective coaggregation. The former had Tn5 insertions in fimA, cafA, or srtC2, as expected; the latter were mapped to genes coding for uncharacterized proteins and various nuo genes encoding the NADH dehydrogenase subunits. Electron microscopy and biochemical analyses of mutants with nonpolar deletions of nuo genes and ubiE, a menaquinone C-methyltransferase-encoding gene downstream of the nuo locus, confirmed the pilus and coaggregation defects. Both nuoA and ubiE mutants were defective in oxidation of MdbA, the major oxidoreductase required for oxidative folding of pilus proteins. Furthermore, supplementation of the ubiE mutant with exogenous menaquinone-4 rescued the cell growth and pilus defects. Altogether, we propose that the A. oris electron transport chain is biochemically linked to pilus assembly via oxidative protein folding.IMPORTANCE The Gram-positive actinobacterium A. oris expresses adhesive pili, or fimbriae, that are essential to biofilm formation and Actinomyces interactions with other bacteria, termed coaggregation. While the critical role of the conserved sortase machine in pilus assembly and the disulfide bond-forming catalyst MdbA in oxidative folding of pilins has been established, little is known about other trans-acting factors involved in these processes. Using a Tn5 transposon screen for mutants defective in coaggregation with Streptococcus oralis, we found that genetic disruption of the NADH dehydrogenase and menaquinone biosynthesis detrimentally alters pilus assembly. Further biochemical characterizations determined that menaquinone is important for reactivation of MdbA. This study supports the notion that the electron transport chain is biochemically linked to pilus assembly in A. oris via oxidative folding of pilin precursors

    Gas Stripping in Simulated Galaxies with a Multiphase ISM

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    Cluster galaxies moving through the intracluster medium (ICM) are expected to lose some of their interstellar medium (ISM) through ISM-ICM interactions. We perform high resolution (40 pc) three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of a galaxy undergoing ram pressure stripping including radiative cooling in order to investigate stripping of a multiphase medium. The clumpy, multiphase ISM is self-consistently produced by the inclusion of radiative cooling, and spans six orders of magnitude in gas density. We find no large variations in the amount of gas lost whether or not cooling is involved, although the gas in the multiphase galaxy is stripped more quickly and to a smaller radius. We also see significant differences in the morphology of the stripped disks. This occurs because the multiphase medium naturally includes high density clouds set inside regions of lower density. We find that the lower density gas is stripped quickly from any radius of the galaxy, and the higher density gas can then be ablated. If high density clouds survive, through interaction with the ICM they lose enough angular momentum to drift towards the center of the galaxy where they are no longer stripped. Finally, we find that low ram pressure values compress gas into high density clouds that could lead to enhanced star formation, while high ram pressure leads to a smaller amount of high-density gas.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, accepted in Ap

    Examining the Effects of Degree Distribution and Homophily in Graph Learning Models

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    Despite a surge in interest in GNN development, homogeneity in benchmarking datasets still presents a fundamental issue to GNN research. GraphWorld is a recent solution which uses the Stochastic Block Model (SBM) to generate diverse populations of synthetic graphs for benchmarking any GNN task. Despite its success, the SBM imposed fundamental limitations on the kinds of graph structure GraphWorld could create. In this work we examine how two additional synthetic graph generators can improve GraphWorld's evaluation; LFR, a well-established model in the graph clustering literature and CABAM, a recent adaptation of the Barabasi-Albert model tailored for GNN benchmarking. By integrating these generators, we significantly expand the coverage of graph space within the GraphWorld framework while preserving key graph properties observed in real-world networks. To demonstrate their effectiveness, we generate 300,000 graphs to benchmark 11 GNN models on a node classification task. We find GNN performance variations in response to homophily, degree distribution and feature signal. Based on these findings, we classify models by their sensitivity to the new generators under these properties. Additionally, we release the extensions made to GraphWorld on the GitHub repository, offering further evaluation of GNN performance on new graphs.Comment: Accepted to Workshop on Graph Learning Benchmarks at KDD 202

    Hessian-Aware Bayesian Optimization for Decision Making Systems

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    Many approaches for optimizing decision making systems rely on gradient based methods requiring informative feedback from the environment. However, in the case where such feedback is sparse or uninformative, such approaches may result in poor performance. Derivative-free approaches such as Bayesian Optimization mitigate the dependency on the quality of gradient feedback, but are known to scale poorly in the high-dimension setting of complex decision making systems. This problem is exacerbated if the system requires interactions between several actors cooperating to accomplish a shared goal. To address the dimensionality challenge, we propose a compact multi-layered architecture modeling the dynamics of actor interactions through the concept of role. Additionally, we introduce Hessian-aware Bayesian Optimization to efficiently optimize the multi-layered architecture parameterized by a large number of parameters. Experimental results demonstrate that our method (HA-GP-UCB) works effectively on several benchmarks under resource constraints and malformed feedback settings.Comment: Included important citatio

    Pterodactyl: Thermal Protection System for Integrated Control Design of a Mechanically Deployed Entry Vehicle

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    The need for precision landing of high mass payloads on Mars and the return of sensitive samples from other planetary bodies to specific locations on Earth is driving the development of an innovative NASA technology referred to as the Deployable Entry Vehicle (DEV). A DEV has the potential to deliver an equivalent science payload with a stowed diameter 3 to 4 times smaller than a traditional rigid capsule configuration. However, the DEV design does not easily lend itself to traditional methods of directional control. The NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD)s Pterodactyl project is currently investigating the effectiveness of three different Guidance and Control (G&C) systems actuated flaps, Center of Gravity (CG) or mass movement, and Reaction Control System (RCS) for use with a DEV using the Adaptable, Deployable, Entry, and Placement Technology (ADEPT) design. This paper details the Thermal Protection System (TPS) design and associated mass estimation efforts for each of the G&C systems. TPS is needed for the nose cap of the DEV and the flaps of the actuated flap control system. The development of a TPS selection, sizing, and mass estimation method designed to deal with the varying requirements for the G&C options throughout the trajectory is presented. The paper discusses the methods used to i) obtain heating environments throughout the trajectory with respect to the chosen control system and resulting geometry; ii) determine a suitable TPS material; iii) produce TPS thickness estimations; and, iv) determine the final TPS mass estimation based on TPS thickness, vehicle control system, vehicle structure, and vehicle payload

    Anthracimycin activity against contemporary methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

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    Anthracimycin is a recently discovered novel marine-derived compound with activity against Bacillus anthracis. We tested anthracimycin against an expanded panel of Staphylococcus aureus strains in vitro and in vivo. All strains of S. aureus tested, including methicillin-susceptible, methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant strains of S. aureus, were susceptible to anthracimycin at MIC values of ⩽0.25 mg l(-1). Although its postantibiotic effects were minimal, anthracimycin exhibited potent and rapid bactericidal activity, with a >4-log kill of USA300 MRSA within 3 h at five times its MIC. At concentrations significantly below the MIC, anthracimycin slowed MRSA growth and potentiated the bactericidal activity of the human cathelicidin, LL-37. The bactericidal activity of anthracimycin was somewhat mitigated in the presence of 20% human serum, and the compound was minimally toxic to human cells, with an IC50 (inhibitory concentration 50)=70 mg l(-1) against human carcinoma cells. At concentrations near the MIC, anthracimycin inhibited S. aureus nucleic acid synthesis as determined by optimized macromolecular synthesis methodology, with inhibition of DNA and RNA synthesis occurring in the absence of DNA intercalation. Anthracimycin at a single dose of 1 or 10 mg kg(-1) was able to protect mice from MRSA-induced mortality in a murine peritonitis model of infection. Anthracimycin provides an interesting new scaffold for future development of a novel MRSA antibiotic

    Estimated Impact of Low Isolate Numbers on the Reliability of Cumulative Antibiogram Data

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    Antibiograms are cumulative reports of antimicrobial susceptibility results that are used to guide the selection of empirical antibiotic therapy. Although Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines recommend including only organisms that have at least 30 isolates in an antibiogram, previous studies demonstrated that adherence to this recommendation is highly variable. This paper aims to model the impact of small sample sizes on expected levels of error in cumulative antibiograms by comparing percent susceptibility results for random samples to those of the larger, entire data set. The results demonstrate relatively high error rates when utilizing low numbers of isolates in cumulative antibiograms, and provide a discussion point for considering the appropriate number of isolates that could be utilized, and the impact of increasing isolate numbers by including multiple years of data
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